Chapter IV

Underline - Letters, notes, writings..etc
Bold and Italics - Murder scene replay
Bold - Me talking to you guys
Italics - Thoughts
Normal - Story
Italics and underline - Memories

There was Aphmau, all bloody and knife in her stomach.

And just like that, Aphmau was gone. Almost like she've never been here to begin with.

Damn, that little two-tone psycho. Thanks to his statistic rules, we can't even warn death, anyone's death. I kept on pinching myself, whenever do I wake up.

I turned off the shower, put my clothes back on and head to bed. I sat there a bit bored, until I finally got tired and fell asleep.

Tomorrow is another day.


I wake up to the bell. I sat up and listen the Monokuma. "Every time you survive death, lady Irene always have a shiny gift for you guys!" He cheered. "'A whole new world! Don't you dare close your eyes!' Kind of thing. As much I want you guys to split open from alive to dead, it's my principal duty to help your brains! Happy hunting guys, and don't say 'I gave you nothing.'" He said, before leaving.

I got up the bed, opened my door, and head of the the guys. As I was walking, I already see Nicole walking over. "Where ya going! Cafeteria is that way, isn't?" I ask. She looked at me, startled. "Oh, hey Laurence. You scared me! Anyway, it's actually the end of the corridor we're supposed to meet there. Follow me." She ordered. I nodded then followed her. We then meet up in front the security gate.

We waited until the gate opened, showing us the stairwell available. Travis groaned. "Whole new world? Dude, it's a stairwell." Travis whined. "Looks like he gave us the second floor." I pointed out. "Our data has been updated, as well." Lucinda added. "In that case, guess we better head up there and check it out." I continued, acknowledging the idea of Lucinda's. We all went upstairs and started searching. Everybody went their ways to search.


"Turn that frown upside down Laurence! We'll get out of here if we work together! I'm sure of it." Nicole cheered. "Oh please, spare your cheerful attitude, women. One of our 'companions' butchered another. Once that line crosses, further villainy will be assured." Zane scowled at the swimmer. "Bullshit!" Gene yelled across the hallway, revealing another security gate blocking the corridor to the stairs. "That dead girl really screwed us over, didn't she?" Kim snarled. "Okay... look, if we want to get out of here, we need to work together to see who's pulling the str-" Before Nicole could finish, Zane interrupted her. "Please women, less we all drown in your naive ways." "Care to explain that?" Garroth asks. "What he's trying to say is, whoever kidnapped us has a lot more cloud disposal than we assumed the most. He's out of our league." Sasha answered. "What're we supposed to do then? Give up?" Katelyn asks. "The bear was very frank with us. 'Graduate, one needs to deceive their own classmate.' In given 'my' classmates, there's nothing to it." Zane answered in the most calmest way. "But, its deceiving them about murder! I don't want to kill anyone, I can't." Vylad cried out.


We all ended up in the library, searching for something. Zane, Lucinda, and I was searching near the librarian desk. Zane then looked at a computer, he then started to press the keys to see if they turn the computer on, nothing. Zane sighed. "It won't even turn on, cut-rate piece of junk." Zane mumbled.

"Not that I believe we can Google our way out of this mess, but it did cross my mind." Lucinda spoke up. I was searching through some cabinets for clues. "Well, any luck?" Zane asks me. In the last cabinet I opened, there was a letter from the principal. The principal?!

Hopes Peak High school. -Principal.

I picked it up. "Check it out, its from Hopes Peak principal." I said. Zane and Lucinda looked at me in shock. Then went over, bent down and looked it over my two shoulders. "According to the envelope, it's a letter from the principal." I continued. I unfolded the piece of paper and read it out loud. "Huh? 'Going what I see here, this isn't a school anymore.'" I read the sentence in shock. Zane and Lucinda looked interested into the letter. "'School operations will resume once the issues have been resolved.'" I continued. I then ask: "What's that about?"

