Danger In Love: Apologize

((Hey guys I'm back, and I think this is the fastest I've updated in awhile. haha, i'm trying I really am :)  ))

The drive was nearly silent, if it weren't for the radio playing quietly for background noise. Mark stared out the window, deep in his own thoughts, and Jack focused on the road.

The car, that Jack had clearly stolen, was a large black truck, with more than a couple guns in the back seat. Jack wasn't as careful on the road as Mark typically was. He was always at least 5mph above the speed limit, and seemed to aim for every bump in the road.

Mark had offered to drive when they got out, but Jack just took the drivers seat without a word. Of course Mark didn't complain, Jack was already pissed and Mark wasn't in the mood to fight, especially with him.

"I'm sorry..."

Jack mumbles snapping Mark out of his thoughts. The red haired man looks over to him curiously, not sure if he heard right.

"Excuse me...?"

Mark says quietly, still watching the man, who simply stares at the road.

"I said I'm sorry.... for leaving you..."

Jack mumbles once again, a slight annoyance at having to repeat himself visible. Mark watches for a few seconds before nodding slightly.

"Don't worry about it.... I'm sorry for what I said...."

Mark responds quietly. Jack's hands tighten slightly on the wheel, his eyes never once leaving the empty road ahead of them. He stays silent for almost a full minute, the only noise the radio quietly engulfing the small space in music.

"Don't apologize, you were right.... I am a criminal."

Jack says quietly, his voice almost inaudible.

"No you're not.... I've said it before and I'll say it again, I don't think you're a criminal, it was just the heat of the moment, and i said some things I regret."

Mark responds quietly, his brown eyes studying the man. Jack scoffs quietly and shakes his head, his eyes leaving the road for a split second to glance at Mark before returnng to the empty dark road once again.

"Whatever.... Even now I can see it Mark... You don't trust me, you never did."

Jack says quietly, his voice straining slightly at the end. Mark looks away quietly, saying nothing in return. In about two minutes Jack pulls into Mark's driveway and puts the car in park, but leaves it running.

Mark takes in a breath and reaches into his pocket pulling out the USB from before.

"I know you think I don't trust you. But I do, i really do..."

Mark says, though he was slightly lying, he didn't fully trust this man, not anymore.

"here... I found this before and looked into it... I guess I now know why you have it."

Mark says holding out the USB. Jack examines it before grabbing it, his fingers brushing Mark's slightly. Jack examines it before looking over to the red haired man.

"You looked at it?"

He asks quietly, a slight worry to his tone.

"Yah... I guess you had it for your mission today..."

Mark says with a small smile looking at the man. Jack opens his mouth as though to speak but closes it almost instantly and smiling slightly.

"...Yah... I had it for that..."

Jack says quietly shoving the USB into his pocket a slight nervousness to his face. Mark begins to climb out of the car but stops as he notices Jack wasn't turning the truck off.

"Aren't you coming?"

Mark asks quietly. Jack looks at him, seeming slightly surprised that Mark would want him in his house.

"No... I'm going back to the warehouse, I'v caused you enough trouble as it is..."

Jack says looking at the man, his face nearly expressionless.

"No its fine, I can't just leave you there. Come inside."

Mark says quietly.

"No Mark!"

Jack says raising his voice slightly before sighing.

"I'll just go to the ware house..."

He adds quietly. Mark looks at him silently, his brown eyes slightly mischevious. Before Jack can react Mark reaches over and pulls the keys from the ignition, turning the Truck off.

"You're staying here."

He says before getting out of the car and walking inside, still holding the keys. Jack growls quietly but climbs out of the car following the man inside, annoyance clear on his face, but a slight happiness in his eyes at the fact Mark wanted him to stay.

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