Chapter 24: Reign Storm Part 2.
Here we see (F/N), Kiki and the others at school with Danny and (F/N) tired as heck.
Tucker Dude, are you okay? *Cut to Danny and (F/N). They don't look happy or well rested at all. Pull back to reveal Tucker, Paulina and Sam* Sorry, standard question. Late night?
Danny: Of course it was a late night! Every ghost me and (F/N) know- and about a million we don't- ARE LOOSE!! *As he finishes saying this, an Ectopus comes in, laughs, and steals his lunch. Danny and (F/N) now has bags under his eyes*
(F/N): Not to mention we couldn't sleep because our arch-enemy was in the other guest room next to us.
Sam: My parents sleep in the bedroom next to me. It's not the same, but I can't sleep either!
(F/N): That's because-
After she says this, Valerie walks up behind Danny and (F/N)
Valerie: Hey Danny. Hey (F/N)
Danny and (F/N): Hey Val.
Cut to Sam, and Tucker. They look worried.
Tucker:'Hey Val'? Isn't that the same Val that's usually on a jet-sled trying to paste Danny and (F/N)?
Paulina: Wait what?
Tucker: *Whispers* Long story we'll tell you later.
Sam: *Sarcastically* Yep, and apparently next week, we're having cookies with Skulker!
Cut to Valerie, (F/N), and Danny.
Valerie: You two might wanna...bag lunch it outside. This isn't exactly the safest place for you right now.
Danny: What makes you say that?
Dash and Kwan are what made her say that. They come up behind Danny.
Dash: Hey Fenturds, no teachers around to protect you, no nerds around to hide you.
Cut to Tucker. He looks angry.
Tucker: Hey! I resent that! I'm plenty nerd!
Dash shoves Tucker's lunch into his face.
Danny: Dash, take a hike, will ya? I'm way too tired to put up with you.
(F/N): Besides, shouldn't you be failing a test, kicking a puppy or beating up somebody weaker than you now?
Dash: Come to think of it, yeah!
Of course, somebody weaker than him (in the sense of muscle) is Danny.
Dash tries to punch him (in slow motion), but Danny turns his chin intangible at the last second. Dash's hand merely grazes the air. He looks at it in astonishment- both Dash and Danny.
Danny, in an attempt of distraction, 'discreetly' fires ectoplasm from his finger and melts the bottoms of Dash's shoes. He attempts to punch Danny, but cannot move. He begins to lose his balance. Valerie accidentally-on purpose drops her lunch and kicks it over to Dash, who falls in it.
All the other kids start cheering. Danny smiles at Valerie. She runs away as Sam and Tucker walk over.
Tucker: Sweet!
Sam: Is it? I know Dash is a jerk, but what if he saw something?
Paulina: Yeah shouldn't he be more... secret with his powers?
Cut to just Danny and Tucker.
Danny: He's not gonna see something. *Angrily* Besides, I'm tired of getting kicked around all the time. *He closes his eyes and folds his arms* Maybe it's time I do a little kicking back!
Sam's angry look turns into a worried one, as did (F/N) and Paulina.
(F/N): *Sighs* This is just like last time all over again.
Sam: Tell me about it.
Paulina: Guessing this isn't the first time this happened huh?
(F/N): Yep.
We then cut to Fenton Works where we see the adults working on the Fenton Battlesuit.
Jack: Vladdy, my man! *Cut to Jack. He is fixing the top part of the Fenton Battlesuit* Could you hand me that watchermajigit?
Vlad, who was loitering by a table in the lab, grabs the 'watchermajigit' and walks over to Jack with it.
Vlad: Here you go, old chum. *He stands up and leans against the suit.* Any idea when this suit might be finished?
Jack slides out from underneath the suit. He is working on it as if it were a car.
Jack: Quit pushing me, V-man, I'm working on it as fast as I can!
A loud neighing is heard coming from the Fenton Portal. Vlad looks worried.
Vlad: Can we...pick it up a little bit?
Maddie: *Running down the stairs* What was that?
