Chapter 15: The News
Jae-Hwa was the same as usual. Careless and carefree. Upon us seeing him, he waved like a child, snickering slightly. He offered to have me taken home by taxi. When the taxi arrived he jokingly tried to lick the blood off my knuckles. I slipped away into my seat before he could. We're not kids anymore.
Finally I was on the escape to the four walls of my abode. I didn't even have time to wish James a good evening, it all happened so rushed.
Once I got home, I locked my door and passed out on the floor. Too worn to even go into my room or change.
My only regret was not grabbing a blanket.
The morning started off achy and with a smell that could wilt flowers. I cleaned up, turned on the news, and began my day.
Just cleaning dishes from the weekend.
Procrastination is a beautiful thing. Especially when one has cooked burnt on onion with said dishes, and forgot the oil. I turn the water to a temperature hot enough that when my skin touches it, it burns painfully, then pour far too much of the strong degreasing dish soap I keep just for this somewhat common occurrence.
The humming of the water masks out some of the news, though at this point its just a summary of the weather. Any reports normally come later. I check these reports regularly. Waiting to see if my demons will come to haunt me again. See if they found another body from my parents work. Regardless of the consequence, I would have told the police myself where they were if I could remember. I was too young though and the windows in our "disposal" vehicle were tinted a shade too dark to see more than shapes.
As I grab my sponge for some painful but efficient scrubbing, the reports finally start. The water is turned off so I can hear fully. I scrub in a circular motion, then a back and forth motion. Like I am brushing teeth. It's then I notice the walls of my kitchen are a little more worn. New painting will need to be done when spring comes. Maybe I'll paint it in yellow? That'll increase my appetite so I can eat even more. I look down at my stomach but my chest blocks my sight. I try to tilt forward to see at an angle, but I still can't. It's ridiculous that my shape stays like this even with my current eating habits. It's a blessing, but at the same time it tempts me to test god and see how far I can push my lu-
My hand jolts out of the steaming water as I throw the sponge into the sink and head toward the sound.
What the hell was that?! It was near the door. I grab the remote with my dry hand to turn up the volume.
"Meow!" I walk to the door. It's slightly ajar. Crap I forgot to lock it! And apparently close it...
In front of me is a random kitten. Really cute fluffy kitten. I push it further into my apartment and slam the door close. Locking it roughly. The kitty paws at my leg.
As quick as I can I scoop it up. It licks my finger. The collar its wearing is a soft gold color with a copper tag. I read the tag to find the owner. Wait a second.
That's my address... and my phone number!
I turn the tag over.
'A new friend. He'll eat you if you die, so don't feel so bad.-Park'
I put the kitten on the floor. It runs around and straight into my room. I don't know how I feel about this, but I'll make a quick run to the mart to get some stuff for him. What'll I call him?
Yeah I'm keeping him.
I love cats. It's kind of cool that Park seems to maybe like them too. I'll have to interrogate him about that when I get into work. After a second of pondering and mental planning, I grab my shoes to run out for the supplies.
The dishes will have to wait.
I open the door rushing out. Something hits my ankle and I trip rather dramatically to the concrete outside. My hands are bleeding a little bit, but I ignore it to curse out whatever caused me to fall.
It's then I see the litter, litterbox, bowl, and food that was right outside my door. All with a big bow. A big bow made of metal, and what I hit my ankle on. I grab said bow and throw it into the house. Then I start picking up the supplies to bring inside. Not a sound dares to come out of me at this point as I can't really tell if I'm mad or happy.
The news report drones on.
Everything makes its way inside after a few moments. A small smile pulls at the corner of my lips. The kitten pops out again, rubbing its face against the food bag. I pet it. Feeling far better then I expected I would this morning.
We stay like that, just listening to the news. I really don't feel like doing the dishes at all anymore today. The cat's bowl is clean and new, and I can eat snacks when I get home instead. Cat in one hand, phone in the other. I decide I'll spend the rest of my morning like this instead. Maybe I should text Park? Let him know I got the kitty?
Kitty's a good name.
"You shall be Mr.Kitty!"
"You're just hungry, aren't you?"
"Of course..." I start rubbing under Mr. Kitty's chin. The news is just about finish with its reports. A woman reporter is speaking. Her voice is high pitched but dull. A plain picture of a familiar face pops up in a square frame on the screen. I stop what I'm doing. All I can do is listen with my chest beating loudly and butterflies in my stomach.
"No new developments have been provided on the murder of Do Sung-Soo, found dead yesterday night at the Timmi Amusement Park, who's brother Do Joon-Ho was murdered in a similar fashion during the infamous Vo family murders. Reliable sources are currently suspecting it is gang-related as well-" My feet move on their own.
Next thing I know I'm outside, my door locked, my keys shaking in my hand. I'm running as fast as I can. Confused as hell.
I just saw him yesterday.
Who would kill him?! Why??? Gang-related? He didn't, he couldn't have!
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