Chapter One- A Kin's Will to Live

"Is this part of the ceremony?"

Masaru looked over at Mizuno who had asked him the question.

"Yeah, I'm going back to my room," Umeda said but the bear quickly spoke again.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!"

Just then, the doors to the gym shut themselves closed and there was a loud click. Umeda and Arata both ran over to try and open them but there was no use.

"Is this some sort of joke?" Nao scoffed, "I came here for my education, not entertainment."

"I see," Matsuyama said softly then looked up at the bear, "are you supposed to be Monokuma?"

The bear fell silent and Kaneko tilted her head.

"I feel like I've heard that name before," she spoke.

"I think he's referring to that folktale," Priscilla said, "about the killing games and the end of the world."

"News flash," Asya countered and checked her reflection in her pocket mirror, "that wasn't real."

"Of course it was real!" Monokuma shouted which startled everyone, "it's exactly why I'm doing this."

"Couldn't you have saved this for Halloween?" Nao said, "or better yet, go post your creepy theories on one of those websites."

Kaneko chuckled at that and Masaru saw the bear flinch.

"This is such a waste of time," Margot muttered, "just open the doors."

"I don't think you understand," Monokuma said calmly, "you're not going anywhere."

"What do you mean?" Herb asked, nervously.

"Don't worry about it, this is just a prank," Shoji told Herb then went to go help Umeda and Arata break down the doors.

Everyone else followed except for Masaru, Mizuno, Toma, Matsuyama, and Priscilla who stood still.

"I don't think you should do that," Matsuyama said but it was already too late because the roof rumbled before two objects were lowered from it.

Without warning, bullets started flying towards the group of students near the gym doors and everyone ducked for cover. There were screams and yelps as everyone fled back to the front of the stage and only then did the bullets stop.

Masaru stood up from his crouch and saw that a few students had actually been grazed; especially Umeda who was holding his bleeding shoulder.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought," Monokuma said to himself, "you kids just don't listen."

"What was that!?" Winona shrieked.

"I'm gonna spice things up and call them my blasty helpers!" Monokuma answered.

"Looks more like gatling guns to me," Masaru said, glancing at the barrels.

"I said they're my blasty helpers!" Monokuma turned his attention to everyone else who was still shaken up. "Well, I think we're all ready to listen, yeah?"

"Is this real?" Seto whispered and looked over at Nao who had been grazed in the leg.

"As real as it'll ever be, baby!"

"You're sick!" Asya shouted at the bear, "if this is a prank then you've gone too far. Someone call the cops!"

Everyone began to feel around their person only to realize they had nothing on them except the clothes on their backs.

Monokuma laughed at their attempt. "Call the cops? Now that's a funny one!" The bear disappeared behind the podium and a second later he reappeared with several iPads in his hands.

"What are those?" Kaneko asked as her snake licked her cheek.

"They're your monopads!" The bear exclaimed before handing them out to each individual, "or you can be boring and call them your e-Handbooks. It's what you'll use to view the map of the school and access the bathrooms."

Masaru looked down at his and turned it on. Its case was smooth and black and after a minute a screen with his name along with other information about himself appeared.

"Don't lose em," Monokuma told everyone, "trust me, you'll need them during this exciting killing game!"

"Killing game?" Arata repeated, "now you're the one being funny."

Monokuma growled, growing frustrated. "What's not clicking inside your brains!? Like that boy over there said, I am Monokuma, your wonderfully gorgeous headmaster who will guide you all throughout this murderous journey."

"So you're like our Prinicpal?" Valini asked toying with the monopad in her hands.


"What you are, is a copycat."

Every student including Monokuma who was fuming turned back to Matsuyama.

"I'm a columnist so I'm familiar with the killing game theories," Matsuyama continued, "and I can already tell that you're just a fan of fictional lore who's trying to be like her. I don't know how you got the funds to do all of this but you need to let us go, right now. If my memory serves correct, those students were kidnapped during the supposed end of the world but that's not how it is now. There are police, FBI and a bunch of people who are going to notice sixteen missing students."

"He's right!" Mizuno chimed in, "I thought this school being named Hope's Peak was a coincidence but you're actually trying to make this real."

"It's always been real," Monokuma spoke in a dangerously low voice.

"I have a question!" A voice perked up and Masaru turned around to see Nao raising her hand.

"What does this rule mean?" Nao pointed to her monopad, "rule number six."

"You're actually reading the rules?" Valini looked appalled.

Monokuma's cheery demeanor returned. "Finally! Someone who's willing to participate."

Nao rolled her eyes. "I didn't say—"

"Rule number six, whoever becomes blackened will graduate unless they are discovered. When I say blackened, I mean murderer and when I say graduate, I mean escaping!"

"Escape?" Winona said hopefully.

"Did you not hear the murder part?" Priscilla criticized her.

"So the only way to get out of here is to kill someone," Shoji said observing the other students.

