Danger In Love: First Blood

((Hey guys, i'm so sorry! I was going to update yesterday but my computer apparently hates me... It crashed and didn't save my story so I had to retype everything! Ugh... whatever I like the way it turned out this time much better anyhow... anyway enjoy! <3 ))

Mark peeks one eye open, his ears ringing slightly from the gun shot, the sight surprises him slightly. The man who had held the gun to his head now lays in a heap right next to Mark and Jack holds a gun aimed at where the blonde once stood, slightly in shock himself. The black haired man regains himself and begins rushing at Jack, but Jack turns, almost as though it was instinctive and shoots the man straight through his chest, killing him instantly.

Jack stands with the gun still aimed in that spot as he looks down at the once breathing man. He killed someone. He takes about a full minute to regain himself and walks over, with shaky hands untying the red haired man. Jack stands and reaches out his hand to help the man up, he looked nonchalant, but the shaking gave away the horror he felt at killing two people.

"Jack... Jack are you ok?"

Mark asks looking into the blue haired man's eyes worriedly, Jack doesn't respond his eyes seeming unfocused and dilated. Jack gulps quietly and nods sticking his shaky hands into his pockets and turning away.

"Let's go..."

Jack mumbles under his breath starting to walk away. Mark watches him for a few seconds, questioningly. Mark didn't know much about the man, however it didn't seem that something like this would shake him up, working for one of the largest drug rings around Mark thought he saw this all the time. The red haired man shakes these thoughts away, and bends down grabbing his jacket and packing the items taken out away. As he is packing up the guns his eyes fall over to a small USB drive sitting on the ground. Mark picks it up turning it around in his hand, on one side of it sat a small symbol, a symbol matching the one on the back of Jack's laptop, the green eye with a blue pupil.

Mark looks over to where Jack stood in the doorway, smoking a cigarette and waiting for Mark, not at all paying attention to the man, lost in his own thoughts. Mark thinks for a second before sticking it into his pocket and walking towards the man. Jack doesn't look at him until he stands directly beside him.

"Are you sure you're ok? You seem shook."

Mark says quietly looking at the green haired man again. Jack doesn't respond at all for a few seconds thinking to himself before nodding again, dropping the cigarette to the ground and stomping it out, before finally looking at the green haired man.

"I'm fine. Isn't it normal to shake after your first killing?"

Jack retorts quietly, Mark looks at him a few seconds before nodding quietly.

"Yah... I just thought-"

He begins but is cut off as Jack releases a growl looking at the man with a glare.

"Thought what? I've done it before? That I'm some criminal who kills for a living!?"

Jack begins his voice raising with each sentence.

"I don't kill people Mark! Even I have my limits...."

Jack finishes getting quieter with that last sentence, as his gaze moves away. Mark looks at the man, shocked slightly by his outburst, in a second he reaches forward, placing his hand gently yet firmly against the green haired man's shoulder.

"I told you before, I don't think you're a criminal..."

Mark says quietly, waiting for Jack's blue eyes to look at him again before continuing.

"And thank you for saving me.... I'm sorry you had to do that...."

Mark finishes, making the annoyance in the man's blue eyes fade.

"You're welcome... let's go"

Jack says quietly, shrugging Mark's hand off his shoulder and walking towards the car, hidden among the trees. Mark watches him before following putting his hands in his pockets and palming the USB drive softly, curious about what it was.

Mark climbs in the driver's side glancing once over to Jack who stares out the window, his arms crossed over his chest. Mark starts the car saying nothing and drives off, his hands clenching the wheel a bit tighter than usual.

"So, Mark... what was your first kill?"

Jack asks after about five minutes of silence, startling Mark slightly. Mark glances over at the man before looking at the road once again, seeming hesitant to answer.

"It was for a mission..."

He says simply, in a small grumble. Jack looks at him, clearly wanting him to go into more detail. Mark sighs before finally continuing.

"It was only my fifth, it was just supposed to be just a stakeout...nothing serious."

He says stopping once again for a few seconds to think, seeming to go back in time to that moment.

"It was when I still had a partner, his name was Felix... Felix was... he was wild, always just going in straight away, not worrying about consequences."

Mark continues a small smile coming to his face as he talks about the man, clearly having fond memories about this Felix, whoever he was.

"That was all fun and games until he decided to rush in to the building, we were just supposed to be watching it, but he wanted to take the guys down."

Mark continues pausing again and tightening his hands on the wheel.

"Of course that didn't work out... He went in and I hesitated... I heard shots and finally rushed in. But... he was gone."

