| Byakuya Togami *Mysterious* |
Everyday after school you would spend a couple of hours at the school's library. You absolutely adored reading. You've read just about every type of genre out there. Knowing exactly what book to recommend to anyone with your vast knowledge on the different styles and forms of books.
To be fair, you had been given the title of Super High School Level Bookworm. You always found time to read a few books a day, proving your so called talent. You didn't see it as a talent though, more of a hobby. A much loved hobby of course.
But lately you'd found it hard to concentrate on the books you were reading. You mind always drifting off somewhere, far away from the words you were trying to read. Forcing you to have to re-read paragraphs constantly until you would eventually give up to take a break.
Leading us back to your frequent library visits. For the past week you had spotted both a mysterious and attractive stranger wandering through the bookshelves.
Eyes the colour of the sky on a sunny day, always traveling across the spines of multiple books. Slender fingers gliding over the fabric covers, feeling the engraved words. Light pink lips always pursed shut in a small frown no matter what he was looking at. Shiny, blonde locks of hair falling in front of his glasses as he would tilt his head forward to read their contents.
Never did he leave the library book in hand. Anything he picked up to look at would go back on the shelf. Satisfaction never shined in his bright blue eyes.
He was a mystery, and you desperately wanted to get to know him. Find out his name. The reason for his constant visits to the library with seemingly no success in finding what he was looking for. Maybe he just needed a recommendation so he knew what to try out. A recommendation from you. The thought had always occurred to you that maybe he couldn't actually read at all. But that seemed quite unlikely. Plus, he seemed like the academic type.
Today in school you were eager for class to end so you could make your way to the library. You planned to try and speak to him for the first time, instead of staying hidden and staring. You waited impatiently in your seat until the long awaited shrill of the bell rang throughout the classroom. You immediately jumped out of your seat, your books already pre-packed from anticipation earlier in the lesson.
You were the first to run out of the classroom door. Ignoring your friends calls as you rushed down the halls to your locker.
*le time skip brought to you by the most moving and inspirational quote you've ever heard: "tell em naegi"*
You shuffled further down aside the bookshelf. Your gaze shifting awkwardly from the bookshelf to the mysterious man in front of you. You picked a random book from the shelf, flipping through its contents. Trying to act as inconspicuous as possible.
The man grunted slightly in annoyance, before pushing the book he was holding back into the hole it came from. As soon as he did he picked up another book, opening it up to take a look. You glanced up again to read the title on the cover inside of his pale hands. 'The History of Cannibalism'
What a lovely topic. You thought to yourself sarcastically.
"What are you staring at?" a demanding voice growled.
Your head shot up from the book in his hands to his face. His bright blue eyes were fixated on you as he sent a vicious scowl your way.
Your face went scarlet red as you opened your mouth to say something. But nothing came out. You panicked, speedily bowing in apology before scampering out of the bookshelves.
You let out a sigh before frowning as you realised what was still being held in your hands. In your haste to escape you'd forgotten to put the book that you were "looking at" back.
Well there's no way I'm going back in there. I'm just going to have to borrow it I guess.
Defeated, you walked up to the front desk to borrow the book being gripped tightly in your hands.
Tomorrow. You thought to yourself, as you nodded a goodbye to Ishimaru who was standing near the doorway.
Tomorrow I'll start up a conversation.
*le time skip to le next day bc i'm lazy*
The next day you found him searching through the fiction section. His eyes seemed to be traveling over your favourite book series, (f/b/s). Your enthusiastic love for the series helped build your confidence, stepping forward and opening your mouth to speak.
"Need help finding a book?" you queried, smiling brightly at the tall blonde.
"Oh, its you again." he stated annoyed, ignoring your question.
"I personally would recommend reading those books over there." you offered, gesturing to the books he was looking at previously, "They're a (f/b/s/g). That's if you're into that kind of thing of course."
"Fiction is an utter waste of time." he scoffed, crossing his arms while looking down at you with his cold sapphire eyes.
You opened your mouth to object and question why he was standing in the fiction area of the library in the first place if he disliked it so much, but shut your mouth anyway. You desperately wanted to make a good impression but this man's attitude wasn't really helping.
"Well what do you like to read?"
"What kind of question is that? I like reading books. You don't need to know which ones."
You heaved a sigh, your bright smile becoming smaller. Why did he have to be a stuck up prick? Why'd he have to be so hot..?
"Well I'm (y/f/n) by the way. Super High School Level Bookworm." you introduced yourself, sticking your hand out and waiting for him to take it.
The attractive and seemingly arrogant blonde only rolled his eyes. Pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "Byakuya Togami."
