Chapter 44: Eye for an Eye

It's been a week since the ecto acne incident.

Here we open with Vlad Plasmius floating near his newly built Mansion.

Vlad: At last, my new mansion is complete! *He phases into the house and into the Master Bedroom.* Bigger and better than what it was before! *He then phases into a stunningly immaculate kitchen.* Everything is absolute state of the art! *He then phases into his new, underground laboratory* Including my new subterranean Ghost Lab. Completely undetectable to prying eyes. *Finally, he phases into his study and reverts back to Vlad Masters. He walks around the study, clearly feeling proud of himself and his renewed home.* This showplace is the pure embodiment of me; Larger than life, reeking of money and power and totally impenetrable.

Just as he finishes the last word, a loud rumbling sound is heard running across the walls.

Vlad: What in the blazes-!?

Just then, the white 'Guys in White' tank breaks through one of the mansion's walls, federals leaking into the house in its wake.

Operative O: Operation White Wall, go! Tear this place apart. If there's Ghost Contraband in here we'll find it!

Vlad: See here! I demand an explanation!

Operative K: Save it for the slow and painful interrogation, rich boy!

Guys in White pour into the house and start dismantling Vlad's house with mallets

Vlad: NOOOO!!!!

Vlad's mansion crumbles to the ground and everything is left in ruins. He falls to his knees besides some of his scattered books.

Vlad: My precious house! Ruined! AGAIN! *Grabs books and hugs them.*

Operative K: Funny, no sign of ecto-material anywhere. Guess that Fenton kid was wrong.

Vlad: *Eyes widened.* Fenton kid? (F/N) couldn't have done this so who else, *realizes* *Mutters bitterly.* Oooh, so that's it…. All right then, Daniel. Game on. *Threatening glare. Turns to the agents casually.* You know, it's funny you should mention the Fentons, gentlemen. *Smiles.*

Image fades to Fenton Works, where the trio is watching the news on Danny's computer.

Shelly Makamoto: Although no ecto contraband was found, it's certain that the mansion itself didn't stand a ghost of a chance against the government onslaught! Now, on to the upcoming, mayoral elections…

Danny promptly shuts the computer off and both he and Tucker start laughing, Sam, (F/N), and Paulina looking at them disapprovingly.

Tucker: Oh man! That's got to be the greatest practical joke ever!

(F/N): You are really poking the hornet's nest now Danny.

Paulina: I'm with (F/N) on this one, this is a bad idea.

Danny *Lifts arms in triumph.* YES! I really knocked Vlad off his High Horse this time! *Turns to Tuck and Sam.* I mean, can you even imagine his face when the feds busted in on him like that?

Just as Danny utters the last word, the wall to his bedroom crumbles and Operatives K and O jump in with 'rappelling' equipment and mallets in hand.

Operative O: Nobody move! This is a raid!

Sam: *Turns at Danny.* Um, I think I have a pretty good idea…

Loud crashing sound is heard.

Danny: That's my computer!!!! *Operative 'O' smashes Danny's bed with the mallet.* My bed!!! *Operative K smashes the dresser.* My dresser!!!

Operative O is about to smash Danny's TV when the door opens and the agent hits something else accidentally; loud grunt from Jack is heard.

Danny: MY DAD!

Maddie and Jack enter Danny's room; Jack massages his head with stars flying where the mallet hit him.

Maddie: Danny, what on earth is going on?

Jack: *Spots the agents.* Cool! The Guys in White are trashing our house! They're my heroes!

Maddie: *Glares at Jack.* JACK!

(F/N): Dad!

Jack: Er, I mean… QUIT TRASHING OUR HOUSE! *Shakes fist but stops as he catches a glimpse of the agent's weapon on his back and approaches it.* Hey, is that the Ecto-Annihilator 47? Those things rock! *Thumbs up.*

Operative O: Stand down, Fenton. Our intel says you're harboring Ghost Fugitives.

Operative K: We're shutting you down! Lock stock and Ghost lab!

Jack: *Covers the door with his body.* No way! You'll get to my lab over my- *GIW click guns menacingly.* Gee…uh… I uh… *mutters.*... kinda forgot how the rest of that goes… *He stands aside and invites the agents.* Show you to the Lab, fellas?

Sam: Hold on a second. *Everyone turns to Sam.* Do you've a Search warrant?

