OVA 3 Secrets Reveal
No one's POV
The moon hung high above the Hestia Familia Home, HearthFire Mansion. Back from the Dungeon, everyone had finished eating dinner together. Now they were taking turns going to Hestia's room to receive Status update. It was Lili's turn. She was a bit nervous to see how much her own excelia would be reduced, now that Haruhime had joined the Familia, and exposed her back.
Hestia: Okay, all done.
Sitting topless in a chair, Lili pulled her shirt back over her head as Hestia wrote down her updated Status on a piece of paper. Lili looked at the details that her Goddess had translated into Koine, the common language of Orario.
Liliruka Arde Level 1:
STR: I 81
VTL: H 123-> 124
DEX: G232-> 236
AGL: F383->388
MAG: E402-> 404
• Cinder Ella: Shape shifting Magic. Target will take the envisioned shape at the time of the spell. Will fail without clear image. Imitation is recommend. (Spell Chant: Your scars are mine. My scars are mine.)(Release spell: Stroke of midnight's bell.)
・Artel Assist: Activates automatically when weight carried exceed certain level. Amount of assistance is proportional to weight carried.
Lili: Haaaaaah....
A long, slow breath of disappointment escaped Lili's lips. One look at the growth of her basic abilities was disheartening.
Lili(mind): Didn't think half a year's worth of saving would be enough to level up, though. My status has hardly changed at all.
Hestia: I get that it can be frustrating, but you have to be patient.
Lili: I know. That's just one of the downsides of being a supporter. Our growth is a lot slower compared to other adventurers. I'll go catch up with Master Bell and the others.
Lili then left the room and everyone met up in the living room. Welf and her other allies were gathered in a happy circle, excitedly discussing and comparing the statuses written on the paper. After everyone had gotten their turn, Lili spoke up.
Lili: Say no if you want, but could I check out everyone's statuses?
Welf: Sure, look all you want.
Mikoto: Of course, I don't mind.
Haruhime: This is what mine looks like.
Rin: Here you go.
Sora: There you go...
Sora, Rin, Welf, Mikoto, and Haruhime each passed their papers over to her.
Welf Crozzo Level 2:
STR: I 67->70
VTL: I 50->53
DEX: I 78-> 82
AGL: I 36-> 38
MAG: I 57-> 61
Forge: I
Mikoto Yamato Level 2:
STR: H 133-> 134
VTL: H 129->130
DEX: H178-> 181
AGL: H162-> 167
MAG: I84
Immunity: I
Haruhime Sanjouno Level 1:
STR: I 8->9
VTL: I 32
DEX: I 15
AGL: I 23-> 26
MAG: E403-> 405
Rin Azumi Level 4:
STR: I 0-> 7
VTL: I0-> 5
DEX: I 0->10
AGL: I0-> 12
MAG: I0-> 15
Abnormal Resistance: I
Spirit Healing: H
Fire Magic:
•Fireball: release a massive ball of fire
•Red Carpet: a shield of barrier mad out of flame
•Fire Arrow: a multiple barrage of fire attack
•Flame Lance: a fame attack like a spear
Wind Magic:
•Thunder: Offensive Lightning magic
•Sword of the Lightning God: A Sword Made Out Of Pure Electricity
•Railgun:A Beam Of Lightning
•Aero Armor: A wind wall Defense magic
•Air Hammer: feels like a massive wind gush
•Dust Whirlwind
Earth Magic:
•Stone Bullet: turn some rocks into multiples bullet and fire them at high speed
Water Magic:
•Water Crusher: A massive wave of water that could swallow the opponent
•Freezing Ice Lance: A barrage of shot made out of ice.
•Minor Heal: Used to heal minor injuries, but cannot cure anyone suffering from poison or restore lost vitality.
•Protection: Allows Priestess to create a magical barrier that shields her (and her party members) from attacks and projectiles.
•Fairy Anthem: Fairy Anthem increases the effects of users magic, increases attack range, and increases the power of the magic by a large amount based on the chant length.
•Abnormal Resistance: Abnormal Resistance negates the effect of abnormalities such as poison.
•Spirit Healing: Spirit Healing automatically begins regenerating users mind at a low rate after using magic.
•Instant cast: No need for casting.
