• Death Order & Plot Reveal •
Hello! This is the death order and plot reveal. Spoilers for everything, I guess.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of puking, death, murder, mentions of stabbing, implicates of violence
Prologue: Last Day Of Work
I don't have much to say. The Prologue did it's job, even if it was kinda plain.
Also the question Felix asked Nora will be revealed later on.
Chapter 1: Goodbye Life Savings
I wish more time was spent with Skyler and Vanessa. Otherwise, it's alright. I don't have much to say about it.
Interlude I
Again, I'm fine with this one. It could better but ehh. 🤷♀️
Chapter 2: All In The Will
So Gabriel was drowned in the pool. The murder is pretty simple and actually really easy to solve, but there's a lot stalling and derailing of the trial from the killer.
I'm just gonna show off my notes now.
Tiger's rule is for Fawn. Basically, if Fawn doesn't wake up before the trial ends so she can vote, she'll die because voting in the class trial is a requirement.
So Felix is the killer.
I have a couple lines in mind that are basically him admitting to the crime.
The first major suspect is Rory. Then But Tabitha (and others) manage to defend them. Fawn is suspected next and Felix kinda fails to prove it can't be her. As mentioned in the notes, Isaiah has the hint. He uses to ask if Fawn is involved in the crime and she is not. So then the blame is put on Tabitha. Tabitha accusing Felix because he originally accused her. Finally, she brings up the nail polish and how his nails are more faded then they should be (assuming hasn't been in the pool).
At some point during the trial, Minerva takes over as the protagonist. She also does the closing argument and convinces everyone that's he's the killer. Then Fawn shows up just in time to vote and watch Felix get executed. (Fun Fact: She's suspected to have a concussion, but other than the beginning of chapter 3, this has no impact on the plot.) I did pre write Felix's execution, but it kinda sucks so I'm not sharing it on Quotev/Wattpad/AO3.
Minerva is the last person to leave the trial room, but she overhears Nora chewing out Tiger the Dog for not have control of how the killing game is run. Tiger tells Nora she's really bad at running the game and being in charge, so they're replacing her with someone "better".
That's basically Ch. 2. Except for one last thing.
In the Prologue, Felix asked Nora if there was a way him and Fawn could both leave the killing game. Nora said no. But, since there was kinda a demand for both twins to leave, Wolf and Tiger decided to give Felix the special motive for Ch. 2. And it worked because it got Felix to kill Gabriel.
Interlude II
*Note: The Interlude's are from the point of view of the victim.
Until Skyler and Vanessa, Gabriel and Felix do not make up. I think this was mentioned, but Felix was like Gabriel's first friend (outside of his sister's friends) and he also trusted Felix a lot. So naturally he's a bit upset that Felix killed him. Even though the game was all a simulation, Gabriel's feelings are hurt a lot.
The only interaction I thought was one between Skyler and Gabriel. Gabriel is surprised that they forgave Vanessa so easily, and Skyler says it was no big deal. Gabriel then says something alone the lines of "you wouldn't get it, you and Vanessa we're friends before she killed you".
Vanessa does ask Gabriel and Felix about the garden. They have no idea what's talking about.
Chapter 3: Reaper A Couple Doors Down
From here on out, Fawn's POV for daily life and Minerva's POV for deadly life.
The first 3 days/parts is just Fawn laying in her bed crying or feeling guilty about how she never really took the time to get to know Felix, but he literally died for her. The only time the other characters show up is for bringing her meals. Blane and Amelia also check on her concussion whenever they show up. But it's Fawn being sad.
However, on the third day, Nora convinced Fawn to leave her with the information of what Felix's Prologue question was. Once Fawn is out she eats dinner with the full group and Nora's shows off these pieces of paper with 5 names on each list (Nora's not included). Nora says once everyone on one of the lists (she does not say which one) dies in the game or joins the organization that's running the game. The organization is called Petal, by the way. Hence the PetalPads that were mentioned like twice.
List 1
List 2
List 3
Also Wolf the Cat reveals a there is a traitor (alluding that is NOT Nora because she quit on them), and then says a motive will go into effect. But whatever the motive is it will remain a secret.
The event for this chapter is a ball. Everyone except Nora, who wasn't invited, goes to it. I picked out outfits for everyone (dead people included), but I planned on changing a couple of them.
Hunter and Nikolas dance together. Quartz dances with Tabitha, switching to Minerva about halfway through because she notices that Minerva is stressing big time. Zenith then offers to dance with Rory, but Tabitha beats him to it and her and Rory dance together. (Also Zenith steps on toes. 😐 He is canonically a toe stepper.))
Fawn offers to dance with Isaiah, who declines nicely. (Isaiah, Blane and Zenith hang out by the snack and fruit punch table.) Amelia then asks if Fawn with dance with her and she does. However, Amelia has an ulterior motive. She thinks that Fawn is the traitor since Felix was given a special motive that involved escaping with her [Fawn] and that Fawn woke up just in time to vote at the previous trial, so she doesn't die. After Amelia explains all this to her, Fawn gets mad about this, causes a scene and leaves the ball early. Then she runs into Nora and they talk for a bit.
