Chapter III
Underline - Letters, notes, writings..etc
Bold and Italics - Murder scene replay
Bold - Me talking to you guys
Italics - Thoughts
Normal - Story
Italics and underline - Memories
Hope Peak High school, only way to graduate is to kill your other classmates. And now, Aphmau is dead and I'm the prime suspect. But, I'm innocent. She would tell you herself, I couldn't hurt a fly!
The door then opened to the court room.
Here we go, good luck everybody. We're going to need it.
"Holy crap, it's lengthen for a court room." I mumbled to myself. "Goodie gumdrop! Took your time I see." We then look at the head chair, only to see Monokuma. "Look at the odds now, you're expecting something less tasteful." He continued.
"Screwed up either way, if you ask me!" Gene exclaimed. "Before we start." We all gasped at Lucinda's response. "I have a question relate to the task. Why the portraits?" She asks. We then looked at Aphmau's and Ivy's portraits, only with a red X across them. "Why not? Just because their dead, I'd hate for them to miss the proceedings." The bear answered. "And the extra podium belongs to who?" Sasha asks. "Counting the departed classmates, we had fifth teen. Why sixteen places?" Sasha continues. "You're reading to much into it, darling. The extra podium just means the court room strips down to sixteen jurors." The bear answered.
"Speaking of which, that's all the time we got for pleasantries. Ladies and gents, time to get down to business." To defeat the Huns. Did they send me daughters? When I asked, for sons. "This is jacked up. Nobody else really thinks one of us killed her." I stated.
"Hm." Zane mumbled under his breath. "Maybe correct, my boy. There is doubt, by the way." Monokuma defended. "Right. Everybody close your eyes! If you're the murderer, raise your hand." Zenix demanded, closing his eyes. "Yeah, that'll blow like an old lady's fart." Gene said, sarcastically.
"Nyeh Nyeh nyeh nyeh nyeh. Enough chit chat. Commence debating for your lives!" The bear commanded.
Gotta stay focus, unless I can convince them I didn't do it, we're all done for.
"Alright, classroom trials!" The bear then grabbed a gavel behind him. "Is in session!" Monokuma then slammed the gavel on the desk, ordering us that we're in session.
More cool in 3rd person POV
Laurence seems determined to find the killer and clear his name from the light. "So, uh, how does debating work?" Nicole finally said.
Three verbal bullets I have. One is now loaded. Laurence thought.
"Where we can start, let's talk about the victim." Garroth replied, trying to act smart. "Well I suggest to begin with the murder weapon itself. Let's see where that takes us." Lucinda suggested. "We can be sure where it was the weapon because where it was found. Sticking out of the victim's midsection is not where it's usually kept!" Zenix pointed out. "Congratulations, you're good!" Gene replied, sarcastically.
"Don't blow him off, it's important." Laurence said, defending Zenix. "What?" Gene asks. "Just stop and think about it a sec, the knife had to come from the kitchen." Laurence answered. "So, does that mean anybody who was in the kitchen last night was a suspect?" Nicole questions. "He's just trying to get us split hairs. He's the killer, remember!" Aaron scowled.
"Wait, y'know what? I can prove that Laurence didn't took it." Nicole defended Laurence. The jurors gasped at the witness. "I would know because Katelyn and I spent the whole day yesterday, hanging out in the cafeteria." Nicole answered. "Excuse me, but Katelyn is who, exactly? No offense." Sasha questions. "None taken." The blue haired, and quite muscular, girl spoke up.
"We were there until late. Having a lovely evening tea as it happened." Katelyn continued. "I was on edge, Katelyn was sweet enough to keep me company to try to calm my nerves." Nicole continued.
"Well, what if you both did it? If you teamed up, you just have to keep your story straight." Kim scoffed. "Oh, please note. If two or more people team up to commit murder, only the actual killer is eligible for graduation. No whining!" The bear exclaims, while eating a jar honey.
"Yes, it's clearly stated in the rules." Zane pointed out, holding his digital notebook. "I see. In other words, no one stands to often team up." Sasha says, understanding the rules. "Fine. Then stop beating around the bush and tell us who took the knife already! Swim hussie!" Kim spat. "You take that back!" Nicole yells.
