Chapter 11: "You don't want me to go?"
Kelsey's Point of View:
"You don't want me to go?"
Running a hand feverishly up and down his face with his other hand, Justin growled lowly. "I don't know what the fuck I want."
"Then let me go." I suggested but immediately snapped my mouth shut once I took notice to his blazing, hot eyes.
"No." He snapped, his voice rough causing a chill to run down my spine. Looking out into the sky, Justin took a comforting breath, letting the cool air enter and relax him. Letting his hand fall back to his side after he loosened his grip on me, I watched as he closed his eyes, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants.
Biting my lip, I contemplated whether or not I should take the chance and let him diminish or listen to him and stay put.
I chose the second option.
Turning, I stood arm to arm with Justin, holding my breath as the seconds ticked on by. The air around us thickened and I felt as if I was being suffocated.
"You know what I don't understand?" Justin muttered raspy, his eyes hazed over in a dark manner as he fought to keep himself composed. Not even giving me a chance to answer, he did so himself. "Is that you say you don't want me to be mad at you yet you do things to get me angry."
"Did I ask you to speak?" He barked, his tone of voice slicing through the atmosphere as I stared up at him, wide eyed.
Clasping my lips tightly together, I swallowed hard, my eyebrows furrowing to meet as one in the middle out of confusion. "Why are you acting like this?" I whispered, speaking my thoughts out loud and almost immediately I regretted it. Biting down on my tongue to keep from saying anything more, I inwardly cursed myself taking notice as Justin's eyes narrowed into slits, practically burning holes into my own.
"It's a simple question, Kelsey." He spat, "Did I ask you to talk, yes or no?"
"No." I murmured, defeated as my shoulders fell. Bowing my head slightly causing my hair to curtain over my face, I took a deep breath.
"Then shut the fuck up."
Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I gave a tight lipped nod, refusing to look him in the eyes as I stared off ahead of me.
"You say you care about me, you say that you love me yet the second I turn my back to you, you go against what I've always asked of you?" Shaking his head, he licked his lips. "Getting involved in my business is the one thing that you just can't do. I don't ask of anything else from you." Gripping the railing of the wooden outer layer of the patio, Justin sucked in a breath, "It's dangerous Kelsey... don't you understand that by now? I can't risk you putting your life in jeopardy because you're trying to help me."
"All you can see is the wrong I've done in all of this... you won't even let yourself see the true reason behind going to Bruce." Pulling my lips into my mouth, I scoffed in discontent. "It's like every time I try to do something good for you, you always find a way to twist it into something bigger than it really is."
"I don't care what the reasons you had for what you did." He glared over at me, his eyes intense. "If you did it because you were trying to help or because you think it's what's best for me, I already told you, I don't need nor want your help. I can take care of myself just like I have many years before."
"You don't even see what you're doing to yourself..." I mumbled in disbelief. "You had a nervous breakdown, Justin. You've completely lost your mind and nearly bled to death and if you think that that's you being okay or getting better, you're clearly delusional." Taking a step forward, I fought against the voice in the back of my head that told me to stay away. "I know I shouldn't have gone to Bruce without consulting with you first but I couldn't let them start something you guys wouldn't be able to finish."
"What goes on between Bruce and I, is just what—between me and him, not you."
Shaking my head, I ignored him, "If Bruce would have instigated a war between you and the Snipers everything would have gone downhill. You're not physically or emotionally ready to take them on right now. You can't see it but I can and so can John and Bruce. Maybe later, in a few weeks or so, maybe even a month but not now. Not with the state of mind you are currently in."
Vigorously juddering his head, Justin turned away from me, a stoned look expanding across his face as he clenched and unclenched his jaw, resentment radiating off his body.
Not knowing what to say or do at this point, I reached over and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder only to be rejected when Justin shrugged it off, a look of disgust clawing away as he scowled down at me.
"Don't fucking touch me." He hissed, venom dripping with his word he spoke.
My face fell as his words sunk into me, engraving into my mind. Retrieving my hand back, I tucked it under the warmth of my other, the cold air ripping through me. If it wasn't for the gravitational pull my feet had to the ground, I probably would have drifted off in the direction the wind flew in and right about now, I only wished it were possible.