I don't have room for screenshots of the murder notes (Ch. 3 has a lot), so I'm copy and pasting them. Maybe they makes sense.
-Blane starts giving Tabitha and Rory Ipecac Syrup (to make them throw up when they eat), along with Amelia and Isaiah the next day. Quartz also falls victim to this. (Nora was supposed too as well, but she doesn't eat her food.) This is assumed the motive.
-Blane plays doctor, saying everyone who gets sick should be under his care since he's the closest thing they have to a doctor. (And since Amelia got sick.) [Blane also drinks this himself to make everyone assume that it's an actual sickness.]
-After taking way too many painkillers, Tabitha and the others host the party for everyone to make them feel better. Everyone shows up to show support for her (as she is the one most affected by this assumed motive) or because they're forced to by the others.
-While cleaning up the ballroom, Blane asked Isaiah to help him take the trash to the trash room, but Tabitha volunteers in his place. Blane doesn't want to cause a scene, so he kills Tabitha after they dump the trash, she asks him about the food. (She saw him messing with it.) He panics and breaks a beaker over her head, they have a scuffle, and then kills her by her running into the door and dying that way.
-Previously at the ball, he gave Amelia a note saying: "I know who the traitor is." This allures her, thus why she discovers the body first.
-Hunter goes to find Tabitha for Zenith, who is worried sick about her after showing Rory and Quartz to their rooms, returning to find no Tabitha. :( This catches Blane off guard. Blane attempts to kill him too, however he is easily over powered by Hunter with a tin trash can. He died a blunt force trauma via.
-During the fight, Hunter got cut on some of the broken glass. After the accidental murder he runs from the scene, cleans his wounds (leaving a mess because he's frantic) and asks Nikolas if he would sleep with him out of fear and for alibi.
-Blane and Tabitha are both in their party clothes, him because he figured he would dispose of them afterwards and her because she didn't have time to change.
Blane had a lighter on his person and had made gasoline in the science lab the night before in hopes to depose of his bloody clothes after the crime.
-Amelia stumbles upon the scene because of the note, screaming to alert anyone nearby. Fawn and Nora, who were snacking together, hear this and then the BDA goes off.
-Nora is accused of being Tabitha's killer, since she wasn't at party and it would been easy for her to kill without anyone knowing. Fawn jumps to her defense, bringing up the BDA and how it's impossible for Nora to be both their killers.
-Isaiah proposes two killers and then Nora defends herself by saying that suspect Blane was the traitor... (She also lets it slip that she recognizes multiple people there and that's why she didn't immediately know who the traitor is.) After some protest from Amelia and some outburst from Rory, Tiger confirms and then Minerva guesses that everything was set up by Blane, but somebody else intervened.
-The motive is also revealed to have been nothing at all, suggested by Blane himself so he could go through with his plan. Wolf and Tiger agreed to this, knowing someone would die in the end.
-During the trial the group discovers both Hunter and Blane are killers, but Tiger says they can only vote for one and they need to think carefully about their vote. If they vote "incorrectly" then they'll all die.
-This lends Hunter (and his apologists) to go on a breakdown about how they are sentencing him to death for an accident and they everyone who votes for him is cruel. Also this is how the scrum debate is introduced.
Basically, after they vote for Hunter, Tiger the Dog reveals that the group could have voted for Blane and spared Hunter the execution. Minerva kinda gains some guilt since she was like "guys if we don't vote for Hunter we could die" during the trial. (Nobody knew which of the 2 was considered the true blackened, so that's why they have the scrum debate.)
The only note I have about Hunter's execution is horses.
And yes, Fawn takes her beanie off to reveal her ahoge.
Interlude III
Tabitha is the POV. I felt I had to clarify since 2 people are technically victims for chapter 3.
Tabitha and Hunter slowly become friends (Tabitha starts calling him "bestie") and they both blame Blane for their deaths. At one point Tabitha tries to stab Blane with either syringe, but Hunter holds her back. Blane also acts as their tour guide for the place. He basically acts the exact same as her acted in the killing game, except he's a workaholic with his undisclosed research keeping him and making his presence limited.
I assume that Tabitha gets an interaction will all the dead people (except for Blane who's too busy). No idea what any of them would be other an interaction with Hunter where he basically admits to having a crush on Nikolas and Tabitha does surprised Pikachu face.
Chapter 4: Upon Your Deathbed
Chapter 4 is the chapter I have the least notes for. I just kept telling myself "I'll figure it out when I get there". The notes I do have are kinda... bad. 🫣 Like all my ideas for this chapter high key suck.
The victim this chapter is Isaiah.
The killer is Quartz.
The murder is an accident, though. Don't ask me how because I never decided.
During the deadly life and trial, Minerva is trying to take a backseat because she's fee bad for what happened at the last trial. But then the group nearly votes for Rory (who is under the impression they killed Isaiah), so Minerva defends them and they find out Quartz did it.
Quartz also has no execution idea.
The motive is commands (Danganronpa 3 style) but they're all kinda dumb. Fawn's is that she can't wear green which upsets her because she has been living in Felix's hoodie.