"As Nicole said, we were there for some time. We know who took the knife because we witnessed it's removal." Katelyn continued, ignoring the fight between the two girls. "Then why did you not mention this sooner?" Zane asks impatiently. "Cuz, I guess, it's rude to speak ill of the dead." Nicole answered.
"Wait, what?" Laurence asks Nicole. "It was Aphmau. I don't know why, but it was definitely her." Nicole continued. "But that doesn't make sense. Why would she take the knife?" Laurence ask with desperation in his tone. "I'm afraid there can be no doubt." Katelyn answered.
"How does royal milk tea sound? You're nice enough to stay here, I have to go all out." Nicole says nicely. Just then, Aphmau walks into the kitchen, only to seem surprised at first of the sight from the two girls. "O-Oh, hi! Just thought I would get myself something to drink." The raven haired girl said. Aphmau then walked up to the fridge to get a beverage.
"At the time, it didn't strike me weird or anything." Nicole continued. "Same here. Thought it was normal." Katelyn said. "I see. So the victim pre cured the weapon that can end her life!" Zenix exclaims.
Aphmau then got a beverage and closed the fridge. "Goodnight. Sweet dreams." Aphmau says sweetly. "Yeah, goodnight." Katelyn replied. "Huh. Oh, yeah. Sure, same to you." Nicole answered, a bit distracted. As Aphmau left, Katelyn noticed that a kitchen knife has been taken.
"Of course, yeah. She must've wanted it to protect herself!" Laurence pointed out. "If that being the case, the very thing that she thought would protect herself proved her wrong. Simple tragic irony at it's finest." Zane replied. "Yeah, no kidding." Laurence mumbled. "All in same, Laurence. You're still rather far from clearing your name in this bloody business." Zane continued, still thinking Laurence being the culprit.
Laurence looks down, in shame for them not knowing that he's innocent. "Aha! See! There's murder written all over his face!" Kim yelled, pointing a finger at Laurence. "Dammit, I told you already! It wasn't me!" Laurence yelled, defending himself. "Oh! He's trying to steer the wheel away from him! What a skill manipulator you are!" Garroth exclaim, rolling his r's to sound professional.
C'mon, why aren't you getting it? If you pin this on me, we all get executed! Laurence thought.
"Careful. On my opinion, it's still to early to point the finger at Laurence." Lucinda spoke up. The jurors gasped at the defender's words. "There's evidence we're not considering." She continued. Then, Laurence gasped shock. "Y-You believe me?" He asks with a bit of hope. "What evidence?" Katelyn demanded. "I submit to you all, the state of the crime scene." Lucinda ordered.
"Did the culprit appeared to have easy access to the shower? I think not." She pointed out. "What are you driving at?" Sasha demanded, a bit more into what Lucinda is saying. "The doorknob to my shower was thrashed. I saw it." Laurence added, remembering his room. "In fact, it did looked broken." Garroth pointed out.
"So?! What does that have to prove! Except he broke in to get his prey, animal!" Kim yelled in disapproval. "But, there's that one small detail that convinces me that Laurence isn't the murderer." Lucinda complied.
"What are ya? Nuts? He came in, and broke it. Boom! End of story, he didn't have any choice because she locked the door on him." Gene denied. Laurence then realized and remembers what Monokuma had told him. "I can prove you wrong!" He yelled.
One verbal bullet down. Second one loaded. Laurence thought.
"The showers doors doesn't lock in the boy's room. Only the girl showers do." Laurence stated, slamming his hands on the podium to seem more serious. "Oh yeah?" Gene asked, composing his figure to face Laurence instead of Lucinda. "And how do you know that?" He finishes.
"Monokuma said so himself. Our showers has no locks installed. Go on, sir, tell him!" Laurence asks Monokuma. The bear then snapped from LaLa land and looked at Laurence. "Huh?! Yeah, sure whatever." Monokuma said, a bit distracted and bored.
"So then why did the killer get the trouble at the doorknob to get Aphmau?" Vylad asks. "Because my door is wonky, there's a trick to opening it." Laurence answers to Vylad, a bit more confident this time. Vylad then gasped at the answer.
"I know it, but the killer doesn't. Figure the door is lock. Then to final thought, they consider it a girl's room. The only option they have left is to bust the doorknob." Laurence finishes.