Agents: Warrant? *Start laughing.*

The agents were cut off when (F/N) kicked both of them in the nards hard, making them scream like girls as the boys, including Jack all winced at the sight

(F/N): Actually she's right, page 198, sub-chapter 7; paragraph 37B of the Anti-Ghost Code-

Paulina: -Says you need a warrant, unless exigent circumstances supersede the authority of the judge or magistrate. *Smiles with (F/N).*

Operative K: *Gets up* Exigent circumstances? *Laughs.* *Gets kicked in the nards again by Paulina* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *Falls down*

(F/N): Nice kick babe.

Paulina: Aw thanks hun.

Operative O: Save it, K. We don't even know what that means.

(F/N): You guys are idiots, you know that.

The agents turn to the door, ready to leave. On their way out they warn Jack.

Operative O: You're off the hook until we can get a warrant…. Or a legal dictionary…. *Leaves.*

Jack: Stay for dinner, fellas?

Maddie and (F/N): *Glares.*

Jack: Er…I mean… GET OUTTA MY HOUSE! And… I, uh… any chance you can hook me up with one of those ecto-annihilator thingies? *Follows Agents downstairs and Maddie follows suit.*

Once alone in the room…

Danny Thanks for the backup girls. I'm glad you're up with your Anti-ghost laws.

Sam: No problem.

Paulina: *Eyes destroyed room* They really did a number on your room, though.

Camera pans at Danny's destroyed room.

Danny Yeah… and I don't think they acted alone. *Frowns.*

(F/N): Yeah, hold that thought.

(F/N) went intangible and went downstairs as everyone heard screaming in pain and "ows" as (F/N) came in with Operative O and K with (F/N) holding them by their ears and revealing her eyes to be glowing red.

Op. O: What do you think you're doing?!

Op. K: Do you know who we are?!

(F/N): I do, and quite frankly, I don't really care. *Scary, deep voice* You're going to clean this place up until it looks better than when you arrived. Then you will leave, and never come back.

Ops O and K: Pftt, Or what?

(F/N) stares at them with a deadly apparition of souls in her eyes. Ops O and K then submit into cleaning while crying silently, as Sam and Tucker joined them too not wanting to feel the wrath of (F/N) as Paulina and Danny were surprised.

Paulina: Wow… not bad babe.

Danny: Yeah thanks sis.

(F/N): Anytime.

Image fades to "Regal Hotel" where Vlad is accommodated after his mansion was destroyed. Camera pans across the lavish room and stops at the bathroom where Vlad is taking a shower with the TV on.

Lance Thunder: One time community pillar Vlad Masters insists he had nothing to hide.

Vlad comes out of the shower.

Vlad: One time pillar indeed. Danny Fenton has tarnished my reputation and has made me the laughingstock of Wisconsin! And no one bows down to a laughingstock! *Wraps towel around his waist, below his six pack, and exits bathroom.* But I'm sure that my shrewd countermove has put these kids to its "high-jinks".

Lance Thunder: We now go live with breaking news from helicopter 2 flying above the hotel.

Vlad turns the TV off and as soon as he does his clothes start flying around the room because of the strong gusts of wind produced by the helicopters hovering outside his window. The wall seems to disappear as Vlad is in full view of at least 3 news helicopters, the winds causing his towel to fly away.

Vlad: Oh, butter brickle!'

Above the hotel, the Specter Speeder is stationed, Sam, (F/N), Paulin, and Tucker laughing loudly within it as they watch an embarrassed, naked Vlad through an incorporated TV-screen in the control panel.

Tucker: Can you say 'too much information?" *Laughs.*

Sam: *Snickers.* Maybe when I'm done suppressing my gag reflex. *Sam has the Fenton Phones on, which she uses to communicate with Danny.* You okay down there, Danny?

Danny is flying beside the building, making the wall and himself invisible with his hands.

Danny: Better than ever! An invisible wall! Top that, Plasmius!

Scene fades to Casper High School; Lunch Time. Sam walks up to Tucker, (F/N), and Paulina who are sitting on one of the benches.

Sam: Hey Tucker, Danny stashed away in the locker room as usual?

Tucker: You know Mr. Modesty! After Gym Class, when he cleans, he cleans alone.

(F/N): Man likes his private shower time. *Leans on Paulina* Unlike me and Paulina.

