Chapter 2: Old Hell to New Hell.
It's been a day since (F/N) moved to Amity Park and met Danny Phantom for the first time.
Here we see said demon girl sitting on something wearing sunglasses as we see the camera zoom out showing she's sitting lazily on a giant donut labeled "Randy's Donut" as we see her eating some donuts and drinking some coffee.
Juan: *Sees (F/N) is on the donut* Ma'am, err person, demonio (Demoness) I'm gonna have to ask you to exit the donut.
(F/N) tilts her sunglasses and sees it's none other than officer Juan, aka Paulina's dad.
(F/N): *Casually eats a donut* Oh come on man, I'm not even done eating my breakfast.
Juan: Ma'am please get out of the donut.
(F/N): Fine, fine, relax officer. *Casually tosses a donut at the officer to which Juan catches it* Here, don't say I did you any favors, I know your kind of person that skips breakfast.
Juan: *Looks left and right* *Sighs* Thanks, I'll let it slide this time.
(F/N): Anytime and thanks. But you owe me a box of donuts blue boy.
Juan: *Chuckles* Riight. Do you have someplace to be?
(F/N): Yeah but it can wait, I got time to kill. *Drinks her coffee* Mm, so you gotta name, so you got a name?
Juan: Juan, but to you, it's officer Sanchez.
(F/N): Gotcha, and not to get off topic but you look like one of those stereotypical dads that are like super overprotective of your… daughter I'm assuming.
Juan: Wow, you're right. How did you know?
(F/N): Just a guess. Anyways, I gotta get going to school see ya.
(F/N) then unleashed her wings as she then flew off to Casper High leaving Juan.
Juan: Nice kid.
After some time, we see (F/N) has arrived at Casper High as she landed on the ground in front of the school.
(F/N): There it is, my new hell. *Sniffs the air* Hm, and that Phantom kid is here too. At least it'll be a quiet day today, *hears incoming demons* son of a bitch.
Meanwhile at Casper High, we see Danny and his friends, Sam and Tucker, at his locker, and it was a typical Friday at Casper High, well typical as it can get.
Sam: So, any Saturday night plans?
Tucker: Straight forward video games and snacks!
Sam: I'm going to listen to the latest punk rock albums. *They both look at Danny* You?
Danny: My dad and I are catching a movie together. My mom thinks we need to spend time together outside the lab and enough father son bonding.
Tucker: Well, she's not wrong.
Just then the trio sees two people coming their way, much to their dismay.
Sam: *Scornfully* Oh look… Someone's still here.
Paulina: Ugh, losers. Do you mind? Dash and I are talking.
Sam: Well, then get out of our way!
Paulina: Dash! Get rid of the nobodies.
Dash: *pounds his fist into his hand proudly* With pleasure.
A scream is heard. All of the teens look in the direction of the scream as a herd of demons and ghost gorillas although since Amity Park was so used to ghosts, they automatically assumed they were all spirits.
Paulina and Dash: Ghosts!
We then see the demons about to charge at them only to get speed kicked through the wall by (F/N), wearing her vega mask.
(F/N): Run!
Sam and Tucker were baffled to see someone else [aka (F/N) ] taking care of the demons which they thought were ghosts.
Danny: (F/N)?
Sam: Wait (F- who?
Danny: I'll explain later, right now cover me.
Danny went ghost in a janitor's closet as he followed (F/N).
Meanwhile with (F/N) we see her blasting the demons away.
(F/N): Great, wasn't it bad enough you hunt me down in Redgrave now here? Don't suppose I can ask you all to leave?
All the demons then stabbed (F/N) multiple times which didn't phase (F/N) one bit and the ghost gorillas blasted her too.
(F/N): Guess not.
We then see (F/N) pull out Arc's Wrath as she then slashed down the demons killing them in cold blood as only the ghost gorillas were left.
(F/N): Aren't you guys supposed to throw barrels?
One of the gorillas fired an ecto plasma beam from its mouth as (F/N) dodged it at the last second.
(F/N): Huh, no barrels then okay. Guess I could use a morning stretch.
(F/N) then charges and slashes down the gorillas leaving only the Alpha gorilla as we see her and the gorilla fighting and we then see Danny arrive on the scene to find (F/N) fighting off the ghost gorilla.
(F/N): Well glad to see someone showed up to the party.
Danny: Nice to see you too Rave.
The gorilla then backhands (F/N) as Danny catches her.
(F/N): Thanks.
Danny: Don't mention it.
(F/N): *After being put down* Now what do you say we toss king kong off the building.
Danny: I'm with you all the way.
We then see the duo punch and blast the Alpha Gorilla down as (F/N) shot its two arms off as it roared in pain.
(F/N): Ha! You're disarmed.