"If Laurence was the murderer, he would've known the trick to the door, considering not lock and walk straight in." Lucinda stated. The jurors then nodded, agreeing to the idea that Lucinda and Laurence stated.
"Yeah, that sort of make sense, I suppose." Kim mumbled in disappointment and embarrassment. "Whoah, thank you." Laurence smiled politely. "Don't get to comfortable. We're not done yet." Lucinda warned.
And so, the trial was still in session. "So, let us assume the murderer was someone else. Where would they get the idea the door was locked? Were they not aware that they switched rooms and why be there if they didn't?" Sasha asks immediately, checking if she isn't teaming up with the 'killer.'
"That's the point. From the evidence, I think its safe to say that the killer assumed he or she was in the room of Aphmau's." Lucinda answered. "Let me guess this straight, you're saying the culprit was around in the dark about the room swap?" Vylad asks curiously.
"Please. We were all in the dark about it!" Kim yells at Vylad. "Hey! Don't narrow her down to our list of suspect!" Gene defended, as Vylad looks down in shame. "Then we put it to a majority vote!" Zenix exclaims. "That can work." Aaron agrees. Zenix then stand confidently and proud. "Yeah, that can work. I mean, we are in a bit of pin, right? Either put someone on the chopping block or we all get the axe." Travis said nervously.
"No need to throw our hands in the air, Travis. The devil is in the details, I urge you all to focus." Sasha complied. "Now that I think about it." The jurors then looked at Nicole, speaking up an idea she have thought of.
"Aphmau was freaked out, as Laurence said, how did the killer get into the room to begin with? She wouldn't have to let them in." Nicole continued.
"Was the locked picked?" Vylad suggested, shrugging her shoulders. "Not possible, the tumblers are all re-connect electronically!" Zenix exclaimed. "Hehe. Prepare yourself to be amazed!" Garroth exclaimed in confidence. The jurors gave an eye roll and decided to listen to Garroth. "Aphmau let the killer in herself!" He exclaimed, rolling his r's. Ah. Doggo bitting big toe in real lifefo. The jurors looked at him.
"C'mon man. We've been over this, she was too scared to open the door." Laurence replied. "Y-You're right." Garroth replied, he then thought of something 'clever.' "That's it, only if I agree with you if we're both wrong!" Garroth yelled.
"I know what I saw." Garroth then stopped screaming when Laurence said that. "When she came to me, she was practically in tears." Laurence said, sadly.
When Laurence opened the door, there was Aphmau with a scared face and tear stains. "Whatever you do, don't open the door." Laurence demanded nicely. "Got it. That door staying locked, even though I know it's you on the other side. Which sort of defeat the purpose of swapping rooms, right?" Were the final words Laurence ever remembered from Aphmau.
"I don't know about you, but I've had a hard time believing after that. Why would she opened the door after the talk." Laurence continued. "Perhaps that was her idea. Her terror could've been a rouse." Lucinda said, disappointed.
Laurence gasped at Lucinda's comment. The jurors then gasped at the thought. So much gasping XD. "N-No, she wouldn't lie to me. Aphmau and I were friends!" Laurence yelled, defensively.
"Yes I will grant you, it is a unpleasant possibility to consider, but I'm afraid necessary." Lucinda then held up a note while talking, which showed Aphmau's handwriting.
There's something I want to talk about in private. Please come to my room. Make sure to check the nameplates so you don't go to the wrong room by mistake. -Aphmau Lorde
Laurence then gasped at the note. "What's that supposed to be?" Laurence choked out in betrayal and sadness. "The impression of the letter she wrote." Lucinda answers. "I found it on the notepad in her room. I'm sorry, are you trying to say that you wrote this?" Lucinda asks demandingly.
Laurence read the note that Lucinda passed. He was furious and frustrated. "No. It wasn't." Laurence said more angrily. "Of course not. I thought it much. As you can see, the signature is quite legible." Lucinda continued. "I don't get it. S-She." Laurence asks in frustration. "She wrote this letter." Lucinda finishes for Laurence.
"The reason why she wrote this letter, is attempting to lure someone to their own death." Lucinda finished. "Someone has be dumb enough to fall over a teen Idol plan. That is, they're perfectly ready and dumb enough to fall for it!" Garroth exclaims.
