Interview with @OutOfMyLimit
Good day Dangerous Love Readers,
You all may know Kenadee, or better known as @OutOfMyLimit, from her wildly popular book ‘A year Agreement’.
JOHANNA: Kenadee welcome and thank you for allowing us the opportunity with an interview with you.
Please tell us a little about yourself and your background? Are you married? Do you have any children? What is your dayjob and how does it influence your writing?
KENADEE: I am 21 years old, from Nevada, and a full time student. I am not married or have any kids but hopefully one day. Right now I’m not working but I did work at a movie theater. And let me tell you it was such a crazy job!
JOHANNA: Mmmm that sounds interesting. You could watch movies at your heart's content. Hahaha I wouldn’t mind, they just have to throw in a bucket of popcorn. I could live on it. I swear I’m addicted to pop-corn❣
What are you studying?
KENADEE: I am studying to be an English Teacher, although recently I have thought about changing it to English Literature.
JOHANNA: I see on your profile that you are a twin, do you have a twin brother or a twin sister? And are you identical or fraternal twins?
KENADEE: Yes I am! I have a twin brother. He is 6 minutes older than me and we are fraternal.
JOHANNA: Oh my word that is so cute. When I read that you are a twin I did some research because there are some twins on my mom’s side of the family. We are six kids, me and my brother are the youngest. Between my brother and I, my mother was pregnant with twins twice, but unfortunately they were never born. There were no twins born of us kids and neither of the grandchildren had twins. Well, my kids are still young, so there might be a chance of twins there, hahaha… I hope. My daughter’s fiancé is a twin. So, I thought there might be a BIG chance of them having a twin one day because of him being a twin. But the research revealed that men don’t carry the genes of producing twins. But… I’m still hopeful❣
What is the difference between an identical and fraternal twin?
KENADEE: Fraternal is boy and girl. Identical is boyxboy, girlxgirl; and most of the time you can’t tell them apart. I kid you not, one person wanted to argue that we were identical!
JOHANNA: Really? I’m sure it’s possible to tell a boy and a girl apart. Hahaha, but maybe that’s just me.
Is it true that twins speak their own language before they learn a real language? Did you and your brother speak your own language?
KENADEE: My mom always tells stories about me and my brother talking in some language when we were younger. She said we would literally spend hours talking together, laughing and what not. Twins have a unique connection so I definitely believe ‘we’ have a secret language of our own.
JOHANNA: Wow, that is so awesome❣Tell us something interesting about you and your twin.
KENADEE: Well, for one I do sometimes feel what my brother does. It has to be something huge though. Like he once passed out and hit is head, cutting it open. I was sitting there and suddenly got a huge headache. Minutes later we got a call from his friend telling us what happened. Or he dislocated his shoulder and once in a while mine will hurt when his does.
Another thing is we have similar eyes! I have green eyes with a blue ring on the outside, and an orange/hazel in the middle. His are the opposite-blue eyes, green ring, and orange/hazel in the middle.
JOHANNA: Oh my gosh that is totally awesome❣I can just imagine a bond between twins, it must be amazing!
What is your favorite coffee shop and of course do you like coffee, meal and dessert?
KENADEE: Hmmm my favorite coffee shop is probably this place called Dutch Brothers in Vegas. It is closest to me and it has the best coffee! I normally get a frap of some sort there or Starbucks (I suggest the Green Tea frap at Starbucks!)
JOHANNA: Ooooh that sounds delicious. Being from South Africa Vegas is just some fantasy. Hahaha, so drinking coffee in Vegas sounds absolutely amazing. And… I must confess I am addicted to coffee.
Do you have any hobbies apart from reading and writing?
KENADEE: I like anything outdoors really. We have two dogs so we walk a lot, go hiking with them. I would say hiking is my favorite outdoors activity.
JOHANNA: Aaaauh I love doggies too, I have two as well. What are their names?
KENADEE: We have a rescue Redbone Coonhound named Tucker and a Goldendoodle named Miley.
JOHANNA: Ooooh a Redbone Coonhound is such a beautiful dog and friend of mine has a Goldendoodle named Igi. Such cute and lovable dogs.
What’s something you are really good at that few people know about?
KENADEE: Hm that is hard! I am good at gymnastics. I used to do it until I broke my arm.
JOHANNA: Aaah I’m sorry about that. I’m curious to know if your brother felt something when it happened?
