Chapter 1 - Part 1

Monoala Theater

Monoala: Welcome to the first Monoala Theater! Way better than a play from Eugene, right? People do everything for viewers. Pulling pranks, eating disgusting things, doing things like an 'Ice Bucket' challenge, but the line apparently is drawn at a killing game, and that while everyone does like true crime! Help this poor koala get this killing game on air now!

Chapter One - Daily Life

It's surreal. I really hoped this killing game was all just a dream but yet I'm here, one day later, but still here. The anxiety for all this didn't give me a good night's rest in the slightest. Based on the clock it's 6:50 AM... I wanna just sleep longer.

I yawn and check my surroundings. There is a tablet on the nightstand, was that always there?

'A gift from Monoala' it states, because yes, a gift from that evil koala is really something I wanted! But sigh, my curiosity does win, so I grab the tablet.

After opening it with my fingerprint, the tablet shows various options, Map, Regulations, Citizens, Truth Bullets. I try clicking Map first.

The exact same map Martin found earlier displays on my tablet. It also seems like there's a way to view a different map, but it instead only shows a screen with ??? once I try that. I wonder why that is, are certain areas inaccessible?

I try clicking Regulations next, and various rules appear.

Rule 1: Students may only be in Despair Town during the duration of the Killing Game.

Rule 2: "Nighttime" is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off-limits at night, so please exercise caution.

Rule 3: You are only allowed to sleep in apartments.

Rule 4: With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore Despair Town at your discretion.

Rule 5: You may not harm property of Despair Town; including Monoala or the Monopads.

Rule 6: Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered.

Rule 7: Once a murder takes place, a class trial will begin shortly thereafter. Participation is mandatory for all surviving students.

Rule 8: If the guilty party is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.

Rule 9: If the guilty party is not exposed, they alone will graduate, and all remaining students will be executed.

Rule 10: The guilty party may only kill a maximum of two people during any single "Killing Game."

Rule 11: Additional school regulations may be added if necessary.

I should probably remember those to not get executed accidentally... I try Citizens next, and various information about the others is revealed.


Studying, making friends

Pessimism, this killing game



Bragging, politics

Bugs, his ex



Being alone, creativity

Dumb people, being humiliated



Talking, strawberries

People being fake, animal cruelty



Taking a walk, fast food

Mythology, complicated things



Youtube, being energetic

Soahc Gaming, shy people



Quietness, fairy tales

Agnostics, Europe



Thinking of characters, teasing

Kpop, things that are "obvious"



Board games, sports

Procrastinating, bullies



Music, helping charity

Anti-drug laws, people that discriminate



Attention, reality TV

Most food, children



Perfection, dancing

"Regular people", the color white



Being over the top, people

Drama, doing effort



Dilemma's, arguing

Making choices, modern things



Fashion, detective novels

Humanity, being disliked



Being famous, action movies

Waking up early, being dumped





Interesting. And I indeed do dislike this killing game. Harper's dislikes do make me worry about her health... Last up: Truth Bullets. What could those be? Hm, this is odd. 'Wait for a killing to happen' it says. Hopefully there won't be one.

Ding dong bing bong!

What's that? I notice there's a screen hanging on the wall in my apartment and it turns on, showing Monoala.

Monoala: Rise and shine citizens of Despair Town, it is now 7 AM! That means nighttime has now ended!

Well I guess I should get out of bed, Martin wanted everyone to share breakfast after all. I get up and move to the restaurant. Fernando, Dale, Martin, Arianna, Joseph and Aozora are already there.

Fernando: Good morning, Melissa.

Melissa: I'm so tired!

Joseph: Waking us up at 7 AM... I hate Monoala so much due to that!

Arianna: You don't find the killing game much of an issue?

Joseph: I do, but waking up early is one too!

Aozora: Joseph does have a point.

Dale: Ha! I wake up at 5 AM every day.

Martin: So do I. My daily routine is to wake up at 5 AM, do some exercise, have a healthy breakfast at 6 AM, and then exercise some more. So I already had breakfast but due to not wanting everyone to join me at 6 AM knowing it would annoy some others, I'm here now.

Dale: You take a healthy breakfast? For me I just prefer eating many burgers for breakfast! A burger is a man's best friend!

Fernando: Isn't that usually a reference to dogs...?

Arianna: Perhaps not for the more simple among us.