Sora Yatagami Level 7:
STR: H125->127
VTL: I50-> 53
DEX: I65-> 67
AGL: G250-> 255
MAG: I40-> 48
Divine Luck: H
Swordsman: G
Regeneration: E
Immunity: G
Lightning Magic: Can generate blue lightning on his weapon.
Lightning manipulation: Sora is capable of manipulating electricity and lightning energy.
Electrical resistance: Sora is immune to electrical based attacks.
Lightning form: Sora is capable of entering a lightning form, in which he physically becomes lightning.
Shocking: Sora can release extreme voltage, causing extreme damage to living beings and even incinerating objects.
Electric aura: Sora is capable of surrounding himself with an electrical aura
GodSpeed: Envelop its users in blue lightning to increase their speed.
Regeneration: Able to heal any Physical injuries.
Flashing Strike: Can move faster than a speed of sound in the sky to create Sonic boom.
Divine luck: Very Lucky.
Charge: Can charge up its attack and make it powerful.
Burst Power: Can become stronger and increased its stats much faster.
Aero Mana: Aero mana increases attack power the faster the users become.
One For All (Full Cowl): Full Cowl gives the users much greater reflexes, maneuverability, and enhanced strength. His increased mobility allows him to scale buildings with ease and clear large jumps.
Infinite Mana
Lili(mind): A raise of 10 points across the board at best. I suppose this is an average growth pace. But for Master Sora a total growth of 20 for a Level 7? That's a lot, when all we do is went to the middle floors. And Lady Rin could have more than 3 spells, when she doesn't even have the "Mage" Ability? And Master Bell...
Seeing that her level of growth was par for the course, she passed her own sheet around the circle. Once everyone had seen Lili's, all eyes fell on the boy who came in last. Feeling the pressure from being the center of attention, Bell became flustered. Scratching his head with his left hand, he didn't put up a fuss and slid his own paper into the center of the circle.
Bell Cranel Level 3:
STR: F337-> 391
VTL: F389->396
DEX: F377-> 392
AGL: D583-> 594
MAG: F352-> 360
Luck: H
Immunity: I
No one could say a word as they stared at Bell's status. His basic abilities had improved by over 50 points each. Of course, Bell was at a higher level. Syill, he had improved more than any of them.
Lili(mind): I'll get to Master Bell later... But first...
Lili then looked at Sora and Rin.
Lili: Master Sora, Lady Rin... May I ask you both something...
Rin: Sure go on ahead...
Lili: Well for Master Sora, his status improve a total of 20. That's a lot for a level 7 when all we do is went to the middle floors...?
Sora: Oh that... That's because of this...
Sora then point a certain skill and everyone saw it.
Haruhime: Burst Power?
Sora: It help me grows faster, the more I faced a stronger opponent. Everything is doubled... For example, if you fought a minotaur and your stats increase by a total of 10... well for me you doubled it and it will increase by 20 instead.
Everyone looked at him in awe as Sora got himself a rare skill. Its also explain why Sora could become level 6 in just 1 and a half year.
Sora: But sadly, it also had a downside.
Welf: A downside?
Sora: Yes. I could only rank up, if all of my abilities is rank S or higher. So the more higher my level is, the harder it is to get a rank up...
Lili: I see... That explain the growth... And for you Lady Rin...
Rin: Yes what is it...?
Lili: You don't have the skill of a Mage, but how could you have many types of spell?
There's a limit to the amount of spells someone could learn. Each status had exactly three spell slots. That meant that even the most skilled mages could learn a maximum of only 3 types of Magic. So how could Rin, who doesn't even had the Mage ability had this many type of spell? Rin looked unsure for awhile as all eyes other than Hestia and Sora were on her. She glance at Sora for awhile asking confirmation if she should tell them and Sora spoke up.
Sora: Alright... I'll tell you guys... But you guys have to promise not to tell anyone about this...
Everyone nodded their head. Promise not to ever tell anyone.
Sora: Rin actually only has one spell...
Everyone: Eh?
They were clearly confused by what Sora just told them. No matter how many times you look at it. It clearly shows that Rin had multiple types of spell.
Sora: Goddess, can you please update Rin's status one more time. But, this time, you don't need to hide 'that'.
Eceryone: 'That'?
Hestia: Are you sure about this? The first time when you told me to update her status, you told me to hide the skill, if anything ever happens...?