(F/N) then charged at the Alpha Gorilla with a star ax and slashed the Alpha Gorilla as it split in two and became a pile of ecto plasma as Danny sucked it in with the Thermos.
Danny: Man, that was awesome! How did you make that ax?
(F/N): I can control star energy.
Danny: You can do that?
(F/N): Yep.
(F/N) then made a star in her hand and showed it to Danny.
(F/N): See?
Danny: Woah, awesome.
(F/N): Thanks, you were pretty awesome back there too.
Danny: Thanks.
Sam and Tucker: Danny!
The duo looked to see Tucker and Sam arrive to find Danny and (F/N) (Who was still wearing her mask)
Sam: Alright smokey hold it right there! *Aims a Fenton wrist blaster at (F/N)*
Danny: Woah, woah, Sam it's cool she's on our side.
Sam: Yeah right, she's probably the one who summoned those bears.
(F/N): Hey I didn't call those guys.
Sam: Shut it!
Danny: Sam come on.
Sam reluctantly disarmed her Fenton wrist blaster but kept her glare at (F/N).
Sam: Fine, *to (F/N)* but I got my eyes on you.
(F/N): Relax, I didn't hurt your boyfriend, *leans on Danny*
As (F/N) was leaning on Danny, he felt this power coming from her, nothing ghost like but rather demonic which almost made him lose his balance based on how strong it was.
Danny: *In his head* What the…?
Sam: *Blushes* He's not my boyfriend! And quit leaning on him!
(F/N): Why? He doesn't mind. *Sees Sam glaring* Fine, *stops leaning on Danny*.
Tucker: So, who are you, and how do you know Danny?
(F/N): Names Ravager, I met Danny last night yesterday when I helped him with some ghost problems.
Sam: Uh-huh, what's the real story why you're here?
(F/N): To help your buddy.
Tucker: Sam cool it will you.
(F/N): So, *to Danny* *About Sam* Is she a mean girl or a regular girl?
Danny: (F/N) what did we talk about?
(F/N): That there are no regular girls.
Danny: Exactly.
(F/N): So uh, who are they?
Danny: Oh right, (F/N) meet Sam and Tucker, Sam, Tucker meet (F/N).
(F/N): Nice to meet you.
Tucker: You too.
Sam: Well I'm not sure if we can trust you if we can look you in the eyes.
Tucker: And by "we" you mean "you".
(F/N): Not yet, I have my reasons. *Sees the students leaving and evacuating* And it looks like you three have an early dismissal. *Starts walking away* I'll be taking my leave now, TTFN. Ta-ta for now.
(F/N) then teleports off leaving the trio as Danny changes back.
Tucker: Well she's definitely on my "your alright" list.
Sam: Not on mine.
Danny: Oh come on, she helped me twice now.
Sam: Still doesn't prove anything, we barely know anything about this girl, and she's awfully chummy with you.
Danny: So? She's just being nice.
Tucker and Sam: *In their heads* Clueless.
Danny: Although now that you mention it there was something off about her.
Tucker: You mean besides the mask?
Danny: No, when she was close to me, I didn't feel anything ghost like from her.
Tucker: No ectoplasma?
Danny: Nothing, it was more… evil and dark, strong even.
Sam: See, another reason not to trust her.
Danny: We don't know that for sure Sam, let's just give her some time she'll show who she really is when she wants to.
Sam: Fine, but when she turns out to be evil I'll be right.
The next day, after the weekend we see (F/N) arrived at school where she went into the principal's office and met the bald Shakespeare obsessed teacher, Mr. Lancer.
Lancer: You must be… Bianca.
(F/N): That's me, sorry I couldn't make it last week on account of-
Lancer: The ghosts?
(F/N): Yes, you act as if this is normal around here.
Lancer: Of course, so Bianca, how much do you know about Amity Park?
(F/N): Hm not much other than all the ghosts around here. I've dealt with supernatural beings before, but never one this… frequent.
Lancer: Yes well you can imagine how much it happens. The school board's become concerned with the safety of the students because of how often the school becomes a battleground for ghosts, usually some random ghost and Danny Phantom.
(F/N): *In her head* Play dumb, *outloud* Danny Phantom? The resident ghost kid right?
Lancer: That's his full name but most of the time he goes by Phantom, he's a ghost with white hair and green eyes, usually back talking whatever ghost he's fighting. You can't miss him.
(F/N): Hm, So did a student die here or...?
Lancer: Goodness no! No strange deaths or anything like that.
(F/N): That's weird...that'd be my first guess.
Lancer: Anyways, um your parents informed me about your… heritage. I won't say a word.
(F/N): Thank you, I hope you won't. The last guy that promised ended up looking a lot less pretty.
Lancer: *Gulps in fear* Noted. *gives (F/N) her class schedule* Here's your class schedule, why don't you look around the school for a while.
(F/N): *Takes the schedule with her tail* I will.
