Chapter 59: Blukic and Driba Go to Area 51
In the Plumber Headquarters, a handcuffed Thunderpig squeals as two Plumbers try to hold him in place.
Thunderpig: Thunder... Thunder... Thunderpig! *squeals*
Danie: *Annoyed* Make. Him. Stop. Please!
Ben: *annoyed* We know who you are.
Paulina: *Annoyed* You don't have to reintroduce yourself every-
Thunderpig: My name is Thunderpig. You three ate my father with cheese and mustard, open-faced on a whole-wheat baguette! Prepare to die!
Danie and Paulina: We didn't eat your dad!
Thunderpig rushes towards Ben, Danie, and Paulina, taking the Plumbers with him. Ben, Danie and Paulina narrowly avoids him.
Ben: Dude, We already captured you once today.
Ben activates the Omnitrix as Thunderpig continues to race around the headquarters. Ben, transformed into Diamondhead, Danie turns into her anodite form, and Paulina turns into Bloxx as Ben extends his arm out, forcing Thunderpig to stop in his tracks and sending the Plumbers flying off of him. Thunderpig leaps onto his arm and body-slams Ben but is suddenly restrained . Suddenly by Paulina, Blukic and Driba emerge from the elevator.
Driba: Ben, there's something we need to... *notices Ben, Paulina , and Danie holding off Thunderpig*
Blukic: Uh, never mind. You seem busy. We'll come back at a better time. *turns to leave*
Driba: No, we won't. This is too important to wait. We have to tell Ben now.
Ben: *As Diamondhead* Just tell me already.
Driba: Sensors picked up a strange and confusing reading. Something's entering Plumber HQ. And it's headed for this very location.
Blukic: No, it's not.
Above, the roof of the Plumber Headquarters explodes, from where a masked Galvan wearing a Plumber Suit and jetpack enters. They shoot goopy blobs at Thunderpig, forcing him off Ben and the girls
Blukic: Oh... Yes, it is.
Ben: *As Diamondhead* *to the Galvan* Thanks, man.
Danie: Dude, that's a girl.
Ben: *As Diamondhead* Wait how do you that's a girl?
Danie: Good eye sight.
The Galvan then fires a laser at Blukic, which he dodges.
Galvan: Where is the Galvanian Skeuomorph?
Blukic and Driba both gulp and nervously chuckle.
Galvan : The Galvanian Skeuomorph, now!
Paulina: *As Bloxx* The what?
Ben: *As Diamondhead* Just because you took out the pig doesn't mean you get to go waving your blasters around.
Ben causes crystals to rise from the floor, which the Galvan avoids. Ben jumps up and grabs her, turning back to Blukic and Driba. The Galvan retracts her visor.
Blukic & Driba: Luhley?!
Diamondhead reverts back to Ben, and he sets Luhley down.
Ben: You guys know her?
Blukic: Good to see you, Luhley.
Driba: I-I think it's great to see her.
Blukic: I-I-I think it's even greater to see her.
Driba: Well, I think it's the greatest to see her.
Blukic: Dang. Defeated by the superlative.
Luhley: We don't have much time. Now think. What did you two do with the only working Skeuomorph in existence?
Blukic: Oh, that old thing.
Driba: We... left it in the glove compartment.
Blukic: Of our flying saucer.
Driba: Years ago, back at Area 51.
Ben: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. You guys were at Area 51 with the aliens?
Paulina: And all that other alien tech?
Blukic: Not exactly.
Driba: We were at Area 51.
Blukic: But we are the aliens.
Luhley: *grabs Blukic by his overalls* That was my flying saucer! We can't waste anymore time talking about it. We need to go find the Skeuomorph before it's too late.
Danie: Relax Luls, we'll find your missing Skeuomorph.
Luhley: Yes Magister Benton. Sorry.
Danie: It's cool.
In the desert, the team flies to Area 51 in the Skipper, piloted by Max.
Luhley: Can't this thing go any faster?
Max: How nice to meet you, too, Luhley.
Luhley: Oh, apologies, Magister Tennyson. Thank you for the ride, but we must get to Area 51.
Blukic & Driba: Before it's too late?
Luhley winces.
Ben: Is anyone going to tell me why we have to get to Area 51?
Paulina: Yeah, what's so important that we have to go there?
Blukic: Well, it all started a long time ago.
