| Kazuichi Soda *Mine* |

I can't stand her.

I raised my right hand higher in the air, striking again.

She stole the boy I love.

Plunging the sharp, kitchen knife deeper into her warm flesh.

Just the sight of her makes me want to barf.

Neon, pink blood was splattered everywhere, a pool forming around her struggling body.

She doesn't even like him, she just finds him annoying and slow witted.

Thoughts from earlier came flooding back as I jammed the knife into her body once again.


"Really? That's so sweet (y/n), I honestly never would've seen that coming. By all means, please tell him. I'd be more than glad." Sonia encouraged, smiling sweetly at me.

''B-but, I thought you liked his company. And even if I did, he'd still be obsessed with you." I retorted shyly, holding back the rage that boiled within.

"Don't be silly, I'd very much enjoy some peace and quiet from Kazuichi. Plus, I'm sure the moment you confessed your feelings towards him he'd fall head over heels for you in a matter of minutes." the princess joked, only pissing me off even more.

"Excuse me?!"

"Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry, I didn't mean for that to sound so harsh. But you must understand what I mean."

"Oh, no I understand completely." I stated, circling the blonde while reaching into my pocket to grab the knife I'd stolen from the kitchen earlier.

"You do?"

"Of course. You must really hate Kazuichi." shock covered Sonia's pale, pretty face at my remark.

"Hate is a very strong word (y/n). I just find his constant obsession over me a little irritating, that is all. I'm sure Kazuichi is a very kind person."

"Well, either way, nothing I say to him will cease his love for you. You're very existence is getting in the way of our relationship." I pulled the knife up in front of my face, only getting a horrified gasp from Sonia in return.

"W-what are saying? What is that knife for?" the princess took a step back, pointing at the knife in my hands. I smiled down at the sharp object trapped between my fingers, twirling it around a few times before looking back up at her.

"I'm done hiding my feelings in fear that he'll never return them. His obsession over you will no longer exist once I'm finished with you." the moment those words escaped my lips I pounced on the princess, shoving in the knife wherever I could. A blood curdling scream escaped her lips, but I quickly covered her mouth with my hand.


Anger from her words from earlier encouraged me to stab her again and again in the chest. A grin formed on my face at the sight of her blood on my hands and almost lifeless body, withering under my own. Slowly the life in her eyes drained away, her body became still and her screams came to a stop. I plunged the knife into her chest one more time for good measures, before standing back to admire my work.

"Now Kazuichi can be mine forever." I whispered smiling down at Sonia's lifeless corpse. Abruptly a distorted giggle erupted from my mouth, soon turning into a psychotic laugh. (*insert Light Yagami's laugh here* you know the one I'm talking about ;)) Then in a flash it all came to a stop, the realisation sinking in, as my sanity regained control. I fell to my knees, holding my head in my hands.

"No...No no no no no no! What have I done? I can't just hide her body, someone will find it, then there'll be an investigation, a class trial, and a punishment. I don't wanna die! But, I don't want to watch Kazuichi die right in front of me either if I do persuade everyone it wasn't me. UGH!! What do I do?!" tears trickled down my blood stained cheeks as panic started to settle in. "No it's okay, everything will be fine. I can just...bury her body in the beach somewhere, maybe? Yeah, that could work."

I continued to think up of a way to dispose of Sonia's body and get away with her murder, before a high pitched scream caused me to jump out of my skin.

"Wha-wha-what happened?!? Please tell me you didn't do this big sis."


I turned around from my position on the floor. Fresh, pink blood and salty tears covered my face, accompanying a sad smile.

"Sorry Hiyoko..." surprisingly, Hiyoko and I were quite close. She always referred to me as her 'Big Sis', she looked up to me. But now, I've murdered one of our classmates.

"No! I-I've got to go tell somebody." Hiyoko muttered turning around quickly and ran for the door.

I jumped up from the floor, lunging towards the traditional dancer. "Wait!" I yelled, grabbing her wrist. "Please don't tell anyone, if you do I'll-"

"Let go of me!" Hiyoko ignored my words, tears already trickling down her face as she struggled to escape my grasp.

"No one must know, please Hiyoko. You can't tell anyone, it wasn't my fault. I just wanted Kazuichi and I to be happy."

"(y/n), you're scaring me."

"Sonia was trying to steal my beloved from me." I explained, a blush settling on my cheeks as my sanity started to slip away once again.

"No one cares about that stupid grease monkey! Just let go of me!" Hiyoko screamed, instantly causing my grip on her wrist to tighten.

My face which was once covered in fear and regret now showed no emotion at all, rage burning in my (e/c) eyes. Hiyoko had tipped me over the edge once again after I'd finally clawed my way back up, regaining my sanity too late to save the princess' life.

