Danger In Love: Shoot
((Hello guys, sorry it's been so long, i've been busy and i wasn't sure if people were actually enjoying this story, but i'm back and i'll try to update more frequently now :) ))
After a few minutes of silence they pull into the driveway of a simple house. It was fairly large, but definitely no mansion. It was further out into the country, not surrounded by other houses, but simply silence. The only real sound, was soft crickets, chirping in the night.
Mark opens the drivers side door and climbs out, as Jack does the same and walks, with Jack following up to the front porch. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a key unlocking the door and opening it. As they walk inside Jack looks around.
The door led into a small hallway, at the end of that was a living room, with a small tv, and a black leather couch. To the left of that was the kitchen and on the other side a hall to what Jack assumed was the bedrooms and bathroom. Mark walks in and simply throws his bag to the side seeming to not care as he walks in and then turns to Jack.
"Alright, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping."
Mark says with a small smile. He begins walking and Jack follows, clearly skeptical about why this man was being so nice, to someone he just met. Soon Mark opens a door to a simple bedroom, with a queen sized bed, an oak wood dresser in the corner, a small desk in the other corner, and a small attached bathroom. Jack walks in and sets his satchel on the bed.
He looks over at Mark and nods slightly as though in a small thanks.
"Alright, make yourself at home, and uh... don't break anything."
Mark says jokingly with a small smile and wink. Jack laughs quietly and tilts his head at the red haired man.
"I can't promise anything"
He says teasingly making Mark chuckle. Mark reaches into his pocket as his cellphone begins buzzing, he looks at who it is and sighs.
"i need to take this, I'll be right back, go ahead and make yourself comfortable."
Mark says before walking away and answering the phone, Jack sighs and looks around before standing up and walking out, he wanders the house a bit, looking around the kitchen and all the rooms, except for one which was locked. He questions it, but doesn't snoop anymore than that. He soon walks out a door in the kitchen, leading to a small porch looking off into the night.
Jack sits on one of the stairs and reaches into his pocket pulling out a small package of cigarettes and a lighter. He puts one in his mouth and clicks the lighter a few times before it sparks up, the orange flame illuminating his face for a second before it burns out. He stares off as smoke rises up from the cigarette and doesn't hear as Mark walks up behind him.
Mark sits down, startling Jack for a second though he doens't show it and simply glances at the red haired man for a second, pulling the cigarette from his mouth and blowing out a puff of smoke.
In a moment Mark, without saying anything, simply reaches over and grabs the cigarette from Jack's hands.
"Dude what the hell?"
Jack says in a soft growl shooting a glare at the man. Mark says nothing and puts the cigarette in his own mouth and takes a drag before blowing out a puff of smoke and handing it back.
"Sorry man, I just needed one."
Mark says looking over to Jack with a small smirk. Jack says nothing, his cheeks slightly pink as he puts the cigarette in his own mouth, the darkness hiding his flushed cheeks.
"Listen Jack... That call I had to take, it was from Headquarters"
Mark says as Jack looks at him raising an eyebrow.
"They have another mission... and since this one went so well... how would you like to do it with me?"
Mark asks looking at the green haired man who simply shrugs.
"Depends, what is it?"
Jack asks blowing out another puff of smoke.
"At the moment its only survelince, however you never know what'll happen i suppose"
Mark says looking off a little bit with a small sigh.
"So what do you say? I can pay you again."
Mark says looking to the green haired man once again. Jack seems to think it over before shrugging.
"Alright sure."
He says loooking at the red haired man with a small smile, Mark smiles back and nods.
"great, i'll get you your money tommo-"
Mark begins before being cut off by Jack.
"Don't worry about the money... this ones free"
Jack says with a small smile looking over at the red haired man, who tilts his head.
"Free huh? Warming up to me Jack'a'boy?"
Mark asks teasingly raising an eyebrow. Jack's cheeks flush all over again.
"Don't make me change my mind"
He snaps back at Mark who puts his hands up in surrender laughing.
"alright alright, i'm sorry"
He says through his laughter before stopping seeming to think for a little bit.
"Hey Jack, stay here for a minute"
Mark says before standing up and walking back inside, Jack watches curiously as he can hear Mark shuffling through stuff in the house.
Soon Mark comes back with a pistol, an extra magazine, and a couple of empty pop cans. He walks out into the yard saying nothing and sets the cans in a row, about 1 1/2 feet apart each. He walks back and loads the gun.
"If we are going on another mission, I think its best you learn to shoot, you know for your own safety."
Jack tilts his head slightly and stands up dropping the cigarette and putting it out with his foot.
"You sure? I'm not good at it, i'll miss every time"
Jack says simply making Mark chuckle quietly.
"You'll do fine, come here i'll show you what to do"
Mark says making Jack walk forward. Mark stands and puts his feet shoulder width apart, his arms straight out in front of him with one on the gun and the other wrapped around the first hand. He lets out a small breath steadying his hand and stops there, the gun aimed at the first can.
"Keep your feet spread apart for balance, and keep your hands steady, or else its a sure miss"
Mark says his gaze never leaving his target. Jack watches him, his eyes going to the gun and occasionally scanning the man's muscled arms but nods in understanding. In a second Mark looks down the gun and fires it. The bang rings out in the night and the can goes flying after being hit. Mark puts his arms down and smiles at Jack.
"Just like that, just aim and shoot, its simple."
Mark says handing the gun over to Jack. He hesitantly takes the gun and sighs, mimicking Mark's moves, feet shoulder width apart, arms raised though his were slightly bend at the elbow, and looking down the gun. He lets out a slow breath, his hands slightly shaky, and in a second fires it, the bullet hits the ground away from the can missing it completely. Jack sighs and drops his arms.
"See what'd i tell you, i can't shoot for the life of me"
He mumbles his cheeks burning slightly with embarrasment. Mark looks at him and sighs.
"Come on, don't give up that easily, try again, i'll help you."
Mark says smiling slightly. Jack sighs quietly his cheeks still burning and lifts his arms again, feet shoulder width apart. Right before he could shoot Mark's arms slide over his own, the red haired man's hands going over Jack's. Jack's cheeks heat slightly, the redness hidden by the dark night, as Mark moves the gun slightly to the side and adjusts Jack's stance.
Mark says quietly in Jack's ear, making him blush more as his deep voice is barely heard. Jack pulls the trigger and shoots, Mark's hands still keeping his in place, and hears it hit the can with a loud clink. Jack smiles happily as Mark moves away, happy that he had hit it, even though it was with Mark's help.
"Great job Jack"
Mark says patting the man on the back. Jack smiles his cheeks red as he hesitates seeming to think.
He says quietly making Mark look at him curiously.
"My real name is Sean"
He says quietly making Mark smile slightly.
"Well Sean, its nice to meet you"
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