"Apparently, this place stopped being a legitimate school before we ever set foot on campus." Lucinda answered.

Here I am, at Hopes Peak High campus. I wasn't ready, but I'm doing this to make my family proud.

"I don't know how it was for you, but it looked plenty legit when I showed up." I told Lucinda. "Apparently the author NO I'M NOT BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!! GOT IT?! of our misfortune claimed it 'deserted' and then use it to make this twisted little play." Zane added in. I looked at him, confused and shock.

He then rested a hand on a textbook. "Look at this. Sensational trash at the lowest order." He sneered. This guy is way to rich for our likings. "And here, it serves as a 'textbook.'" Zane continued. "Yeah. Don't remind me." I said quietly. "Come." He motions to Lucinda and I. We exchange glances before following Zane. He then opened a door, leading the back of the library. There were mountain stacks of books and a study desk. "It's not often that life grants you something that feeds delicious details. At least we can do is enjoy ourselves." He stated, smiling a bit. "What the hell?" I ask Lucinda. She just shrug her shoulders

Gene then came to us, angrily. "That little piss ass is treating it like a game! You're in danger too you know!" He exclaimed. Zane just chuckled in annoyance. "It is a game you philistine." Zane calmly said, not turning around to see Gene. "A 'Zero points game' is the correct saying." Sasha spoke up, walking towards us. Soon, everybody else came toward us. "Whatever you win, you take from another. Lying for spots at a good school. Promotions at work. And in this scenario, the prize is life itself, but only for one of us." Sasha giggled. We all, except Lucinda and Zane, gasped at the comment.

"Yeah, thanks for that." I thanked her sarcastically. "Honestly, less thought of you winning this game of survival not once crossed your mind, whatsoever. Has it?" Sasha asks Zane, ignoring me. Zane turned around and smiled. "No, never, and why would it?" Zane answered. Sasha giggled once more. "I would expect no less than to the heir of the Ro'meave corporation. Garroth is Ro'Cave and Vyald is Ro'Love. Got it? Don't judge me. The world must look different to you. For a Super High school level heir, just like you, thinks that challenges are simply 'simple.' Even if your life is on the line, you don't quiver." Sasha answers.

"So you do understand me?" Zane said. "Shall I spell out for the rest of you peasants." Zane sneered. I gasped at his comment. Peasants?! "You had better try your damn hardest to win. Nothing bores me than a bunch of quitters." He continued.

"N-No, I can't." Vylad cried out. Zane arched an eyebrow in annoyance. We all looked at Vylad. "This is just wrong. Why are you talking about this so calmly? It's horrible. Friends aren't supposed to kill each other!" She cried out.

"We are not 'friends.' We are strangers, death locked fight for survival." Zane stated. "That's so...ruthless!" Vylad cried out. "You voted Aaron guilty right along with the rest of us." Zane scoffed. Vylad gasped, jumping back a bit.

Nicole decided to but in the conversation. "It's a good thing of what he got coming to him. Y'know, we would've been next after that fiasco." "Yeah! They're right! Assuming to go off that thing, don't go blaming yourself!" Garroth cheered. "Listen to them Vylad! Even Aaron, it wasn't totally your fault. Whoever took us, this is on they're heads!" I motivated.

Just then, the screen in the library went off, showing Monokuma. "Right on! You passed that book! You're telling me Aaron played 'comforting' with Aphmau and it's not his fault? Wow, way to kill him when he wasn't getting the punch by free will? Whatever helps you sleep at night darlings!" The bear exclaimed, before shutting off the screen again.

We all gasped after that. "Man, that bear is a dick." Travis spoke up. Vylad then fell to her knees, put her head in her hands, and started to cry. "Stop that. You're just giving him what he wants." Gene comforted. Zane laughed a bit. "Taking up a coddling weakest link, aye?" Zane asks with a plastered smirk.