"I'm going to bed..." Facing me, Justin stepped so close that we were practically toe to toe, his face about an inch away from mine, almost making it seem as if he were going to kiss me though he never did. "And I suggest you don't follow me." Bumping his shoulder into mine as he walked past, I cringed at the sound of the patio doors slamming closed behind his disappearing figure.
Running my fingers through my hair, I tossed it to the right side of my head before crossing my bear arms against my chest, trying to conduct some type of heat as I fought the urge to let out a stream of curse words.
How somebody so loving, sweet and kind could turn into such a monster in the blink of an eye was mind boggling and I had just about enough of his bipolar antics.
"Are you okay out here?"
I craned my neck over my shoulder to see John sticking his head out from around the door, a grieving expression taking place as he took notice of my saddened demeanor.
Shrugging, I forced a small smile. "Nothing I'm not used to." I whispered, my voice faltering as I choked on my own words. Inhaling deeply before exhaling it all out, I wiped my face clean of emotions. "I thought you were going to bed?"
"I also thought you'd come out here and work things out with Justin too but I guess not."
"Yeah..." Licking my now chapped lips, I drew in deeply. "I just don't know what to do anymore. Nothing I do is ever right when it comes to him. I honestly feel like such a failure."
"You shouldn't feel that way." John muttered soothingly as he stepped out behind the door, making his way beside me as he wrapped a friendly arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side as he rubbed the side of my arm. "You did the right thing. Even if you wouldn't have come to us, I still would have told Bruce to call off the fight anyways. I know Justin when he gets like this and you had every right to be concerned."
"He hates me." I whispered out of the blue, not even remotely following the direction the conversation with John was going.
"He doesn't hate you. He may think he does but you and I both know that no matter what you do, it's almost impossible for him to even remotely think anything less of perfect of you." Dropping his arm from around me, John tucked it in the pocket of his jeans. "Trust me, he'll come around. You just have to give him time and space. You can't push it on him; you have to let him come to you when he's ready to make amends."
"And what if that never happens?" I tore my eyes from the speck on the wooden porch, letting them fall on the cordiality that John's held.
Cracking a small smile, John bumped his hip into mine. "Justin can't go a day without you; you really think some fight will do any damage? This is just the way Justin is. You learned to get used to it, now you have to act on it."
"What do you mean?"
"The way I see it as is that you have two options. You either fight Justin's demons alongside him or you can let him fight it on his own. It's your decision."
Without even a second thought, I already knew the decision I had made. "I'm going to fight it all with him. I didn't leave him before and I'm not going to start now. I refuse to be another Jen in his life."
"Jen, huh?" John arched a brow out of curiosity, "What made you bring her up?"
Shrugging, I pressed my lips together in a thin line. "I know what she did to him and how much her actions affected him... I don't want him to despise or turn against me. I don't want him to think I'll ever deceive him the way she did."
"Jen screwed him over more than you could ever imagine." John stated a matter-of-factly, "You don't have the heart to do that to Justin and he knows that. Jen's a thing of the past—a horrible mistake. He knows you're nothing like her. I mean with the way you handled everything that was thrown your way, it just shows that you're more of a women she'll ever be."
Letting out a soft giggle, I gave him a full lipped smile despite the aching in my heart. "Thanks John, I really needed that."
"You're welcome. It's about time I saw you smile."
Feeling my cheeks heat, I laughed once more, giving him a cheesy grin but just as fast as it appeared, it smeared right off my face once I caught sight of Justin staring at us through the window in his room.
Gasping lightly, I frowned, knowing I was in deep trouble. Taking a step back, I pushed the hair that fell in front of my eyes, back. "It's getting late, we should probably head in."
Opening his mouth to say something, John took a step forward, noticing my hesitation towards him now. "Kelsey, are you o—"
"Goodnight John." Brushing past, I hurriedly opened the back door, slipping in before shuffling past the kitchen and into the living room where I paused, latching onto my knees as I took a couple deep lungsful, hoping to catch my breath.
Looking over at the stairs, I felt my heart strings tug violently, my insides reeling as the voice in the back of my head sneered a "you're in for it now" in disappointment.
Realizing there was no way out of this and I'd have to face Justin head on, I turned onto the treads, taking one step at a time.
