I looked down almost immediately at the sound of his voice. That deep voice that got me feeling a lot of things. My plan of ignoring him was dropped or you could say, failed. I thought he ditched school but I guess I was wrong.
From the corner of my eyes, I coul feel his intense glare at the back of my head. Like he was looking through my life or soul. Creepy.
"Let's go guys!" Jules whined tugging unto Lin's arm. He chuckled and looked straight at me, from head to toe.
"You look amazing, babygirl!" Lin complimented. I smiled warmly at him pressing my small hands unto my bag.
"Thank you" I whispered. I wore a plain black jeans and a loose t-shirt that was super comfty. I thought it was stupid to wear it but Lin just proved me wrong.
A/n- The whole 7 chapters would be written in N A R R A T O R 'S P O V
They all decided to stop the chit chatting and go along for Lunch. They had already spent most of their time blabbering all about. Not all of them though, it was Lin and Jules doing the talking like always.
"Oh common guys! Please join our table." Lin begged showing off his irrestitable puppy dog eyes. The two girl looked amused and convinced.
"Okie!" Jules cheered clinging unto her tray of tomato soup. The funny girl had decided that she was going to start eating healthy from now onwards.
"So, tell me more about yourself, Ari." Lin spoke up biting a mouthful of his burger, the only thing that tasted good to him in the history of his school.
Ariana looked confused at first at why Lin wanted to know more about her. She didn't look or sound like someone you could be interested in.
"And why the hell are you asking her that?" A voice spoke. It wasn't Adrian voice or Jules. It was a very famiiar voice that got Ariana standing up to her 2 feets to hug the owner of the voice.
"Help me lord." Adrian muttered only to himself. His fist was clench together tightly at what he saw.
"Tom!!! What are you doing in my school?" She asked getting herself back togther. The cafeteria was quiet, they were all staring at the girl.
"Well,I emailed you last night that I had changed school last week to your school. So, here I am." He said glittering down at the girl with his (your choice of colours of eyes) down at the girl. Funny enough, she was the only girl he had seen that short.
"Princess, who is this?" Lin asked eying the tall, (Your choice of colour of hair) boy from head to toe suspiciously.
"So sorry! This is Tom, my friend at the bakery and Tom, this is Lin, my friend. This is Jules, my 3rd bestie and this is-" She trailed off, her eyes locked in those intense brown eyes of Adrian. Her mouth was hung open at that of a sea lion.
"Who?" Tom chuckled at the girl's facial expression. No-one like her could be more interesting to him, he thought.
"H-he's my friend." She mumbled but everyone heard it. A sting of hurt was plonged right straight at her heart when she heard Adrian scoffed. It wasn't a suprise to her. Maybe it's because I pecked his cheek. He thinks wrong of me. We were finally going to something. She thought, the line of her eyes were soaked with tears that was yet to wiggle down her cheek.
"Nice to meet you."Jules waved playing with the tip of her that were curled around her fingers while she looked at Tom. Not a lie, Tom was fairly handsome. He was taller than Ariana with a lot of inch but Adrian won the position of being taller than him. He had an olive skin that glitters when he was in water and talk less of his toned chest.
"Nice to meet you bro, but I warn ya, don't dare hug her like that again." Lin warned playfully shooting daggers at Tom who laughed.
"Tell that to her. She seem to be a big hugger here." He replied cheerfully. Adrian had his hands placed on his lap, on his pocket. The strong object safely inside his pocket as only dangerous thought swam in his mind. He was tempted to just bring out the gun and shoot it right at who claimed to be Ariana's friend.
"Okay. I'm changing questions. Tell me more about yourself, Tom." Lin questioned talking another bite from his burger.
"I'm Tom. I'm 17 years old and walk in the bakery of Ariana's mother. I have a dog and 1 cat. I love playing video games. Ariana is my girl, and we've been childhood friend since forever." He ended the short bio introuduction by kissing the top of Ariana's forehead.
"And who the fuck kisses thier childhood friend?!?!" Adrian blasted the question right at Tom's face. His jaw ticked and his eyes were dangerously looking at Tom like he could kill him right here and there. He was beyond mad. It was the first time he's talked since when Tom came in.
. Ariana is my girl, and we've been childhood friend since forever.
That word was what triggered his reaction. He couldn't just bear the thought of someone owning Ariana.
"Calm down, dude." Lin chuckled softly to himself seeing his friend worked out. It was very amusing to him but he knew why his reaction was like that. He was simply jealous.
"Fuck it! I'm out of here!" Adrian said taking his phone and car keys and jogging out of the building, Lin following him, leaving Jules, Tom, and Ariana. The atmostphere was hot with gossips as why Adrian was mad. Eyes and mouth doing thier work, looking at Adrian's table and at Tom, the new student.
"So,.. you're single?" Jules asked biting her lips, teasingly.
"Dude! What is your problem?!" Lin asked.
Adrian had a ciggarette between his lips watching the blue sky and the white cloud. The sky was his wall to get his mind of Ariana of you could guess but that didn't solve the anger that he had for Tom.
"Leave me alone!" He growled as his chest rumbled. He closed his eyes, with a shaky breath, he opened them back. The small smoke flying out of the cancer stick. He watched it with interest as it lit up and disappeared.
"Is it because of Tom?" His friend asked with a sigh. He knew it already that a place of hatred was already written on Adrian's heart. Oh! He forgot! He didn't have one when he killed those innoncent family this morning.
"I hate that name." He replied through gritted teeth.
Yup! That's right! He hate him alright!
"Guy, you were jealous weren't you?" Lin provoked more further. It was clear that Adrian needed some time alone but he didn't want to give him that peace he deserved.
"Will you shut the fuck up!? I wasn't! I'm never going to be jealous of that chick!" He snapped dropping the cigar and crunching it with his shoe.
"Oh really? Will you mind if I fuc-"
"Lay a single hand on her and I'll slice your d**k bit by bit!" A deadly threat was given. He couldn't even imagine the thought of it. His friend taking her innoncence. Never!
A satisfied smirk on Lin's lip, he said, "The devil's in love."
*Jay walks*
How was it my lovelies? Do you like it?
I do LIKE IT! If you ask me.
The possesivness, jealousy and arrogant behaviour!! Ahhhh I literally wish Adrian could marry me!
Question of the day!!
Is it bad that I have a crush on Adrian?
I'm going to start uploading more chapters if I'm free now onwards! I may/may not stick with my schedule!!!
P l e a s e
V o t e
A n d
C o m m e n t
S h a r e,
A n d
A d d
T o
Y o u r
R e a d i n g
L i s t
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