Joseph: Not ANOTHER fight!

Melissa: By the way Martin, where is everyone else?

Martin: I guess they slept in. I also assume some will not show up however. Alice stated that she hated all of us, Minori thought we were all way too loud and Cody said he didn't intend on leaving his bed till past noon. A good idea probably, considering he was still awake when I woke up.

Cece, Netta and Demos walk in next. They seem to be discussing various kinds of fruit.

Cece: I don't get why you two think strawberries aren't the best fruit!

Demos: It's such a basic choice, really. And oh so sweet, way too sweet.

Netta: I don't even like fruit so I don't have a favorite!

Dale: What are y'all talking about?

Cece: Fruit!

Netta: Kill me now, right?

Melissa: I like mangoes.

Fernando: Lemons are my favorite!

Arianna: Who could've guessed that?

Joseph: Me! I could have.

Cece: Anyway, what is there to eat here?

Dale: I hope burgers!

Cece: A cheeseburger would be lovely, I agree.

Martin: Pretty much anything! I feel obliged to suggest healthy options.

Netta: I'll take what I want, thank you very much.

Won enters too now, visibly upset.

Melissa: What's up, Won?

Him being like this is very unlike the cheerful and energetic guy he was yesterday.

Cece: The poor guy probably realized that the killing game is real...

Won: No, that's a thing my manager came up with! This is much, much worse!

Joseph: Well then, what is it?!

Won: My... my channel! While I'm here, I can't upload any videos! MY CAREER IS RUINED!

Netta: I prefer Soahc Gaming anyway.

Demos: It might be too early for comments like that.

Won: That B-tier game channel? Big move this, big move that? #Overrated

Arianna: Cheer up, if your channel is truly better your fans will also stick around even while you're here.

Aozora: And like, um, if this killing game is real, imagine the publicity you get from this.

Won: But it isn't real! But you're right, my manager will get me so many views from this. #FeelingBetter

Netta: Can this revive my acting career then?

Fernando: Is this really what people are thinking of at a time like this?

Cece: Apparently...

Martin: Aozora you should be ashamed of yourself for thinking of such a thing!

Joseph: Perhaps Eugene was right! But nobody will commit murder, right?! No need for harm!

Aozora: I'm sorry...

Cece: Aozora, you're fine! I'm glad you finally are more talkative.

Cece walks towards Aozora and gives her a hug. While that happens, Harper walks in.

Harper: So... Tired... Brain... Asleep...

Fernando: Good morning Harper!

Demos: We were just discussing whether Aozora will murder anyone! I think the possibilities are endless.

Cece: Not now, Demos.

Melissa: What do you want for breakfast, Harper?

Harper: I'll take... Coffee. I need coffee.

Fernando: A good choice! I am a fellow coffee enjoyer.

Dale: I wonder if Eugene is gonna be joinin' us soon, it's been 20 mins since the morning announcement.

Joseph: At least we know the killer if he ends up dead!

Won: I assume my manager would have a better first killer planned then something that obvious! So, Aozora is innocent! #Prediction

Arianna: He is probably busy having a daydream about directing a successful play.

Netta: Success is very important, so I get that.

Fernando: I do think there won't be a murder soon, we can trust each other after all. #Prediction

Harper: I see Fernando is infected by Won, but it's #Understandable

Martin: #Agreed

Won: Bad impersonations.

Melissa: Should we maybe check Eugene's apartment, just to see if he is still alive?

Cece: That sounds like a good idea.

Aozora: I'll just go to my apartment instead, not up to deal with him.

Joseph: All the drama... I hate it!

Before Aozora can leave, the screen in the restaurant turns on. Monoala appears on the screen.

Monoala: Attention, citizens of Despair Town! Because I'm bored, head to the gym or be punished!

The screen turns off.

Fernando: Well, at least we can see there whether everyone is still alive.

Netta: What's up this time?! Do we have to play the Hunger Games instead?

Cece: I hope not!

Harper: Let's see what's up first, and otherwise I might have someone in my apartment to help us deal with this.

Is she talking about drugs?

Arianna: Let's just go now, before Monoala gets mad.

Martin: Yea that sounds like it's for the best!

Dale: I'm mad at him for ruinin' our good breakfast! I will smash that dumb koala into the ground!

Joseph: Violence isn't the answer, Dale!

