Chapter II

Underline - Letters, notes, writings..etc
Bold and Italics - Murder scene replay
Bold - Me talking to you guys
Italics - Thoughts
Normal - Story
Italics and underline - Memories

Aph was still horrified of what happened. I felt so bad for her, she just wants to be happy. "Hey, Aph?" I knocked at her door. "Can you just...leave me alone. I know you care for me...but...I want to be alone right now." She said quietly. I gave her a hum of approval then left to my room.

I looked around my room, I was angry when I looked at the security camera.

Monokuma is the reason why we're all here and making Aphmau scared to death.

Then, I heard the speaker talking. "Attention students. Let's be modest. Read the bulletin on your bathroom doors, as respected. The bathroom has fully functioning showers and warm water for you guys! Though, you must shower before curfew! No whining!" The bear exclaimed.

"So if I wanna take a shower at night, I'm not aloud?" I ask myself. "Though, keep in mind! Only the girls shower doors has locks. Oh, and also, you'll find a small welcoming token for every each and one of you!" The bear continued. I looked through the drawer, there's pliers. "I encourage you to let your imagination run through and be wild!" The bear cheered.

I couldn't take it anymore, I ripped the bulletin poster of the wall, crumbled it up and threw it to the trash. I looked to my side, I was surprised of what I've got.

A katana. "Yeah right." I scoffed. "I rather not if this has to do with killing." I continued. I sighed then looked at the clock. 6:30.

"Might as well clean up if there's still time." I told myself. When I went up to the bathroom door and try to turn the nob, it was jammed. "Really." I groaned. I tried to turn it the other  way. "Son of a!" I yelled. "Aw C'mon!" I groaned again. "I thought the guy showers didn't lock." I said.

"Bingo! Give that man a prize!" A guy yelled. I turn around, only to see Monokuma. "Gah! Where did you come from?" I panicked.

He's a lot smaller up close.

"On the subject of locks. Here's advice, I wouldn't leave the door unlock during curfew, if I were you." Monokuma continued, ignoring my question. "Why're you here? What do you want?" I ask. "Oh my! You're in a fit Laurence! Yeah, apologies for the wonky door nob right there. I'll put in a work order to fix it. Embarrassing, I know." Monokuma apologized. I looked at him in shock. "In the mean time, just lift and turn nonstop. It takes some time, but it'll happen." Monokuma suggest. I took his advice until the door opens. "Oh, there we go." I said.

"Nyeh Nyeh nyeh." The bear laugh. I looked at him, confused. "Seriously though, what are the odds of you getting that one bathroom door that plays hard to get!" Monokuma joked, nudging my should-erm...leg. "Hilarious!" He yelled. "No big deal." I sighed. "But you're supposed to lead the charm life, right? Frankly kiddo, de-un fortune doesn't seem that into you." He said unsurely. I scoffed at him. "Well, that's it for me to do my job. Now to check at the other kids. And remember what I said, lock this door. Better safe than sorry." Monokuma said, he then leave the room.

I did as I was told, which I locked the door. I sighed and laid my head on the door. "Yeah, not that into me, huh?" I told myself. "Guess if he was, I wouldn't have wound up in this place." I said to myself again. I stayed there until the doorbell rang. "Huh?"

"Yeah?" I ask. "Hm? Oh, i-it's me." A girl said. "Aphmau?" I ask. I then unlocked the door, only to see Aphmau still scared. "M-Mind if I come in?" She asks meekly. I then let her in. She came inside and sat down on my bed. "So, it's getting kind of late, something happen?" I ask her. She didn't said something for awhile.

"I have a bad feeling about my room." She finally spoke. I gasped in shock. "While I was getting ready for bed, my door nob started to rattle softly. Someone tried to break in and tried to be stealthy about it." She said worriedly. "Well, might've been Monokuma." I suggest. "When I flung the door open, there was no one in the hallway. He must've moved quickly." She finished. "Though, it could've been one of them. The others." I suggest. "Look, we don't have to go there, alright? I just, kinda freaked out." She said. "Hey, it's okay. Well all agree not to go out of our rooms after dark, remember?" I reassured her. "Yeah, but it's part of the rules." She said.

Why is she so negative?

"Surely I promised, but what if someone lied?" She asks worriedly. "Sorta paranoid, but here's an idea. You can stay in my room tonight! I mean, if you feel a little bit safer." I suggest then giggled a bit. "Huh?" she asks, shocked.