A film reel fades in as a flashback starts.
Several Galvan nurses sit atop lily pads, watching over swarms of tadpole Galvans. Among them are Blukic and Driba, with the former bumping into the latter.
Baby Blukic: Ow. Sorry.
The young Blukic accidentally bumps into Driba again.
Baby Driba: Ow. Sorry.
Present-day Driba begins speaking in place of his past self.
Driba: *realization* Blukic! You've gone too far back!
The film reel fades back in and stops abruptly. Present-day Blukic joins Driba.
Blukic: This is necessary backstory on account of this is where we first met...
The film reel fades back out and the flashback resumes.
Baby Blukic & Driba: *seeing Luhley swim past* Luuuhleeey...!
Baby Driba: Look how mature Luhley is.
Baby Blukic: She's already got her wisdom feet.
Luhley giggles and leaves the infatuated duo.
On the surface of Galvan Prime, the trio (now grown-up) line up alongside other Galvan Soldiers.
Blukic (VO): We were all Plumber cadets together.
Blukic and Driba begin pushing each other aside, trying to be the one to stand next to Luhley.
Driba (VO): Of course, Blukic and I were only interested in Luhley as a friend.
The duo begin to flail around, annoying Luhley and the soldiers around them. The Galvan Major blows his whistle.
Galvan Major: Hand-to-hand combat drill. On my mark.
The whistle blows as Luhley roundhouse-kicks Blukic in the face, knocking him into Driba. She punches and kicks Blukic again, before finishing Driba with an overhead kick, sending the pair tumbling.
Blukic: *to Driba* I think I dislocated my uvula.
Later, Azmuth is seen observing a computer screen of Earth alongside other Galvans.
Driba (VO): In those days, Earth was unincorporated, so we couldn't interfere directly in your terrestrial matters.
Luhley walks onto the scene and salutes to Azmuth.
Blukic (VO): But your planet was in grave danger. So, our top cadet was chosen to perform a stealth mission...
Driba (VO): ...Before it was too late.
The film reel fades in.
Luhley: Oh, just let me tell it. I was entrusted with an experimental prototype vehicle and First Thinker Azmuth invented a one-of-a-kind piece of Galvan tech specifically for this vital task.
Luhley looks at her ship, and then back at Azmuth, who pulls a cloth off of the Galvanian Skeuomorph.
Ben (VO): The Skeuomorph.
Luhley nods. The film reel fades back out.
Luhley: Tech support. Cadets 23rd-class Blukic and Driba.
Blukic & Driba: *Both run up to Luhley and salute* Yes, cadet 1st-class Luhley.
Luhley: *gestures at Skeuomorph* Load this onto my ship. Don't touch anything. Don't even look at anything. Please, guys. This is huge for me. Don't mess it up.
Blukic: We wouldn't dream of it.
Driba: You can count on us, Luhley.
Luhley watches as Blukic and Driba load the Skeuomorph onto the ship.
Driba: Um, you know, cadet Blukic, we are tech support. We could prep Luhley's ship for her mission.
Blukic: Good thinking, cadet Driba. That's sure to impress her.
Driba: I'll just punch in her flight coordinates. But don't touch anything else.
Blukic: Okay. *sits in chair* I'll just adjust her seat back to its full, upright and locked position. But nothing else.
Driba: I'll adjust the mirrors for her.
Blukic: And I'll warm up the engines. *reaches for button*And then I'll push this right here-
Driba: Ju-ju-no! I'll push this right here.
Blukic: No, I'll push this right here. *pushes button*
Driba: No, it's my turn.
Blukic: No, it's not.
Driba: Yes, it is!
Blukic: Not!
Driba: It is!
Blukic and Driba begin to fight again, as the ship prepares to take off. Luhley watches it quickly exit the atmosphere and gives a disappointed look.
Blukic and Driba, now in space, begin to freak out.
Blukic: Luhley is gonna be so mad at you.
Driba: Me?!
Luhley's ship enters a portal and speeds off to Earth.
The ship suddenly arrives near Earth, thrusting the duo forward. Driba briefly struggles not to vomit before he looks outside and sees Earth.
Driba: *gasps* Huh. So, that is Earth.
Blukic: I wonder if Earthlings are friendly.
Luhley's ship enters the atmosphere, catching the attention of a younger Max piloting a jet. He further pursues the ship.