Everyone left for the gym, except for Aozora, so I decide to talk with her for a bit.

Melissa: Aozora, we should go to the gym before Monoala gets mad!

Aozora: The others clearly don't want me there... Maybe I should just accept Monoala's punishment.

Melissa: I don't think... that's the solution.

Aozora: I may be a natural pessimist, but think about it, only one of us will survive. And I for one don't want to live with the knowledge that I murdered someone.

Melissa: I don't want to either.

Aozora: Well then why would you try to survive? It's just a delay of execution.

She's not wrong. But I can't give up!

Melissa: Well, if nobody kills for long enough, maybe the person behind this will get bored and let us all free.

Aozora: Or they will just come up with something to get us to still murder each other. Anyway, I'm sorry to talk about this. I'm not that good at social interactions.

Melissa: It's okay... Well, let's go to the gym.

Aozora: Okay.

Quietly, we walk to the gym together. Everyone is there, so at least no one was murdered.

Eugene: You two are late! I was worried that perhaps you got murdered!

Aozora: You'd sure want us to be right, asshole?!

Cece: Aozora, calm down!

Dale: Let's not fight, we gotta face Monoala!

Martin: Yea, we were discussing and we decided that we are gonna ignore whatever he tells us!

Harper: Viva la revolution!

Won: Monoala defeated #Plottwist

Minori: I doubt he will allow himself to be defeated that easily.

Monoala: That's right!

Monoala disappears out of nowhere, on his stage.

Joseph: Oh no! There he is!

Netta: Mommy help!

Fernando: Well then, what do you have to tell us, murderous koala!

Monoala: The name is Monoala, not murderous koala!

Alice: Really...

Monoala: Yes really! Haha! I should be a comedian!

Dale: Tell us what you have to say or I will wish you were never born!

Cody: Dale, watch out!

Monoala summons a large mechanical arm and swings it at Dale, but Cody saves Dale just before he is attacked.

Monoala: That shows you to not attack me!

Arianna: It's probably best if we leave him alone for our safety.

Demos: Our safety? This is a game of free for all.

Arianna: I'm sure we want to try to get as many Ultimates as possible to survive, however.

Monoala: Did you forget the rules? Only one can!

Cece: Person controlling this robot, can you please let us out? We will do anything!

Monoala: I already told you what to do. Murder one another! Hahaha!

Harper: This is so cruel! I don't wanna be here!

Won: I'm starting to think my manager didn't set this up!

Martin: Let's calm down. Monoala, what did you want to say?

Cody: Calm down at a time like this? We are all going to die, Martin!

Melissa: I agree with Martin... Monoala wanted us here for a reason, we might as well hear what he has to say.

Fernando: I agree! Perhaps we can strike a deal! 1 million for safety, eh?

Monoala: Ding ding ding!

Fernando: What? It worked? We can buy our safety for 1 million?!

Minori: I doubt all of us are that rich.

Harper: I'm like completely broke.

Cody: Don't worry, I earned so much money with my movies that I can buy myself out and then earn money outside for everyone!

Dale: Amazing idea, Cody!

Alice: He is only the Ultimate Stunt Double, I doubt he has a million dollars.

Cody: Okay yeah I lied I don't have that.

Monoala: You teens are so stupid! You don't buy your safety with a million, you still will kill for that. It's much different! The first to kill doesn't get safety after getting away with murder; but also a million dollars! Haha!

Arianna: I sure hope none of us would actually kill for a million dollars.

Eugene: Imagine if we had the Ultimate Mercenary amongst our mids, they definitely would. Melissa, do you want to tell us anything?

Melissa: What, no! I'm not the Ultimate Mercenary!

Minori: I will pray for us that nobody will be attracted by that amount of money.

Demos: It would be very unethical to do so.

Netta: Yea! Who would kill over money! Although think of all the clothes you can buy from that...

Aozora: So much fabrics...

Martin: You can't be serious!

Fernando: I still feel like we should be able to make a deal here, Monoala.

Cece: I doubt that koala will listen, Fernando.

Won: I already am rich anyway! #LikeAndSubscribe

Alice: Well if this is all, I will wander off.

Harper: Are you sure, Alice, it may be risky all alone.

Alice doesn't listen and wanders off, and so do most others. I guess I will head to my room. I hope this motive won't actually motivate someone to kill one another... That'd be horrible!

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