the ninja vs the assassin

(Y/N) P.O.V.:
I continued to walk around the temple trying to find my classmates. Most of my ninja suit is destroyed and I still need to kill 2 more people. I kept walking until I heard the sound of a gun. I turned around and saw the lens flare of a sniper rifle. The gun went off and I jumped up in the air, dodging the bullet. A couple more shots went off and I dodged some and cut others in half. The gun stopped firing and I heard someone jump down from the catwalk. I looked over and saw purple eyes.

(Y/N): I'm guessing you're the final helper.

???: Yes. I am. I'm not going to make your small brain think so I'll just get the suspense of who I am out of the way now.

The helper walked out of the shadows. It was Sphinx Erde.

(Y/N): Hello, Sphinx.

Sphinx: (Y/N).

(Y/N): Mind if I ask you why you are helping the kidnapper?

Sphinx: When I was young, I was hunted by an assassin. I was able to kill him and the organization that sent him found out. They cornered me and asked me how I was able to kill one of their best, when I had no experience whatsoever. I told them I just took a knife from him and killed him. They offered me a place in their organization and I was a part of their little group. I made many good friends there and I even met my ex-boyfriend there, too. I made it to the very top of the organization. No one could surpass me, not even the leader. After some years of working with them, I was almost assassinated by two assassins. I killed them and I found out they were my own parents. I told the organization and they said that they worked for a dark assassin group. I got to thinking after that day. Anyone could be a dark assassin. The leader, my friends, my boyfriend, anyone. So, I did the only thing that I felt was logical. I killed them all. Every single one of them. After I did that, I met my mistress not to long after. She told me she can help me with killing any dark assassins. I joined her and I will continue to do so until the end of time.

(Y/N): You do realize that your mistress turned you into the very thing you sought to destroy, right?

Sphinx: My mistress would never lie to me! She has been truthful to me this entire time!

(Y/N): Let's just our fight quick.

Sphinx: I agree.

I brought my katanas out and Sphinx brought out two short swords. Sphinx's short swords had 16" stainless steel blade, reflective black splashes design on the blade, and leather wrapped handles.

(Y/N): Those look familiar.

Sphinx: These are the Shadow Warrior Assassin Swords.

(Y/N): I thought those looked familiar. Weren't those on display at the museum a couple days ago?

Sphinx: These were. Kuno and I were able to steal them after our class trip to the museum. I've been practicing with these in secret for a couple of days.

(Y/N): Well, those do look powerful.

Sphinx: They are. Let's see how long you can last against me when I have these.

Sphinx ran at me, jumped up in the air, and tried to hit me with a double downward slash. I brought my katanas up and blocked her slash. She pushed on her swords and I had to get on one knee to support myself. I quickly broke my katanas up and broke our clash. Sphinx back-flipped and landed a couple feet back.

(Y/N): Those are pretty powerful.

Sphinx: Let's try that again.

Sphinx ran at me again and instead of jumping, she attacked me head-on. I blocked her attack and we kept slashing and blocking each other. She was able to cut me a couple times and I was able to cut her a couple times, too. After trading blows a couple more, we got locked in a clash, again.

(Y/N): Ya know, we've never actually had a sparring match before, have we?

Sphinx: No, we haven't.

(Y/N): Well, this. technically, isn't a sparring match more like a fight to the death.

Sphinx: True. And one of us will die here.

(Y/N): True. Let's just end this quick.

Sphinx: Agreed.

3rd Person P.O.V.:
(Y/N) and Sphinx pushed off of each other and they jumped back a few feet. (Y/N) ran at Sphinx and he started to attack her in an onslaught of attacks. Sphinx blocked one of (Y/N)'s attacks and staggered him. Sphinx ran behind (Y/N) and hit him in the back of his neck. (Y/N) fell to the ground, unconscious. Sphinx picked (Y/N) up and walked towards the room where Class 77-B was being held captive. Sphinx walked in and saw that the lights were off.

Sphinx: Hey, I had to go to Plan B!

Everyone from Class 77-B looked at Sphinx and saw (Y/N) unconscious. They all stood up and looked to see if he was OK.

Akane: (Y/N)! What'd you do to him?!

Sphinx: Nothing. He's unconscious. Hey, where are you!? *silence* Hmm... What do you have planned you-Agh!!

Sphinx was cut off by a sword stabbing her through her chest. The sword was pulled out and Sphinx fell to her knees. The person who stabbed her walked in front of her and looked her in the eye. It was the kidnapper!

Sphinx: You?! Why?!

???: So, I can get all of my mistress's praise. And so I can kill him because every single one of you are incompetent and don't deserve to kill him.

The kidnapper raised his sword and cut off Sphinx's head. He sheathed his sword and looked at the unconscious (Y/N).

Hiyoko: You better not hurt him!

???: Oh, don't worry little one. I won't hurt him. I'm just gonna... move him.

The kidnapper picked up (Y/N) and walked to the monitors. He pushed a button on them and a small glass cage popped up in the center of the room. The kidnapper put (Y/N) in the glass cage and walked back into the backroom.

*Time Skip*

(Y/N) P.O.V.:
I slowly felt my eyes open from that hit that I got from Sphinx. I got up and felt the ground. It feels like glass. I stood up and looked around. I'm in a cage of some sorts. The lights turned on and I covered my eyes. I opened them and saw all of my classmates in cages.

