Danger In Love: Intentions
((Alright... So I know I told someone I was going to update immediately today... but guess who's internet went out! >:( I was so angry, so sorry this is so late to be updated, but hopefully its worth the wait! ))
"But... you died... They told me you bled out."
Mark says quietly staring at the men, slightly pained. Jack had also stood up and watches the man, remembering Mark's story about Felix.
"I know, that was all a lie. You see, I was offered a job, which payed way better than anything I had. I couldn't resist.... However you did shoot me.... left me for dead...."
Felix finishes with a growl glaring at the man.
"You killed those people... they didn't even do anything... and then you were going to kill me."
Mark counters, still slightly dumbfounded at the whole scenario. This only makes Felix laugh quietly, his eyes shining mischeviously.
"I was.... and now i'm going to finish the job.... No one gets to kill you but me."
Felix growls still staring at Mark.
"Felix... I only shot you in self defense..."
Mark says quietly, a part of him sounding hurt that this man, whom he once considered a friend, was so set on killing him. Felix growls and walks forward, so he stands directly in front of Mark's cell, looking into his brown eyes.
"But then you left me.... besides, you never really cared."
Felix growls before turning around and walking back a bit. Soon turning around once again and looking over to Jack, who watched curiously. Intruiged by the whole scenario.
"And Jack... or Sean should I call you?"
Felix says his mouth curving into a small smirk.
"You could've avoided this, but you decided to quit? Tsk tsk... how unfortunete...."
Jack growls quietly as the man speaks.
"I quit for good reason."
Jack spats at the man who simply shakes his head in a dissapointed manner. Mark looks over to the cell, not being able to see Jack directly, but hearing his voice clearly. Mark's eyes worry slightly, he doesn't seem to concerened with his own life, but the life of Sean.
Felix watches Mark for a second, noticing his worry for the man. His eyes shine as though he had the perfect idea.
"Well too bad Sean... now you both get to die...."
Felix says before turning to the two men behind him and gesturing to Jack with his head.
"Let's start with Sean."
Felix says as the men walk over one of them pulling out a key to unlock the cell. Felix glances over to Mark, clearly wanting to see his reaction to killing Sean, wanting to torture him a bit more. Mark watches worriedly, silently pleading for them to spare the man.
Mark can hear Jack growl and struggle against the men. However the two of them are stronger than the one.
Mark watches as Jack struggles against the men as they roughly pull him out of the cell and into the open space. Right in front of Mark's Cell. Mark watches gripping the bars tightly as they force the green haired man out and turn him to face both cells.
Soon Jack is forced to his knees, he puts up a fight however cannot fight the both of them as he is forced to kneel. He struggles a bit more against their seemingly iron grips before finally seeming to realize it was useless.
Felix smiles, his smile crazed proving once again how far gone his mind was. He pulls his pistol from his holster and aims it at the Irish Man's head from behind. Jack struggles a bit more before finally stopping and hanging his head limply to look down at the floor the hopelessness of the situation bearing on him.
Mark can hear his shaky breaths, as though he was holding back tears. Jack had always acted tough, like nothing bothered or scared him. But Mark could tell, the thought of death truly did frighten the man. It was made evident when Jack's head lifts slightly, so his blue eyes, partially covered by his green hair, look into Mark's. Jack's eyes filled with fear, sadness, and seemng like almost a plea for help, though Mark couldn't do anything.
Mark reaches through the cell but not able to reach the man as Felix prepares to pull the trigger his grin widening.
Mark finally calls out making Felix stop and look at the man. Felix raises an eyebrow at Mark, seeming slightly interested in what he might say.
"Don't kill him. You can kill me but let Sean go."
Mark pleads quietly. Felix's mouth twists into a sickening grin as he looks between the two men.
"My my Mark. Saving a criminal? I never thought I'd see the day."
Felix says with a small laugh as he lowers the gun. Jack looks up at Mark, finally raising his head up all the way. His blue eyes filled with fear still, but not fear of his own death, fear for Mark's life.
"Please Felix.... You have no reason to kill him... Let him go...."
Mark pleads again his face desperate to save the man. Felix looks into Mark's brown eyes for a few seconds before his own light up with slight mischief.
"I see. He's not just any criminal to you is he Mark?"
Felix says putting his gun away and walking forward so he stood directly behind Jack. He kneels down so he is level with Jack putting his hand on the Irish Man's shoulder, though his touch was slightly threatening, making the green haired man pull against the men's grips once again.
"Have you become parnters.... friends?"
Felix says keeping his eyes on Mark who watches his every move carefully, saying nothing.
Felix finishes making Mark's eyes widen slighlty. This only makes Felix smile wider.
"I see, lovers it is..."
Felix mumbles to himself. Jack simply stares at Mark dumbfounded, Mark averting his gaze, a slight almost blush to his cheeks.
Jack mumbles under his breath, unaware if Mark truly did have some feelings for him. Felix watches Jack, hearing his mumble. He stares seemingly confused at first before realization hits him, and his mischevious grin returns.
"Oh?... Have you not told him Mark?"
Felix says with a slight chuckle to his voice. Mark says nothing avoiding looking at Jack and simply glaring at the blonde. Felix laughs quietly again and shakes his head standing up fully again, before walking around Jack.
"Well, too bad your time is so short."
Felix adds before kneeling down in front of Jack, grabbing his chin lightly while their faces are merely a couple inches apart forcing Jack to look into his eyes.
"Sean. I know you don't want to die... So I'm going to give you an opportunity..."
Felix says quietly. Jack looks at him, listening intently.
"Why don't you work with us again? I know the boss liked your work. We'll pay you well, and better yet spare your life."
Felix says with a small almost smirk. Jack watches him, seeming to almost consider the idea before his eyes fill with anger once again.
"Go to hell."
He growls and before anyone can react he lurches his head forward, his head meeting with Felix's nose. Felix roars in pain standing up and holding his nose, which now bleeds, seeming to be broken.
"You bastard!"
He shouts angrily grabbing his gun out once again, simply letting his nose bleed. The blood makng him look more insane than he was.
"That was your last chance! Goodbye Sean."
He says aiming the gun at Jack's head once again, his finger squeezing the trigger slightly. His voice an ominous growl.
"See you in another life..."
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