With murder on my mind, my hands quickly clamped around the dancer's scrawny little neck, my grip tightening.

"(y-y/n)" Hiyoko chocked out, scrabbling at my hands.

I lifted her tiny body up higher, slowly crushing her neck in my grasp. Finally I heard a snap and her whole body went limp. The back of my throat choked out a sob as I pulled her lifeless body towards my own, bringing her in for a hug.

"Sorry Hiyoko, but I did try to warn you." I let go of her body, slowly letting her slip from my grasp and fall to the floor.

"Someone probably heard her screaming. They'll find me here soon. It's too late now, I'm just going to have to kill them all. That way Kazuichi and I can be happy. I'm sure he'll understand. It will just be me and him. Just us two. My beloved and I, together forever on this island." I continued to mutter to myself as drool slowly escaped my lips and dripped down my chin.

A commotion of questions being thrown back and fourth accompanied by a series of footsteps from outside, gained my attention. Stumbling over to the princess's dead body, I pulled the kitchen knife out from her chest, wiping the fresh blood onto her clothing.

With the slightly cleaner knife, I stood up against the wall next to the door, waiting for the first person to enter so I could attack. In anticipation I waited, until finally the ajar door was thrown open even wider, followed by a scream.

"What the fuck? Two people are dead this time." I heard someone exclaim. Hidden behind the door, I watched as Fuyuhiko and Mikan entered the room.

"P-p-poor Sonia and Hiyoko." Mikan stuttered, wearily stepping closer to Hiyoko's lifeless body.

"I should go tell the others. You wait here and start your autopsy." Fuyuhiko ordered. Mikan only squeaked a small 'okay' in response.

"You won't be going anywhere, Fuyuhiko~" I sang pushing the door away, letting it slam shut. Both of my classmates spun around, fear and confusion shining in their eyes.

"(y/n), you...what are...that knife..." Fuyuhiko stuttered.

"What's wrong Fuyuhiko, you can't even from a proper sentence." I mocked, pouting at the Yakuza heir.

"D-d-don't tell me you k-killed them." Mikan piped up meekly.

"Guilty as charged." I smiled sweetly at her.

"Kyaahhh! P-please don't kill me. I p-promise won't t-tell anyone." the nurse begged.

"What the fuck happened to you (y/n)? You're acting completely insane." Fuyuhiko asked, ignoring Mikan's comment.

"Oh well, ya know. A lot of people tell me that I'm obsessive, and not quite right on the ol' noggin. If you know what I mean." I explained walking closer to Fuyuhiko, only to have him step back in response. I continued to move closer to the short blonde, blatant cussing escaped his lips, but it meant nothing to me. Finally I had him up against the wall.

"Don't fuck with me! Get the hell away from me!" Fuyuhiko yelled, clenching his fists, a fire of fear and anger burning in his golden irises.

"Profanity!" I gasped, accusingly pointing the knife at him. Suddenly I pounced, attacking with the weapon in my hand. Fuyuhiko put his arm up in defence, successfully grabbing my arm and stopping my blow. Almost instantly Fuyuhiko threw a punch my way with his other fist. His fist collided with my now slightly stunned face. I stumbled back holding my face in my free hand.

"Ouch." I whined, pretending to get upset. The Yakuza heir took a step towards me, as if ready to punch me a second time. But I struck again, this time successful. The kitchen knife punctured his neck, and as quickly as I'd hit him, I pulled it back out.

Neon pink blood slowly poured out of his puncture wound. Surprised from the pain, Fuyuhiko didn't see my knife go flying past his face, this time stabbing him in the chest.

The Yakuza heir was left gasping for air, his face screwed up in utter agony as he bled to death. Lack of oxygen didn't help his cause either. His eyes now bulging out of their sockets as his body struggled to stay alive. I stood there in triumph, almost forgetting about the friendship we were starting to create a few days ago.

Wait, what am I doing?

For a second, the smug grin on my face disappeared, my grip on the knife loosened a little, almost dropping it. Another fresh tear rolled down my bloodied cheek.

"Sorry." I muttered before my sanity slipped away once again. As Fuyuhiko let loose one last breath, I turned my back on him.

My crazed eyes searched the room for the nurse, my sadistic smile soon widened once I found her cowering in the corner.

"Oh Mikan." I taunted, finding amusement in my little killing spree.

Mikan's purple eyes were brimming with hot tears, another small squeak escaped her lips. "P-p-please don't hurt me (y/n). I-I'm sorry. I'll do anything!"