Jack: Could be me. *He slides out again and jumps up* I made huevos rancheros for breakfast!
Cut to the Portal. The neighing is heard again. The portal bursts open, ending a part of the door flying right into Jack.
Vlad: *A few seconds too late* Jack. Look out. The door.
Cut to the portal. The intruder is revealed to be the Fright Knight.
Fright Knight: Go, and find the King's ring.
He holds out his sword. Behind him, the Skeleton Armies march- or run, rather- out of the Ghost Zone and run around the room, going intangible and flying out when they reach the wall. Cut to Maddie and Jack.
Maddie: Jack, we have to shut the portal!
Jack: *Still stuck under the door* Yeah, I'll get right on that. *Maddie runs over to a switch that supposedly closes the portal, but is grabbed by the Fright Knight. She is hoisted onto his horse* Hey! *He throws the portal door off himself*
Jack throws a surprised look at Vlad.
Vlad: Like a dear friend.
Cut to the top of the Battlesuit.
Vlad: Is any part of that suit operational?
Cut to Jack.
Jack: Well, the pants part, but it's not calibrated yet. Using the suit could kill you.
Vlad: Well then, maybe you should try it first. It is your battlesuit!
The Fright Knight fires a beam from his sword at them. Jack slams Vlad into the wall to save him from the blast with a 'Hut!'.
Jack: That it is, V-man. *Close-up on Jack.* It's time to kick a little butt. *He gets off Vlad and gets into the pants*.And these are just the pants to kick it in! Neural receptors engage...
Jack presses a button, engaging the neural receptors. The Neural Receptors are snakelike metals that attach to the spinal cord and arms, allowing the person in the suit to control the suit with body movements. We get a cool little scene where the neural receptors attach to Jack. Once they have engaged, Jack jumps in full view of the Fright Knight. The Fright Knight's horse neighs again. The Fright Knight attempts to fire beams at Jack, but he simply dodges them. He jumps up and kicks the Fright Knight's arm repeatedly, freeing Maddie. He then runs up and does a SUPER-KICK!!
Jack: The kick is up- *He SUPER-KICKs the Fright Knight and his horse right out of the house and over the roof of a building* AND IT'S GONE! *Cut back to the lab. Jack is still in the pants. Vlad and Maddie run up to him.* Ha ha! Nobody can touch me while I'm wearing the Fenton- *His voice drags as he feels the suit weakening him* And
Cut to Maddie. She is obviously horrified.
Maddie: Jack! *She catches him as he is about to fall* The suit's draining you like a battery! Vlad, help me get these pants off Jack!
Vlad: Nope, sorry, that's all you.
Vlad walks away as Maddie frowns at him.
We Cut to the city. It is being overrun by the ghosts that have escaped- the Skeleton Armies (I'll be capitalizing Skeleton from now on when I'm referring to them). Many of them throw cars into shop windows, slice open fire hydrants, and generally cause a lot of mayhem. People run screaming in panic as the Skeletons chase them. From a building above, Poindexter peeks down.
Poindexter: Those poor humans. *He turns around* They're being overrun by ghost bullies!
We Cut to a plethora of ghosts- Ember, Box Ghost, Skulker, and Lunch Lady, to be precise.
Ember: Oh, who cares about them? That is the Ghost King's crew. He's on his way here!
Skulker: Which means we have to camouflage ourselves. And you hear that? *Skulker watches as crowds flee the city* That's confusion and panic. Which means it's the perfect time to find our hiding place.
All the other ghosts smile evilly.
Cut to the Nasty Burger. The Skeleton Armies are patrolling outside. Inside, a completely calm employee is flippin' patties. That is, he was flipping, until the patties flew into the air and formed the Lunch Lady Meat Monster. She roars.
Lunch Lady Meat Monster: *Regular voice* Lunch, anybody?
The employee screams.
Cut to the local Box Store. A couple runs in, looking terrified.
Man: We need boxes, and lots of 'em!
The Box Ghost flies in through the ceiling.
Box Ghost: Never!