Gene cracked his knuckles. "That's it! I'm beating this dudes teeth!" Gene yelled, running towards Zane. Zane looked as if he has no fears. "Hey! Just calm down!" Zenix yelled, stepping in front of Gene. "Let go!" Gene yelled. He then slammed Zenix to the ground, as the hall monitor winced in pain. "Hey! You need to chill out Gene!" Nicole exclaimed, helping Zenix up. Gene then just snarled. "As in thrilling as it is to watch you beat your chest like a cage monkey, I'm sick of this sham." Zane scoffed, walking off. Gene then looked at Zane in anger. "Running like a bitch! Huh!" Gene yelled out.

Kim then panicked. "M-Maybe he's right." We all then looked at Kim. "I can't trust anyone!" She continued. "Oh really?! Now is when you decide to loose it?" Nicole whined. "No one gives a damn!" Kim continued, ignoring Nicole. "Wether I'm alive o-or dead! You can find me torn to pieces! And you'll say 'Well at least it wasn't m-meee!'" Kim cried in fear. "Kim. No one wants you dead. Just calm down." I tried comforting her. I reached out to touch her shoulder, Kim jumped back in fear. "Liar! You're all lying your asses off! All of you!" She panicked, before speed walking away to Zane's way. We all looked at Kim running away. "Man, there's crazy and there's that chick." Travis pointed out, looking down in shame. We all nodded and did the same.

Nicole's POV btw. It's short though, so don't expect much.
"So.." I started off, a bit uncomfortable for what just happened. "Since more areas have been unlocked, how about we go check out the pool situation? How about a quick dip will do us some good." I suggested, asking Sasha and Katelyn. "Hm. Good idea." Katelyn nodded. "What're we waiting for?" Sasha asks with a smile. I giggle with joy and walked up to Vylad. "You too. It'll make you feel better." I said in a comforting voice. Vylad then looked up at me, surprised. "Oh-I-uh." I then grabbed her wrist. "C'mon! It'll be fun! Promise!" I cheered.

Sasha, Vylad, Katelyn, and I then left the library to the girls locker room. "Alright! Locker room twelve o'clock." I squealed. I then turned the knob for the room, only to find it lock. "Dang, guess we'll have to take a rain check." I mumbled.

Then, the screen appeared to show Monokuma drinking whine. "Oh, contraire. All you have to do to open the door is to put your handy-dandy digital notebook on the lock! Tada! Problem solve! Just because I want you all to slaughter each other doesn't mean anything goes. So, no boys in the girls locker room and no girls in the boys locker room. Capiche?" The bear explains.

"What if a girl held the door opened and a boy snuck in? Or what if they held the door opened for one of us?" I immediately ask. I mean like, c'mon? Imagine the possibilities. "I think Mr.GabblingGun will find your holes to their logic. Get it? Role tape!" Monokuma yelled. Then, a video showed a person being shot at multiple times.

I looked at the gun near the camera. "Time out! Shoot anyone with that thing will be dead meat!" I panicked. "I think...that's the idea." Vylad answered in sadness. "What happens if we barrow a notebook from a boy and try to use it?" Sasha asks curiously. Monokuma then seemed a bit surprised after that. "Huh...I've never even thought of that." He exclaimed, he then whipped a tablet, throwing the glass wine, shattering it.

"Sasha!" I whispered yelled. "My apologies." Sasha sarcastically answered, but I decided to ignore it. "Incoming rule change!" The bear continued. He then started typing. "Lending your digital notebook to another student is strictly forbidden." He talked while typing.

Our notebooks ringed and we got it out. I started to read it.

Lending your digital student handbook to another student is strictly prohibited.

"Good thing you said something or you'll definitely destroy the whole system. Imagine that! It would've been unbearable! Todaloo kids!" Monokuma continued, before the screen turned off. I sighed and looked down. "Yeah guys, I don't really feel like hitting the pool now. He probably filled it with piranhas, anyway." I mumbled.

Back to Laurence's POV!!
I was walking around a bit, trying to find Kim and Zane. I looked at the back of the library, only to find the door open. I went inside. "Huh, dark in here." I mumbled.