Squeezing my eyes shut, I inwardly prayed that what Justin saw was nothing more than two friends conversating, trying to comfort the other in a way that best friends did when the other was upset.
Peeling my eyelids apart, I felt my heart constrict when the door to his room was sealed shut. Taking two long, slow strides, I took the knob into the grasp of my palm before twisting it and letting out a sigh of relief once I realized he didn't lock it.
Pushing it open, my eyes wandered around the room until they fell on Justin's back to me, facing the drawer next to the bed.
Clearing my throat, I chewed on the dry skin—die to the cold outside—of my bottom lip. "Hey..." I whispered, trying to ease the tension that surrounded us.
"I thought I told you not to follow me." Justin ripped at the seams, digging deeper into my chest and stabbing at my heart, his coldness towards me bringing a thrill of discomfort to run down my spine.
"I didn't." I countered, closing the door softly behind me. "It's been about ten minutes since you left, I think that's enough time to let you go, don't you think?"
"What were you and John talking about?" Justin avoided contact as he occupied his attention by fixing the bed the best he could, completely turning the conversation around.
"He just asked me if I was okay, Justin." Giving him a pleading look, I yearned for him to believe me and drop his sudden interest in John and I. "That's it, I promise."
Scoffing humorlessly, Justin shook his head. "And how do you expect me to believe that there's nothing going on between you two?"
Widening my eyes, I gave him a look of disbelief, "John and I are just friends Justin. You know that."
"Do I now?" Whisking around, Justin gave me a burning look of irritation, his body shaking with rage as he gave me a once over, distastefully running his eyes up and down the length of my body.
"Yes, you do." I urged strong fully, "I didn't know it was a crime to talk to one of the guys now." Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms like I had back outside when I was left alone.
"Don't roll your fucking eyes at me." Justin hissed his teeth hard against one another as he shot daggers through my skin, "And don't try to act innocent. You and I both know you've just been waiting for your opportunity to dig your nails into John's back."
"I could never do that to you or Carly, Justin. For heaven's sake, John's in a relationship with my bestfriend!"
"And that automatically changes everything?"
"Yes!" I threw my hands in the air, trying to push my point, "I love you and only you." Huffing a desperate breath, I took the remainder of steps over to him so that we now stood face to face, "you're the one I'm with, and you're the one I want to be with, not John."
Keeping silent, Justin willed to look away but something inside of him brought him back to me and his gaze stayed locked on mine.
Taking this as my opportunity, I grasped his head in my hands. "You're so negative all the time and you try to find something to pin against me but this time, you're not going to win because you know I have no feelings for John. If I wanted John, I would be with him right now instead of you but I don't want him Justin." Tugging on his hair, I pulled his head down to mine. "I want you." I breathed out, my breath clashing against his.
We stood there, breathing heavy for what felt like forever, waiting for one or the other to make the first move. Not being able to handle the pressure any longer, I leaned up to close the gap, Justin nearly caving before his eyes widened in realization. Grasping my upper arms, he quickly pushed me away, his once soft eyes now darkening over in a storm once more. "Don't do that."
"Why not?"
"Because I said so." Letting me go, Justin shook his head, taking multiple steps back from me. "We're not having this discussion anymore,"
"It's not over," I countered desperately.
"It is now. Go to bed, Kelsey." Turning, Justin began heading out towards the bedroom door, grabbing his leather jacket along the way and it was then that I realized he had dressed up in casual clothes—skinny jeans, black Supras on his feet and white V-neck.
"Where are you going?" I murmured out of curiosity, catching the blinking red numbers near the bedside that read 12:55pm. It was almost one in the morning and about all the stores, except the places that ran 24/7, was closed.
"Out." Brushing his palms against the lining of his jacket flaps, Justin threw the door open.
"When will you be back?" I spoke aloud, my voice barely audible at this point.
Giving me a slight glance over his left shoulder though he never made eye contact, Justin shrugged before rounding the corner and leaving me standing there alone, as lost and confused as ever.
Justin's Point of View:
I had to get away.
There, I said it.
Kelsey dug herself a deep enough hole to swallow her up. She butted into my business without telling me first and went against the only rule I held in our relationship.
I could have been an asshole.