The couple hug each other, screaming.
Cut to Guitar Palace.
Ember: Hey, kids. *Cut to the inside. Ember is standing on a counter in front of a small crowd* Here's a little ditty I like to call: GET OUT OF MY NEW HOME!!
Ember plays a power chord, smashing the windows. All the people run out of the windows.
Running Guy: She rocks!
Cut to Hunting Goods. Skulker is inside, weapons drawn.
Skulker: Away, humans! This is Skulker's lair now!
He retracts his weapons and sits on a camp chair. The guys in the store (fat men in camp gear) scream and run. Poindexter comes up through the floor as they run, intangible.
Poindexter: This is not on the square, Skulker. *Poindexter becomes tangible and flies over to Skulker* We're pushing these people from their homes. We're no better than the Ghost King.
Skulker: No one lives here, it's a store.
He takes out an arrow shooting thing and shoots it. Dozens of arrows come out and they pin Poindexter to the wall.
Poindexter: This seems oddly familiar.
Cut to Casper High. The Skeleton Armies are closing in on it.
Danny: Sam, please, tell Tucker he's nuts.
Cut to the inside. Sam, (F/N), Paulina Danny, and Tucker are talking.
Tucker: I don't feel like I'm nuts.
Sam: And I don't think he is either. Valerie is one of your enemies, Danny.
Paulina: Do you think it's smart to be letting her this close?
Danny: Pfft. I can handle it.
(F/N): And so can I.
Kiki: *Meows*
Danny: Yeah and besides, she's not so bad...once you get to know her.
Pull back to reveal that Valerie is standing right by him.
Valerie: Thanks. You're not so bad yourself, Fenton. Uh Danny I mean.
Sam and Tucker turn away angrily.
Valerie: What's up with them?
Danny: They're... Really good friends,
(F/N): And they're just being overprotective.
Valerie: Of what? *Close up of Valerie* It's not like we have anything to hide.
Cut to Sam, Paulina, (F/N) Tucker, and Danny. Danny shoots a look at his friends. Not a nasty one, just...a look. They frown. But before the three's friendship can evaporate, Danny's and (F/N)'s ghost senses goes off.
Danny: Woah! Me and (F/N) gotta jet! *They ran off- and right into Dash. He grabs Danny by the collar.* Dash! *Danny and (F/N) notice the Skeleton Armies outside the school* Uh, look, this is really bad timing, can we reschedule?
Dash: Don't think so, runt. Unless you think you can MAKE ME!
(F/N) gives Danny a look saying "you do the honors" as Danny's eyes glow green with anger. The next thing we know, Dash is slamming himself against the lockers, yelling. He falls to the ground, exhausted. Danny- who was overshadowing him- flies out of Dash's body and into a nearby hall. He walks out of the hall, completely human as (F/N) went to him. Sam, Paulina, Kiki, Tucker, and Valerie stare at him. Cut to Danny and (F/N).
(F/N): And stay down Baxter.
Danny: Yeah and... There's more where that came from, Baxter! So... Watch it!
They quickly run around the corner, just in time to see Plasmius at the end of it. How lucky. Pan up from Plasmius' feet.
Vlad: It feels good to use your powers on your enemies, doesn't it, Daniel and Danniella?
Angry, Danny and (F/N) transforms into Danny and Dannie Phantom. Theu fire an ectoplasmic blast at Plasmius, knocking him through the wall.
(F/N): It kind of does.
Danny: Yeah actually, yeah, it does.
They fly off after him. Cut to Sam, Paulina, Kiki, Tucker, and Valerie.
Valerie: Where are they running to all the time? *Close up on Valerie* Only guys and girls I see running off like that have a job. Or a girlfriend.
Her eyes narrow. Sam turns around angrily.
Sam: He doesn't have a girlfriend, Valerie.
Paulina: But (F/N) does and it's me, plus she... has a job too.
Valerie: Mm hmm. Right.
Sam: What are you talking about?
Valerie You like him.