"The rules doesn't say who sleeps in which room. So, there you go, loop hole." I said. "But, you might, w-wouldn't it be awkward to sleep in...o-one bed?" She asks, blushing. I didn't realize that. I blushed as well. "Uh. N-No! That's not what I meant! I-I meant when you freak out. What-" Before I can continue, Aphmau interrupted me. "That's not what I meant." She reassured me. "I know you're not a pervert guy, trust me I know. I just wonder if wether we swap rooms for the night." She suggests, still blushing.

"To swap rooms? Yeah, sure! Like I said, all about giving you options! Whatever makes you feel safer!" I said, agreeing with her idea. "But, does it make it weird to have a guy sleeping in your bed?" I ask, scratching my head. Aph just giggled then said: "It's okay. I trust you." "O-Oh, okay then." I said. I then held Aphmau's hand and led her to the bathroom. Whoah Laurence, you thirsty 😏 "Just beware of the bathroom. It has a mind of its own." I said, showing her the technic. "I'm sure I'll figure it out." Aphmau reassured then giggled. We then hear the alarm ring.

"You hear that guys? It's ten. So, go to sleep brats!" We heard Monokuma yelled.

Aphmau and I ignored Monokuma and we kept on talking. I then gave Aphmau my key to my room while Aphmau gave me her key to her room. "Make sure to lock the door. Promise?" I ask her. "You got it. Door staying lock even though I know it's you on the other side." She reassured me. "Sort of defeat the purpose of swapping rooms, right?" She asks, before closing the door.

I blushed a bit when I went to Aphmau's room. "Good night my sweeties! Mwah Mwah Mwah!" That's all I heard from Monokuma. I looked around Aph's room. "So this is Aphmau's room." I told myself.

Seems all more or less identical.

I then headed to the bed and sat down. "There's nothing to worry about." I told myself.

Aphmau kept on crying and crying.
She said worriedly then thought of an idea.

"You're doing this to keep Aphmau safe." I said again.

Then my eyes started to get heavy. "Nothing." I layed down on the bed. "To worry." My eyes started to droop. "About." Then, I finally fell to sleep.
"Rise and shine chickanies! Seven a.m and all is well. So lets see some hustle! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I then woke up from Monokuma. "Oh that's right. Aphmau and I switch rooms, didn't we?" I told myself, remembering yesterday.

Usually, we all agree to eat breakfast together every morning. Kinda like a role call to settle our nerves.

"Ah! Hey Laurence!" Nicole greeted. "Hello. A very fine morning to you." Zenix greeted as well. "Morning guys." I replied.

The ones who are there first are usually the ones you guys call 'good' kids.

"Ladies." Gene yawned, walking into the room. "Morning." Garroth said nicely, walking into the room. "Sorry I'm late. My student make up was out of the way this morning." Ivy said, gracefully walking into the room.

Followed by the crowd who's time is a bit more flexible. Most kids are the kinds that's says 'I'm sick' category thing.

"Excuse me for gawking." Katelyn said. "What's the house?" Ivy asks. "You look so different, in person that is. Forgive me." Katelyn replied. "Ahahaha~ Yep, they sort of touch me up for the magazine shoots. That's the magic of touching up for ya!" Ivy giggled. "Hm. You don't say." Katelyn mumbled. "Aw C'mon! How different can I really look? You're gonna hurt my feelings." Ivy stated.

"Morning." Lucinda said calmly. "I had the strangest dream ever, scared me to death." Aaron stated, while yawning. "Did everyone slept alright?" Sasha asks. "What? Nobody cares about being on time! If I'm late, that's on me!" Kim said nervously, as usual. "Yeah, you see that's the thing. I didn't over sleep, I got lost. I'm telling ya, it's like a freaking lab place." Travis exclaimed.

Last but not least are the ones that comes here in the morning when they feel like it. You might say they march, if you can even call it that, to the beat of their own drum.

"This still isn't everyone though." Zenix said worriedly. "Hey, yeah. Where are Zane and Aphmau?" Nicole asks. We all looked at each other for answers. "Well okay, here's one of them." Nicole stated, we turned around only to see Zane.

Where the hell is Aphmau?

"Dude! Aphmau behind you or what? I'm starving!" Gene asks and exclaims. "Do I look like her keeper? I came here directly from my room, thank you very much." Zane stated. "That's out of character for her to be late. She's usually here before me!" Garroth added. "Uh oh. Maybe she's sick?" Nicole asks.