(F/N) then left, leaving Lancer as he sighed in relief.
Lancer: I never thought I'd be afraid of a student.
Meanwhile, it was a typical Monday for Danny Fenton. Arrived, pranked by Dash, uses powers to get out of the locker and phased Dash's lock off his locker so that someone else with a grudge could mess with him.
Danny: Sorry Dash, actually, I'm not.. but I'm not letting you get in my way.
Suddenly, a wisp of cold comes out of his mouth and Danny is on alert.
Danny: But it looks like someone else has plans.
Danny decides to enter the boy's bathroom and, after making sure no one is around, decides that it's time.
Danny: I'm going ghost!
Morphing with the ring of energy around him, Danny Fenton becomes Danny Phantom. Phasing through the door, Phantom prepares for battle. Out of nowhere, a ghost vulture swoops in and tackles Danny. Danny quickly recognizes this by the fez as one of Vlad's vultures.
Vulture #1: Gotcha, punk!
Danny: What does Vlad want now?
Vulture #2: Just to mess with you!
Danny: Mess with this!
Danny blasts the vulture off. He then gets up and flies into the bird, punching it in the beak.
Vulture #1: Get him, boys!
Danny: I so don't have time for this. *pulls out the Fenton Thermos*
Vulture #3: No! Wait! *It's too late as the thermos begins to suck them in* Not now! Not now!! We didn't even find her!!
As they are now trapped inside, Danny closes the thermos.
Danny: Not now? Were they planning something? And who's "her?"
Danny notices the clock on the wall, it reads 7:58.
Danny: Oh man! I gotta hurry!
Danny quickly returns to human form and makes a break for it. After going down the hallway, he makes a hard right as he hurries.
Danny: I am so late! * looks behind him* What'd those bird brains want?!
Danny was so busy running while looking back that he didn't notice anyone in front.
They both collapse from their collision, Danny landing on his rear as this person lands on their back. Danny manages to sit up.
Danny: Oh, crud! I'm sorry! *gets on his knees to talk to this person* I wasn't looking where…
He gets a good look at this person. It's someone he's never seen before and yet something about her makes him scared, and it was none other than (F/N).
(F/N): It's cool dude, no harm done. *manages to sit up, leaning back and using her arms to prop herself up*
Once she opens her eyes, she gets a good look at Danny.
This causes Danny to be shocked and fall back down. He's now on his back as he watches (F/N) stand up. She leans down and gives him her hand.
Danny saw a lot of girls in his time but he never saw one so demonic.
(F/N): So you gonna take it?
Danny is quickly snapped back to reality as he realizes what's happening and takes (F/N)'s hand gets up.
Danny: Uh, thanks, I've never seen you around here before.
(F/N): I'm new here, I guess that makes you my first friend here.
Danny: *In his head* Friend? She wants to be friends? With me?
(F/N): So you got a name?
Danny: Oh uh, Danny, Danny Fenton. Um. Anyway… *looks away* Sorry for, you know, bumping into you and making you fall.
(F/N): It's cool, accidents happen.
Danny: Really? Thanks (F/N).
(F/N): Anytime.
Danny, unaware that (F/N) is a quarter demon, has never seen a girl like her before; she was nothing like anyone he's seen before.
(F/N): Hey Danny, weren't you in a hurry or something.
Danny: What?
The bell rings, snapping him out of it.
Danny: Oh no! I'm late! *runs past her* Nice meeting you!
(F/N): Okay, bye! *waves to him. She then turns and looks at a piece of paper* Nice kid, but I better find this room. Wait a minute. *looks back to where Danny ran away and follows him*.
Danny makes it to Mr. Lancer's class, though his teacher gives him a disappointing look.
Lancer: Late again, Danny?
Danny: I.. *thought about what to say.*I had a problem and… *notices Dash is snickering* So...
???: It's my fault!
That voice he just heard earlier is behind him. Danny looks behind and sees the girl he just met, (F/N) Bianca Angelo.
Lancer: Ah, Miss Angelo!
The class looks at this girl. Many of the boys, including Tucker and Dash, stare in awe at this attractive girl. The girls, including Sam and Paulina, glare at her.
(F/N): Anyway, it's my fault Danny was late. We kind of bumped into each other.
Lancer: Really? And you're both alright?
They nod.
Lancer: Well, you're off the hook, Fenton... this time. Now take your seat.
Danny nods and heads to his seat as Sam and Tucker look at him, somewhat relieved he's not in trouble.
Lancer: Class, this is (F/N) Bianca Angelo, she's a foreign exchange student from Italy.
(F/N): I moved here to experience an American High School. And before you all ask, I know what you're all thinking, "Why does this girl look like a demon wearing a two tailed suit and shorts." Well that is because this is a Halloween costume mishap, the body paint dried up and became fused to my skin, and so did the horns and fake tail because I accidentally used permanent glue. But hey it's not all bad. Oh and so help me, if any of you make any plumber jokes or put pineapple on your pizza I will beat you all to a bloody pulp *smiles*.