I then found them two. There's Zane, reading a book with the lamp on and drinking coffee. And there's Kim...gawking at him? Well, it looks like gawking to me, cause Kim was looking at a stalk-able way. My Zuzu. "Oh, Kim hey." I whispered quietly.

"Please, could you be anymore obvious?" Zane asks impatiently, not looking up from his book. Kim and I gasped a bit when Zane spoke up. "The sight of you repulses me." He continued. He then sniffed the air and coughed. "Smell you from here. Take a shower." He spat. Kim jumped back, and gasped in a way of saying 'What did you just say?!' kind of thing. "Don't make me repeat myself. Just do as I tell you, your stench is an insult." He continued.

"But- O-Okay." Kim answered sadly, walking away depressingly. Well, that's not what you say to a girl. I quietly crept away the library and catch up to Kim. "Kim! Wait!" I yelled to her in the hallway. I ran up to her.

"Look, I wouldn't take all that stuff to heart. You know?" I said. Honestly, I didn't know how to respond to what happened. "I can't believe what Zane said about me. He's such a- such a-" Before Kim could finish, she turned around, blushing with love in her eyes. "Such an absolute dreamboat! Isn't he?~" She sighed. I jumped back, a bit surprised. "Huh?" I ask, confusingly. "He took the time to tell me to clean myself! Well, whaddya think of us, Laurence?~" She giggled maniacally.

She's crazy. Never seen her like this.

"Hold on, 'us' who?" I ask. "Me and Zane, duh! Aren't we the perfect couple?~ Maybe you think our love is one sided, but your wrong!" She continued, spinning in circles of happiness. "Ah! Oh Zane!~ NUUUUUUUUUUU >~<. I'm yours forever!!" She squealed, adding a bit more feeling to Zane's name.

"Well, okay then." I said nervously. She giggled, prancing away LIKE A HORSE!! NEIGH! in delight. Sure broke the mold when they made that one.

I then walked off, feeling a bit hungry after that. As I went to the door, I heard someone yelled my name. "Ah! Laurence, perfect! You're timing is impeccable!" Zenix exclaimed.

I jumped back, seeing Gene and Zenix a bit. "What's going on?" I ask immediately. "We need a ref, and you're the first one to show up, so you'll get the job." Gene answered.

"Goody-Goody-two shoes here keeps shitting his mouth off, some kind of 'Lack of self control' or some crap." Gene continued angrily, pointing at Zenix.

"Hey! Just calm down!" Zenix exclaimed, going in front of Gene. Gene then slammed Zenix to the ground, making him wince in pain.

"Of course you lack it! If you have it, you wouldn't have to answer every challenge with your fist." Zenix stated.

Gene growled and turned around to face Zenix. Why am I here again? "Yeah?! Says the one who yells all the damn time! I have more self control than you! A-hole!" Gene defended. What's cooking in the kitchen? Oh~ I hope Mac and Cheese because I really need some cheese and pasta. "That will be the day." Zenix rolled his eyes. "Oh! You're talking about big day?! Point dexter! See you get the balls to back it up!" Gene yells.

Hm? Nah, how 'bout...oh yes! Flan! AAWWW YEAH!!! COME AT ME BITCHES!!!! I was still thinking what to eat, until I felt a pair of strong arms, grabbing my arms and carrying me somewhere.

I snapped from day dreaming and looked up, only to see Gene and Zenix taking me somewhere. I then panicked. "Ack! Hey! L-Let me go!" I yelled.

•*• I am. Gene and Zenix is in the sauna...what a challenge. Honestly, I expected a WWE fight. Nah...we need Katelyn and Gene for that. One day, one day.

I went up to the door to check on them. It's 115° in there. "So, uh, you guys?" I started up. Gene and Zenix looked sweaty as hell and was trying their best not to leave the sauna. "It's been like...forty minutes. You still okay in there?" I asked, a bit bored from this.