(Y/N): Guys!!

Everyone looked at me, stood up, and ran to the bars.

Everyone: (Y/N)!!

Kazuichi: I knew you would save us, dude!

Nekomaru: Get us out of here!

(Y/N): How?!

I heard a loud screech turn on and I had to cover my ears. After a second, the screeching stopped and I heard the kidnapper's distorted voice.

???: Hello again, (Y/N). It's been a while, hasn't it?

(Y/N): Let them go!!

???: Oh, I will. But you need to do something in order for that to happen.

(Y/N): What is it?!

After I said that all of my classmates started to scream in pain. I looked over and saw them all squirming around on the ground.

(Y/N): What are you doing to them?!

???: Right now all of them are enduring a 10 milliamp shock. In order to stop this, you must take a hold of the handles in front of you and take all of the electricity away from the cages. But remember this, if you take a hold of those handles, you will experience a combined shock from all of their cages. Which means you will be shocked with a combined 150 milliamps. For every 1 minute you hold on to those bars, I will release one. If you can hold on for 15 minutes, all of your friends will be released. It's your chose. Let them get shocked to death or sacrifice yourself. Goodbye, (Y/N).

Akane: (Y/N)!! You don't have to do that!!

Nekomaru: Yeah!! We can get out of here!! *screams in pain*

I looked at all of them and made a decision. I grabbed the handles and got shocked.

(Y/N): Gah!! This is a lot more painful than I thought it would be!!

I heard everyone's scream of pain stop and they all shouted at me to stop. I wasn't going to. I was going to make sure they get out of here alive. Even if I don't. After one minute I heard a cage open and someone fall to the ground. I looked over and saw Mahiru was the first person to be freed.

(Y/N): Mahiru!!

Mahiru: (Y/N)!! *runs to cage* Don't worry, I'll get you out of there!!

(Y/N): No!! What I need you to do, is check Sphinx's body for a phone!! If you find one call the police and tell them to get their butts over here ASAP!!

Mahiru: But-!!


Mahiru was a little taken back by my outburst. Mainly because I rarely ever shout at someone, much less one of my girlfriends. Mahiru nodded and ran to the dead Sphinx to look for a phone. I was still hanging on to the handles. Just like the kidnapper said, after every minute someone was let out of their cages. I looked over at Mahiru and she just got off of the phone. She looked at me and nodded. As time kept going there was only one cage left. After one minute, the cage opened and the final person was let out. I was about to let go but then an explosion went off due to the amount of electricity and the cage broke and I was launched into a monitor.

Everyone: (Y/N)!!

Everyone ran over to me to see if I was OK. I was about to get up but I felt two people lift me up. I looked over and saw Akane lifting my right arm and Nekomaru lifting my left arm.

Nekomaru: We got you, buddy.

Akane: Don't worry, we'll get you to a hospital.

Everyone started heading towards the door with me, Akane, and Nekomaru in the front. Kizakura-sensei was about to open the door until I heard a door behind us open and a familiar voice.

???: What do you think you're doing with my opponent?

Fuyuhiko: We're taking him away from this place and getting him to a hospital!!

Hiyoko: Yeah!! And there is no way you're getting close to him!!

I was able to get out of Akane and Nekomaru's grip on my arms and moved through the crowd of my classmates. I got to the front of them and saw someone that made my eyes widen. I saw a familiar red and blue armor and red eyes. I'd know that armor from anywhere. It was the same samurai that killed Akiba.

(Y/N): You, again!

Samurai: Surprised to see me again, (Y/N)?

Chiaki: Do you know him (Y/N)?

Samurai: Why, yes. We're good friends, aren't we?

(Y/N): More like sworn enemies.

Samurai: Oh, come on, don't be like that.

(Y/N): I'll make sure to avenge Akiba!

I brought out my katanas and got into a fighting stance.

Koichi: (Y/N), don't do this!

(Y/N): Shut up! I'll make sure that I avenge Akiba! I'll make sure you die! Here and now!

Samurai: Before you do that, would you like to see who's under the mask?

(Y/N): ...Fine.

Samurai: Wonderful.

I sheathed my katanas and the samurai grabbed his helmet and took it off. My eyes widened at who is was. One of my closest friends at Hope's Peak Academy. I'd know that black hair and red eyes from anywhere.

???: Hello, (Y/N). Miss me?

(Y/N): M... Masakazu.

Masakazu: Yes, (Y/N). It's me.

(Y/N): ...All of you, leave now.

Chiaki: But-

(Y/N): LEAVE!! I'M GOING TO KILL HIM EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!! ...I want all of you to get out of here, as fast as you can, and get to the police. I'll come out after I kill him. And once I do, I'll explain everything.

It was silent. I heard the door open and footsteps quickly leave the room. I heard someone stop at the door. I turned around and saw Kizakura-sensei standing there.

Koichi: Ya know they all look up to you. You better come back alive or else I don't know what they'll do.

(Y/N): *turns towards Masakazu* ...No promises, Kizakura-sensei.

I heard Kizakura-sensei leave the room and the door close. I took out my kusarigama and Masakazu took out a. We both stood there and swung our weapons around.

Masakazu: This is where one of us dies, (Y/N).

(Y/N): I understand that. We'll just have to let fate decide who lives and who dies.

Masakazu: I agree.

Me and Masakazu ran at each other and jumped in the air. We both swung our weapons at each other and sparks flew

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