Max: This is one-zero on an intercept course with the unidentified flying object that has just entered Earth's atmosphere. Over.
Rozum: Copy that, Tennyson. Until further notice, the target is considered hostile. Repeat, hostile.
Meanwhile, the alarms on Luhley's ships begin to blare, as it collides with a weather balloon.
Max: One-zero making visual contact. The unidentified flying object is... a weather balloon?
Rozum: You have your orders, Tennyson. Shoot it down.
Max puts on a mask and speeds towards the ship, which manages to lose the weather balloon. As he readies a shot, he gets a glimpse inside of the ship, and spots Blukic and Driba squabbling. He chooses not to shoot it down, and flies away as Luhley's ship crashes into the ground. Blukic and Driba emerge from the ship.
Blukic & Driba: We're... alive.
They then see soldiers cocking their rifles and aiming at them. They raise their hands in the air.
Driba: Um... we come in peace?
Having captured Blukic and Driba, the truck carrying them veers off the road and towards Area 51. Colonel Rozum, joined by guards, meets with the truck.
Rozum : Careful, men. Those alien life forms may be small, but they're undoubtedly more dangerous than they look. For the sake of all mankind, they'll most likely have to be terminated.
Max exits the truck and watches the guards take Blukic and Driba away.
Outside Area 51, a sphere seemingly made of TV static appears, summoning Benevelon.
Benevelon: People of Earth, prepare for peace, for I am Benevelon!
A larger sphere appears behind him, summoning a hulking robot.
Benevelon: Come, B.L.R.R.T. Let us bring blessed bliss to this planet.
The two start to walk towards Area 51.
At Area 51, Rozum confronts the captured Galvan.
Rozum: Start talking, space aliens. Tell me everything you know.
Driba begins to converse in an alien language with Blukic, which quickly turns into an argument. Blukic turns on his Universal Translator.
Driba: I refuse to tell him anything. You can bribe me, you can threaten me, you can even call me names, but I will not, nay, I cannot tell you anything, and that is final!
Blukic: *to Rozum* Don't mind him. He's had a hard day.
Driba: *realization* You turned on the Universal Translator, Blukic!
Blukicv Now he knows my name. You've gone and told him something.
Driba: That doesn't count!
Blukic: Oh? Then his name is Driba.
Driba: Gahhh!
Blukic: You said it didn't count.
Driba: It counts when it's my name.
Blukic: No, it doesn't.
Driba: Yes, it does!
Rozum facepalms.
Later, Max is meeting with Rozum for his actions.
Max: With all due respect, Major Rozum, the aliens haven't done anything wrong.
Rozum: You're already on thin ice, Tennyson. Not only did you disobey a direct order to shoot down that U.F.O., but I'm still dealing with that incident last week when you crashed two jets.
Max: Last week? Major, I completed that mission and saved the day.
Rozum: Two jets! That means you flew in a jet, lost it, ejected, parachuted to safety, returned to the airfield, climbed into another jet, and then lost it too! In one day.
They hear a knock at the door, and a younger version of Professor Paradox enters the room.
Rozum: Thank you for coming, professor. I want you, personally, to take the lead in the alien investigation and dissection.
Max: Dissection?
Rozum: If they won't tell us what we want to know, we'll open them up and find the answers ourselves.
Max and the Professor exchange concerned looks.
Blukic and Driba wallow in their cages, kept in a dark room.
Driba: We're doomed. Doomed! We're going to end up imprisoned on Earth forever, be in big trouble back home, and worst of all, L-Luhley is never gonna speak to either of us again!
Driba is pulled out of his sorrows, as he hears Blukic eating the food they were given.
Blukic: Well, on the bright side, if we're imprisoned on Earth forever, we can't get in trouble back home. (continues munching)
Driba: Blukic, are you eating in there? How could you eat this slop?! And at a time like this!
Driba suddenly notices Blukic isn't in his cage. He turns around, and sees Blukic behind him. Blukic gulps down his mouthful of food.
Blukic: *holds up a rusty lock* The locks here are very primative- simple enough to override.
Driba: Then why didn't you open our cells before now?!
Blukic: I was hungry.
Later, Rozum, Max and the Professor enter the room, only to find the cages empty.
Rozum: *into walkie-talkie* The aliens have escaped.