"Yes, that is. But, the note clearly says to come to her room. So there we have it, don't we? The murder wasn't in her room." Sasha corrected Garroth. "Right, whoever it was would've gone where Laurence was instead." Vylad carried on. "Ah, but they wouldn't have, you see. Aphmau was clever." Lucinda said.
"Really? How so?" Sasha asks, into the conversation. "After she and Laurence switched rooms, she slipped out and swapped the name plates." Lucinda answered.
As Lucinda left the room, she noticed the nameplate 'Aphmau' in front of Laurence's door. Lucinda then checked the digital notebook, Laurence's and Aphmau's nameplates were switched.
"My notebook missed this detail entirely." Lucinda finishes. "So she was luring someone in to Laurence's room." Vylad said in shocked. "Well, if memory sirs." Zane spoke up. *sigh* My Togami Senpai~. "I believe the phrase tossed out a little bit earlier was 'luring someone to their death.'" Zane continued.
"Yes. Seem so, that it's the only logical conclusion left." Lucinda answered. "Of course, that points the finger away from Laurence." Lucinda finished. "Finally." Laurence mumbled in relief. "Fine, whatever. Then who killed her?" Aaron asks demandingly. "Isn't it obvious." Laurence said. Aaron then panicked and looked at Laurence in shocked.
"Whoever she invited to my room turned the tables on her, got to her first." Laurence said sadly. Gene, Nicole and Katelyn gasped at the answer. "Are we actually going with the idea that she swapped rooms with Laurence to try to off someone?" Nicole asks everybody.
"Far from the worst." Everybody gasped and looked at Zane. "Once the deed is done, she had on out to switch the nameplates and pin it on you." Zane continued. "She would never do that!" Laurence yelled deafeningly. "Oh please, wake up! What can she be up too if not that?" Zane yelled back.
As ***** walked into the room, Aphmau was hiding in the corner with a knife for her prey. She then waited for the perfect timing to kill her victim. Aphmau then jumped at ***** and attacked him. "What the?!" He yelled. ***** missed the knife attacks and kept dodging. Aphmau's fatal mistake was showing the katana to the killer, giving him a weapon. He then grabbed it and slash it against Aphmau's armed wrist. Aphmau then yelped in pain. Aphmau then walked up to the wall, gripping her arm and meeting death itself.
"Her fatal misstep of course. Giving her victim a visibility to fight back." Zane finished. "They got the first strike with that katana!" Travis exclaimed. "No, that was used in self defense." Sasha spoke up. "Yes, the damage to the sheets implies it much. Had things gone according to plan? If yes, Aphmau would be standing her now, pointing the finger at Laurence." Zane continued.
"I trusted her. Why would she?" Laurence asks meekly. "Why wouldn't she? It was an iron plan weight out of here. Is it not?" Sasha asks. "The fact it's a spectacular failure, then yes." Zane added. "Poor fool." Zane scowled hatefully.
Laurence then got angry at Zane's comment. "Don't talk to her about that!" He yelled. Zane then looked at Laurence in a disapproval way. "Oh, I'm sorry. You have a reason to defend her?" Zane asks sarcastically. "No, but still-" Before Laurence can finish, Lucinda cut him in short before they started fighting.
"Calm down." Lucinda demanded. "This isn't the time to argue. Focus." Lucinda continued, in a stern voice. "Yes, quite right. The murderer is still at large and time is short." Sasha said, agreeing with Lucinda. "Let's get to it, then. It's one of us." Zane continued. "Well, yeah, duh. But how the hell do we pick?" Travis asks. "U-Ugh! We're all goners, I knew it! I'm too young to die! It's not fair!" Kim exclaimed, almost in tears from the amount of fear she's receiving.
I gotta think, if we don't figure out who killed her, it's the end for all of us. There's gotta be something that we missed! Laurence thought to himself.
"Well, guess that's pretty much it for us. Damn, if only there was more to go on, right?" Aaron asks, almost to relieved to be done with this. Laurence then wide eyed and realized something. "We're outta clues." Aaron finishes. "That's when your wrong!" Laurence yelled.