Everyone, especially Tucker and Sam, flinched after hearing that.
Lancer: Uhh, noted Ms. Angelo is there anything else you want to add?
(F/N): Huh, okay uh well at my old school I'm a lawyer, psychologist, and a cheerleader.
The students start speaking amongst themselves. But as they do so, Sam and Tucker whisper to each other.
Tucker: *Whispers* Dude! She's... wow!
Sam: *Whispers back* She's also some cheerleader, that makes her the enemy!
Tucker: Maybe your enemy.
Sam: What do you think, Danny? *Doesn't get a response* Danny?
Both Sam and Tucker notice Danny is the only person who isn't talking about (F/N). In a brief moment (F/N) looks at Danny as he looks away.
Danny: *In his head* Why do I have a feeling she isn't saying who she really is? *Notices the amulet (F/N) is wearing* And why does that amulet look so familiar?
Star: New or not, she's still a geek she can't be that cool, what do you think Paulina? *Doesn't get a response* Paulina?
Paulina kept staring at (F/N) looking at her hair, that smile, those cute dimples, the fangs, and especially those cute hot pink pupils.
Paulina: *In her head* Wow… she's super cute… *sighs longingly*
Star: Hey Paulina?
Paulina: *Snaps out of it* Wha- huh?
Star: I was asking if you think the new girl is a geek? What do you think?
Paulina: Oh uh, y-yeah she's a super geek… she can't be as… cool as us, *in her head* A geek who's really cute.
Mr. Lancer: Now then Ms. Angelo, you take your seat.
(F/N): Awesome.
We then see (F/N) took a seat that was next to Paulina, and the Queen B didn't mind looking at (F/N) one bit.
Paulina: *In her head* Thank you!
Dash: *In his head* Geek or not she's still a cute babe.
Sam: *In her head* She's an enemy, she can't be trusted.
While the three students were thinking in their heads (F/N) was kind of enjoying her new school life.
(F/N): *In her head* This is kind of fun.
Later after class, we see it was now lunch at Casper High, Danny was with his friends at their usual table.
Danny: I still can't believe that everyone's buying this, we all know that "costume" isn't a costume at all.
Tucker: Well "costume" or not she's pretty easy on the eyes. And especially her
Sam: *Sighs* Well I don't trust her, she's a cheerleader.
Tucker: True, and she's gonna sit with us *looks at his PDA's clock function* Right... about…
???(F/N): Hey Danny!
(F/N)'s voice greets them. They look behind Danny and see that (F/N) is there.
Danny: Hey, (F/N), what's going on?
(F/N): Well, I was doing a look around the school again and figured that since it was lunch, I should eat. That and I couldn't find anyone else since they all kept fainting for some reason.
Sam: *Sarcastically* Gee I wonder why?
Danny immediately moves to the near edge on his left.
Danny: Plenty of space.
(F/N): Awesome.
(F/N) sits down, taking a lunch bag out of her backpack. She takes out a sandwich from it and starts eating it as she then notices Sam, Danny and Tucker staring at her.
(F/N): *Gulps her food* What?
Tucker: I gotta say this, those are some amazing cheekbones.
Danny: Are they real?
(F/N): Uh yeah they are.
Sam: Aside from that, how can they not see your "costume" for your-
(F/N): Real looks?
Sam: Exactly!
(F/N): Please, people will believe anything you say to them.
Tucker: She's not wrong there.
Danny: So what do you like to do for fun?
(F/N): Oh you know the usual, eating pizza, kiwi fudge, killing stray ghosts and demons, that kind of stuff.
Danny: *Gulps in fear* Killing ghosts?
(F/N): Only the stray ones.
Sam and Tucker got suspicious too about (F/N).
Tucker: And you hunt demons too?
(F/N): Yeah, like the ones from last week.
Tucker: So they weren't ghosts.
(F/N): Nope, from what I heard this place is supposed to be a hotbed for ghosts of all kinds.
Sam: Yeah that's Amitt Park for ya. But I gotta ask, what are you doing sitting here? You're a cheerleader, so why not sit with the others?
(F/N) looks over to the A-list's table. She quickly noticed the Latina girl looking with the jock, Dash. She saw the jock throwing a paper ball at a skinny redhead kid with glasses as his friends laughed at him.
(F/N) wasn't very fond of those who use their social status to get away with mocking others, hence why she doesn't act that way, when Paulina notices (F/N) looking her way, she blushes and looks the other way.
(F/N): No thank you. I like my new friends to be a little more human. *Smiles in Danny's direction. This gets a smile on Danny's face. Sam looks more annoyed than usual*
Out of nowhere, Danny is pushed out of his seat, causing Kim and the others to gasp.