KENADEE: He once did say he felt this sharp pain but it went away quickly. Ever since then I haven’t been hurt too bad so that he could feel it.
JOHANNA: Do you love music, what kind, what’s your favorite band/singer?
KENADEE: Oh man now this is hard. I am such an avid music fan and I listen to so many different types. I will literally go from Taylor Swift to Eminem. Currently though I am obsessed with Dan+Shay. They are amazing!
JOHANNA: What’s your favorite movie/s and series’s?
KENADEE: My all time favorite series is…Friends! Everyone knows this basically. I own all of them and I watch them about every single day. I will literally quote it daily.
Movies…hmm I love anything Marvel, Pitch Perfect (the first one), The new Tarzan is amazing. I have so many favorites.
JOHANNA: I think I know Pitch Perfect (also the first one) by heart. My daughter can do that rap song just as Beca in the movie. We watched it every day until I had to put a stop to it, hahaha.
In your story ‘A year Agreement’ your main character Jenna has a weekend off and I quote:
‘My plans consist of sleeping in until noon and laying around in my pj’s the whole day’.
Is this something you do in real life? What writer doesn’t though? Hahaha. Are there anything else of yourself you write into your stories?
KENADEE: Oh, I definitely do that! I am ALWAYS in my PJ’s. I find it so uncomfortable sitting around in jeans or a full outfit on. So every time I come home I immediately change.
I put a lot of myself in my characters, especially ‘A Year Agreement’. Putting traits of yourself in a story makes it more real and authentic. People bond more with characters if they have somewhat similar likes/dislikes, characteristics as them.
JOHANNA: That is so true. I felt that I had a real connection with Jenna when I read the story. She was someone I could relate to.
Romance are my favorite genre apart from Fantasy. I noticed that all your stories fall in this genre.
We all know romance novels is a romantic love between two people, and must have an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending. And the warm feeling quotes like the one above, out of your story gives us. It’s like releasing feel good hormones. Hahahaha.
I’ve always wondered why I feel so good when reading Romance and decided to do some research. I discovered the following as well:
1. They Lower The Risk Of Heart Attack And Disease - By lowering stress, books help calm our heart rate and blood pressure. And naturally, romance novels are good for your heart, too — in the literal and figurative sense!
2. They Lower Stress - Reading in general lowers stress and romance novels have the added bonus of whisking us into a fantasy world, helping us take a break from the trials of everyday life. It’s like a mini vacation!
3. They Boost Confidence - The heroines and heroes in romance novels often have to overcome a lot of hardships, including things like disabilities, injuries, or not being perceived as “pretty” — you know, just like we do. Reading about a character growing and triumphing over adversity makes us feel like we can, too, and helps us feel a little better about ourselves. They can also help us see our “flaws” as unique traits to be treasured.
Do you agree with it? What is your take on this?
KENADEE: I totally agree with that! A lot of people say they don’t like romance novels because they are cheesy, cliche, over-done, but everyone secretly loves them. There is something about reading a good light hearted story that has a happy ending. Everyone wants a happy ending! I can totally see reading it lowers stress as well. Reading anything in general will help with that. You can go into a quiet space and just let yourself get lost in a whole new world. For just a few moments you can escape what is going on in your life. Romance is just one of those genres that is universal and everyone can somehow connect with.
JOHANNA: What's the strangest thing you've ever had to research online for your book?
KENADEE: Haha funny story. I am currently writing a mafia/assassin story (The Hidden Shadow). I didn’t want my main character to be unrealistic or untrained I went on google and literally searched up…’how many ways are there to kill someone?’, ‘what is the best kind of gun/knife you can buy?’. If someone saw my search bar they would be really, really concerned!
JOHANNA: Hahahaha I agree. That is kind off scary and intimidating.
What would be the ideal date for your character, Jenna?
KENADEE: For Jenna I think the ideal date would be a simple date to the beach. Jenna likes anything simple yet romantic. If Liam planned an entire day to the beach, a picnic or a cute little dinner to eat at, she would be completely happy!
JOHANNA: Aaaauh that is romantic. I’m also a person for plain and simple. How about you?
KENADEE: Yeah. Either that or like a fun day hiking, getting something good to eat. I would say going to a bookstore but he probably wouldn’t like that as much as me.