Second verbal bullet down, last one ready. Laurence thought.
"The hell am I missing then?" Aaron asks, a bit more nervous than usual. "Something pretty big, actually. She left us a message, not the one on the notepad." Laurence continued, looking at Aaron hatefully. Aaron then arch an eyebrow, looking at Laurence, confused. "What are you driving at?" Aaron asks, in shock and sweat coming down on his face.
"She left us a dying message, one scrolled out in blood." Lucinda answered. "That's right! What did it say?" Travis remembered, but then asks as his memory blurs. "You mean the random string of letters?" Nicole asks, confused. "Oi, Vylad. Found anything special with the letters?" Gene asks, looking at Vylad. "I tried every coding trick in the book, but whatever it supposed to mean, it's not a code I know. I'm sorry." She answered, a bit disappointed.
Break it down. Did the killer already had the knife? Laurence thought.
Aphmau then ran into the bathroom, hiding from the killer, but leaving her knife behind. ***** then looked at shock of the teen Idol's action, grabbed the knife, and then sprinted to the bathroom door. Aphmau trembled in fear, still gripping her arm. ***** then busted the doorknob, and slashed Aphmau. She gasped in shock and pain. She started to think of ideas how to reveal her murderer before she's too late. She then wrote down the letters, hoping she could finish before her demise. She looked up at ***** in fear. He then stabbed Aphmau in the stomach, knowing what she's doing. Aphmau then closed her eyes, and never open them again, as she left the killers unfinished name written out.
Laurence then gasped in realization. "That's it! I got it!" Laurence yelled. The jurors then looked at Laurence in curiosity. "The message wasn't a string of letters, she wrote out her killer's name!" Laurence continued in confidence. The jurors then gasped at Laurence.
"Flip those marks around in a hundred and eighty degree, there you have it. Playing as day. A, a, r, o, n." Laurence spelled out the killers name, the jurors then gasped and looked at Aaron. "Well what do you know? That's your name, isn't it? Aaron Falconclaw." Laurence finished, looking at Aaron. Aaron then had sweat running down his face, he then gasped at Laurence.
"So Aaron, you got anything to say? Now's the time." Laurence demanded. Aaron kept on looking at Laurence in shock. "Disappointing, Aaron." Katelyn scowled at the killer. Aaron then looked at her in anger. "Give me a break! You're seriously not listening to this lying little punk?!" Aaron screamed at Katelyn. Such a child Aaron, I thought you knew better.
"Aphmau identified her murderer from beyond the grave. Your name was written as her life ended away." Lucinda spoke up, defending Laurence. "So, she wrote that way at the angle of her head. Poor girl didn't have enough energy to hoist around to the right direction." Laurence continued. "Maybe someone is trying to frame me. Did ya ever think of that? Everything you got is circumstantial!" Aaron defended himself.
"Let's assume you're not the perpetrator, care to explain why did you try to destroy evidence?" Lucinda asks calmly. Aaron then looked at Lucinda shocked, not saying anything. The jurors gasped at Aaron's answer. "Somebody explain!" Zenix demanded. "Yeah, of course!" Laurence remembered.
Laurence then saw part of a burning shirt, still stain in blood. "Laurence, look, Travis' crystal ball! It's broken." Garroth pointed out.
"She means those shard pieces of the shirt and broken glass ball." Laurence answered. "Right, I forgot all about those!" Garroth exclaimed. "Y'know, come to think of it, I haven't seen my crystal ball in a while. You think that's what happened to it?" Travis asks Laurence.
"Well Laurence, seems you and I have the same opinion." Lucinda spoke up. "Puzzled it out yet?" Lucinda asks, ready for something smart to happen. Laurence then hummed a 'yes' in response. "Here's what I think happened." Laurence continued.
***** then ran to the garbage shoot to dispose his bloody shirt, only to find the security gate blocking the way.
"Aphmau's killer was in over his head. He hadn't plan to kill anyone that night, so he has to get rid of evidence fast. Unfortunately the garbage room was on lock down." Laurence continued.
***** then grabbed out Travis' glass ball and got into a pitcher stance. ***** eyes the button and threw the glass ball to it. The ball then made it to the button, activating the incinerator. ***** then grabbed his bloody shirt, made it into a ball, and threw it to the incinerator.