Sam: Uh, hello? *She waves her hands in the air, and then puts them on her hips.* He's my best friend.
Valerie:.I'm sure he is. But if you like him- I mean, LIKE HIM like him, make a move. *Cut to Sam. She looks worried* Because if you don't, somebody will.
Valerie's eyes narrow again. Before Sam can retort, a beep comes from Tucker's PDA. It sounds like the news media.
Tiffany Snow: *In Tucker's PDA* This is Tiffany Snow, with Action News.
Cut to Action News on Tuck's PDA. It shows Tiffany Snow, the news-lady, with a screen by her with a ghost on it and the letters 'GEBS'- Ghost Emergency Broadcasting System.
Tiffany: And this is the Ghost Emergency Broadcasting System. *The screen changes to view the Skeleton Armies.* Amity Park is in the midst of a massive ghost attack. And now, here's Lance Thunder with the Ghost Weather!
As she says that, the screen shows a Skeleton overturning a car. Sam, Tuck, and Valerie are all now watching the PDA.
Lance Thunder: As you can see- *Cut to Tuck's PDA again. Lance Thunder, a blond man who was probably a weatherman before the whole ghost thing started, is standing in front of another screen with little ghost pictures on it.* We have random ghost activities in restaurants, malls, and this box store. *The screen behind him changes to show the Box Store. Cut to Danny's basement. A TV down there is playing the same channel. The screen behind Lance now shows the Skeleton armies marching* If you look to the west, you can see a huge wave of ghost skeletons heading from the center of town- *Cut to Maddie and Jack. Maddie has finally gotten Jack out of the Fenton Pants* Towards Casper High.
Cut to Jack. He is still weak.
Jack: We have to...have to...
Maddie puts a hand on his shoulder.
Maddie: Jack, you're still wiped out from the Fenton Pants. I'll get Danny, (F/N) and Jazz.
She runs off. Cut to Jack, who is clutching his head.
Jack: too.
Cut to Axion, also known as the top-secret research facility where Damon Gray, Valerie's dad, works. Cut again to a picture of Mr. Gray with his daughter. (Note the absence of a mother). Shift over to a computer screen. It has the Lance Thunder broadcast on.
Lance: All parents are advised to immediately pick up their children and RUN! *Cut over to Mr. Gray. He doesn't look happy. Cut back to Lance* RUN LIKE THE WIND!! *On camera, the Skeleton Armies attack Lance.* Not the hair! NOT THE HAIR!
The broadcast ends. Mr. Gray gasps.
Cut to the Casper High Ravens football field. Plasmius is standing there dramatically. Danny Phantom touches down opposite him. We get a dramatic little slideshow of their determination, followed by Danny and (F/N) trying to fly up- but are stopped by Plasmius through choking. He lowers them down to the field.
Vlad: Calm down, you two! I didn't come here to fight you both! I have other things to worry about!
He throws Danny and (F/N) to the ground. A horse neighs off-screen, signaling the arrival of the Fright Knight and his posse, the Skeleton Armies. The Fright Knight, attempting to hit Plasmius, chops a wing off one of the football post things. Danny and (F/N) touch down, their hands smoking. They fire a blast that hits two Skeletons, and quite a lot more at the Skeletons who overtake him. Just as one Skeleton is about to slice through him, a pink blast of ectoplasm destroys it.
Danny and (F/N) turn around to find that Plasmius was the one that fired it. His hand is smoking.
Danny: You're helping us? *He continues to fight off skeletons* Whaddya want our mom's cell number?
Vlad: *Also fighting Skeletons*.No! But really, if you wanted to give me her number...
(F/N): *While fighting off skeletons* Don't even think about it ya fruitloop!
He shouldn't have stopped to say that. In the moment that he is defenseless, the Fright Knight grabs him. Cut to the Fright Knight.
Fright Knight: The king's prize. Return it!
Cut to Vlad.
Vlad: I don't have it! *Perking up* But, if you join me, perhaps toge-
Both are knocked away by a sudden blast of pink. The Fright Knight looks up to see Valerie, in her hunting garb, holding up a smoking cannon.
