yoυ ιn тнe нoѕpιтal

during a session of recording a video for the week, Daniel gets call after call from the same number...

"Dude just answer it, it's not like we are talking about anything anymore, we've finished the video." Stephen says leaning back in his chair.

Daniel answers his phone the next time it rings, "hello?"

"Hi, is this Daniel Lim?" A monotone but shaky voice sounds through the receiver.

"Uh Yeah this is him." Daniel gives his friends a weirded out look.

"Great. We have been calling to inform you that you're partner (y/n) (l/n) has been admitted into (hospital close to border) and you are put as the emergency contact." The voice explains.

"O-oh... is everything ok?" Dan run a hand through his hair worriedly.

"She's extremely shaken and has a few cuts and bruises, which she isn't letting us treat until you get here."

"I'll be there soon..."

"Thank you sir. Everything will be better explained there and maybe the police can talk to her then." The phone line goes silent.

"Daniel are you ok? What was the call about?" Hosuh asks after a heavy silence.

"I have to go... my girlfriend is in the hospital and isn't letting anyone help her until I'm there... it makes sense... she hardly trusts anyone."Dan whispers more to himself.

"Just go. Keep us updated and whatever." Stephen urges.

"Thanks guys."


"Here's her room. She won't let us turn the lights on." A nurse holds the door open and Daniel walks in after a nod.

"Leave me alone!" (Y/n)'s broken voice fills the room.

"I'm not leaving love bug." Daniel sits next to her on the bed and she shifts away from him.

"Daniel....?" She cries into her hands.

"Yeah? Are you ok?" He gently speaks.

"No.... i wish you knew... what happened to me... because maybe then you'd understand..." she looks away wiping tears away.

"I know. Your brother told me... I'm really sorry about what happened to you and I know know why you are so hesitant with our relationship." He has empathy lacing his voice.

"He was on the bus home and... he did... me..." she covers her face embarrassed about her confession.

"Oh love bug I'm so sorry. I'm here for you."

"I'm sorry that you have to deal with me... I'm still so unstable and I'm a handful."

"Well I have two hands. And it's never shameful to go to therapy."


"Thank you Daniel... you really are amazing..." (Y/N) smiles shyly as they walk to the car. She's allowed to leave now and she's eager to get to her own bed

"Anything for you. I love you soo much."

"I love you too Daniel. I stuff feel bad for you to have an emotionally unstable girlfriend..."

"Don't feel bad. It's my choice to be with you."

it was a two hours after Hosuh fell asleep... so like 3 am when he receives a call. It's from (y/n)s number....?

"Hello?" He yawns into his phone.

"Is this Hosuh Lee?" An unfamiliar voice speaks.

"Yeah? Who's this?" Hosuh responds sitting up one pushing his hair back.

"This is Austin, From (hospital you work at). Your partner got into a bad car accident and is at the hospital right now needing surgery."

"What?" Hosuh stutters shocked.

"Sir you are the emergency contact and we need you to sign a paper as consent to the surgeries." Austin explains.

"Uh... ok..." hosuh hangs up and pulls some sweats on before hurrying to the hospital.


Hosuh gets inside and talks to the receptionist who points him to a room where an anxious doctor is pacing.

"Are you Hosuh?" He asks. Hosuh nods and looks to his left to see his love pale and unconscious... connected to a bunch of different things to keep her alive.

"Is that ok sir?" The doctors voice pierced through his mind. Hosuh turns back to him and nods... just wanting her to get better.

"Then just sign here. I'll tell the surgeon to get ready." The doctor hands hosuh a clipboard. He scans over the paper and everything on it sounds scary... getting skin grafts and bones drilled together... and What looks to be a transplant? but anything so she can survive. He signs the paper and sits down on the chair.


Hours later Hosuh wakes up being shaken by a nurse. He looks confused for a moment before remembering where he is and why.

"Your girlfriend is awake and is calling for you." The nurse says gently, motioning to the room across from them.

"Oh uh thanks." He mutters and goes into the room quickly to see that she's more bruised and patched up than she was when he looked through the window.

"Hosie?" A raspy and dry version of (y/n)'s voice is heard.

"I'm here baby girl. Don't you worry anymore I'm here." Hosuh smiles sadly and pushes her hair back. She just smiles back at him.


After a long time healing (y/n) is allowed to go home. Hosuh has been at the hospital the entire time she has and... hasn't changed nor showered.

"When we get home you need to wash up." (Y/n) states as she buckles herself in, she's not scared of being in a car having done nothing wrong in her driving during the accident.

"Right... and you'll be fine?"

"Hosuh I'm fine. I'm mostly healed and am just going home to finish healing more comfortably." She smiles.

"Ok...." he looks suspicious but eventually leaves her alone at home to shower.

"songbird are you ok?" Stephen pulls the loopy girl onto his lap.

"Stephen is that you? I though you're hair was shorter." She giggles petting his hair.

"Yeah... are you ok? You aren't acting like yourself." Stephen looks concernedly at his lover.

"I don't know? I hurt.... a lot... and my head is spinning." She squints thinking hard.

"Can you tell the nice nurse where you hurt." Stephen motions to the lady next to the hospital bed they are both lying in. (y/n) puts her hands near her hips.

"Doll... did something happen?" Stephen looks extremely shocked.

"Yeah... someone took me into an alley after I was with my friends and they were drunk but I didn't drink anything... but it felt like I did..."

"Were you drugged?"

"I don't know... someone poked me with a needle and forced things down my throat."


"She was sexually assaulted by two different individuals and was administered heroin, meth, and ecstasy. She's lucky to have survived that." A doctor explains to Stephen.

"I should have been there... I was invited to go with her... but I chose not to...." Stephen mutters to himself.

"Sir it's not your fault."


"I'm sooo sorry... I should have been there with you." Stephen whispers carrying (y/n) out to his car.

"Hey... don't think like that... I'm fine... nothing bad came from it and I mean I'm never going drinking again."

"Doll... you can show weakness you know."

"Stephen. It's fine that it happened to me. Because those men were searching for someone and it could have been someone else who could have died."

"No that's the love of my life. Don't take her away." Jay struggles against the grasp of a security guard.

"Sir we need to examine her to make sure she doesn't need surgery. It's just protocol." The doctor explains.

"I want to be there! I haven't seen her in days..." Jay looks at the floor sadly.

"Sir it will only take two hours unless surgery is needed. Please just talk to the police about what happened and I'll come get you once you can see her." The doctor motions to the side. Jay is pulled to the police who take him to the station because he did stab someone.


Hours later jay gets news that (y/n) is out of surgery, having got it for her broken arm, and he gets driven back to the hospital and he sits next to her on the bed carefully holding her hand.

"I'm glad you are alright." Jay whispers kissing her hand and watches as her eyes flutter open.

"J-jay?" She stutters almost as bad as the worst time he's heard it.

"Poppet you had me worried." Jay cups his cheek with her hand. She just rubs his cheek with her thumb, wiping his stray tears away.


A week later she's allowed to leave the hospital, but has to take things easy... which bums jay out a lot.

"I'm not letting you go hiking for a while." Jay taps (y/n)s nose as she's blabbering about video plans to hike nearby trails that she hasn't done yet.

"... then we go to the beach?" She pouts.

"No you are going to sit in bed with me until your appointment." Jay buckles her into his car and gives her a kiss.

"Jay! I need to film a video for this week!" She blushes.

"Aren't you always making one or two in advance?"

"Yeah... but I'm out of those..."

"Just... I'll do your makeup but just blur my face out like usual." He sighs.

"Of course." She smiles and starts blabbing about ideas of Jay in some videos they can film this week.

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