Sora: Its fine... They deserve to know...
Hestia: Alright... Well Rin...
Rin: Then I'll be right back...
Rin and Hestia step away for a minute so she could get her status update for another time and after a few minutes, they both came back and Rin put her status paper at the table and everyone saw her spell.
Rin Azumi Level 4:
-4 Heavenly spirit Magic (Elemental Magic): Its an Imagination Magic. The effect depends on the image at the time of activation. The stronger the imagination, the stronger the spell become. The more imaginative the user envisioned shape, the more magic she could use. Will fail without clear image. Imitation is recommend. Current Magic she could use:
-Fire Magic:
•Fireball: release a massive ball of fire
•Red Carpet: a shield of barrier mad out of flame
•Fire Arrow: a multiple barrage of fire attack
•Flame Lance: a fame attack like a spear
-Wind Magic:
•Thunder: Offensive Lightning magic
•Sword of the Lightning God: A Sword Made Out Of Pure Electricity
•Railgun:A Beam Of Lightning
•Aero Armor: A wind wall Defense magic
•Air Hammer: feels like a massive wind gush
•Dust Whirlwind
-Earth Magic:
•Stone Bullet: turn some rocks into multiples bullet and fire them at high speed
-Water Magic:
•Water Crusher: A massive wave of water that could swallow the opponent
•Freezing Ice Lance: A barrage of shot made out of ice.
•Minor Heal: Used to heal minor injuries, but cannot cure anyone suffering from poison or restore lost vitality.
•Protection: Allows Priestess to create a magical barrier that shields her (and her party members) from attacks and projectiles.
• 4 Heavenly Spirit Protection: It increase the effect of Magic dramatically. Reduce Magic power consumption. Abnormal condition resistance.
•Fairy Anthem: Fairy Anthem increases the effects of users magic, increases attack range, and increases the power of the magic by a large amount based on the chant length.
•Abnormal Resistance: Abnormal Resistance negates the effect of abnormalities such as poison.
•Spirit Healing: Spirit Healing automatically begins regenerating users mind at a low rate after using magic.
•Instant cast: No need for casting.
Everyone looked at the skill in awe. 4 Heavenly Spirit(Magic and Protection). A rare skill that borrowed the strength of the spirit to increase the strength of each spells. Allowing the user to have more than 3 types of Magic. And with the help of an ability called 'Instant Cast', Rin could basically be even stronger than the High Elf Queen Riveria and Asuna in terms of spell.
Rin: So yeah. Sorry for hiding this to you all. Is because that if people ever finds out about this. More and more Familia would be fanatic in obtaining me.
Sora: Especially the Gods. They really want to seek enjoyment... So it would be nice if everyone here could hide this spell and abilities for her.
Mikoto: I see. Then your secrets is safe with me...
Welf: Yeah, there's no way I would tell anyone about a rare skill like this.
Lili: I owe Lady Rin a lot for always helping me on the rear. So there's no way I would expose her to danger.
Haruhime: I may not know Lady Rin as much as you, Master Sora. But I know that Lady Rin is someone you cherish deeply, so there's no way I would tell anyone else...
Hestia: Well you already know my answer, Sora!
Both Sora and Rin all smile at them. And Sora turned his head towards the person who cannot keep a secret. Bell quickly flustered, by already understanding the stare of the person staring at him.
Sora: Bell! I'm trusting you not to tell anybody...
Bell: Y-Yes...
Rin: Everyone... Thank you... And thank you, Sora...
Sora smile at her and bring his fist forwards.
Sora: I'll always have your back! Whenever... Wherever!
Rin smile with a small blush on her face and bring her fist towards Sora's fist and the two of them fist bump and everyone else just look at them and smile.
Rin: And I'll always have yours...
The rest just smile at the duo. At Azbaya, both Sora and Rin were known as 'the young energetic duo'. The both of them were practically best friend. And almost never hide anything from each other. That's just shows the strong bond between Sora and Rin.
Lili: Okay... That explain the doubts that I'm having. Now finally, Master Bell... Your Status gained over 50 each.
Welf: Yeah, seriously, what's up with that?
Bell: Heh, I don't really know myself...
Welf held the piece of paper in his hand and pressed the issue. Judging by the white-haired boy's reaction, he really had no idea. Other than Sora, each of them had thought it a bit mysterious whenever the topic of Bell's unusually fast growth came up, and today they were united with curiosity.