No no no no no no no no. This can't be happening. "Something wrong brah?" Travis asks. "Excuse me. I should probably go check on her!" I said, leaving the room and running to my room. Once I reached my room, I immediately call her name out. "Aphmau!" I twisted the door nob, it's unlock. "What the heck? It should be locked." I opened the door and ran inside, only to see a massacre.

The bed was undone. The walls were scratched up. And it looked like someone left this place in a hurry. I gasped, the color of my face is all white. "Please tell me it isn't what I think it is."

The bathroom door nob was a mess. As if someone broke in. I knocked. "Aph?" I hesitantly open the door, only to reveal something far more worse.

My eyes widened in fear and my face is almost pale. There was Aphmau, all bloody and a knife in her stomach. She's been stabbed. "Aaaahhhh!" I screeched before passing out.
I then started to wake up, only to see Vylad and Nicole sigh in relief. "W-Where am I?" I ask, my head still sore. "The Gym." Vylad answered. "Sorry, we carried you here after we found you passed out." Nicole continued. "Well, Katelyn did the heavy lifting, actually." Vylad mumbled. "So what I saw, was real? Wait, how's Aphmau!" I ask in panicked. Nobody seems to say anything after I asked that.

Oh Irene please no.

"I'm afraid she's deceased. Homocide." Zane finally answered. I gasped. No, no, it can't be real.

There was Aphmau all bloody and a knife in her stomach.

I got up from the bleachers and ran. Everyone gasped at my action. Zenix then grabbed my wrist before I left the room. "Where are you going?" Zenix demanded. "Where do you think I'm going? I can't just leave her there! Can I?!" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes. "Laurence! We need you to get ahold of yourself!" Zenix explained. "Let go!" I yelled. I finally got loose from his grip. Before I can leave, again, Zane spoke up. "Waste of time, my friend. I can ensure you that the girl is well and truly departed."

"Then what are we doing standing around with our thumbs at our butts? Someone has been murdered. We can't treat this like and other day!" I protested. "We don't have a choice, Laurence. It's not like we have a choice to stand around." Lucinda added on. "So what the hell is going on?" I asked.

"I-It was the damn bear, the principal. He ordered us to meet in the Gym. Something about a 'pep rally.'" Kim stated. "Believe me. We are all against the idea. 'How on earth can you be so disrespectful' we said." Zenix replied. "They probably took my suggestion and complied. It's the best if we do what the bear says, for now." Lucinda suggested. "Lucinda." I looked at her in shock.

"We're his prisoners, playing him simple. Nothing good can come out of this with an impulse. Unless we want more casualties, we have to play by his rules." Lucinda continued. I gasped. "He killed her. She was vulnerable and he killed her. I know it!" I exclaimed.

"Nah! As if little ol' me would do something like that!" We all turned around, only to see Monokuma on the speaker stand. "Scouts honor! It wasn't me!" He continued.

"You monster!" I exclaimed. "Use your head Mr.JumpsIntoConclusions! Why would I do something that goes against the whole point of this fine institution? You're supposed to do the killing! Not me!" Monokuma answered. "Rules are rules! You should see me in the zoo when folks ignore the 'do not feed the bear' sign!" Monokuma joked.

"But then- Who else? I mean- Cuz-" Before Vylad can ask more, the bear cut him off. "Like we don't know! Wake up and smell it from all behind! The killer is one of you!" He answered.

We all gasped. We gave each other uneasy looks. "Ugh! Really? That pulled the rock out from under you? I thought you were supposed to be gifted students! It's obvious! One of you sent poor Aphmau to the sweet raft so you can breathe free air again! And that's okay, it's what you're supposed to do!" He explained.

"That's horrible." Vylad exclaims. "He's lying!" Nicole yelled. "Of course he's lying!" I yelled. "Sorry Charlie. I'm telling the truth. It was definitely one of you." The bear answered. "And right now, someone standing here knows all to well." The bear continued.

"Is he telling the truth?" Vylad asks. "I demand, whoever did it, come forward immediately!" Zenix demanded. "Huh. Sure, that'll work like a charm. Do you ever listen to yourself." Kim said harshly. "Look. Whoever it is, I won't judge." Sasha explained. "Uh! N-No it wasn't me I swear!" Garroth said in defense. We then all looked at Aaron. "Nuh uh! I know you're not looking at me!" He exclaimed. He's way to jumpy right now. "Silence, all of you." Zane said demanding and impatient. "Right then. Let's assume the perpetrator is in fact one of us. By your own rules, shouldn't they graduated by now." Zane asks.

"Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh! Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh! Well aren't we a glass apple kind of guy? I like your directness optimism! In said that though, the main attraction is still to come." Monokuma said jokingly.

"What does that supposed to mean?" I ask. "Listen up tributes! Freedom isn't something straight forward. There are few supplemental rules!" Monokuma answered. "Ah. The article in our digital notebooks, which states, whoever kills a classmate may graduate. But he or she must not get caught by the other students." Sasha added on. "Exactamundo! Someone studied. Murder alone won't cut the mustard. The killer has to get away with it." The bear explained.

"So, in other words, to go free we must commit the perfect crime." Sasha continued. "After each homocide, you'll have time to investigate, debating to the guilt and the innocents that remain. In all those debates, wait for it, trials!" The bear said, cheerfully. "Y-You can't be serious about this." I choked out.

"The trial format is loosely modeled by a simple procedure. There's back and forth, order of the day. If the guilty person is correctly identified, they'll be summarily punished and the rest of you can carry on under normal school conditions! But choose someone wrongly, however, and the defendant goes free while the rest of you are punished. So, point the finger at your own murderer." Monokuma finished.

"There you have it, high stakes trial by jury. The basics really." The bear said. "Uh. E-Excuse me, sir. These 'punishments,' what do you mean by that?" Garroth asks. "Ah. I suppose another name for them would be executions." The bear explained.

"Surely, don't mean that." Vylad reassured. "Oho. I exactly mean that sweetheart." Monokuma said, taking a step forward Vylad.

"We're talking about electrocution!" He said, pulling up an image of an electrical chair. "Gas chamber!" He choked out, to add the chilling feeling. "Death by hurricane! Which, yes, we can make happen." Monokuma said. We all gasped at these trials and executions.

We're all going to die!

"Wait! I wanna make sure if I understand. Decide incorrectly and the jury gets killed?" Zenix chokes out from fright. "Well, no one said you're the smartest chimp in the tree. Oh, and way to imply your not the culprit in this case by to by. Well done!" Monokuma said, holding a thumbs up.

"U-U-Uh." Was all Zenix said from the comment. "You all get to play judge, jury, and executioner! Quite possibly yourself, so proceed with caution." The bear warned, pointing at Zenix who was still from fright.

"Nuh huh! You're a nut job and I refuse to be part of this crap!" Ivy snapped at the bear.

What the hell shes doing! She's going to get killed from Monokuma!

"Beg pardon?" Monokuma asks, resting his head on one hand. "You heard me you psycho hairball! Far as I'm concern, this trial thing can get bet!" She yelled at the bear. "But why?" Monokuma asks curiously. "Is that even a question?! I'm not risking my damn life of being jury and that's that!" She screamed. "Oh be reasonable!" The bear screams back. "Oh don't even try to talk to me about being reasonable you statistic freakazoid! I'm out of the game!" Ivy finished, huffing and puffing from all the screaming she've done.

She's rebelling.

"Ohohoho! The presence of evil is right in front of me and overpowering! What ever shall I do? I sheds to come! Scared of the thought!" Monokuma said sarcastically. "No way, In stronger than that! When Monokuma fights, he fights to the last breath!" He stated, taking his claw out.

He then jumped off the stand and off the podium to stop Ivy. "I will not be defeated!" He stated. "I will prevent this studding rebellion and be fear-" before he can finish. Ivy then lifted her foot up and stomped on top of Monokuma. We all gasped. "What the hell are  you doing?!" Gene asks.

"I'm sorry you were trying to say something?" Ivy asks Monokuma sarcastically, ignoring Gene. "Big mistake." The bear mumbled. "Huh?" We all asked. "Manhandling the principal, in anyway shape or form, is strictly forbidden." He stated. "The rules, remember? I know I warned ya about breaking them!" He warned.

We then heard the familiar beeping noise, but he's still talking. Is going to explode?! "Activating summoning magic! Save me spears!" He said.