I could have permitted her from even consulting with the guys or even listening in to half of our conversations but I didn't because what I was doing was just as important as keeping her informed so that she knew where I was and not to worry her.
As much as I came off as a dick, all I cared about was Kelsey—nobody else but her because even in my deepest moments, she was the first person that came to mind.
When I felt myself giving way into the darkness that enveloped me, the only thing that kept me from entirely cracking was Kelsey but the fight to put up with my demons was long gone the second I let the thoughts of Kelsey being taken from me entered my mind.
I let her get away with one too many things—despite the fights we had gotten into because of them—I always let her off the hook with a simple I'm sorry but not this time. She had to learn her lesson.
Rummaging around the house for the keys, I finally managed to find them near the slot by the door. Slipping my way out and down the front porch and pathway, I maneuvered over to the frisker parked just beside the black SUV that belonged to Bruce.
Revving the car up, I didn't hesitate before pulling out of the driveway and onto the street where I began speeding down the empty road. Checking my rearview mirror for any signs of hidden cops—which were easy to spot when you've come across so many before—I leaned back, getting comfortable in my seat, letting my head fall flush against the headrest.
Cracking the glove compartment open, I held the steering wheel propped up against my knees while searching inside for my usual pack of cigarettes. Latching onto it, I slid out two sticks, dropping one in the cup holder beside me before taking the other and layering it in between my lip, lighting it up.
Holding it firmly between my two fingers, I threw the box back into the slot, putting the lighter away. Settling myself once more, I supported my left elbow on the arm rest, bringing the smoke to my lips as I inhaled, keeping it stacked before ghosting it out into perfect rings of smoke.
It's been a while since I contained one of these and boy did it feel good to let off some unwanted steam and stress.
Skirting onto Denver Boulevard, I began skimming past the various stores perched one next to the other, every single one caged closed due to the late night hour before disappearing onto the deserted part of Stratford until I came across the all too familiar warehouse I had gone to one to many times before.
Parking right up front, I killed the engine, letting my eyes fall on the old beat up front door that hung by the hinges. Getting out of the car, I slowly walked around to the front, lying back against the hood, my eyes falling closed. Taking another drag, I blew the smoke out to the side, my nerves vanishing into thin air.
"It's nice, huh?" I questioned softly.
Kelsey didn't even flinch nor move, she kept her head poised, her brown eyes locked on the beautiful view in front of us. "Yeah," She replied, winded. "It's stunning." She breathed out, taken back by the miraculous magnificence nature had. "I've never seen anything like this."
I nodded, understanding completely.
"How did you find this place? If you don't mind me asking..." Finally peeling her eyes away from the sky, she looked at me waiting—hoping for an answer.
I stood poised, my posture perfect. "After this place was almost burned down, I guess, I came to check it out and when I came back here, I saw this--" I gestured with my chin towards the view. "And instantly fell in love." I now turned to look at her, a solemn expression on my face.
Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she gave me a tight lipped smile. "It's nice. I wish I had a place like this." She sheepishly admitted while overlooking the sky once more.
Silence fulfilled the void around us before I spoke up once more, "You do now." I said loud and clear, meaning every single word I said.
If this was able to make her feel alive again, it was good enough for me.
I let out a sarcastic chuckle. Still when I wanted to get away, I found a way to be reminded of her.
But I couldn't deny it. Even then, I knew Kelsey was something special. She never questioned me, she never doubted me and she wasn't afraid. She accepted me for who I was and that's all I ever wanted anybody to do.
And she did that without a problem.
She gave up a lot for us to be together. She risked the relationship with her family and her so-called bestfriend. She knew what came with my life and she accepted it anyways. She never gave up on me and yet, here I was, letting go of the one person I couldn't live without.
I don't know what the fucks wrong with me anymore.
"She lied to you," My subconscious sneered at me, "she went behind your back."
Shaking my head, I let out a frustrated growl, throwing away the memories of what once was a few years ago when I had taken Kelsey here for the very first time.
Blowing out the smoke I held inside, I watched as it blended into the air, disappearing in plain view like my soul.
I was gone, vanished—unseen. I wasn't me and I knew that but I couldn't control it. I couldn't fight it and the only person able to help me through this all is currently at home, wondering what I was doing right now.