Lili: It's seems more like a special ability at work rather than just your natural skills and capabilities.
Making sure that Bell and Welf couldn't hear, Lili quietly whispered to Sora, Rin, Mikoto, Haruhime, and Hestia, looking at them out of the corner of her eyes. Hestia closed her eyes, while glancing towards Sora, asking for his help, but Sora could only stay quiet. A bead of sweat rolled down their cheeks. Lili rolled her eyes at Hestia before making brief eye contact with every other member of the Familia except Bell. Her intent was simple: "Today, we found out the truth."
Welf: It's getting late. We better start getting cleaned up. Bell, you can go first.
Welf made the first move.
Bell: I showered after we left the Dungeon at Babel, though.
Mikoto: But I already prepared the bath tonight. It would be a waste not to enjoy it, Sir Bell.
Mikoto's words made Bell fell a twinge of guilt. Hestia stepped in to try and protect him, but Lili's sharp glare stopped her in her tracks. Hestia tried making eye contact with Sora, asking him to help her, but Rin was smiling at Sora, and she was also releasing a very suffocating aura that make Sora gulp.
Sora(mind): I'm sorry, Goddess. I don't want to die yet.
Bell: Are you sure you want me going in there first? Why don't you join me, Sora, Welf?
Welf: I've got some blacksmith errands to deal with first.
Rin: Sora is helping me in practicing Magic control tonight.
Mikoto: I have to prepare tomorrow's breakfast.
Haruhime: I-I have to groom my tail fur...
Welf, Rin, and Mikoto's excuses rolled off their tongue, almost as if they had planned them. Without missing a beat, each of them left the circle with Rin pulling Sora away from them as well and started towards their destination. On the other hand, Haruhime was forced to improvise. As soon as she came up with something, Haruhime turned away from the circle.
Lili: Lili has something she need to talk about with Goddess Hestia.
Hestia: Ugh...
Bell: Well, okay, in that case.
Everyone plainly told Bell to go on ahead and he turned on his heel and left the living room. Everyone came back to the circle the moment the boy disappeared, and other than Sora, they all surrounded their Goddess.
Lili: Right, Goddess Hestia, Master Sora, now you both are going to tell us all about why Master's Bell's growth is so unusually quick. You both do know why, don't you? You both will tell us the truth this time, won't you?
Hestia was speechless as Lili stepped into the leadership role and began questioning them. She was practically hiding behind Sora, begging him to save her, but Rin's signature glare stop Sora on his tracks as even more sweat rolled down their face.
Hestia: Wh-Whoa! Don't look at me like that, Miss Supporter. You're scary when you get serious!
Sora: *Sigh* I guess you're right. It's not fair to keeps secrets between Familia members. Okay, we'll tell you. But, anything we said, stays in this room, got it!!
Both Sora and Hestia started telling them about Bell's abilities that even surpasses Sora's Burst Power.
Lili: Liaris Freese?
Lili's soft, stunned voice echoed Sora's and Hestia's explanation about Bell's skill, Liaris Fresses. Everyone was understandably shocked by a Rare Skill that could influenced the rate of an adventurer's growth. But even more so, the finer details of the Skill that left them speechless.
Welf: Fast growth?
Mikoto: As long as he continues being intensely passionate about a certain thing?
Haruhime: The more intensely he becomes passionate about something, the stronger its affect?
The skill was directly influenced by the feelings lurking within the boy's heart. Those feelings, his feelings for Aiz, and his feeling for becoming a better Hero than Sora, had become the driving force behind his unbelievably fast ascension to the upper ranks adventurers.
Rin: So basically, he's growing at a crazy fast pace, was so he could become a better Hero than Sora, and stand ground with his crush, Aiz Wallenstein?
Everyone in this room know the achievement that Sora attained. On how he saved Orario from the Great Feud, saving Azbaya 6 years ago from a twin headed dragon who is on par with a Level 7, ending the Dark Era of Orario. On how he unleashed an arrow of lightning against the One Eyed Black Dragon, allowing them to escaped. He was received the title Hero, by a lot of Gods and Goddesses and people. That's why people called Sora to be the strongest adventurer in the entire world.