Paulina: *Giggles* Got that babe~.

Sam: *Surprised* You two shower together?!

(F/N): Yep.

Paulina: Plus it saves water too.

Suddenly people start laughing and pointing at some direction, Sam, (F/N) Paulina, and Tucker make their way through the crowd and gape in horror as a naked, scrawny Danny stands there, oblivious to everyone while scrubbing his head with some shampoo before he hears laughter behind him. Danny turns around and gasps.

Danny: Oh no… *Tries to cover himself.*

It's revealed that the wall that had been hiding Danny was turned invisible by Vlad's Vulture minions.

Tucker: A ghost kid with tan lines… Who knew! *Shrugs at Sam.*

(F/N): Well it's nice to know I'm not the only one with tanlines.

Scene shifts to the Nasty burger, where Sam's voice can be heard coming from inside.

Sam: So, how about that big mayor election?

Everyone in the Nasty Burger is turning, pointing and laughing at a clearly embarrassed Danny. Enraged by this, (F/N) stomped her foot shaking the whole restaurant making everyone flinch and look away out of fear.

Danny: Thanks (F/N), and Forget about changing the subject Sam! *Sinks into the seat.* I'm never gonna live this down…

Tucker Never is a long time, Danny… *Random kid emerges from behind Tucker, laughs at Danny but gets punch by (F/N)* …But the next few weeks are gonna be brutal…

Danny leans to take his Nasty burger before Operative K comes and takes it from his plate.

Operative K: Everybody out! This is an evacuation!

Operative O: *Standing at the doorway with more agents pouring in* This place is being demolished by orders of the new owner.

Danny: *Stands up* New owner?

Paulina: I can give you one guess on who could that be.

Operative O and the others step aside to let Vlad through, who is sporting a smug smile.

Vlad: That's right, Daniel…

Danny gasps in shock.

Vlad: You know these walls are infested with harmful ecto-bestos. As the new proprietor it is my duty to tear this place down. *Vlad leans to mutter to Danny.* With your own extensive background in demolition I'm sure you understand, yes? *Smiles smugly.*

Danny frowns, angry at Vlad and (F/N. The scene shifts to outside, where everyone is standing quiet. A big truck with a giant pummeling cylinder drives up to the Nasty Burger.

Operative O: *Talking through walkie-talkie.* One, two, three… demolish!

The huge metal contraption falls down on the establishment, making it crumble to the ground.

Dash: How could they!? I did some of my best nerd wailing in the men's room there!

Paulina: And me and (F/N) made out in the women's room!

(F/N): Those monsters!

Tucker: *Picks up a discarded Nasty Burger Soda cap.* Farewell old friend! We hardly knew ye! *Brings cap to his check miserably.*

Vlad: *Leans behind Danny so no one hears him.* Let this be a lesson, Danny. I put the 'pro' in Quid-pro-quo. Not that you're bright enough to know what that means…

Danny: *Faces Vlad in anger.* I get the idea and I don't like it! Believe me, this isn't over yet! *He frowns and walks past Vlad, fuming.*

Vlad: *Turns around to see Danny leaving with his friends.* Oh good, I'll take that as a challenge… *Eyes "vote for Mayor Montez" Propaganda.* And I do SO enjoy being the challenger…. *Smirks evilly.*

Scene shifts to reporter Makamoto on TV; Maddie and Jack are watching the T.V in the kitchen when Danny, (F/N) and Paulina come in.

Makamoto: Our Election Day coverage continues!

Danny Hey dad, is it okay if-

Jack: *Interrupts Danny.* Behbeheh, not now, Daniel! It's Election Day and I've got my voting shoes on! *Jack shows Danny his red, white, and blue boots and Danny frowns.* I've gotta run out and cast my vote for the next Mayor of Amity Park!

Jack takes out a box full of red, white, and blue "Vote for Vlad" propaganda and Danny gasps as Jack literally smothers Danny in it; Danny is not pleased.

Danny: Vlad Masters for Mayor!?

(F/N): How?!

Maddie: *Sighs.* He's a last minute, write-in candidate. At least he's channeling his… sociopathic, lonely-bachelor energy into something positive… But he doesn't care about other people!

Jack: And that's why he'll make a great politician!