Dash: Move it, loser! *pushed Danny off and sat next to (F/N)* Hey, babe. Name's Dash Baxter, star quarterback and-
(F/N): What the hell dude?! Not cool! Get off Danny's seat and apologize! *while pointing a finger at him. Dash only scoffs*
Dash: Please tell me you're joking?
This immediately caught everyone's attention. A cheerleader, one that was new to Casper High, is standing up to Dash for Danny Fenton's sake. Evern Sam and Tucker can't stop looking.
(F/N): No, I'm not. Don't tell me your brain is as flat as that haircut of yours?
Danny immediately bursts out a laugh at this. This does not please Dash at all, who then picks up Danny by the collar of his shirt.
Dash: Think that was funny? Let's see you laugh when-
Dash doesn't finish his threat, as a tail grabs him by the back of his jacket and pulls him away from Danny. It's (F/N), who then picks up Dash and slams him right through the table breaking it in half making jock wince in pain and then (F/N) glares in his eyes her clawed finger pointing in his terrified face as Dash saw (F/N)'s eyes were now red, filled with anger and range.
(F/N): *With red eyes* You even think about hurting him again and I'll do more than slam you through a table. Got it?
Dash slowly, with a look like he's going to cry, nods.
(F/N): *Immediately adopts a friendly look* *Eyes turns back normal* Thanks. Now get the hell outta my sight.
Dash scrambled and got up as he ran away as
Everyone in the entire cafeteria stares at what (F/N) just did. The A-listers are completely baffled that a cheerleader would beat up a quarterback to defend a nobody like Danny Fenton.
The main trio themselves are in awe, even Sam, who was the most unfriendly of them.
Tucker and Danny: *In his head* This girl is awesome!
Sam: *In her head* I'm suddenly too afraid to be confrontational with her.
Later after the other classes we see (F/N) and Danny packing up for home.
(F/N): So any ghost activity tonight?
Danny: Nope, I hope not.
(F/N): That's a relief, so what do you guys usually do after school?
Danny: Well, we usually-
Mr. Lancer: Miss Angelo!
The four look back and see him standing there, looking unpleasant.
Mr. Lancer: Come with me!
(F/N): If I want to live?
Mr. Lancer: *Face palms* No, just come with me.
We later see (F/N) and Danny in Principal Ishiyama's office, she sits at her desk, with Mr. Lancer at her side and Dash Baxter, looking smug, on her other side. Danny and Kim are there together. Though he said he wanted (F/N), Lancer allowed Danny to come with her.
Mr. Lancer: Miss Angelo, we can't allow your actions today to go unpunished.
(F/N): Excuse me, that brute was harassing me and my friend and you're giving me trouble? *points to Dash* He's the one who-
Mr. Lancer: Threw the winning touchdowns in the past few games this year that makes him exempt from scorn.
(F/N): What?!
Ishiyama: Miss Angelo, we're afraid, new student or not, we're going to have to report this.
(F/N): Really? *looks at Danny* Danny, can I see your arm?
Danny: Huh? *Suddenly, realization hits him* Oh!
Danny walks up to (F/N) and shows Danny's arm, as she showed, on his left elbow, a scrape.
(F/N): Danny got this from Dash pushing him off his seat. And you're willing to let Dash be exempt from this?
Ishiyama: Well…
(F/N): Like I said before, I'm a lawyer, I have contacts with all sorts of people. The government, anti-bullying movements, doctors, state senators…
Mr. Lancer: Miss Angelo-
(F/N): I could have Danny come to them and talk about how Casper High's faculty turns a blind eye to bullying that's physically harming him and the other students... unless I see you actually punish Dash for what he did. Let's see you deal with that kind of publicity. *crosses her arms and gives a confident grin for good measure*
Both the principal and Lancer immediately look concerned as they share exchanges that make them realize how bad the fallout could be.
Mr. Lancer: I.. see your point. Dash Baxter.. *Dash immediately looks surprised by this* You're going to have detention for a week.
Dash: What?!
Ishiyama: I'm afraid Miss Angelo is right… We've been getting complaints about you for the whole year anyway.
Dash gets angry and glares at Danny.
Dash: This is your fault, Fenturd! *storms to Danny and raises a fist*
Danny takes a step back but is saved when (F/N) gets in and puts Dash in an armlock.
(F/N): *While having Dash in an arm lock* What did I say earlier?
Dash: I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
(F/N) lets go of his arm.
(F/N): Come on, Danny. We're leaving.
(F/N) takes Danny by the wrist and they leave the office. During this time, Danny has his eyes on (F/N).
Danny couldn't believe it, a cheerleader who looks like a demon and doesn't like Dash and is against bullying who wants to be his friend.