Then all of a sudden. Spears came out and shot at Ivy. We all gasped at fright of Ivy. She was pale, her eyes widened in shock and spears are all through her body. There were about two or three spears, holding her in place. Which, were right through her legs. "O-Okay. Not gonna lie cause i-it's weird. I-I don't know really." Were Ivy's final breaths before blood spurted out of her mouth. Then the spears holding her in came out of her, which cause Ivy to spurt out so much blood, before she collapsed to the floor.

Ivy just died in front of us. A memory I'll never forget.

"O-Oh my." Kim said, before passing out. "Ah!" We all screamed. Travis and Garroth ran away from Ivy's dead body. "Oh no. Oh no." Nicole kept on saying over and over again. "That is seriously messed up." I said.

"Honestly, I would like to avoid messy situations like that." Monokuma said, as he was getting up and jumping back to the stand. "When an example is begging to be made, you can't let a bad attitude slide." The bear continued, still trying to get on top the stand. "Let's just hope the gravity of this situation begins to sink in." Monokuma finally finished.

"High stakes are high." He harshly said. We all gasped at the surprising comment. "Best of luck playing junior detectives! The trial will be beginning on the way soon, so put on your thinking caps and start cracking the case!" He finally said, before jumping back to the stand and disappear.

"T-This is insanity. W-What do we do? If that was an example." I choked out. "At the very least, we can roll out Ivy as a suspect in Aphmau's death." Zane stated. "I propose we move forward into the investigation. Not to sound harsh, but not to mourn about a lost life only decreases the chances of us being alive." Sasha apologizes.

"Sorry, but that is harsh." I answered coldly. "The girl was warned, not my fault she's been punished. Those who cannot adapt, are easily swept away." She continued. Then Sasha put her hands together and smiled. "Ensure good rims." Sasha happily replied.

"That is a terrible thing to say!" Nicole said. "Our personal feelings on the matter are neither here nor there. Now let's focus, the given task is to unmask the culprit or we all die." Lucinda said, sternly.

"Ah crap. Hey guys, we've got sent with new pages." Travis warned. "Jackhole! Who gives a damn?!" Gene yelled at Travis. We all took out our digital notebooks. "Monokuma files, huh." Zenix mumbled.

"Whoah! It gives you the whole run down of Aphmau's cause of death!" Garroth exclaimed. "This can be proof for the culprit. Apparently the room she was found in wasn't her own." Sasha said.

"But quite telling, it was Laurence's." She continued. "Should've known! You erased the poor girl! Didn't ya?!" Gene yelled angrily at me. "Hold on just a minute! It's not what it looks like!" I defended myself. "I think you better explain yourself." Zane said harshly. "She came to me and asked to switch rooms and I said 'ok!' She was scared! She needed my help!" I explained, trying to make them believe me.

"Oh sure! We'll believe that lie!" Gene said sarcastically. "A bit weird, if you ask me." Aaron suggested. "Oh C'mon! You guys really think I did it?" I ask them sadly. "Laurence. Put yourself in our shoes. What would you think?" Zane asks harshly.

"I'm sorry, but if you're innocent. The burden proof is on you." Zane then added on. "Guys, listen-" Before I can finish, Zane cut me off. "Everyone, come." Soon, everybody started to follow him. "Let's get this over with." Zane continued. "Zane! Wait!" I yelled for him. "Afraid it goes well." Lucinda said. I gasped. "It isn't a good place to start any." Aaron said harshly. "Hm." Gene scoffed. He then went up to Ivy.

Ivy eyes were wide open and were empty. Her mouth was wide opened and filled with blood stain. Gene then touch her eyelids EEEEEEHHHHHH and closed them for her, as if she was sleeping. He then grabbed her chin and gently closed her mouth, as if she just died in peace. "At least I know how to respect the dead." Gene said harshly before leaving. "Zenix." I whispered, he's my only hope. He looked at me, sighed and shook his head then left with the others.

No no no no no. Everybody is against me. I did not kill her. I know it, the killer knows it, and Aphmau knows it too!

Alright, 3rd person POV now
Laurence and Lucinda decided to check out the room. Laurence all ready noticed the knife in Aphmau's stomach, evidence number one. "Turns out she has deep lacerations and a broken bone on the right wrist." Lucinda stated, holding up the digital notebook. "Turns out the murder used a katana to defend it self." Laurence pointed out, evidence number two.

"Hey Laurence! I found something in the trash room! Might wanna see this." Garroth yelled. Laurence nodded and left the room to follow Garroth. Garroth then got a key out to unlock the security door, evidence number three. Laurence noticed a sleeve that has been tarnished and has a blood stain on it, evidence number four. "Hey look, Travis's crystal ball. It's broken." Garroth pointed out, evidence number five.