Vlad: *On TV, standing on a podium.* If elected, I hope to breathe new life into this town! *Crowd cheers.*

Jack: That's my Vladdie! Breathing lives and taking names! I'm his #1 supporter! *Jack's eyes begin to water.* And one day, maybe… His running mate! Hey, Maybe I need some running shoes too!

Danny: Uh, I gotta go…

(F/N) and Paulina: Us too!

Danny, (F/N), and Paulina run from the Kitchen and 'Goes ghost' in the hallway, resulting in a flash of white light.

Maddie: Did you just see a flash of light?

Jack: It's only the brightest of a new day dawning on our fair city! *Hugs Maddie and gives thumbs up.* Kudos, Vlad!

Scene shifts to the roof of Fenton Works, where Danny, (F/N) and Paulina phases out, looking determined.

Danny: They say you can't fight City Hall-

(F/N): But they never said you couldn't fight in it!

Danny, (F/N), and Paulina fly to the City Hall, which fades into the screen; we hear Vlad and Reporter Makamoto finishing an interview before camera shifts into the two of them.

Makamoto: Thank you for revealing more to us than just your moles, Mr. Masters!

Vlad: Oh no no no no, thank you, dear lady! And remember to vote for citizen Vlad, although I'm sure you will! *Chuckles.* By the way, those are beauty marks.

Makamoto: That is debatable! *Smiles and leaves.*

Vlad frowns slightly as he turns to leave, but gasps as Danny's hand phases through the floor and grabs him by the ankle, pulling him down to the basement of the city hall and slamming him against the plumbing; Vlad looks unfazed and smirks up at Danny, (F/N) and Paulina, floating above him.

Vlad: Why, Daniel, Danniella and Ms. Sanchez! Come to wish your old uncle Vlad good luck, have you? *Stands up and grins.* *Gets kicked in nards by Paulina* Augh! Cheese balls! *Falls down*

Paulina: Save it you old fart!

Danny: Whatever you're up to, it ends now!

Vlad: Oh, I assure you children, it is only just beginning. *Grins wider and changes to ghost mode.*

Plasmius charges at Danny, (F/N) and Paulina with a cry, intent on punching them, but they all lurch backwards and use a tube as support for when Vlad hovers above them, he kicks him right in the stomach and sends him crashing through the ceiling(s) of the city hall; Danny eyes the 'holes' left by Vlad's body crashing out of the edifice through the 'floors' and the roof.

Paulina: I thought this guy was supposed to be super strong?

Danny: Yeah, looks like Vlad's a little rusty.

(F/N): Which is all the invitation we need!

They all smirk and flies out of the building, turning around just in time and managing to avoid Plasmius' blasts heading his way by flying away from the line of fire Danny, (F/N), and Paulina, hover and mock Plasmius.

Danny: Boohoo! It's that it? You forgot to take your supplements!

(F/N): Have a dose of vitamin US!

Danny, (F/N), and Paulina at Vlad; Vlad shoots 'disks' of ecto-energy at the trio but they dodge them and punche Vlad twice in the face before kicking him and sending him crashing to some building's roof; Danny, (F/N) ans Paulina land on the roof and laughs.

Danny: You lost your edge! Why don't you go back to Wisconsin and look for it?

(F/N) and Paulina: In other words: GET OUT OF OUR TOWN!

Vlad straightens and smirks, looking not too hurt.

Plasmius: Fools! Do you really think I'm this weak? I'm more powerful than you'll ever know and even now my power increases! Look!

Vlad motions to the Voting Booths below where the citizens are lined up to cast their vote. Immediately lots of shadowy and dark-looking Vlad duplicates hover above the voters before they soar down and overshadow each and every one of the voters.

Danny: Oh man!

Paulina: He's overshadowing the voters!

Jack makes his way through the crowd.

Jack: Out of my way, I'm voting for Vlad! *Gets overshadowed.* I mean… OUT OF MY WAY! I'm voting for Vlad!

Danny And (F/N): DAD!

Danny, (F/N), and Paulina tries to fly to help Jack but Plasmius lurches forward and tackles them out of the way, sending the trio of halfas crashing through a thick brick wall and into a car below.

Reporter Makamoto comes in with a camera man after her, the crowd standing behind her with support signs.

Makamoto: Holy hanging chads! In all my days as a reporter I've never seen such a groundswell of support for any candidate! *Grabs a paper handed to her.* According to the latest polls, Dark horse, Vlad Masters is the new mayor of Amity Park by a landslide! What an up set!