"This is where Travis' missing glass ball comes in. Activating the incinerator from the other side would've been near impossible for almost anyone. Our culprit had mad skills, specifically, Super High school baseball player skills." Laurence explains.
***** then left the garbage shoot, quietly creeping away. ***** thought his whole shirt was burned up, that is, the little part of the sleeve fell of the incinerator. ***** then chuckled to himself for getting 'rid' of the evidence.
"All finished, he thought, so he could chill back to his room as if nothing happened. That, is if it turns out, was his big mistake. The scrap of the burning blood stain shirt sleeve fell out, gotcha. Hard evidence, he thought he left the murderous past behind, but only to lead us to the killer himself." Laurence finishes.
He then pointed at ***** and said: "Deny it if you want, that's how it went, Aaron." Laurence scowled. Aaron then looked at Laurence in worry. Aaron was lost in words, not saying anything to Laurence. He then looked down, only to show his face, but not eyes.
"You stand accuse, now it would be the time to object." Lucinda spoke up. Aaron then chuckled at Lucinda's response. "Object, huh, yeah. Let me think about that." Aaron then slammed his hands on the podium. "You damn right I object!! This is all a bunch of bullshit!!!" Aaron screamed at Laurence.
Aaron keeps on screaming at Laurence, but he doesn't stop explaining and decided to ignore Aaron. "You're the only one with the athletic jocks to throw Travis' ball hard and far enough to make it to the incinerator." Laurence answered loud enough. "Never never never never never never never never never never!!!!!!!" Aaron kept on saying that. Such a tantrum Aaron.
"Yeah! Nice try, but screw you!!!! What about Garroth?!?! He has trash detail, he would've unlock the gate!!!!" Aaron defended by blaming Garroth. "Exactly why he would've needed to use the ball. He would've used his access key and walk off without any of us having a clue." Laurence defended Garroth.
"Ha!! Dumb man tryna to frame me!!!!!!! Like I said!!! 'It's all circumstantial!!!!!'" Aaron screamed at Laurence. "Maybe. But there's still one final piece of evidence that still points at you!" Laurence yelled in defense. "What?!?! You're going to make something up now?!?!?!?!?" Aaron yells at Laurence in anger.
"The bathroom, the doorknob. The screws were removed." Laurence continues, ignoring Aaron's tantrum. "Who gives a flying red tag?!?!?!?!?" Aaron asked in a yelling matter. "How exactly did the murderer removed those screws, huh?" Laurence said calmly. "Whatever you're driving at, bitch, you're barking at the wrong tree!!!!!!!!!!!!" The killer continues screaming. He's going to get a sore throat XD.
"Well, what I'm driving at, is on the money! The proof in your tool kit. How about you give us a look?" Laurence continues in a calm matter. "Never never never never never never never never!!!!!!!!" Aaron screams. You need a cough drop bro?
"What if this is a sham, dude! I'm warning you, back off!!!" Aaron yells. Laurence then realized what Aaron is doing, he's trying to hide something. "Your guilty, Aaron Falconclaw!" Laurence yelled deafeningly. "I demand you to show us what's inside your tool kit." Laurence finishes. Aaron then stops screaming and looks at Laurence in fear. The color of his face was white and he was eye-wide shocked.
Last verbal bullet gone. There's no more. Laurence thought.
"C'mon. What's the big deal? What've you got something to hide?" Laurence demanded. Aaron still had a scared look on his face. "Bare in mind, if it's used, prepare to explain every last detail until all of us is satisfied." Zane spoke up, a bit shocked from the fight. "In under circumstances, not knowing, is not going to be acceptable." Lucinda added on.
Aaron looked down, his mouth was trying to mouth something, but no words came out. Sweat kept on coming down from his face. "Predictable. He has nothing to say in his defense." Zane scowled harshly. "I'm sorry man." Laurence apologizes quietly.
Back to Laurence's POV!
I can't believe it, he killed Aphmau. I then heard Monokuma laughing. "Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh nyeh. I see you kids have hashed this out nicely. Major kudus!" The bear congratulated. "Let's move in to voting time! Kindly lock your votes by pressing the switch in from of you!" Monokuma ordered.