Zenix is wearing a towel around his waist, while Gene...incoming sigh. Gene is just...full on clothing. "You looking pretty pink there, palliana! How's that self control treating ya?!" Gene yelled, huffing a bit. "This is my complexion." Zenix gritted his teeth. "You're sweating like a stuck pig!" Gene rudely responded. "Hahaha! This level of heat is child's play! Let me know when it actually warms up!" Zenix continued, ignoring Gene.

Okay, this is getting boring. "Why don't we call it a tie?" I suggested, because I'm tired. "The hell with that!" They both yelled at the same time. "Don't you think we'd be better off in our rooms? It's after ten." I yawned a bit. "Winning this duel is the only thing that matters!" Zenix said in a motivational way. "Too bad for you then! I've faced more heat than the devils nut sack!" Gene yelled, turning to Zenix. He then turned around to face me. "Laurence, we got this! You can go!" He said. "Alright then, be careful guys." I smiled and walked off to my room.

Hope they're okay. Don't want something bad to happen to them. I then closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"Hahahahahaha!" I woke up to the sound of laughter in the cafeteria. I then checked it out to see what's going on. To my surprise, it was Zenix and Gene. They both have their arm around each other, laughing away.

I stayed there in awe. "Ah man! You're such a kidder!" Gene laughed. "Maybe you just have a great sense of humor! Friendo!" Zenix laughed. Friendo?! Gene and Zenix then noticed me. "Oh? Hey Laurence! How's it hanging?" Gene asks, smiling?! "Yeah. Thanks for helping out our little duel!" Zenix thanked me.

I turned to Nicole and Katelyn who were awkwardly drinking tea. "They're friends now?" I asks, in a whispering tone. "Who knows? But I think it's hella creepy wether they're faking it or not." Nicole answered.

Gene and Zenix then laughed again. "As if a girl could ever understand the bond force between two men! Ours is a friendship to the tip of flame itself!" Zenix cheered. "Dude! I love it how you get all poetic!" Gene laughed. I then spotted Garroth carrying a tray to Sasha, who was waiting impatiently.

I decided to ignore that. "So, who left the sauna first?" I ask. "That's water under the bridge little man!" Gene joked. "Put our duel out of your mind!" Zenix added. He then made some....hand movements? "Kame-hame-forget about it!" Zenix joked. Is that how you say it or spell it? Halp meh. "You're over nine thousand!" Gene yelled before wrapping an arm around Zenix's shoulder and laughed. Zenix did the same and laughed too. I chuckled a bit.

We then heard something that crashed onto the floor. I then looked over to see the noise, which it's from Garroth and Sasha. Garroth looked, nervous? "Uh. The milk tea is not to your liking, I assume?" He started up. Sasha then sighed ungratefully. "Serving me this swill was a culinary slap in the face." She simply stated. Garroth then panicked and raised the tray, covering half of his face. "Hence forth, my royal milk tea will be simmered in milk and not just lopped into a cup." She continued, smiling.

Garroth then made some uneasy looks. "That's a lot of work and-" Before Garroth can finish, Sasha then got up from her chair and started yelling. "Go make it again you dumbass hooligan!!!!!!" She demanded. Garroth then nodded fast. "Yes! At once! Your in my command m'lady!" He reassured nervously before running off to the kitchen.

"I'm so glad we had this talk." Sasha giggled then sat back down. We then stare at awe for what just happened. I then chuckled, confusingly, scratching my head.

We then heard the alarm. I then turned to the screen, to reveal Monokuma himself. "So, how about you do a little spit fire and give your principal Monokuma a solid to go head over the gym, yeah? We're gonna have ourselves a pep rally! It put Pepe instead, my god XD. Now don't show me some slack! Show me some hustle!" The bear exclaimed then finished.