Crowd cheers as Danny, (F/N), and Paulina emerges from the car wreck.

Danny: *Mutters.* You're telling me…

(F/N) and Paulina: Thi can't be good.

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina gasp as a shadow falls upon them and he turn to see Plasmius pelting towards them. They all jump out of the way and Plasmius pummels the car, standing over it.

Plasmius: What do you young folk say? "Don't hate, congratulate? *Laughs and sees Danny, (F/N), and Paulina glaring at him before reverting to human mode.* Oh, what do I care, go ahead and hate…

Crowd and a reporter approach him and Danny, (F/N), Paulina steps aside.

Makamoto: And here he is now! The new Mayor elect of Amity Park! Vlad Masters!

Crowd: Masters! Masters! Masters! Masters!

Danny gapes at the crowd and Vlad grins at him.

Scene fades to the City Hall as Vlad steps into the podium to speak up. Crowd cheers loudly as Vlad forms the 'victory' signs with his hands.

Vlad: Thank you! Thank you one and all!

Jack: Huzzah! The Fentons are one heartbeat away from the Mayor's Office! Next stop, the White House, and I'm gonna be Vlad's number two man!

Maddie:*Disbelievingly.* Jack… you're dreaming…

Jack: Am not! Why, just this morning he told me that when he thinks of number two, he thinks of me!

(F/N): *Facepalms* Mom, I have to ask, do you ever get a bad thought thinking, "why did I ever marry this guy?"

Maddie: *Whispers* Sometimes, but he means well, even if he's a rube.

Vlad: I'd like to take a moment now, if I may, to thank a very special person in my life…

Jack: Oh, shucks already, Vladdie! Save it for my swearing in!

Vlad: Come on up here! Danny Fenton!

Danny remains silent as the crowd cheers again and Jack pushes Danny forward. Danny staggers to the front and Vlad grabs him close so that only Danny can hear him.

Vlad: I'm rubbing your nose in this mess you made, Daniel. Doesn't it smell yummy? *Turns Danny so that he's facing the multitude, and speaks up.* It was this young man who inspired me to pursue my true calling! Politics! For that, I owe him a debt. And I will pay for it by protecting him and all the precious children of Amity Park from the biggest problem facing this town… Ghosts!

The mass cheers again.

Sam: Uh-oh, I have a bad feeling about this…

Tucker Relax, Sam! So he will propose a couple of lame laws. How bad could it be? *Smiles confidently.*

Paulina: Famous last words.

Scene fades to Casper High and Tucker's despaired wail is heard resounding across the school; Vlad's voice is heard over the scenes flashing by, the first one being of Lancer carrying a bunch of technological gadgets in his arms.

Vlad VO: The Technus Act will ban all high-tech gear susceptible to ghost infiltration…

Lancer walks across a classroom with devices in his arms and Tucker clinging to his leg as he walks.

Tucker: No! No! No!

Vlad VO: A strict dress code will guard against anything dark and gothic which can attract ecto-unfriendlies.

Sam is shown walking down the school hall with a blue and red uniform, a look of discontent on her face.

Vlad VO: And in addition, there will be a 4 PM curfew; Mandatory Roll Call before and after class, and heightened security to ensure the safety of students.

Danny is shown being stopped in the hallway and slammed into a locker by a guard as his mate registers Danny's backpack by emptying it on the floor. The guards leave after nothing wrong was found and Danny leans to pick up his books. Sam, (F/N), and Paulina meet him and so does Tucker,  who is still clinging to Lancer's leg but lets go as he passes in front of Sam and Danny.

Tucker: No, no no! *Let's go of Lancer.* For the record dude, this reeks…

Sam: And everybody thinks it's your fault, Danny. *Bends down to help Danny pick his books.* Guilt by association with Vlad. That's horrible.

Danny *Grabs book.* Hey, I'm taking the biggest hit here! *Stands up and looks at a surveillance camera over his head.* With all this surveillance and restrictions, Vlad is making sure that neither me, (F/N), or Paulina can almost never go ghost!

Tucker: That might be a good thing… *Shows the cover of a newspaper in which Danny Phantom's face is surrounded by a circle and a line going across his image..* Looks like you're paranormal-non-grata again. But (F/N) and Paulina are in the clear.