Hestia: C-Crush?! Well I guess that's true that he wanted to become a better Hero than Sora. But Sora here always supports him with Bell relation with that Wallenwhatsit!
Sora: Your blaming me now! My goal has always been to find a successor that can become a better Hero than I am. After 15 years of searching, there's no way I'm giving him up that easily!
Haruhime: The person Master Bell has his heart set on.
Rin was confirming that she understood Liaris Freese correctly after Hestia and Sora fell silent. Meanwhile, Haruhime and Lili couldn't hide how jarred they were by the revelation. Bell Cranel was more than just interested in Aiz Wallenstien. The fact took all the wind out their sails.
Lili(mind): I knew he was pushing himself towards some kind of objective, but this... I guess its fine for the Hero part... But...
Even when Lili first met him, she knew there had to be something behind his motivation to work so hard in the Dungeon, that there was some goal. However, to think that his goal had been to catch up to that famous woman, the Sword Princess. Considering his age, it wasn't all that strange for him to harbor affection for someone of the opposite gender, but knowing about how he and Aiz had met, with her saving him from a Minotaur, was making Lili's chestnut-colored eyes tremble.
Mikoto: And you both haven't told Sir Bell any of this?
Sora: He's terrible at keeping secrets after all. Even I'm already regret telling him about Rin's rare skill. If anyone started snooping around about his Rare Skill, he'd spill the bean straightaway.
Hestia: That's why it's best he doesn't know anything about his skill. Besides, I can't stand the idea of him having feeling for that Wallenwhatsit!
Sora, Mikoto, and Hestia's conversation passed right through Lili's ears. It was as though her spirit was disconnected from her body. All sort of thought and emotions coursed through her heart, but her arms and legs stayed unnaturally still. Her heart was ripping through he modest chest.
Lili: Lady Hestia, c-can you accept this?
Even as she stuttered, she questioned her goddess. She knew that Hestia had feelings for Bell that went beyond a deity's love for her children. Would she allow this situation to continue? That was her question.
Hestia: Bell made the decision himself, he wanted to become a better Hero than Sora. And become stronger as well. I couldn't bring myself to stop him after seeing how desperate he was. And if you think I'm just going to let him get snatched up by that girl, then you've got another thing coming! He'll come around to me! That's why, Sora! You better stop encouraging him to be with that Wallenwhatsit!
Sora: Seriously! Why would I stop him, if he already decided that on his own?!
Sora(mind): I also hoped that it would get rid of the hatred inside Aiz herself.
Sora had other objective other than making Bell become stronger. He clearly do anything to bring Bell and Aiz together. Not to help Bell, but to help Aiz. Hestia couldn't douse her children's determination. Lili was taken aback by Hestia's words. Their Goddess's public declaration made Welf and the others lean away out of reflexes. At the same time Lili looked over at Haruhime.
Lili: Wh-What about you, Lady Haruhime...?
Haruhime brought her hand together above the billowing fabric of her chest.
Haruhime: I was just a mere harlot. I know I have no right to give my opinion on Master Bell's love life, but...
Haruhime: But if I could just be by his bedside as he sleeps, I...
Hestia: ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! THAT'S ENOUGH!!! You think I'd let you get your furry little hands on my Bell?!
Haruhime's face turned red as she unwittingly looses a bombshell into the circle. Hestia rose up, thundering with all her might that made Haruhime squealed, hiding her head behind Sora's shoulder.
Haruhime: Oh no! Please forgive my forwardness! Than I'll just sleep in Master Sora's bedside instead...
Rin: There's no way I'm letting you do that!!
Now it was Rin's turn to explode, while Sora's face was turning redder by the second when he heard what Haruhime said.
Welf: Goddess Hestia! Rin!!
Mikoto: Please, you both have to calm down!!
Sora: Why do I always get wrapped up in this kind of drama?!
While Hestia and Rin were trying to scold Haruhime who was hiding behind Sora, by hugging her arms and tail all over his body. Welf, Sora, and Mikoto were trying their best to calm the both of them down, and Lili was isolated in her own little world.
Lili: Master Bell has feeling for someone...
She never seriously thought that there was a chance she could be by his side, but the shocking news still cut deep. Lili was speechless that the boy's feeling were strong enough to create a Skill. She could only stand there, listless before returning to her room shortly and quietly.
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