| Leon Kuwata *Teasing* |
I heard Leon call after me, the sound of sneakers running across the smooth floor soon following. My first tear of the day slipped down my probably distraught face as I sped down the hall.
Er, wait. You don't know who Leon is, do you? Or why I'm running away from him? Well, I guess I should probably start from the beginning of the story, it will make more sense that way. Sorry about that. Okay...
To clear things up, my name is (y/f/n). I attend Hope's Peak Academy. How I got in you might ask, well because apparently I'm talented in gardening. Didn't think it was a thing, but here I am.
Anyway, I'm a part of the 78th class. Featuring other weird and wonderful talents like; gambler, clairvoyant, biker gang leader, detective, programmer, fanfic creator, fashionista, soldier, affluent prodigy, the list goes on. My class is filled with excellent people, seriously. Yeah, a couple of them could do with being less of a bitch and consider being a little nicer. But there's always room for improvement.
However, there is this one kid in my class who's really caught my eye. Leon Kuwata. The Super High School Level baseball star. He's really not what you'd expect someone with such a talent to look or act, but there he is. Leon dresses like a punk, dyed his hair red (the natural red of course), heaps of piercings and a whole lot of attitude. He also wants to drop baseball all together and join a band, become a rockstar. His reasoning behind this? One, he despises training, and two, to get the chicks. Direct quote by the way.
Why my heart decided to fall head over heels for him? Even I don't know the answer to that.
Now normally a little crush like that wouldn't bother me. Usually—because I'm too much of an introvert—I keep my feelings hidden, then wait around until they disappear. Most of the time such feelings do go away once said crush gets into a relationship. But, apparently not with this one.
Leon goddamn Kuwata flirts with a lot of girls, but he's never asked a single one out. I mean fine, whatever, he can do whatever he pleases, but I just want to stop thinking about him every two seconds in the middle of class. Stealing glances of him whenever I can. But this isn't the main problem.
Junko Enoshima, the Super High School Level fashionista. Dear lord does she love gossip. Not only that. Boy or girl. Student or teacher. She will and does get what she wants. Her bubbly nature and carefree attitude, I swear are just for show. She's definitely planning something, I can see it in those huge, sparkling blue eyes...
Anyway, In getting off track here. The point is, Junko wanted to know who I had a crush on. Eventually after a heap of guessing, she got it. Apparently my pupils dilated and my face flushed a bit at the mention of his name. Godamnit.
Originally I had no idea why she wanted to know who I had a crush on. But I was fairly certain that no matter what, it wouldn't end well.
I wasn't wrong.
I still don't really know whether it was because Junko had a grudge against me or if she was just a bitch right to the core. But she took that information to her advantage.
Ever since that day, Junko would flirt with Leon right in front of me. As if to do it on purpose and irritate me. Maybe her goal was to get a reaction out of me. I mean yeah, I was hella jealous because that blonde fashionista was getting all of the attention. But I didn't do or say anything, I just tried to ignore it.
So this continued for almost a month. Her pick up lines and flirty winks becoming more frequent. Leon occasionally winking back. Sometimes he was the one to start up the flirtatious conversation, but it was only ever when I was there, watching.
How do I know that? Well my dear friend Sayaka told me so. She said that she'd never seen Junko or Leon interact with each other unless I was in the goddam room. Were they in on it together? At the time, I had absolutely no clue.
So one day, I reached my limits. I didn't say anything, but I could tell Junko was watching. That little bitch just went too far. While in the dining hall in the middle of lunch, it happened.
Both students were standing across from where I was sitting. Junko glancing over at me to check that I was watching. That devious smirk plastered on her face, evil intents glinted in her sky blue irises.
I tried to ignore the both of them of course. But my gaze would never stray afar for very long. Until finally, I had to do a double take. My mouth falling open slightly as my eyes were trained on their locked lips.
That's right folks. Junko fucking Enoshima kissed the boy I had feelings for right in front of me. What broke my heart even more was the look of enjoyment on the baseball star's face.
I couldn't stand the sight of it. The image already burned into my mind. Without another word I stood up and rushed out of there as fast as I could. My chair screeched across the floor as I pushed past the two 'lovebirds'. I heard a chuckle erupt from Junko as I made my way towards the door, an escape...
And now we're back to the beginning.
I heard Leon call after me, the sound of sneakers running across the smooth floor soon following. My first tear of the day slipped down my probably distraught face as I sped down the hall.