Sam: Vlad's claiming that Danny Phantom's presence may be more an invitation to ghosts than a deterrent.

Danny: Which we all know is an absolute load. With me out of the picture, ghosts will be on the loose all over town!

Several scenes of Vlad and the Guys in White capturing random ghosts are shown; It fades to the trio, (F/N), and Paulina looking at a newspaper's cover with the headline "Ghost Masters".

Sam: Boy, Vlad's PR Machine is really trumping up all these ghost battles.

Danny All those phony attacks were staged! Vlad's convincing everyone that they don't need me anymore…

Tucker: But on the bright side, at least Vlad's rebuilding our hangout!

Paulina and (F/N) could only face palm at this.

Paulina: Should we…?

(F/N): No, no. Let him figure it out.

The trio, (F/N), and Paulina turn to look at the new building, which is not the Nasty Burger but McMasters, with a sign labeled "Grand Opening'; Teenagers are standing around it.

Danny, (F/N), and Paulina: McMasters?

(F/N): Jeez, this sounds like lazy writing.

Paulina: Tell me about it.

Danny, Tucker, (F/N), Paulina and Sam approach the restaurant but are stopped by an agent.

Bouncer: Can I help you to leave? *Kicks the trio, (F/N), and Paulina away.* There're no teenagers allowed here!

Danny: What!? You can't be serious!

The agent points at a display that shows a silhouette of Danny's head encased in a red circle with a red line going over it.

Bouncer: Now, beat it, all you ki- *gets kicked in nards by (F/N)* AHHHHHHHHH…! *Falls to the ground*

(F/N): Jerk!

Dash and Co. walk past Danny.

Dash: This is all your fault, Fenedic Arnold! You're responsible for this lousy mayor!

Danny: Okay, I really feel like crud now.

(F/N): Told you not to pull those pranks on Vlad.

Danny:  Yeah *Frowns.* There's one thing left to do. We're goin' gh-

Sam, Paulina, and (F/N): WAIT! *Points at a camera hanging from the restaurant's roof.*

Tucker: No worries! Vlad took away my tech, so I'm taking his! *Tucker runs forward and clings to the camera, detaching it from its place and consequently disabling it.* Go ahead dude! *Cuddles camera.* Hello, special new friend!

Paulina: *to (F/N)* That guy needs a girlfriend.

(F/N): Tell me about it.

Danny, (F/N), and Paulina 'go ghost' and phases to Vlad's Office.*

Vlad: Ah, Daniel, and company I had a feeling you'd come. *Smirks.*

Danny: *Sighs.* Look, this goes against everything I stand for but... I'm sorry I played those stupid pranks on you, and I'm hoping you'll accept my apology and stop making things miserable for me and my friends... *Puckers brows but extends his hand.* Truce?

Vlad: How nice. A Gentleman's handshake... But you forget... Where you and I are concerned..... I AM NO GENTLEMAN!

(F/N): Wait, so you're a lady trapped in a dude's body? Oof, you do not pull off the pony tail girl.

After asking this question, Paulina doubled over laughing and so did Danny all while Vlad had an irked expression.

Paulina: *Laughing* Hahahahah….!! I-I can't- I can't

Danny: Oh my gosh! Ahahahahahaha…!

Vlad: *Face palms* No! That does not-!

(F/N): I mean you said it. But jokes aside, Danny's making an effort here.

Danny: YEAH! Can you even pretend to have a heart!? I'm making an effort here!

Vlad: I KNOW! And even though the apology is a welcome departure from your usual childish arrogance, it belies a greater truth! *Points.* YOU HAD THIS COMING!

Danny: But-

Vlad: NO BUTS! Trust me when I tell you that your life has just begun to become a relentless nightmare beyond your feeble IMAGINATION! AND ONE THING FURTHER, when I said this place was off limits to teens, that includes ghost teens!!

Vlad presses a button and the Guys In White break into the room, aiming their ecto-weapons at Danny, (F/N), and Paulina. The trio flies away but gets blasted out of the office by the GiW; They land near Tucker and Sam, reverting back to human.

Tucker: So… how'd that go?

(F/N): Not good.

Danny: *Stands up dejectedly.* This reeks… I'm ruined. My ghost career is over, my school career is over, every kid at Casper hates me!… More than usual…

Sam: *Eyes the students.* Yeah.