Danny: *In his head* Man this is awesome, never had a person this protective.
(F/N): Danny you there?
Danny: Huh?
(F/N): I asked you where did Sam and Tucker go? You said you guys go somewhere after school?
Danny: Oh, they probably went to the Nasty Burger.
(F/N): Nasty Burger?
Danny: Don't let the name fool you. It's actually a great place.
They come to the restaurant that Danny was talking about.
(F/N): Huh, I like the retro look.
Danny: You know. It was supposed to be the Tasty Burger, but someone stole the T and put up the N. The owners just went with it.
(F/N): That sounds very lazy.
Danny: *chuckles* Yeah, come on, let's find my friends.
They both enter and look around. It was at this moment, (F/N) noticed most of the patrons were teenagers. She figured this was a popular hangout for teens. She also noticed so many were quiet and staring at them.
(F/N): I don't see them, Danny.
Danny: Huh… Guess they got tired of waiting.
Danny figured now is a good time to spend time with (F/N) without any interference and to make up for being quiet last night and not conversing with her.
Danny: So, since we're here, want to try a burger?
(F/N): *Shrugs* Sure, why not?
Unknownst to them, Sam and Tucker haven't left. They're outside, on the other side of the street, with Sam looking in with binoculars.
Tucker: This feels wrong, Sam.
Sam: How is this wrong? *Without looking at him*
Tucker: I mean, this girl's not dangerous.
Sam: Not dangerous? She slammed Dash through a table like it was nothing for her, and she killed all those ghosts last week. and worst of all she's a cheerleader, Tucker!
Tucker: Yeah... but so far she hasn't shown us she's obsessed with zapping ghosts, or zapping Danny.
Sam: For all we know, that's going to change!
Tucker: But that's not just it. We're kind of committing a crime here and invading Danny's privacy.
Sam: It's for his own good!
Danny and (F/N) enjoy their burgers, not paying attention to prying eyes.
Danny: So, (F/N)? How's the burger?
(F/N): *While eating* Mm, not bad! This is really good.
Danny: So uh, (F/N) I have to ask, what exactly are you?
(F/N): Mm, *gulps her food down* Well if you really wanna know, I'm a cambion, half human, half demon.
Danny: A demon? Like a real demon?
(F/N): Yeah, uh well technically I'm a quarter demon like my cousin.
Danny: Gotcha. So how did you get your star powers?
(F/N): Oh easy, cosmic radiation. I wanted to see if half demons like me can survive in space and it turns out I was right but I accidentally got caught in a belt of cosmic energy and well star powers.
Danny: Wow, that sounds incredibly reckless.
(F/N): Yeah, but you know what they say, last on Earth, First in heaven.
Danny: Too true. So you got a place to live?
(F/N): Yeah, but it's not what you call a home sweet home. It's old, abandoned, and I think it's gonna fall on me someday. But hey, it's… fine.
Danny: And by "fine" you mean very horrible.
(F/N): Pretty much, it kind of sucks but like it's not that bad, I'm living rent free, alone, with no one else.
Danny felt bad about (F/N), she was practically homeless. Unknownst to them, Sam and Tucker heard this too, and Tucker felt a bit bad and even Sam.
Tucker: Dang, poor (F/N).
Sam: Yeah, she lives alone and now she's gonna be homeless.
With (F/N) and Danny, we see Danny thinking and then gets an idea.
Danny: Wait, why don't you live with me?
(F/N): What?
With Sam and Tucker.
Sam and Tucker: What?!
Sam: Is he nuts?!
Back with (F/N).
(F/N): Woah, D are you sure? I don't wanna intrude.
Danny: Trust me, it'll be fine plus you'll have a roof over your head.
(F/N): True, thanks Danny.
Danny: Anytime.
As the duo walked out of Nasty Burger we see Sam was seething with rage as Tucker backed up for his own safety.
Tucker: Sam careful you might-
Sam then breaks the binoculars out of anger.
Tucker: Break that…
Sam: I can't believe it!
Tucker: I can't either. Man, Danny is lucky.
Sam: Not the point, he's letting a cheerleader live with him! And the next thing you know they'll be dating.
Tucker: Oh come on Sam, it doesn't look like (F/N) has any interest in Danny.
Sam: Yeah right, maybe it's for something more valuable.
Tucker: Well you believe what you want. *Checks the time* Oh man it's getting late.
Sam: Fine, but we're not finished. *In her head* Don't worry Danny, that cheerleader will be out of your house soon.
Meanwhile, with Danny and (F/N) we see the duo walking home and talking.
(F/N): So those two started two separate protests about what food group is better?
Danny: Yep, sometimes a double life is hard.
(F/N): Yeah, what I don't get is why Lancer didn't get into trouble.
Danny: He's a teacher.
(F/N): A teacher who was at that secret meat buffet in the teacher's lounge. I swear those teachers always get their jollies making our lives harder than they already are.