My only response was a quick smirk before I started running at her. In no time I'd reached my quivering target. I raised my arm and then jammed the knife into her forehead. Mikan's eyes rolled back into her skull, now glazed with pink blood, before she collapsed on the ground face first.

"What's going on in here? I heard scre- AAAAHHHH!!"

I spun around and saw (ahoge boy) Hajime standing in the door way, his hand covered his agape mouth. Olive eyes zipping back and forth across the room, before finally his gaze fell upon me.

I quickly hid the knife behind my back, awkwardly shuffling my feet as I stood there tilting my head slightly.

"Hi Hajime."


(i'm too lazy to actually go into detail about murdering all of my babies, and i'm sure you don't want to read all of that either, so we'll just skip to the last victim, shall we?)

I threw my last punch at Akane's bloodied and bruised face, watching the life leave her eyes.


Killing everyone else was quite easy, other than Akane and Nekomaru of course. Gundham was really strong as well, but I was able to catch him off guard.

I lost my kitchen knife halfway through my battle with Nekomaru. In the end I just repeatedly bashed him with a metal chair. The piece of furniture broken long before he was. It was quite a feat on my behalf, but I feel like my burning love for Kazuichi was what kept me going.

Akane pounced on me the moment she saw Nekomaru's lifeless body spread out on the floor. I didn't have the time to retrieve my lost weapon. All I had to fight with were my fists, and the odd piece of furniture which was cast aside in a matter of minutes. Our faces both covered in scars, bruises and blood as we fought one another, thoughts of murder on our minds. Love being a part of our motive.

Surprisingly enough, neither Monokuma or Monomi had popped up at all to stop my plans. But that's nothing to complain about, I think it's quite lucky. Considering that Mononi was all about hope, and Monokuma was completely against the idea of having more than two people murdered by the one student.

But none of that matters now. I'm finally all alone with my beloved.

"Kazuichi my dear! Where are you?" I called out, hoping to hear the sweet sound of his voice. Which was what I got, but not quite what I expected.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I heard a scream from off in the distance. The only person it could've belonged to was Kazuichi himself. I rushed outside with a skip in my step. Once outside the intense smell of blood no longer filled my nose, my sanity started to take control. Sadly the mechanic was no where to be found and worry started to sink in.

The sound of two high pitched voices yelling at each other caught my attention. It was coming from our cottages. I followed the sound of their voices, soon realising that the voices belonged to none other than Monokuma and Monomi. The hope that Kazuichi would be among the two animatronics filled me with determination. I soon ended up in front of the mechanic's cottage. Without a second thought I barged in, throwing the door open in haste to see my beloved at long last.

"Why hello there you little rule breaker. Finally come to join the party?" the monochrome bear asked without even taking a glance at me.

"O-oh dear (y/n). You're in a lot of trouble, I can't believe you would do such a thing. Kill all of your classmates..." the sweet, pink bunny scolded quietly. Not that I was listening to either of them. My still slightly crazed eyes were focused on a pair of frightened, magenta orbs.

"(y-y/n), that thing is trying to kill me!" the magenta haired boy squealed, pointing at the monochrome bear. My small smile turned into a frown at his accusation. I turned to the bear and pointed my stained finger at him accusingly.

"How dare you try and kill Kazuichi! He did nothing wrong!" I yelled, a fire burning in my (e/c) eyes.

"Phuhuhu. He might not have done anything wrong, but you have!" Monokuma waddled closer to the boy on the floor, unsheathing his claws. "So (y/f/n), the super high school level blacksmith. The young teenage girl who was madly in love with a pathetic, dorky mechanic, who went absolutely psycho and mercilessly murdered all of her classmates. All so that he could be hers. Such a sad story. But too bad! You will be punished for breaking the rules."

"Y-you, like me? Wait no...YOU KILLED EVERYONE!?!"

"Isn't it a bit obvious pincushion. She's covered in blood for god's sake!"

"You didn't know then." I mumbled, my head hanging low in embarrassment.

"The moment the body discovery announcement went off, freaking Monokuma dragged me away and locked me up in my room."

"To think, I thought you were concerned about one of your students safety." Monomi whined.

"I didn't mean to. I...got out of control, I couldn't help myself. I was only really meant to kill Sonia..." I explained slowly. My gaze eventually met my crush's eyes. His magenta orbs almost quivered in fear.

"Not gonna lie. I found that little break down of yours quite entertaining. Along with your killing spree of course." the monochrome bear confessed.

"Shut up!" I yelled, taking a step forward, "If you found it so goddamn entertaining, then why do you want to harm him?"

"Phuhuhu... because I'm a sucker for the rules, that's why, AND YOU WILL GET YOUR PUNISHMENT!!"