A computer screen popped in front of me. I took a deep breath and type in 'Aaron' in the text box. "Let's see if your right! Who's the guilty so and so? Feel good about your answer? And the award goes to!" Monokuma exclaimed. He then got out a slot machine and pulled the lever. It started spinning, showing our faces on the slots. Finally, it finished spinning and got three Aaron heads.
"Correct! Well done, peeves! Aphmau Lorde's murderer was indeed, Aaron Falconclaw!" The bear cheered, pointing a finger at Aaron. I looked at Aaron in demise. He looked half scared to death. "I-I-I." Was all Aaron could say.
"Oh wow." Nicole said in shock and disappointment. "You...dumbass what the hell got into you?!" Gene demanded. "I-I didn't want to." Aaron finally said. We all looked at him, surprise. He was looking down, you couldn't see his eyes at all. "She was...I mean, she was trying to kill me, right? I-I just didn't know what else to do, okay." Aaron choked out, almost as if he was crying. He then looked up at us, tears coming down from his eyes and slammed his hands on the podium. "What if she've gone after you?!?! You would've done the same thing in my shoes!!" He yells, before falling into his knees, put his head in his arms and start crying.
"Right, so there you have it. Excellent job for finding tough suspense, I mean that. Moving on now to the punishment phase!" Monokuma yelled. Aaron then stopped crying and quickly got up. "No, I didn't have a choice! The crazy skank was trying to kill me! What else was I supposed to do?!" Aaron exclaims, backing up a bit. "C'mon guys, I acted in self defense. Special circumstances, I'm not really a murderer." Aaron chuckles, which I thought was creepy. Same here, same here.
Monokuma then giggled. "Yes yes, I'm sure we're all relieved to hear that. But rules are rules! Too bad! So sad!" Monokuma cheered. This is why I love him so much. He's crazy, like me.
"No wait! It's not right!" Aaron exclaims. "Right? Since when this isn't right, sweetheart? You killed and got caught, which means you die!" The bear exclaims in a cheery tone. Aaron backs away more, shaking his head. "N-No. Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screeched. Aaron then went up to the wall and started banging. "Someone get me out of this place!!" He yells. Monokuma ignores Aaron's screams and continues talking. "Since Aaron is a high jock level high school guy, I came up with a special way of execution. Plaaay ball!!" The bear cheered.
"Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Aaron screeches one more time, tears running down from his face. The bear then brought out the gavel and a button appeared in front of him. Monokuma then slammed the gavel on top of the button. The bear chuckled then left.
Aaron was still crying. "I-I'm scared." He finally said. We then heard a door opening. Aaron looked at it in fear. He then looked at us for support, but nothing. Then, a collar snatched onto Aaron's neck and took him away. "If y'all want to see Aaron's demise, please simply step onto the elevator." We were hesitant but stepped onto the elevator.
We then heard the elevator door opened to a cage. "What the hell is this?" I ask. The background was like a baseball cage and a batting area. But there's a pole. "Is he gonna strip to death or what?" Gene asks. OMI I CAN'T. THAT JUST POPPED OUT OF MY HEAD AND I HAVE TO WRITE IT DOWN XD.
"Whoah, taking it up already, I see." Monokuma joked. Gene blushed and shook his head. We then heard a gate opened. "There he is!" The bear cheered. Out came out Aaron, holding onto his neck wear the collar is, since it looked like he's choking. He then landed onto the pole, where two straps hold him down.
"Is this stripping for ya?!" The bear joked then laughed. Gene just went to the corner, fall down, and gripped his knees, still blushing. Aaron then heard the bear. "What the hell?! Did someone just asked that?" Aaron demanded. "It was just a damn joke!" Gene yelled out. Now this just sounds funny instead of sad, okay into the execution, god I sound like Monokuma.
"Okay, no more fooling around." Monokuma demanded. Then, out came a machine that were filled baseballs. "W-What's gonna happens to him?" Vylad asks.
Boom! Boom pow, them chicken jagging my style.
A baseball hit Aaron, hard. He then grunted in pain. "Did that gave you a clue?" The bear asks. "Hold on! He's going to get pummeled to death by baseballs?! That's absurd!" Zenix exclaims. Monokuma ignored Zenix's comment and pointed at Aaron. All of a sudden, then baseballs kept on shooting at him.