Danny: I know right, but hey what are you gonna do?
(F/N): Heh, yeah.
As the duo were walking, (F/N) looked over and saw Paulina, with a shopping bag crossing the street unaware that a car was coming fast.
(F/N): *In her head* Crap!
(F/N) then used her flash step power and immediately grabbed Paulina and pulled her out of the way.
Paulina: *Gets pulled back* Woah! What are you-
Paulina was cut off when she saw the car zoomed past her and saw it was (F/N) that pulled her out of the way from the reckless driver.
(F/N): *Shouts to the car* Get some glasses you prick! *Sighs* Some people…
Paulina: A-Angelo… you saved my life!
(F/N): Your welcome, just be glad you didn't become the street pizza. It's the worst kind of pizza, next to pineapple. *Shudders in disgust*.
Paulina: *Giggles* Heh… yeah… uh, um *sees Star walking by* Uh I mean get away you walking tomato! Keep your looser cooties away from me! *Sees Star walking off and makes sure she doesn't listen* Phew, Thank you again and sorry about that I didn't-
(F/N): It's cool, totally understandable. *Ruffles Paulina's hair and hugs her* Just be careful next time okay?
Paulina was a bit surprised by this sudden affection, no guy or girl in this case would have done something so selfless for someone so spoiled and shallow like herself as she hugged back.
Paulina: I will. Thanks for the save.
(F/N): Anytime.
Paulina then picks up her bag and walks off as Danny goes to (F/N).
Danny: Wow, (F/N) that was amazing! How did you-
(F/N): It's a power that I have, it's called flash step. It's the ability to use bursts of speed to move faster than the eye can track, making it seem as if one has teleported.
Danny: Well gotta say that's impressive. Still you did a good thing saving Paulina back there, if you didn't she would have been street meat.
(F/N): Yeah she would have.
Danny: Heh, yeah. Come on, let's get home.
Just as Danny was walking, (F/N) got the same scent she smelled the first time she met Danny Phantom and hit her.
(F/N): *In her head* He's the Phantom.
(F/N) pricked her finger as it dripped some blood as Danny hit an invisible wall.
Danny: Oof! What the?!
(F/N): You're not going anywhere.
Danny: (F/N)... What are you doing?!
(F/N): Nothing much, but it looks like I caught my target.
Danny: Your target? Wait, you work for Ravager?
(F/N): *Chuckles* I don't work for Ravager.
(F/N) then snaps her fingers as the vega mask reappears on her face as Danny was shocked by this.
(F/N): I am Ravager!
Danny: Well since we're sharing secrets, I'm going ghost!
Danny then transformed into his ghost form as he went intangibile and tried to phase through only for (F/N) grab him, while he was intangibile, and slam him against the invisible wall.
Danny: Wha- how did-
(F/N): Nice try, your little phase through trick doesn't work on me.
Danny: Well let's see if you prepared for this.
Danny went invisible as he tried to sneak attack (F/N) only to be grabbed by (F/N) the neck by her tail.
(F/N): I can smell you Danny, you didn't think that was gonna work did you?
Danny: *Struggles* Kind… of..
(F/N): If I let you go, do you promise to stay here? Because if you don't I will hunt you down.
The ghost boy didn't doubt his words and so nodded, he felt the constriction around him loosen and let him go. He gave a big breath, he didn't naturally breathe in this form but it felt familiar to him, it was comforting to use his lungs to speak and communicate.
Danny: Thanks…
(F/N): Anytime. Now I'm not gonna hurt you, I just wanna ask you some questions.
Danny: Alright, but before you do, how come I can't leave? What did you do??
(F/N): It's called a ward, jeez you really are dumb for a ghost. Every demon and quite a few humans can cast wards. It keeps things you want in or out depending on the ward cast and the strength depends on your own power and sometimes a sacrifice. In this case, my blood. Which by the way, is another one of the two most powerful sealing or opening factors in the demonic realm so don't even think about escaping.
Danny blinked, this was something that he wasn't expecting (F/N), he had a slight feeling that he was in way way over his head or possibly getting killed.
Danny: So uh... what questions do you have?
(F/N): How did you die? Or are you a manifestation?
Danny: I was electrocuted.
it wasn't something that Danny liked to think about all that much, because in all reality he had died that day, but at the same time he hadn't. His human form was alive, his ghost side wasn't, he traversed the line between life and death on a daily basis and he did the best he could not to think about it most of the time.
(F/N): Hm, alright, Why do you haunt the school?
Danny: Why...what? *tilted an eyebrow* What are you talking about?
(F/N): Most sightings of you, in fact the vast majority, are at the high school, what is your attachment to that place? Did you die there?
Danny: No, I died at home! *bit his lip*
Danny wasn't ready for the bombardment of strange questions and it made him say something that he didn't mean to come out.