We then all gathered around and go to the gym. We waited a bit until Monokuma showed up. "I'll give it to ya straight! Cuz I've still got a lot of drinking to do! I look out to ya kids, and you know what I see? A bunch of teenagers who aren't dead! Major bummer!" We all stayed quiet, not sure what to say. "That's why I'm going to light a fire under your asses to get things moving! Don't test me, I'll actually do it if you do test me. Anyway, in that mind, today's theme is 'Embarrassing memories.' Or 'The past secrets your want to keep secret!'" He yelled.

He then got some envelope with our names on it and threw them in the air, landing on the floor. We all went to pick up our envelopes. Some of us opened it. "Ah! How'd you know?!" Nicole panicked, hugging her paper close to her chest. "If the others find out!" Zenix started, putting the paper back into the envelope and shoving it in his pocket.

"Skeletons aren't my forte, being a stuff bear and all, but every human always have one swigging around their closets all secret like!" The bear continued.

Laurence wet the bed until the fifth grade. Aww geez, I mean, it'll suck if they find out. Though...

"Nyak nyak nyak nyak! Time is wasting, giblets! If I don't see a corpse out of ya in twenty four hours, all your skeletons will be front page news! And trust me, we have some real doozies in here! Well, smell ya later!" Monokuma finished, then disappeared with the podium.

"Yeah one will go on a killing spree to keep their secret a secret, right?" Nicole asked. "Tch." Katelyn replied, crossing her arms.

I then left the gym and go into my room. I decided to lay down and relax a bit.

Is there a secret so bad worth killing for? I wouldn't believe it back before this place, now I just don't know. Well, I'm assuming that no one isn't going to do anything worse. Yeah...suck it up Laurence. We'll all be fine.

I then lift up the paper and read it again. Laurence wet the bed until the fifth grade. I sighed and fell asleep from overthinking.


"Top in the morning all!" I flutter my eyes open and stretched a bit. "Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh! While you're all busy drooling into your pillows, one of your classmates got a little homocide." I then snapped out of what Monokuma said. What?! Again?! No!! "I wonder who bit the big one?" The bear finished. I got up from my bed and sprinted to the cafeteria.

As I ended up there, there were only four people there. Nicole, Katelyn, Zane, and Travis. "Who are we missing?" I panted out. "Too soon to say yet, brah." Travis answered. "But yet again, one of us turned into a killer." Katelyn added on. "But do you really believe that? Who would kill someone over for a dumb secret?" Nicole asked.

"Dumb to you, perhaps not all secrets are created equal." Zane butted in. We all looked down and stayed quiet, until Zane spoke up. "Let's look for clues, Laurence, you're with me." He spoke. "Eh?!" I ask. "Oh please, shall I repeat myself?" He ask in annoyance. I shook my head and stayed quiet.

"Follow me." Zane demanded. I nodded and followed him, which we ended up near the girls locker room. "The locker room, a prime setting, for taking of the life." He continued. "If you say so, Zane." I said. He then walked up to the locker, and I panicked.

"Wait! Guys can't go in there!" I warned. Zane ignored me and turned the knob, which to our surprised, opened. "Open sesame." Zane said in shock. I gasped. "I wouldn't listen to restrictions while you investigate, there's plenty of time to shoot you later!" The bear said.

Zane walked in first and for the first time, gasped. "What is it?" I asked. I then walked in to look at his direction, which I gasped too.

There lies Vylad, blood streaming down her face and down to her legs. You couldn't see her face at all, since she was looking down. Theres some kind of rope, tied around her two wrists and her neck, holding her up. There's also a message that said 'Blood bath fever' next to her. She's...she's dead.

"Agh! N-No, it's Vylad!" I yelled in fear, falling down onto my butt. Zane then walked up to the body. "Written in blood. 'Blood bath fever,' huh?" He said. He then chuckled and said: "Interesting, there's something primal about this scene. Most definitely."