An alarm blares as soldiers grab their rifles. Meanwhile, Max enters a washroom. He looks into a mirror and turns on the facet. He splashes his face with water. Suddenly, he overhears flushing coming from a stall.
Driba: Hmm. I'm beginning to suspect that this is not an escape pod.
Max opens the stall door, only to find Blukic and Driba. They turn around and see him.
Driba: Stand back, Earthling! Take one step closer, and I will have no choice but to unleash a terrible vengeance upon you with my unearthly alien powers! Ooooh!
Blukic: When did you get unearthly alien powers, Driba? I want some.
Max: Easy, fellas. I was the pilot who found you first. I disobeyed orders and didn't shoot you down.
Driba: I don't know if we can trust him, Blukic. After all, he did disobey orders.
Max exits the washroom, hiding Blukic and Driba under his uniform. He looks around before making a beeline for the exit.
Outside, Max hides behind a vehicle, narrowly avoiding a searchlight. The Galvan jumps out of his uniform.
Max: Do you boys want to tell me what you're doing here on Earth?
Driba: As the finest minds on our planet, we were chosen to make first contact.
Blukic: Hi. Well, that's done. Let's go home now.
Driba: Not before we drop off the super-secret special device we invented to stop an otherwise unstoppable threat to your planet.
Max: What threat?
Blukic Mm. *points to behind Max* Probably that one over there.
Under two searchlights stand Benevelon, who the soldiers cock their rifles at.
Benevelon: People of Earth, your passport to paradisiacal peace and prosperity awaits! Gaze upon your savior, Benevelon! Yes, you are right to be impressed, for I come in peace, and I bring peace to your planet.
The soldiers lower their rifles, confused.
Benevelon: B.L.R.R.T., administer the peace.
B.L.R.R.T. shoots down a laser at the ground, blowing up numerous vehicles. It starts to rampage as the soldiers panic.
Max: We need to do something!
Driba: What do you mean, "we"?
Max scoops up Blukic and Driba and runs. Soldiers try to fire at B.L.R.R.T., but the bullets bounce off. It continues to attack.
Benevelon: Your world will soon be free of the chaos your species has sewn. No need to thank me.
Max, along with the Galvan, fire up one the jets. They take off into the sky, and fire missiles at B.L.R.R.T. However, they fail to damage the robot.
Benevelon: B.L.R.R.T.! Respond with deadly peace.
B.L.R.R.T. shoots a laser at the jet, but Max avoids it.
Max: Got to try and draw that thing away from the base.
B.L.R.R.T. follows Max's jet, but continues to attack with lasers. Max's jet turns upside-down, causing Blukic and Driba to obscure his view.
Max: I can't see!.
Blukic:.Trust me, you're better off not knowing.
B.L.R.R.T. manages to hit the tail of the jet with a laser.
Max:.Hang on!
B.L.R.R.T.'s lasers take out one of the wings, causing the jet to plummet. Max and the Galvan all scream as the jet collides with B.L.R.R.T.'s head and explodes. The collision causes the ground below B.L.R.R.T. to break off, sending it into a fissure. Max is revealed to have activated his parachute, with Blukic and Driba in tow. Benevelon watches from afar.
Benevelon: Alas, it seems you not ready for peace on Earth. But I shall return one day and bring joy to this world, whether you like it or not.
Benevelon teleports away. Meanwhile, Max, Blukic and Driba overlook the fissure.
Max: Well, you're free now. As free as a couple of space aliens can be, anyway, stranded on Earth for who knows how long. If there's anything I can do...
Blukic and Driba look at each other, and back at Max.
Blukic: Got any job openings?
The flashback ends.
In the present.
Danie and Paulina: Wow.
Ben: That story is really hard to believe.
Paulina: Yet somehow makes complete and total sense.
Driba: It does? Uh, I mean, of course it does. It's all true.
Blukic: Mostly true.
Max: I can vouch for that.
Ben: What does it have to do with anything? Why is Luhley here now?
Luhley: Because of the B.L.R.R.T.
Paulina and Danie: The Blrrt?
Blukic & Driba: Big, large, rampaging robot of terror.
Luhley: Your grandpa managed to bury it, but it wasn't destroyed. Because somebody didn't complete the mission with the Skeuomorph!
The skipper lands in Area 51. Luhley jumps out of the ship.