"Yo! I think he's in pain already!" Travis yells. "Isn't that part of an execution?" Zane asks sarcastically. We then heard a louder noise. We looked at the launcher, only to show its full on speeding it on Aaron. It was loud and terrifying to see.
We heard the screams and cries of the killer. Blood coming out after each baseball. The machine still kept on shooting until it stopped. Once the smoke has gone, the was Aaron. He was coughing up blood and crying.
He's still alive!
Well, the machine started up again and kept on shooting. I couldn't bare to see any longer. The machine kept on shooting until we hear no more cries. Once again, the smoke gone away, only to reveal something horrible.
There's our killer, dead from being pummeled by baseballs. The cage door opened, to let us have a closer view. "A-Aaron?" Vylad asks, going up closer. "Bro! Don't go nearer!" Gene warned. But it was stop late, Vylad got up close, only to hear a scream from her. Vylad fell and started crying. Gene ran up to her. "What's wrong?" Gene asks. I walked up to Aaron, only to see no life in his eyes. "Agh!" I yelled and fell back. The gate then took us in, which I have no idea how.
"Nyeh nyeh! Now that's what I call 'Extreme!' I feel the adrenaline coursing through me like lightning!" The bear cheers. I still looked at the dead Aaron, in fear for what I just saw. "W-What's going on h-here? I c-can't leave." Kim mumbled, as she and Garroth are panicking in fear for what just happened. "I-I j-just- I c-can't take this." Vylad choked in tears, as her head was in her hands.
"Now now, it's not so bad once you get used to it. Abandoned all hope of seeing the day of light again and you'll fine. Promise!" The bear cheered. Is he even listening to himself?! "Course, now hearing myself saying that out loud, it does sound pretty cruel." Monokuma answered. Well, there's my answer.
I just can't believe this though, I looked down in sadness. "There there, Laurence. It's alright, I know." Monokuma comforts me. I looked at him in shock. "Know what? What're you talking about?" I asked demandingly. "Don't be like that. Aphmau's soul went up to the river. You're hurtin, it's fine." The bear answered nicely.
I can't believe, this thing thinks it's okay! "Screw you!!!" I yelled at Monokuma. The bear then looked at me, confused. "Hm?" He asked. "You did this. It's all your fault from beginning to end!" I yelled. I was about to fight the bear, until Lucinda held her arm out, stopping me from doing anything.
"Don't Laurence, don't loose it. Think about this: You'll never avenge her if you get killed too." Lucinda warned in a desperate tone. I looked at the ground. "Dammit." I growled in a low voice.
There I was, looking at the ceiling of Aphmau's room. I laid on the bed, still thinking.
Dammit all.
I then heard the doorbell ring. I got up and wakes up to the door. I opened the door, only to reveal Lucinda. "May I come in?" She asks politely and quietly. I nodded and let her in. I sat on Ap-erm-my bed and listen to Lucinda.
"I know now is probably not the best time, but I need to talk with you." Lucinda finally said. "It's about her, isn't it? Aphmau?" I ask. "Yeah." She answered and smiled warmly at me. I just looked down in shame. I heard a sigh from her.
"I'm going to be frank, about the thought of her framing you, but what do you think her dying thoughts were?" She finally asks. What? We hit 6,000 words?! Awesome! "How the hell should I know?" I ask in a sad tone. "Laurence, I'm serious. You know her better than me. Personally, I think her last thoughts were 'How am I going to save Laurence?' I think that's what we both want." Lucinda continued.
I gasped in shocked and looked at her, confused. "Why else leave the message, correct?" She asks, giggling a bit. "Yeah right, I bet she did that to pay Aaron for killing her." I said, in some sort of sadness and scowl. "I think wrong, Laurence." She answered.
I looked at the ground again. "How am I supposed to know if the 'friendship' we had was real or not." I demanded, tears threatening to come out. "Just...when you're alive for the next murder, imagine it who you're doing it for." Lucinda finally said, before leaving the room.
I sighed and looked up the ceiling. I kept on thinking of what she told me. That's when I got up and decided to take a shower.
Ayyyyeeeee. 6178 words! Good luck with that! Bye!~
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