Paulina: *Gets an idea* But I bet they hate Vlad even more… I got an idea!

Scene fades into the Casper High courtyard where Sam, Paulina, (F/N), Danny, and Tucker have rallied the rest of the students.

Dash: Let me get this straight… you're leading a protest against your buddy the Mayor?

Danny *Standing on a lunch table.* Trust me; he's no buddy of mine, or yours! He's just using us!

Sam: But the people have the power to make it change!

Paulina: And we're those people!

Tucker: Right! We can take back this town one Nasty Burger at a time!

Tucker, Paulina, (F/N), Sam, and Danny lift up protest signs.

Danny: So, what do ya say?

(F/N): Are you with us?

Students: YEAH!

Scene fades to a TV, where Reporter Makamoto is standing in front of a mob of protesting teenagers.

Makamoto: It's a chaotic scene here at McMaster's as irate Casper High Students protest the eateries no teenager policy.

Maddie and Jack are watching the news in their kitchen TV.

Maddie: We better get down there, Jack!

Jack: Right! Gotta protect Vlad's investment!

Maddie: I meant to protect our kids!

Jack: Oh yeah, that too…Maybe grab a Vladdie Meal to go!

Scene shift to students of Casper high protesting in front of McMasters with signs of protest.

Crowd: Fries not lies! Fries not lies! Fright not lies!

Sam: This is so cool! This protest is bound to rattle Vlad's cage! Right Danny? *Looks around for Danny, who is nowhere to be found.* Where's Danny? Ah whatever at least (F/N) and… Paulina are- *doesn't see that (F/N) or Paulina are here* not here.

Tucker: He must be taking a break and as for those two, they're probably making out. But I'll tell you who's here! The Mayor himself!

A limousine drives up in front of McMasters and Vlad steps out, smiling confidently.

Vlad: Now, now, children! I'm sure we can reach some sort of understanding here!

Sam: We're not children, so stop treating us that way!

Danny, (F/N), and Paulina meanwhile, are crouching on the roof of McMasters, overlooking the scene and smiling.

Danny: Just what I hoped for! Now it's time to blow Vlad's game once and for all! *Goes ghost along with (F/N), and Paulina*

Jack and Maddie arrive at the restaurant.

Jack: Never fear Vladdie! We're here to scoop the small fry! Which reminds me… never thought of super-sizing those Vladdie Meals?

Vlad: *Grumbles in annoyance.* Oooh, for the love of… *Turns back to Sam.* Come on now, 'dudes'! Can't we wrap about this? Open a big, meaningful dialogue?

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina land some meters away from Vlad.

Danny: What about if we  open something up?

(F/N): Like a big can of worms!?

Jack: It's the ghost kids!

Jack takes out a gun and aims it at Danny, (F/N) and Paulina but Vlad takes the gun away and places an arm around Danny's shoulders.

Vlad: Just a moment. We're all friends here, mhhhm? Let the lad and lassies have their say! *Smiles.*

Danny: Uh… really? Okay then! We'll, uh, give it to you straight!

(F/N): *Turns to the crowd.* The Mayor is a phony.

Paulina: And he's hiding a secret that will shock you all! It's time for all the world to know!

Crowd's attention perks and TV Cameras are set on 'rec'.

Danny: …Vlad Masters is really-

Danny, (F/N),  gets interrupted by a voice shouting from the sky.

Voice: The most feared nemesis in the entire Ghost Realm!

Everyone gasps as Plasmius hovers over everyone, smirking and arm-crossed.

Vlad: *Feigns concern and surprise.* Oh dear, it's a clearly evil – yet devastatingly handsome- ghost villain! Whatever shall we do?

Plasmius starts shooting ecto-rays at buildings and people, wreaking havoc.

Vlad: *Smirks at Danny as everyone runs around in fright.* Check and mate, Daniel and company.

Danny, (F/N) and Paulina all glare and shoot up after the Vlad Plasmius duplicate.

Danny: Okay, you carbon-copy freak! We're taking you down!

Paulina: Yeah! Three of us, one of you!

Plasmius: I don't think so. Remember I'm merely a single duplication and still more powerful than you three!

Plasmius blasts Danny, (F/N) and Paulina away with ecto-ray and makes them crash against the restaurant's wall.