I stayed there in shock. No words were coming from my mouth. She was innocent...why? I then heard footsteps getting closer. It sounded like, running? Then, Zenix came into the room. "Hey guys what's wrong?" Zenix asks. He then turned to our direction. "A-Agh!" He panicked, noticing Vylad.

"Bum Bum Pow! We're three to three, sports fans! And y'know what that means! A little free time to collect your thoughts and boom-shacka-lacka-lacka trial!" Monokuma cheered, before exiting the screen.

"What?...I don't." I choked out, not knowing what to say. "It's part of the ritual here." Zane started. He then turned to me, realizing something. "Oh right, when he made the announcement for Aphmau, you were still asleep, I forgot." He stated, quietly and turned around to face Vylad.

"Once three people finds a corpse, the clock starts ticking." He continued. So...if me, Zane and Zenix are the three people, does that mean the announcement starts up? "Zenix, go round up the rest of us." Zane ordered, still looking at Vylad. "Ugh, yeah on it." Zenix nodded before leaving the room, running away. "Another killer on the loose. And the game is a foot, once again." Zane mumbled.

Sasha, Travis, Nicole, and Katelyn walked in. "Vylad!! No! She was innocent! Why her?!" Nicole screamed. Gene and Garroth followed in with Zenix. Lucinda came in last, shocked. Kim was panicking, until she fainted from the sight of blood.

Soon, everybody else was in the locker room for what seem record time. We stared at the body, fear and anger clouding our faces. One of us was looking at their own hand work. But who?

3rd Person's POV
So, the students of Hopes Peak started the investigation. The digital notebooks rang and they took them out.

Victim: Vylad Ro'Love
Time of death: Roughly two a.m.
Corpse found: The girls locker room
Fatal injury: Blow in the head by a blunt object, killing her instantly

Laurence then found a dumbbell, covered in blood. That has to be the weapon, he thought, evidence number one. He then noticed blood on the floor, evidence number two. How? He thinks she've been killed here.

Lucinda then noticed the cord around the wrist, to her neck, back to her other wrist. Evidence number three. "That's not rope, it's an extension cord." She spoke up. "Extension cord, huh? Wasn't there on in the library?" Laurence asks. "Yes, I do remember one seeing it there." Lucinda agreed. Evidence number four.

"Hey, you don't see her digital notebook anywhere, do you?" Laurence asks, looking around. Evidence number five, a missing notebook. It's gotta be around he thought.

"Hey look! Another dying message!" Travis spoke out. "Slow your rode, hardy boy." Nicole warned then joked. Evidence number six.

Laurence then went to Katelyn, who was awfully surprised about the rug. "Huh? After I was done with my workout last night, I spilled my protein coffee on the rug and now the coffee stain is gone." She told Laurence. How does a coffee stain disappear? Laurence thought. Evidence number seven.

Laurence then noticed a blood stain on a poster. He then realized the poster they chose was a slutty girl. "Wait, that pin up seems like and odd choice." He mumbled. Evidence number eight.

"So, what do we have in ours?" Laurence then opened the door to their locker room, only to reveal some boy band. "Poster from some boy band? I don't get it."

"Laurence." Laurence then turned around, only to reveal Sasha. "I have some useful information on Vylad you might want to hear." Sasha continued. Laurence nodded then listened to Sasha. "I last saw Vylad in the storage area. She had a jersey in a duffle bag and she was in a rush. Maybe she rounded up for someone." Sasha added on. Evidence number nine, Sasha as a witness and a duffle bag with a jersey in it. If she was meeting up someone, then where's her bag? Laurence thought.

"This is the work of Genocider Sho." Zane spoke up. Ohhh yeah, my second fave character is coming up. do I know that name? You mean that serial killer who popped up recently?" Laurence asks. "Curious yet? I'll allow you to aid my investigation. Follow me." Zane demanded. Laurence nodded and followed Zane.

They ended up in the library. "Hey, y'know. I just thought of something, the Genocider Sho murders has been a pretty big deal lately. So, maybe we're dealing with a copycat." Laurence suggested as they entered the room.