A part of me wanted to stop, see what he had to say. Maybe it was all a misunderstanding. While the other part told me to keep running, keep on running and don't turn back.
Which is what I did. But eventually, since Leon is way more fit than I am, he caught up to me. Grabbing a hold of my wrist and stopping suddenly. Making me also, come to a grinding halt. I viciously wiped at my tears with my hands, hoping to rid of all evidence that I was crying before Leon noticed. It didn't work though.
"(y/n), why're ya crying?" he asked soothingly, pulling me in for a hug. His actions took me off guard, my body stiffened. The smell of men's deodorant and cologne filled my nostrils. It wasn't too overpowering however, it was nice. It smelt like Leon.
"You should know why." I grumbled quietly into his chest.
Leon pulled away slightly so he could look down at my face. "I hope you're not talking about before in the dinning hall." he said, a small frown accompanying his words.
I nodded slowly, averting my gaze from his mysterious, pale blue eyes. Leon breathed out a sigh, loosening his grip on my torso.
"Listen (y/n). I don't like Junko, not like that at least."
"Then, why were you flirting back with her?" I asked timidly.
Leon let go of my waist and took a step back. He ran his hand through his hair before continuing.
"Well the thing is...I was trying to...make you jealous." he mumbled the last part, cheeks burning slightly.
"Me? Jealous?" I stuttered, pointing to myself in utter disbelief.
"I don't know. It was one of my idiot teammates from baseball, it was his idea. When I asked him for advice that's what he told me. Flirt with other chicks to like, make ya jealous, that way you'll come running." Leon paused, looking down at me sheepishly, "It didn't work, did it?"
I shook my head trying my best to hide a growing smirk.
"Seriously." Leon sighed, defeated.
"Leon Kuwata. Asking for advice on how to pick up 'the ladies?'" I teased, using my fingers as quotation marks for the last couple of words.
"Shut up." Leon joked, pushing my shoulder playfully.
My smug smile soon fell however, when memories of what had happened earlier flashed before my eyes.
"If all that's true, then why were you smiling when Junko kissed you?" I accused with hurt words.
"Huh? I was? Oh. Well, that's probably because right before she attacked me with her sloppy lips, she told me that you had a crush on me. So obviously it was like, really fucking hard to hide a smile when you're told that your crush likes you back." the baseball star grinned while he spoke. A dark blush settling on his cheeks again.
"Oh." was the only thing I could reply with. A smile grew on my flustered face. I stared at the ground, hiding my hands behind my back, shuffling awkwardly.
I soon felt Leon's arm snake around my torso. His other hand cupping my cheek, causing my gaze to lock with his.
"I hope this helps make it up to you for making you cry." he whispered softly. Leon's head tilted to the side slightly as he leaned in closer to my face until our lips met. I stood rigid for a second before melting into his embrace. It was a sweet, sincere kiss. But it was too short for my liking.
Leon pulled away unexpectedly, I could feel myself following him with my lips for a moment. I didn't want it to end.
"Somebody's eager." the baseball star teased.
"Shut up and let me kiss you."
Leon only raised his eyebrows playfully in response, before slowly leaning in for another kiss.
"Oh my God you too! Get a room!"
Both of our faces flushed red as we jumped apart. My head spun around towards the source of the noise.
"How do you think that moral compass, or whatever, would react to you two snogging in the halls?" the fashionista scolded with a big grin on her face. Yep, you guessed it. It was that troublemaker again.
While her sister, the Super High School Level Soldier, stood there as well, hiding behind her giant pigtails.
"Oh fuck off Junko." Leon grumbled, sending a glare her way.
"Will do!" she exclaimed, strutting away down the hallway silently sniggering away. While Mukoro awkwardly crept up towards us giving us a shy, apologetic smile.
"Sorry about my sister there. She uh, just really wanted to see you guys get together, that's all."
"Well I definitely got that impression." I replied sarcastically. All the ravenette could do was shrug before swiftly following after Junko.
Before I could turn back around to the red-head, his arms snaked around my torso from behind, pulling me against his chest and nuzzling into my neck. A shiver ran down my spine as I felt his warm breath hit my skin.
"Do ya wanna go out with me (y/n)?"
I smiled leaning back into his body, taking in his radiating warmth.
"Can't think of a reason to say no."
•_• •_•
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