Once those words left Monokuma's mouth, he clapped his paws together, the whole scene seemed to change as if on a stage in a play. I found my hands clamped tightly shut around the same kitchen knife I'd used to kill all of my friends, their blood still stained the blade. I lifted my gaze to see Kazuichi cowering in a dark corner, the walls and floor littered in blood. I felt my arms raising in the air, my feet slowly moving me closer to the mechanic. I shot my head up, my eyes widening in panic as I realised what was happening. Monokuma was using me like a puppet, strings tied to my arms and legs, moving me in for the kill.

"Run. Kazuichi! RUN!!" I screamed, struggling to keep my feet planted to the ground. But no matter how much I screamed he wouldn't move.

The mechanic's hands were viciously tugging at his black beanie, as if hiding behind the fabric would magically make him disappear. Tears rolled down his cheeks like waterfalls. A small whimper was the only noise to come out of his mouth as my shining blade, dripping in neon pink blood, got closer.

In the distance I heard the distorted laugh of Monokuma before the kitchen knife, gripped tightly in my hands, pierced his chest and rapidly beating heart. A piercing wail echoed throughout the room and filled my ears. The noise vibrating through my bones and forcing my shuddering heart to drop in my chest.

Monokuma soon dropped the strings, setting me free. Instantly I fell to the floor right next to the boy I just stabbed. Fresh, salty tears streamed down my cheeks as I chocked out a sob.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm really fucking sorry Kazuichi. This is all my fault." I rambled out an apology trying to put pressure on his fatal wound. The only thing Kazuichi could do was stare at me in absolute horror. "Y-you're going to be fine...I promise."

Guilt gnawed at my aching heart. My frightened eyes traveled over to the mechanic's face. Through my slightly foggy vision I quickly realised his pale complexion and trembling lips as his breathing became more labored and shallow.

The idea of this poor boy dying by my own hand was not an option. No matter what I saw I refused to believe it.

"This wasn't supposed happen..." I whispered, my breathing becoming unstable again. "It was all that stupid bear's fault. Th-that bastard."

"(y/n)..?" Kazuichi breathed out with worry.

"IT WAS THAT BASTARD'S FAULT!!! MONOKUMA!! I'LL-I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!" I roared throwing my head back. I grabbed the nearby knife still sitting on the ground where I once dropped it, gripping it tightly in my hand.

"(y-y/n)? You're...scaring...me."

My attention was brought back to the dying boy in front of me. The slight loss of sanity soon gaining control again. My eyes met his once more. Pure fear and dread shined in his already paling magenta irises.

"Sorry." was the only thing I could muster, as I quickly averted my gaze. I looked down at the stained knife in my hand. His blood among the rest of our classmates. I scrunched up my face in disgust, throwing it away watching it hit the ground and skid across the surface, leaving a blood smear behind.

Warmth filled my trembling hand, something squeezing it in a tight grip. I looked up slowly to see something I didn't deserve.

Magenta eyes glistening with tears, gazed at me with a caring glow. Trembling lips curving into a sweet smile.

I forced a smile onto my blood and tear stained face. Although, eventually I couldn't bear it any longer, I couldn't look at the mechanic for another second. Not like this. So I leapt forward, engulfing the mechanic in a hug. His arms slowly wrapped around my waist, soon clinging on for dear life.

"Kazuichi, I love you. Please don't go!"

The last thing I heard was a quiet sniffle before the mechanic took his last breathe. His grip loosened and his arms fell to his sides, his head rolling back. The bright light that used to shine in his magenta eyes was now gone forever.

I let out a scream, more tears running down my face faster then before. Utter despair consumed my heart. Grief swelling up in my chest as I continued to scream and wail until my throat was raw, I weeped until there were no more tears left to shed. Silence filled the room until the only thing you could hear were my choked out sobs and strangled hiccups.

"Phuhuhuhu...how does it feel (y/n)? Losing the one you loved so much, the man you literally killed for, now gone at your own hand. Isn't it just despair inducing?"

The only answer I could muster was a nod. Obviously pleasing Monokuma to an extent.

"Okay. I have a proposal, are ya listening?" I raised my head, nodding in response, waiting for the monochrome bear to continue. "You can make this pain all go away. Forget about everything that has happened and start again. Best of all bring Kazuichi and all your classmates back to life. All you have to do is push this button. What do ya say?"

I didn't question the bear's motive behind giving me this option. I'd lost everything. I had nothing left to lose. That little strand of hope that Monokuma dangled in front of me was too tempting for my broken mind and heart.

I reached out for the big red button in Monokuma's paws that read 'reset'. Pressing down with what strength I had left. The last thing I heard was the laugh of Monokuma before I blacked out.

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