I think chapter's big event was just watching movies and I shoved in my obligatory Insides Out 2: The Movie reference.
Also Nikolas comes out and uses He/They pronouns now.
Interlude IV
I genuinely have no idea how Isaiah and Quartz would feel about everything and what their post game dynamic would be.
Also at some point (most likely during this interlude) Tabitha also gets a gender upgrade and now uses She/They pronouns.
Chapter 5: Funeral You Aren't Invited Too
This chapter's motive is that everyone is injected with a poison and they'll die in 48 hours or 2 days.
-Motive reveal gets everyone preparing to die. (Like being comfortable with dying.)
-Nora tries to comfort Fawn by telling her that they won't actually die. However, she doesn't elaborate. #LifeIsASimulation
-They all lay around in a circle for the last few and talk about regrets, feelings, etc.
-Ameila apologizes to Fawn at the circle for accusing her of being the traitor back in Chapter 3. (She had arrived late because she killed Nora.)
-Fawn high key gives up and convinces everyone else to as well at the trial.
-Minerva and Zenith have some back and forth, Zenith scaring Rory and Nikolas with how done he is with the game.
-Amelia then takes over the trial and convinces everyone they should try, then the group figures out Amelia did.
Nora dies.
Amelia killed her.
I have nothing for Amelia's execution. 🤷♀️
Minerva is also pretty sad about Amelia dying because they were investigation buddies.
Interlude V
No idea what happens in this one. I couldn't decide if I wanted to break theme of it being the victim's POV or not because I wanted it to be Amelia's POV.
I think was leaning towards Amelia POV, so yeah. Amelia does interactions with everyone (except Nora who Amelia thinks is avoiding her because she killed and is like "okay that's fair").
Also the dead gang is gathered up and the in charge lady comes and offers them the choice of dying or joining the Petal organization. They all pick the not dying option because I'm not confident in killing my characters.
Chapter 6: Sixty Feet Under
This chapter is really underwhelming.
Daily life is just the final fan service interactions before it's trial time. They go into the just because. There isn't even a "solve the final mystery of the killing game to leave" or anything. Wolf and Tiger just say it's trial time.
Regardless, the final 5 do solve the "mystery" of the killing game by having Nora tell them everything. Oh yeah. Nora comes back into the simulation to give away all the answers.
The mystery is kinda dumb and irrelevant to everything, so let's get onto the important part.
Nora gives the final 5 a choice. They can either take the red pill or the blue pill—
I mean, they can either leave the killing game and forget it every happened (also getting their talents back in the process) or join Petal and remember the killing game.
I'm gonna lets my killer notes take it away from here.
-The groups are offered: their talents back, but no memory or the game OR they keep their memories, but stay talentless and join Petal's quest to end the Ultimate system. (Nora appears to explain things to them.)
-Zenith encourages the group to forget, saying that they've never recover from the game. He picks forget.
-Rory picks talent because they don't want to support Petal.
-Minerva feels she was robbed of her talent, and hates the Ultimate system. But she doesn't agree with the way Petal is doing things, so she picks forget. (With the intention to relearn everything she forgot.)
-Fawn states how the game has torn her apart and explains how she wants to see everyone again. She joins Petal because she feels she can't return to the real world after this experience, even if forgets about the game, it won't be the same.
-Nikolas joins Petal because he says he's felt happier with the group than he ever did ice skating; there's nothing left for him.
-Minerva attempts to convince Fawn and Nikolas, but they've made up their minds.
-Trial ends. (This is counted as Daily Life because nobody died. So Fawn was the protagonist during all.)
The final 5 all say goodbye and then they poof out of the killing game.
Fawn and Nikolas wake up and go see everyone (who probably all have cool post game designs by now) and then we get a Fawn and Felix reunion.
Somebody (probably Tabitha) asks where Rory, Zenith, and Minerva are so Fawn and Nikolas have to explain that. Then basically everyone gets assigned a place to live outside the hospital area of the secret base.
Nora and Fawn have a conversation about something, where Fawn notices Nora limping a bit. When she asks about it Nora brushes it off and gives a really bad excuse.
Then the next day, Fawn gets a note from Nora to meet in a room that has a door on it. Felix catches Fawn leaving and she asks him to join her. They both go, however upon opening the door...
They find Nora's dead body.
Epilogue: Back To Work
The epilogue features Minerva as the protagonist. She's settling back into her cool Ultimate Journalist office when she hears about how 13 Ex Ultimates have been missing for over month from one of her coworkers or assistants or something. She says something along the lines of "that's concerning".
Then Minerva, Zenith, and Rory met for lunch in Rory's vegan cafe/restaurant thing that Rory opened. They have a silly conversation about how it feels they've known each other for ages, even though they only met on the day they "got their titles reinstated and they just so happen to all show up at the same time".
Then it ends.
Then there's a hint towards the sequel somehow. Probably with Minerva getting a letter about her ex bestie that's important to this hypothetical sequel.
Then the epilogue ends for real this time.
If you have questions, join the Discord server and ask me! I'll probably be sharing behind the scenes things and other stuff too!
Link to Discord in comment box. 👉
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