She was probably worried sick to her stomach—despite all that had gone down between us—and that's what truly screwed me over.
"She fucked you over," The voice in the back of my head jabbed at me once again, "she turned to John when she should have been with you."
Throwing the cigarette to the ground, I crushed it with the sole of my sneaker, stuffing my hands inside the pockets of my leather jacket. Walking up to the front door, I kicked it open with the tip of my shoe before taking a step inside.
I took notice to the things around me, perceiving that everything was in place and not one thing looked different from the last time I had been here.
Pushing away the few shreds of curtains that once covered the windows inside, I made my way down the familiar path that led to the hillside area of the warehouse.
Letting the air tear through me once more, I peeked around the corner of the back doorway, watching as the leaves flew past and the moon shined down, casting a small glow on the hill outside.
Scanning over the grounds, I smoothed down the grass with the bottom of my shoe, my mind whirling around. A sudden headache blasted through me, making it feel as though somebody was hammering the top of my head. Squeezing my eyes shut, I ignored the pull of my heart strings as the memories came flooding back to me.
"Why did you bring me here?" Kelsey questioned out loud.
Snapping my head over at her, I gave her a perplexed look, confused as to what she meant. "What?"
Hesitating, she bit her lip, "Never mind." Kelsey shook her head, looking away.
"No, tell me." I urged, feeling the impatience growing inside of me. I hated when people went back on what they said.
"You're not going to let this go are you?" She muttered lowly.
"No." I countered truthfully.
Letting out a deep breath, she looked up at him once more. "I asked you why you brought me here."
Sucking on my teeth, I bobbed my head slightly, letting out a much needed breath. "Oh." I murmured, caught off guard.
"Yeah..." She fiddled with her fingers.
"I... well; I don't know to be honest." I shrugged. "I wanted to get away for a bit and I thought I'd make it up to you for what I said earlier."
She furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion.
"You know," I rocked on the heels of my Supras, "when I implied you were a slut..." I faked a cough soon afterwards.
She cocked a brow up in surprise. When realization hit her to what I meant, she smirked. "Is Justin Bieber apologizing?"
I scoffed. "No, never that."
"Isn't that what you just said?" She shifted her weight to her left hip while crossing her arms against her chest.
"No, I said I'd make it up to you. I never actually apologized." I corrected her.
Kelsey laughed. "You act as if apologizing is a crime." She shook her head while uncrossing her arms. "You've done it before you know." She pushed me playfully.
"Don't get used to it." I smirked.
"Don't worry, I won't." She faked a smile my way before pulling her eyes away from me and out towards the colorful sky.
She never failed to amaze me.
Clutching the sides of my head, I inwardly cursed myself before punching the air in frustration. All the things I did, all the things I said... I always found a way to hurt her.
She was far from it.
Yet I told her she was one anyways.
I verbally abused the shit out of her without even realizing just how much damage I was causing, I ripped her heart apart inch by inch and before I know it, it'll be gone by the time I'm finished with her.
She played it off as if she didn't care but I knew, deep down inside, that it was killing her too.
Looking up at the sky, I grasped onto the back of my neck, taking in and letting out deep breaths, trying to remain calm but nothing that I did could take back all the horrible things I had done.
I upset her one too many times and at this point, I don't even think I could forgive myself anymore.
Dropping my gaze down to the floor, I felt my throat close at the thought of what I said to her earlier tonight.
"Is there something I'm missing here? You seem to be real protective of my girl, John. Have you fucked her too?" A sick snarl spread, "I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you had; it's always the good ones who turn out to be the biggest sluts."
"Fucking hell," I rasped, pulling at the ends of my hair as I shook my head for about the thousandth time that day, willing God to make everything disappear.
I don't want this.
Any of it.
I just want my life back.
I want to be able to hold her again.
I want to be able to kiss her again.
I want to be able to not hurt her again.
All my life I've been used to pushing people away when the going goes tough because in my eyes, it's always my fault. I would blame myself and let the other person go.
But no matter how hard I pushed, the more I wanted her to stay. She was my savior and I was convinced we were put together for a reason. She kept the old Justin in me alive. She made me feel like a kid again—that carefree teenage boy who didn't know what a gun was or what killing somebody felt like.