Luhley: We've got to retrieve the Skeuomorph to destroy the B.L.R.R.T. while it's still deactivated.
Explosions occur in the distance.
Ben: And... we're too late.
Benevelon emerges from the flames.
Benevelon: Make way for the return of Benevelon! And welcome an era of peace.
Paulina: Yeah I think he has a different definition of “Peace”
Benevelon, now wielding a laser gun, continues firing.
Benevelon: I come in peace- rapturous stillness and joy- eternal peace for all mankind.
Several red dots appear on Benevelon, as SECT soldiers ready their guns. One of them gives a command to shoot, and they all simultaneously fire their missiles. Benevelon blocks the missiles with a static shield, unamused. He digs in his ear and pulls out a black glob. He flattens it into a disk, and B.L.R.R.T.'s arm arises from the ground. It grabs a bomber plane, prompting Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Max to retreat. Luhley runs another way, with Blukic and Driba following her.
Luhley activates her jetpack, knocking Blukic and Driba aside. She flies off, shooting goop at Benevelon, which he blocks with his shield.
Benevelon: A Galvan, sent by my old nemesis Azmuth, no doubt. Poor, misguided little creature. What do you have against peace?
Luhley: I don't have any problem with peace, but I do have a problem with you!
Benevelon pursues Luhley in his flying shield. Meanwhile, B.L.R.R.T. throws the plane at Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Max.
Ben: Hold on, grandpa.
The plane lands, causing it to explode.
Ben:Let's see what Benevelon can do against this!
Ben activates the Omnitrix and transforms into Whampire, Paulina turns into Frankenstrike, and Danie turns into her Infinite form. They stop running.
Ben: *As Whampire* Whampire? In the daytime?! In the desert?!
Ben's eyes swell up and he starts running around in pain as Danie and Paulina laugh at this.. Meanwhile, Blukic and Driba lay on the ground, lamenting.
Driba: Luhley will battle Benevelon. Then the B.L.R.R.T. will crush her, and there's nothing we can do to help.
Blukic Unless... we can find our crashed flying saucer kept in storage here all these years. 'Cause the Skeuomorph is still on board.
Driba: Yeah... Blukic! You're a genius!
Blukic No, I'm not. Uh- I mean, yes, I am. Uh, what?
Driba gets up and drags Blukic with him as Whampire continues to writhe in pain while Danie and Paulina try not to laugh.
Ben: *As Whampire* *spinning on the floor* Aah! Oh! Aah! Oh!
Ben: *As Whampire* *slowly walking* Aah! Aah! *slowly walking* Oh! Aah!
Whampire flies around in his bat form, accidentally colliding with Max, then Danie, then Paulina.
Paulina: *As Frankenstrike* Watch where you're flying.
Ben: *As Whampire* Ow! Aah!
Max looks at the sky and facepalms and the girls do the same. Whampire, meanwhile, stands still as his clothes begin to burn up. Danie, frustrated, hits the Omnitrix badge, turning Whampire into Four Arms.
Ben: *As Four Arms* *strikes a pose* Much better!
Ben, Danie, Paulina, and Max notice Benevelon chasing Luhley. Ben, Paulina, and Danie, all leap onto Benevelon's shield.
Ben: *As Four Arms* Give up, Benevelon, before somebody gets hurt.
Danie: And by somebody, we mean you.
The alien force trio all punch the shield, but they all fail to penetrate it.
Benevelon: You all look tense. What you need is some peace. Here. Have some.
Benevelon shoots a laser at them, throwing them off of the shield. They all recover, but sees B.L.R.R.T. rising up.
Paulina: *As Frankenstrike* Aw peace apples.
Elsewhere, Blukic and Driba open the doors to a storage facility. They are greeted by countless boxes. They start looking.
Blukic: *opening boxes* Nope.
Blukic: Lost ark.
Blukic: Nope.
Driba: We'll never find our flying saucer in here.
Driba falls down, and lands on something hard. Blukic checks in on him, and they find Driba has landed on Luhley's ship.
Driba: I told you we'd find our flying saucer in here!
Blukic: What if it isn't ours?
Inside, Driba finds the Galvanian Skeuomorph.
Driba: We did it! We've got the Skeuomorph! Now we can save the Earth before it's too late.