(F/N): You died at home? Then why do you haunt the school?
Danny: I don't "haunt" anything. *crossing his legs and floating in midair with ease*
(F/N): Then explain why you're seen around the school so much.
Danny: It's where the other ghosts like to attack, I defend the town from other ghosts, shouldn't that have been obvious earlier?"
(F/N) paused, thinking through her own idiocy at not catching that fact and pressed onward, decidedly ignoring it.
(F/N): But I don't understand why though, your a spirit, why protect humans?
Danny: *Softly* Because they're not strong enough to protect themselves.
(F/N) felt her eyes widen, that's what Dante always said to him and Nero and that was what she often found herself thinking.
Danny: And besides, you protected a human just a moment ago.
(F/N): Touche.
Danny: But let me ask you this, what kind of demon are you?
(F/N) was a bit hesitant but he answered her questions so it was only fair if he answered his.
(F/N): I'm of Sparda's bloodline.
Danny: Huh?
(F/N) looked surprised, who in the supernatural community didn't know of Sparda and his bloodline?
(F/N): Oh come on, you know Sparda...? The Traitor? The Legendary Dark Knight?
Danny: *With a grin* Batman?
(F/N): Oh for the love of- What kind of ghost are you? You don't know about the demon Sparda?
Danny: Nope. *Shrugged*
Danny was pretty sure that (F/N) was just making things up to waste his time but there was an honest edge to the other teen's voice that couldn't be ignored. And then something clicked in his head.
Danny: Wait, you just said that Sparda's a demon and you're of his bloodline... then…
(F/N): I'm his granddaughter, and like I said before a quarter devil, what are you, you're not your average, run of the mill kind of ghost, I can feel it in your aura.
Danny: My aura?
(F/N): Yes. Your presence, the feeling of your power, I felt it the first time we met and at school. Now don't avoid the question.
Danny: I was in an accident a couple years ago, now my powers are stronger and a little different. Are your powers like that too?
(F/N): Eh, kind of, the more I trained the stronger I got, to the point where I could take over the world if I wanted to. But that's too much work.
Danny: Fair enough. So can you let me go now?
(F/N): Sure, *snaps her fingers making the ward go away* Sorry about the harshness, just wanted to get some answers.
Danny: It's cool.
(F/N): Hang on, *Shoots an energy blast at Danny and heals him* There.
Danny: Woah what did you-
(F/N): Healing beam, really comes in handy.
Danny: Huh, thanks.
(F/N): Anytime.
We later see the duo arrive at Fenton works, aka Danny's home as they went inside.
Danny: Mom, Dad I'm home and I bought a friend over.
(F/N) then looked to see it was them, Maddie, Jack and Jazz.
(F/N): *In her head* Must be his family.
Maddie: Danny your back, *sees (F/N)* Oh and… who's your… new friend?
Jack: *Comes on screen* Is she your new girlfriend?
Danny: *Blushes* No! No, No, No, No, she isn't, this is (F/N), she's new in town.
(F/N): Hi there Mr and Mrs. Fenton.
Jazz: The foreign exchange student from Italy? I gotta ask, why do you have red skin? And horns, and a tail? And why are you wearing a suit?
(F/N): Uh…
Maddie: Jasmine don't be rude, (F/N) is our guest.
(F/N): Actually um, Mrs. Fenton I wanted to ask something.
Jack: What is it?
(F/N) then explained the situation about how she's homeless and nowhere else to go which shocked the Fenton family, especially Jazz.
Jazz: *Hugs (F/N)* Oh you poor thing! Don't worry you can always live with us.
(F/N): *Squished* Really?
Maddie: Of course, you don't deserve to be homeless, even if you look like a demon from heck.
Jack: Plus I can blabber about ghosts with you.
Jazz: Dad! (F/N) clearly doesn't want to talk about ghosts, because she's-
(F/N): It's okay Jazz, I don't mind at all. Plus I don't really have to cope with the trauma of being homeless because I've dealt with it beforehand.
Jazz: *Surprised* How did you know that?
(F/N): I took a psychology class and aced it.
Jazz: *In her head* She's a psychologist too? Lucky. *Outloud* Wow, that's amazing.
(F/N): Thanks, I had a lot of free time and money was tight sooo I had to do something to get food on the table.
Danny: So can she stay?
Jack: Of course, the Fentons never leave the homeless outside even if they do look like a demon ghost.
(F/N): Thanks, *Brief pause* I think.
Soon we see (F/N) in her guest bedroom which was between Danny's room and Jazz's room.
(F/N): Well it's better than being that rathole of a home *Yawns* time to get some shut eye.
We then see (F/N) take her two tailed suit off as she goes to bed and the camera fades to black.
Next: Chapter 3: Sparda Cheerleader.
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