Mark says quietly, his eyes seeming pained to talk about it.

"There was blood, lots of it. Felix stood in the midst of it, he killed those guys, all six of them. We weren't even sure they were doing anything wrong... Felix always seemed unstable, but seeing him like that, he looked insane. He knew he shouldn't have killed them, knew that would cost him his job.... "

Mark says, the setting sun glaring off of his glasses slightly, hiding his pained eyes from Jack.

"All I remember... He moved his gun, aiming it at me... I could see it in his eyes, he planned to kill me, just to save his job. So... I shot him, I didn't shoot to kill, but he bled out."

Mark says keeping his eyes fully on the road and not looking at the green haired man who watched him sympathetically. Jack swore he could see tears brimming the man's eyes, though they were gone so fast Jack wasn't sure it was actually there.

"So... yah, that was my first kill... not a great way to start off...."

Mark finishes quietly, his hands gripping the wheel so tightly his knuckles whitened. Jack watches him quietly, a part of him felt bad that he had asked, however the other part was happy that he had shared the story.

Soon the car stops, Jack having stayed silent the whole rest of the ride. Though they weren't outside Mark's house instead a large building, lit up brightly.

"I need to grab a couple things from my office....."

Mark says quietly sitting up straight and looking like himself, looking like he hadn't just shared that horrendous story.

"You can come in if you like... just don't touch anything."

Mark says with a small smile. Jack watches him questioningly, wondering how he had switched moods so quickly, but nods, realizing he had most likely just hidden the sadness he truly felt. It made Jack wonder what else he hid.

They both unbuckle and climb out of the car. Mark opens the doors and walks into the building, with Jack following at his heels. The building was fairly busy, even for being nearly nighttime. A few people walking by say hi to Mark who smiles back, but once they see Jack their eyes narrow in a distrusting manner.

Jack keeps his eyes down though he feels eyes on him, as though everyone knew he didn't belong in a place like this, as though they knew he was a criminal, but said nothing.

Soon Mark leads Jack into his office, everything as it always was, except the board which held all the information about the large drug cartel was covered, hiding it from Jack's view as to not make him suspicious. Jack eyes the office narrowing his eyes at the covered board before shrugging it off.

Mark digs around his desk pulling a few papers among other stuff out of the drawers as Jack stood off to the side watching him curiously. In a second a knock sounds at the offices closed door startling Jack slightly. Mark looks up as the door opens and a man with dark brown hair and dim hazel eyes walks in, standing slightly taller than both the men and wearing a jacket similar to Mark's long black one.

"Hey Mark, any luck with the stakeout?"

The man asks before his gaze goes to the green haired man who stood back awkwardly. The man watches him, with a slight interest before leaning forward to speak to Mark. He speaks in a quiet mumble, but Jack still hears him and the distrust in his voice.

"That the guy? The hacker?"

The brown haired man asks Mark quietly. Mark shoots a glance at the green haired man before nodding saying nothing but seeming to shoot a warning glance at the brown haired man, telling him to be kind. The man stands straight again and turns toward Jack extending his hand with a clearly fake smile plastered on his face.

"So you're the hacker I've heard so much about, the name's Dan."

The man says politely as Jack reaches out hesitantly taking his hand and shaking it.


The green haired man responds quietly before releasing Dan's hand and wiping it against his pants slightly. The brown haired man nods.

"Pleasure to meet you."

He says though his voice clearly shows he didn't care for the hacker.

"Is the boss in tonight?"

Mark asks closing the drawer of his desk and standing straight once again. Dan shakes his head.

"Nah, he's out sick or something, haven't heard from him. Shame to, he was saying how he wanted to meet the hacker."

Dan says shrugging. Jack shoots a look at him, holding back a growl that worked its way up his throat, annoyed about this man talking about him like he wasn't there. Mark nods slightly and smiles a bit glancing over to the green haired man and seeming to notice his annoyance.

"Right.... Well Jack and I should go, it's been a long day."

Mark says clearing his throat a bit. Dan nods at the two men in goodbye and walks out. Soon the men were in the car again, quietly driving home. Soon arriving at the house, both quietly walking in.

"I'm beat, I'm just going to go to bed..."

Jack says almost instantly with a yawn. Mark smiles slightly and nods.

"Alright, see you in the morning Sean."

Mark says as Jack walks to the guest room and closes the door. Mark sighs and walks to his own room and sits at his computer, he opens it and digs into his pocket pulling out the USB. He plugs it in and opens it up.

"Let's see what this is..."

He mumbles pulling it up on his computer.

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