"Wait...you're heir of the Togami Corporation, aren't you?"
"Yes. Making me the Super High School Level Affluent Prodigy."
"Well fuck." you muttered under your breath, letting your hand fall back and hang limp at your side.
"Excuse me?" Byakuya demanded, glowering at you.
"N-nothing!" you squeaked light pink tinged your cheeks as you stared into his blue orbs. "I gotta go anyway. See ya later Byakuya." You quickly turned around and started walking away, but you still heard what he said after.
"I'd prefer not to."
You only smiled lightly to yourself, leaving the library empty handed.
Another boring day of school passed and you were already in pursuit of the school library. Determined to get to know the mysterious man better you walked into the library, eyes darting across the room in search of the blonde.
But he wasn't there.
Everyday. You always found him here everyday no matter what. Your thoughts wandered back to yesterdays conversation.
"See ya later Byakuya."
"I'd prefer not to."
Does he really want to avoid me that much. Am I that annoying.
Although that wasn't what bothered you the most. You were always so determined to talk to him, why? Byakuya was such a stuck up prick, so why spend time with someone who would just treat you horribly? Byakuya being attractive isn't really a good enough excuse.
Is it because...I have a crush on him?
"Looking for someone?" you heard a mocking tone behind you, causing you to spin around almost crashing face first into their chest. You looked up to see Byakuya's shining blue irises staring down at you, the usual frown plastered on his face.
"S-sorry." you muttered, taking a step back. Your cheeks had never been such a dark shade of red before. You half expected to hear a scoff from the man in front of you but no such thing escaped his lips.
"What's the matter with you? Just yesterday you were bombarding me with questions." he asked you, crossing his arms although the usual arrogant shine in his eyes was replaced with an almost caring look.
"It's nothing...don't worry about it." you shrugged his question off along with your own, beaming at the heir before you. "Say, why do you come to the library all the time anyway? I've never seen you borrow a book here before."
"Again with the questions." he groaned, gaining a giggle from you in return. "Who says I'm looking for a book anyway, and how would you know that I've never borrowed a book from here?" Byakuya questioned you, raising a skeptical eyebrow.
Red flushed your cheeks as you waved your hands out in front of your face. "It's not like I'm a stalker or anything. I'm just...observant."
"I see..." was the only reply you got from Byakuya. An awkward silence followed soon after. You considered leaving, calling it quits for the day since you had no idea how to pick up the conversation. Anything you'd ever used to break the ice had left your brain entirely.
"Actually, I am in search of some answers. Maybe you could help me find them." Byakuya suddenly piped up in his usual demanding tone when suggesting or asking a question.
"Yeah sure, what's up?"
"Answer me this." he demanded taking a step closer. "Why do I find you so damn cute?"
Your heart skipped a beat at his question.
"Cute? You find me, cute?"
"Indeed. Tell me why that is. I've never felt this way about such an insignificant commoner such as yourself." you felt like rolling your eyes at his use of words but before you could Byakuya had a hold of your chin within his slender fingers, tilting your head up so you he could admire your face. Your (e/c) eyes were locked with his steel sapphire ones.
"W-well, why do I find you so damn attractive then?" you blurted out feeling your cheeks heat up, almost regretting ever opening your mouth.
Byakuya's gaze broke from yours for only a second, glancing around the library before whispering to you. "You will not say a word of what happens here."
But before you could question his blatant statement his lips were locked with yours. Your eyes widened in utter shock as your lips seemed to mould together with the heir's, as if they were meant to be. Almost as quickly as Byakuya had embraced you with his soft lips, they were gone. Shock was still etched onto your face, your lips parted slightly. Byakuya only smirked, laughing through his nose.
"M-m-master Byakuya. W-what are you d-doing so close to that...t-that scum?!"
Your eyes finally left the heir's, traveling over to the source of the noise. It was a girl in the year below you, her long brown hair tangled in two braids, big round glasses and a scowl being sent your way.
"Toko!" Byakuya growled, "That is none of your business. Now would you leave me alone for once, I can smell you from here."
Toko's hands quickly covered her mouth as if to hide her bad breath. "S-sorry Master!" She spun on the balls of her feet and ran out of the library.
"Master..?" you queried, gazing back up at the blonde before you, confusion shining in your eyes.
"Don't mind her, she's delusional." the heir replied, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. "Well, I better be off. I presume I'll see you tomorrow."
"Y-yeah, right. Of course." you nodded vigorously in reply.
Byakuya only turned around in one swift movement leaving the library without another word. You smiled as you watched him go.
He is quite the mystery indeed... you thought to yourself soon following suit.
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