I wasn't stone-cold.
I was normal.
Shaking myself out of it, I pulled my phone out, checking to see what time it was. 2:55 pm. Knowing it was time to go home because God only knows what tomorrow will bring, I was just about to put it away when my eyes caught sight of the wallpaper and almost immediately my stomach plummeted to the ground as Kelsey's face lit up the screen.
"Kelsey!" I annoyingly called out, knowing it would catch her attention.
"What?" She grumbled, lazily rolling her head around to look at me, giving me the perfect opportunity to snap a quick picture.
"Please don't tell me you just took a picture of me..." Kelsey whined, giving me a pleading look with her eyes.
Saving the picture into my phone, I smirked, shaking my head. "No can do babe."
Quickly jumping up from her position on the couch, Kelsey lunged towards me, reaching for my phone. "You can't do that, Justin!"
"Oh but I did," Laughing, I held my hand up out of reach, watching as she desperately tried to grab it.
"That's no fair! I wasn't ready!" She pouted, "I probably looked ugly."
Frowning, I dropped my arm. "You could never look ugly even if you tried."
Rolling her eyes, she took my phone, flicking through my apps before finding the one tagged 'Photos'. "You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend."
"No," Taking my phone from her, I thumbed through the pictures until I came upon a picture I had taken earlier today. "Does this seem ugly to you?" Showing her, I watched as she scanned the screen.
"Yes." She mumbled.
"Now you're just bullshitting." Exiting out, I was about to put my phone away when Kelsey stopped me once more.
"Is that me on your background?" Kelsey questioned quietly.
Looking down, I gave her a small smile, "Yeah, yeah it is..." Kissing her cheek, I wrapped my arms around her. "Wanna know why?"
Capturing my eyes with hers, I noticed the adoration tinted within. "Why?"
"Because you're perfect."
Skimming my thumb across her concealed face, a tug at my insides reeled my head into working again. Forcing myself to remove it, I shoved it into my pocket before walking back to my car, my head still pounding.
Pulling off my jacket, I draped it over my left arm, letting the chilling atmosphere rip at my skin. Throwing it in the back seat once I seated myself inside, I shot the key into the slot, bringing the car to life before pulling out of the driveway and onto the street where I began driving back home.
Tapping my fingers against the steering wheel, I took all the necessary turns until I made it home safe and sound. Cutting off the engine, I grabbed my jacket from behind, taking a pack of smokes with me before getting out and locking it as I made it through the front door.
Deciding against going upstairs, knowing that I wasn't in the mood to go to sleep, I maneuvered my way to the back patio.
Something about the night brought comfort to me despite how cold it was at this hour.
Taking a cigarette, I lit it up before inhaling the smoke and puffing it out into three separate blows. Cracking my neck, I grabbed a chair from the side, dragging it towards the middle where I plopped down, relaxing back into the cushioned seat.
Dragging out a long seam of smolder, I released it through my nose, something I did when I was in the mood to fuck around.
Licking my lips, I ran my hands up and down my thighs to cause some type of friction. Letting out a breath of air, I began wondering just how I was still able to breathe even after all the fucked up shit I had done.
Lacing my fingers together, I leaned forwards in the chair, my elbows placed on the tops of my knees. Pressing my forehead to my hands, I began to silently pray that I would get out of this nightmare.
Snapping my head around the moment I heard shuffling coming from inside the house, I narrowed my eyes, searching to see if there was anyone there. "Who's there?" I sharply called out, aggravation getting the best of me.
When I received nothing but silence, I was just about to look away when a silhouette of a shadow stepped out in the doorway.
Standing there, was Kelsey in a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt that she's worn so many times to bed before with a sweater of mine covering her arms. Biting her lip, she fumbled on her feet, her arms curled under her chin as she stared over at me with glazed eyes.
Keeping solid eye contact neither one of us said nor did anything but you could feel it all—the angst, frustration, anger, sadness, disappointment, worry and of course, the love.
Swallowing hard, I blew out a lungful of smoke, never once looking away from her as I weighed my options on how this could all go down.
I could either lose her forever or fight for the one person who never gave up on me.
Knowing the decision I had made, I nodded in Kelsey's direction. "We need to talk."
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