JOHANNA: I you were deserted on an island, which three people would you want to have with you? Why?
a) One fictional character from your book
b) One fictional character from any other book
c) One famous person that is not a family member or friend
KENADEE: Gosh, okay.
A) Jenna. Because she is resourceful. She’s lived her life all by herself so she could possibly be good on an island!
B) Rysand from “A Court Of Thorn And Roses” by Sarah J. Maas. He is hot, funny, strong, can fight anyone off, and has wings so you could fly away.
C) Jennifer Lawrence. I feel like she would be fun to have around and would make the best of the situation.
JOHANNA: Oooooh Rhysand seems like a good plan, especially for protection and Jennifer would be perfect for hunting for food, hahaha.
What got left out in the final draft of ‘A year Agreement?
KENADEE: Originally Jenna and Liam were supposed to get married right away instead of just being engaged. Then they start to love each other as their marriage goes on.
JOHANNA: Were there alternate endings you considered?
KENADEE: One was Jenna was going to leave and find someone else after the year. Or she actually ends up with Blake, Liam’s best friend.
JOHANNA: Oh my gosh I’m so glad you went with what you did. Although, Blake is not a bad option.
What is something memorable you have heard from your readers/fans on your story?
KENADEE: Someone actually messaged me one day saying that “A Year Agreement” helped them reconnect with their own mom. They had a rocky relationship and after reading the story she decided to try and reconnect with her. It was incredible to hear!
JOHANNA: Wow, yes that is absolutely wonderful❣
What is the main thing you want readers to take away from your book?
KENADEE: That you are good enough. Just because one person says you aren’t doesn’t mean it is true. You can do anything you stick your mind to. You are your own person and you are incredible! Do what makes you happy and don’t care what people think of you!
JOHANNA: If your novel were being made into a movie, whom would you pick to play the lead roles?
KENADEE: I’d definitely want someone like Matt Bomer to play Liam. He would play him perfectly! And for Jenna, hmm I’m not really sure. I do like Nicola Peltz as her.
Matt Bomer as Liam
Nicola Peltz as Jenna
JOHANNA: Your story ‘A Year Agreement’ is now a published series. Wow, congratulations! Can you tell us how you broke into the publishing world?
KENADEE: It was because of Wattpad actually! I was a part of the “Wattpad Block Party” that happens twice a year. The girl who hosts it @KellyAnneBlount had her publisher come on. They asked for links to stories and out of fun I posted mine. I was like ‘I have nothing to lose so why not.’ Next thing I know they are messaging me saying they want to publish it!
JOHANNA: Wow, incredible❣❣❣Again, congratulations. What has your experience been like as an new Indie Author? Bruises, Highlights, and lessons you could share with up and coming authors?
KENADEE: Find a great publishing company! It is hard to find a place that won’t try to change what you have and don’t try to call all the shots. A real publisher doesn’t make you pay them to publish your stuff, that is one huge thing I have learned.
You are the author so you have complete control over your stuff. If you don’t want to change it don’t. If you want it to be a certain way do it your way.
I have multiple stories published but for ‘A Year Agreement’ you can buy on Amazon and Barnes and Noble! It is under a new title but it is the same story!
Links are below (or just type in Kenadee Bryant in Amazon/B&N
JOHANNA: Wow, that is a gorgeous cover❣❣❣
What does your family think of your writing?
KENADEE: They didn’t at first actually know! It wasn’t until I got my publishing company asking to publish my stuff did I tell them. I was so embarrassed and nervous but they are really supportive! They buy multiple copies and are always telling people!
JOHANNA: Well, that is definitely something to be proud of.
How has your environment & upbringing colored your writing?
KENADEE: I’ve never really thought about it actually. Maybe slightly it has.
JOHANNA: Do you have any unique or quirky writing habits?
KENADEE: I like to listen to a song and sometimes base the entire chapter around that song if it fits.
JOHANNA: Describe what your ideal writing space looks like and where is your favorite place to write?
KENADEE: My ideal writing space would be a home library. Walls covered with books, a huge comfy chair/couch, or a comfy windowsill where I can look outside.
My favorite place to write is my room. Not very unique, I know, but I can just sit on my bed and get lost in my own little world, and no one can interrupt me.
JOHANNA: Kenadee, thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us about yourself and your wonderful journey writing and publishing ‘A Year Agreement’.
KENADEE: Thank you so much for interviewing me! I loved all these questions, I’ve never been asked some of them which I like!
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