Vlad: Oooh, I bet that hurt, or at least, I hope it did… *Grins.*

Danny, (F/N), Paulina and Plasmius start fighting and Plasmius conjures an ecto-tornado by swirling around rapidly. Plasmius' tornado diffracts Danny's powers and bites them in, only to send them pelting like a bullet a second later and causing him to crash into the restaurant; Plasmius' flies after him and into the restaurant.

Vlad: *To the crowd.* See? Danny Phantom and company attract the worst of what the Ghost world has to offer and he's virtually powerless to stop them!

Plasmius, (F/N), Paulina and Danny fight within the restaurant; Plasmius has the upper hand and blasts Danny through the roof and into the sky; Plasmius flies after him and grabs him by the neck before Danny has a chance to recover.

Danny: Let… go of us!

Plasmius: Oh I will, in just a few seconds. Watch and learn!

Vlad: I see that I'm forced to take matters into my own more capable hands! *Vlad takes ecto-gun out and aims at Plasmius.* Stand down, you fiend! There's a new mayor in town and his name is Vlad Masters! *Crowd gasps and look at Plasmius.*

Plasmius: *Pretending to be scared.* Oh no, please don't hurt me Mayor Masters, I beg of you! *Grins at Danny, (F/N), and Paulina before flying down and kneeling pleadingly before Vlad.* Please, take pity of me; I'm but a poor dumb ghost! I can't help being bad!

Vlad: Which is exactly why I'm taking you down!

Danny: What!? He's gonna zap his own clone to make himself look good!

Paulina: Okay now that's just low! And that's coming from me.

(F/N) *Gets an idea* Unless…. It does just the opposite! I've got an idea!

(F/N) goes invisible and flies down, overshadowing the Plasmius duplicate.

Plasmius: *Spasm.* Gaaaaah! Uggghhhh…. *Eyes turn a bright green.* Go ahead! Do your worst!

Plasmius flies past Vlad and zooms about out of control in order to scare the citizens; Vlad aims the gun at him and fires at him; the duplicate flies behind the limo and Vlad blasts it to bits. Once the smoke clears away, everyone runs to see the wreck, only to find a severely hurt (F/N) laying on the pavement, her clothes torn and her face scratched.

(F/N): *Feigning innocence.* Uuuuugh, uh, wha-? What happened? *Looks sad and broken.* I'm just a hopeless, impressionable teenager who was minding my own business when- *Winks at Sam, Paulina, Danny, and Tucker.* - boom!

Sam: *Smiles then gasps.* Oh my gosh! The Mayor shot (F/N)!

Tucker: *Weeps.* He zapped an innocent kid!

Paulina: *Weeps* Who happens to be a lawyer and my girlfriend!

Everyone turns and glares at Vlad.

Vlad: What!? I… NO!... I mean…

People point at him accusingly and mumble things at him in discontent. Meanwhile, Jack and Maddie run to (F/N)'s side and Maddie takes her in her arms.

Jack and Maddie: (F/N)! (F/N)! Are you all right?

Maddie: *Nuzzles Danny.* Oh my baby!

Vlad: Please! I can explain! *Glares at (F/N) and Danny smiles.*

Scene fades to the City Hall, where everyone is reunited and Vlad is seen standing on a podium, about to give an announcement.

Vlad: By popular decree, I hereby rescind all previous anti-ghost restrictions! *He shows a signed document and the crowd cheers and applauds.*

Danny: *Smiles lightly.* I gotta admit… he's good.

Sam: Yeah, he's good… But (F/N) was better.

Tucker: Yeah, taking those blasts forced Vlad to save his image by getting rid of those stupid laws and making the world safe for sweet technology again! *Takes out PDA and smooches it.*

Paulina: *Hugs (F/N)* That's my girlfriend!

Vlad: In addition *Uncovers a picture of the Nasty Burger.* I'm going to rebuild the Nasty Burger! Teens welcome! Who's your favorite Mayor now!

Crowd cheers

Sam: Wow, a little self-serving but another victory for our side. All in all, Danny, I'd call it a draw.

(F/N): And try not to start another prank war.

Danny: Yeah, I guess. There's only one problem with that, though. Whenever there's a draw, there's bound to be a rematch…

Vlad and Danny look at each other, Danny frowning and Vlad smirking at him.

Next: Chapter 45: Infinite Realms.

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