Valerie: Guess what, everybody! The best ghost hunter in Amity Park is here! And that means, you're about to get your BUTTS HANDED TO YOU!
Cut to Danny and Plasmius.
Plasmius: She really is quite good at this.
Danny: She also thinks we're the enemy.
Plasmius: Good point.
Valerie holds up some explosive balls and throws them at Danny, (F/N) and Plasmius. The three clear out just before the explosive balls explode.
Up above, a bunch of kids from Casper High, including Dash, Paulina, Jazz, Tucker, and Sam, are watching the fight. Close up on Jazz.
Jazz: Danny, please, be careful.
Paulina: You too (F/N).
Right after she says this, all the kids' parents drive up. They all have big Jeep-type cars- with the exception of the Fenton Family Ghost Assault Vehicle, of course. That's an RV. Cut to Sam.
Sam: Doesn't anybody in this town drive a COMPACT CAR?
Paulina: I think now's not the time to ask that question.
Valerie's dad gets out of one of the cars and runs over to the kids.
Mr. Gray: Kids! Have you seen Valerie?
Cut to Sam, Paulina and Tuck. The battle below is clearly seen behind them.
Sam, Paulina, Tucker: She's with Danny.
Right after, Maddie comes running from the FFGAV.
Maddie: Kids, have you seen Danny and (F/N)?
Sam, Paulina Tucker: They're with Valerie.
Maddie: Who's Valerie?
Cut to Valerie. She has Danny and (F/N) by the scruffs of the neck.
Valerie:Alright, ghost, what's going on here?
(F/N): Oh you know the usual, ghosts fighting ghosts
Danny: *Pointing* And That.
He's pointing to the Fright Knight and his cronies, who fly towards them. To protect his three pawns, Plasmius duplicates himself to create a kind of shield. The duplicates fire pink blasts at the Skeletons, sending them back to whence they came. They then morph back into one Plasmius. Cut to Valerie, (F/N) and Danny.
Valerie: Uhh...thanks?
Danny Phantom: You're welcome. *He frees himself and flies a few feet over. Cut to him and Plasmius* Look, I know this is going to be hard to believe- *Behind him, Plasmius is tackled by the Fright Knight*
(F/N): -But that guy is the problem right now, and we could really use your help.
The Fright Knight and Plasmius are knocked to the ground. Frighty stands up, brandishing his sword. Cut to Valerie.
Valerie: I still don't trust you two, or your spooky friend.
Cut to Danny.
(F/N): He's not our friend, he' acquaintance
Danny: And You don't have to trust us. *He extends his hand to her* Just...fight with us!
Valerie thinks about it for a second, and then the two enemies shake hands. Danny and (F/N) smiles triumphantly. They fly off, Valerie close behind. Danny and (F/N) fire a blast at the Fright Knight. Valerie punches him in the face, and Plasmius gets up and fires as well. The Fright Knight is knocked to the ground, but he is not defeated- not yet. He begins getting up.
Fright Knight: Fool! All I wanted to do was seize the Ring and return to Pariah's Keep . *Cut to Danny, (F/N) Plasmius and Valerie grimacing* But now, you give me no choice. *He is now fully up.* By the authority vested in me by my Lord and Leige-
He holds up his sword, which seems to have burst into flame. He sticks it into the ground. When the ground and sword make contact, a green wave of ectoplasm sweeps through the town. When the wave hits the Skeleton Armies, they freeze in their tracks.
Cut back to the Fright Knight. He steps away from the sword, which sends a column of ectoplasm into the sky.
Fright Knight: I claim this town now and forever under the weather of Lord Pariah- The King Of All Ghosts!
The column reaches a certain point, and then a large ectoplasmic dome closes itself over the town. Danny is horrified by the sight, as is everyone else. The last thing we see before commercial is a shot of the town from the outside. The vapors in the ectoplasm come together to form an image-Lord Pariah. Fade to black.
Next: Chapter 25: Reign Storm Part 3.
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