"Hey, killer." Laurence knows that voice out of all. "Found some random crap behind Aphmau. Check it out." Gene snapped. Laurence sighs and follows Gene. As they entered the bathroom, there were random letters behind Aphmau. "u, o, a half u, e and a V? It's a dying message." Laurence answered. Gene scoffed and yelled: "Vylad! Come here and check the letters." Vylad then popped out of nowhere. "A lower case u, o, an unfinished u, e and a capital V? I'll try to re-code that." Vylad smiled. Gene smiled back and motions himself and Vylad to leave, leaving Laurence alone. Dying message, evidence number six.

Lucinda looks around and notices a notebook, she knows it's wrong but took it. She counts it as evidence number seven. As Lucinda leaves the room, she noticed the nameplates. On Laurence's door, it says 'Aphmau.' Lucinda then check the digital notebook. "What the?" She notices the nameplates has been switched around, evidence number eight.

Back to Laurence's POV (Why does it say POVERTY when I put POV? That's messed up)
I agreed to switch rooms with her, does that make me for her death?

Aphmau was all bloody and there's a knife in her stomach.

I then noticed something in the trash can. "What?" There was a DVD in the trash. It read: 'Aphmau Lorde DVD.' Is it lorde? Help. I picked up the DVD and decided to go to the Multi-Media room.

Once I got there, I put the disk inside the DVD player. "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Once it loaded, I see Aphmau and her crew singing one of their famous songs, 'Will be forgetting this.'

I heard Monokuma's voice in the background. "Teen idol, Aphmau Lorde, is singing right in front of you like a sweet angel!" Then, all of a sudden, it glitches out only to reveal the bear in the screen and her band mates dead. "Sadly, for reasons still unclear, this group left when they started to hit the strive! This leads angry mobs, angry producers and a disappointing family of Aphmau's to show that they'll never come back together again! Even if Aphmau escapes Hope Peak, she'll have nowhere to go and will just hit rock bottom! Here's a puzzler for you, why would a phenomenal vocal group disband?" And after that, the screen says: 'Upon graduation, I'll announce the correct answer.'

"Oh no. H-He is a monster. I-Is there nothing you'll do to make us play a psychotic game?! How far can he reach to bring down a high-chart topping band?!" I ask, yelling at the screen. I then heard the alarm rang, oh no. "Alright kiddos, your principal is bored out of his cord. So whaddya say we get this show in the road? Time for the highly and anticipated trial stage!" The bear exclaimed.

"Gather your butts to the red door at the first floor academic swing and movie on through!" Monokuma ordered. I did as I was told and walked around to find the red door, finally, there it was. Time to face hell.

The door opened and I saw everybody all ready there. They looked at me in shame and I was in nervous sweat. "Nice one, don't you know how to tell time? We've been waiting, I'll have you know." Zenix stated. "Hm! I suppose you can hardly blame him, right? He knows it's only a matter of time before he's executed." Kim hissed at me. "We haven't proved anything yet. I'll tell you now, the man deserves a fair trial." Zenix stands up, oh thank god someone knows what I'm thinking. "Oh whatever, man! Look at him! He's totally guilty!" Aaron yelled.

I don't stand a chance, they all think I did it! Aphmau is the only one that knows I'm innocent. And the person who actually killed her.

Aphmau looks so scared. That's when she got an idea.

"Nyeh Nyeh Nyeh! Is everybody in?" We then heard the elevator started moving. "Climb aboard to the magic of the student court room! Also known as, the moment of truth truth for all of you!" The bear exclaims through the speaker. Soon Monokuma finishes, the elevator door opens and everybody walks out, onto the elevator.

I'm so nervous, that sweat were almost coming out of my eyes. Wait, did I say sweat? I mean tears of fright. I then heard Lucinda ask: "Nervous?" I looked at her and nodded. I quickly blinked the tears away. "You have two options here: bring Aphmau's killer to light." She continued. "Or collectively, suffer their right of execution. The choice is up to you." She finished.

We got in the elevator and it started moving. It seems to happen for five minutes, until it stops moving. We then heard the elevator door open.

Here we go.

DONE BIATCHES!!!!!! ABOUT 5,000 WORDS, SO SURVIVE!!!!! Okay buh-bye now!

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