Zane just clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "Sorry." He said, looking away. "How can you be so sure?" Laurence asked. "Easy, now hold your tongue and listen." Zane demanded.

Little did they know, Lucinda went on her own investigation. While she was wondering, she ended up in a room. So, Lucinda being Lucinda, she went in and started to wonder. That's when, she found a box. She went up to it and opened it, only to find something shocking. Which were Ivy's, Aaron's, and Aphmau's digital notebooks. "Well." She then started to turn them on.

The only working notebooks were Ivy's and Aphmau's, while Aaron's is damaged. Instead of counting it as evidence, she counted it as a little secret of her own until further on.

"Whoah, confidential police files?" Laurence asked, in amazement. They're in the back of the library, looking at a book. "Normally, this information is not released into the public." Zane answered, not looking at Laurence. "How do we even know it's real?" Laurence asked.

Zane sighed. "Your skepticism is healthy, though I assure you these copies are genuine. They match copies at the study at my home." Zane answered, looking at Laurence. Laurence jumped back a bit. "Look, I get that you're rich, but they shouldn't be handing this info out." He stated.

"That's one of your weaknesses, if something doesn't match your ideals, you disregarded." The heir continued, fixing his hair that was in the way of his eye. Laurence couldn't help but blushed a tiny bit, which Zane didn't notice. *inhales deeply* ZANENCEEEEEEEEEE. I ship it. "Here's the information on Genocider Sho." The hair continued, handing the book to Laurence. He then took the book and started to read it.

"She always writes 'Blood Bath Fever' in blood at the murder scene. The victims are always male and scissors are always the weapon." The heir continued. Laurence nodded as closed the book. Evidence number ten.

Back to Laurence's POV
"Based on his profile, Sho might suffer with Dissociative Identity Disorder, what we used to call 'Multiple Personalities.'" Zane continued on. "Also, everyone of her victims thus far has been crucified. That detail is only knew to the select few officers." Zane stated, getting closer to the book.

"D-Do you r-really think that G-Genocider Sho is in here with us?" I ask, stuttering a bit. He then smiled and chuckled a bit. "A heir can never lie, little Laurence." He said. Little Laurence? How come I know that nickname?

We then heard footsteps running down. "Thank goodness I found you guys!" A high pitch voice huffed. We turned around to see who it is, which is Nicole. "Kim has gone of the deepened." She panicked.

We then followed her to Kim's room, which send me a chilling feeling down my spine. Why do I feel like something is wrong? Once we're in front of her door, Nicole then spoke. "She's been acting off ever since we found the body. She's locked in her room, but yelled through the door that she wants to talk to Zane."

I looked at Zane, who seemed totally fine with this. She then rang the doorbell. "You're doing alright in there? I brought Zane." She continued. We waited for a while, until a voice squeaked. "H-He's...he's really here?" We then heard a clicking noise and the door then opened, revealing Kim, which she looked pale.

"I-I'm so sorry Zane." She teared up. Why is she apologizing? "I couldn't keep my promise. I thought I could, but it was too hard." She continued. Nicole and I exchanged glances and looked at Zane, who's narrowing his eyes. "But, y'know? I'm okay!" She laughed a bit. "I've got it under control! I'm calling the shots again." She continued. She then started to yell. "Listen up! Genocider Sho is not going to add me in her body count!" She then slammed the door.

Nicole panicked and started knocking on the door. "Kim! Wait! Open the door! Anything you said doesn't make any sense! So let's start again without the crazy talk, okay? Kim?!" She yelled. What's going on here?

I looked at Zane, who just smiled. We then heard the alarm. "I know the idea was to give you toddlers a logic idea of who did it, but it's like watching paint dry. So shuffle you feet and head on over! It's time to trial!" Monokuma yelled. No...not again...I don't want to...why am I here?

YYYYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Long time no see. Sorry not updating, got a cold. So, here's the chapie! Bye~

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