Blukic: Best of all, Luhley won't be mad at us anymore.
The Skeuomorph buzzes.
Blukic: You... left it turned on.
Driba: I left it turned on?! You were the one who was supposed to turn it off.
Blukic: Was not.
Driba: Was too! Oh, great. The battery's probably drained by now. *throws it to Blukic*
Blukic: Good news. The battery appears to have plenty of juice.
Driba: Well, that's a relief.
Blukic: Because it's actually been charging for a few decades.
Driba: Does that mean what I think it means?
Blukic: Well, that depends. If you think it means the Skeuomorph is dangerously overloaded and is gonna explode any minute now, then, yes.
The Galvan begin to scream.
Meanwhile, Max and SECT soldiers are having a shootout with Benevelon, who easily blocks their fire.
Benevelon: I bring you peace, sweet, nurturing, beautiful peace.
Four Arms and Danie hurls a SECT vehicles at Benevelon, Paulina shoots a bolt of electricity and Danie shoots several mana orbs, and Benevelon blocks it. However, his shield breaks under the pressure and he is forced to retreat. Ben and Danie manage to sock him in the head and lifts him by the collar. Benevelon attempts to use his laser gun, but Four Arms grabs it and tosses it aside.
Ben: *As Four Arms* You keep on using that word.
Paulina: *As Frankenstrike* We don't think it means what you think it means.
Benevelon: Oh, but I do. It is you and all the denizens of Earth who are about to finally know true peace.
B.L.R.R.T. appears behind Ben and the girls.
Danie: Oh crud.
Benevelon: *laughing* Prepare to embrace everlasting peace.
B.L.R.R.T. starts to destroy the surrounding area, as SECT soldiers fire at it.
Danie: Run!
Max: Fall back!
Amongst the chaos, Benevelon escapes Four Arms' grasp, and he flies away. Blukic and Driba then arrive on the scene, carrying the Skeuomorph.
Blukic: Luhley!
Driba: We got it!
The Galvan barely dodges incoming debris from B.L.R.R.T.
Ben: *As Four Arms* Is that what I think it is?
Paulina: *As Frankenstrike* It has to be.
Blukic: Well, that depends. If you think it's-
Luhley: The Skeuomorph! Bring it over here, guys, quick!
Driba: Did you hear that? The first time she's ever asked us to come closer.
Blukic: This is the happiest day of my li-
Blukic trips, dropping the Skeuomorph. Four Arms bats it out of the way, and into B.L.R.R.T., causing a massive explosion. Four Arms and Luhley take cover. The explosion leaves behind a large crater. They look back, and see Benevelon approaching the remains of B.L.R.R.T.
Benevelon: I see that this world has no desire for the simple joy of peaceful- ahh!
Ben grabs Benevelon by the back of his head.
Ben: *As Four Arms* Blah, blah, blah. Whatever. Tell it to the hand...s.
Paulina then bonks Benevelon on the head, knocking him out.
Paulina: *As Frankenstrike* How's that for peace?
Danie: *Chuckles* Nice one babe.
Paulina: *As Frankenstrike* Thanks hun.
Danie: Anytime.
Rozum enters the scene, joined by SECT soldiers.
Rozum We've got the perfect prison cell for this guy. Plenty of peace and quiet.
Blukic and Driba emerge from the wreckage, and they are tackled by Luhley.
Blukic: Whatever we did this time...
Driba: We promise it won't happen again.
Luhley Great job, tech support. Great job!
Benevelon is taken away by SECT and Ben, Danie and Paulina revert back to normal.
Ben: That Skeuomorph sure packed a punch.
Paulina: I'll say, that thing took out, like, 40 planes.
Max: Yeah. Um...
Rozum: *offscreen* Tennyson!
Blukic: Do you hear the way Luhley called us tech support? *chuckles* I'm gonna ask her to marry me.
Driba: Ahem! She was looking at me when she said it. Luhley obviously loves me more.
Luhley waves goodbye to Ben, Danie Paulina, and Max and flies back to her ship.
Luhley: Goodbye, tech support!
Driba: Luhley loves me because I am attentive and notice even the littlest things.
Blukic: No, you don't.
Driba: Yes, I do.
Blukic: What color shirt am I wearing? Don't look! Don't look.
Luhley's ship takes off.
Next: Chapter 60: Popping The Big Question.
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