"Don't you go getting any ideas," Arata said, pointing at him and Shoji only shrugged.

"And what do you mean by unless they're discovered?" Herb asked, fixing his glasses.

Monokuma swatted his paw. "This is why you need to read the rules! I'm not gonna explain something that's already given to you." The bear teetered on his little feet. "While you all do that I'll go prepare your first motive!"

"Motive!?" Mizuno sputtered but the bear was already gone.

Masaru looked back down at his monopad and found the section labeled mono- rules.

1# No student is allowed to leave campus. Obviously.

2# Nighttime is from 10pm to 7am. There will be announcements so don't worry about tracking time!

3# A student cannot sleep anywhere other than a dorm. If you do, it will be seen as "sleeping in class" and you'll be punished accordingly.

4# You may explore the school's available sections to your heart's content!

5# Violence against your precious headmaster is strictly prohibited. Same goes for the surveillance cameras and my blasty helpers!

6# Whoever becomes blackened will graduate unless they are discovered

7# Additional rules will be added if I feel like it!

8# Once a murder takes place, a class trial will be held. Participation is mandatory.

9# If the guilty party is exposed, they will be executed.

10# If the guilty party is not found out, then everyone else will be executed.

11# A student cannot lend their monopad to another student

12# Each person can only kill up to two people.

13# A student cannot break into locked rooms.

Masaru looked up from his monopad to see a few students still reading.

"What does he mean by executed?" Valini asked once she was done.

"What do you think?" Shoji said then drew a line across his neck.

"Don't scare her," Mizuno told him as Valini trembled in place.

"Well, she should be scared," Nao said, twirling a strand of her black hair, "when Monokuma lets us know what the motive is, I bet half of us will already be formulating plans in our heads."

"I would hope we're all smart enough to not fall for that," Priscilla spoke.

"You know what's smart?" Nao cocked her head and observed the students before her. "Getting as far away from a potential murderer as possible."

With that being said she walked off and pushed through the gym doors with ease.

"Well, I'm leaving too," Umeda said, clutching his arm, "I'm gonna try to find a medical room or something."

"Shouldn't we all stay together?" Winona suggested but Umeda was already leaving.

"I don't think anyone's up for that," Margot said then departed as well.

One by one each student went their respective ways until Masaru, Mizuno, Toma, Matsuyama and Winona were the only ones left.

"First day of school's off to a great start," Mizuno muttered sarcastically then turned to Masaru, "should we—"

Masaru walked past her then exited the gym as well.

"Rude," Mizuno commented then looked to the other three, "should we go look for a way out together?"

"Sure," Toma responded and Winona nodded gratefully.

"That would be the most reasonable thing to do," Matsuyama said and the group of four went on their way.

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Masaru wandered through the halls of the school until he somehow ended up in front of the dining hall. He walked inside to see that it looked more like a fancy cafe with its tiled floors and black tables.

Masaru looked around and saw that Valini, Margot and Arata were already present. He decided to talk to Margot who was in the back towards the kitchen.

"At least we've got some healthy options," Margot said and tossed the apple in her hand, "maybe we won't waste away in here after all."

"Aren't you a bit too calm?" Masaru asked.

Margot pursed her lips. "Is that how I come off? Truth is, I'm pretty terrified but like hell am I going to let anyone see that side of me."

Masaru liked her attitude and tried to change the topic. "What made you want to be a surfer?"

Margot gave a genuine laugh. "Oh, that runs in the family. Surfing is one of the few things I enjoy in life; people may not think so but it's a fun way to clear your head."

Masaru nodded then turned his attention to the fridge and at that moment his throat felt like a desert. He ripped the door open and grabbed a water bottle, downing it whole.

"Woah, there." Margot laughed again. "I don't blame you; it feels like forever ago since I've last eaten." She took a bite of the apple in her hand.

"So, the Ultimate Detective, huh?" She spoke after swallowing, "that sounds fun. Have you solved any murders?"

Masaru racked his brain for any stories or incidents where he's used his talent but came up with nothing. He wasn't going to tell her that, of course.

"I've solved plenty of them," Masaru said.

"Then you'll be great help if someone actually decides to... you know." She went to take another bite of her apple but froze. "Would that make you a target?"

"Are you planning to kill me?" Masaru asked.

Margot scoffed, playfully. "Of course not! I was just saying. You should be careful."

"Sounds like you're planning on killing me."

Margot chuckled and shook her head. "Whatever, just be cautious."

Masaru and Margot grew a bit closer.

Masaru left the kitchen then exited the dining hall. He walked back to the opening where he first came from and passed the girls and boys hallway bathrooms on the way. A part of him wanted to go back to his room which some students did but he decided to explore on his own.

Masaru chose a random hallway to walk down and he instantly saw a staircase that led up to a second floor blocked off by a black gate. There was also one room in the hall that he stepped into where somebody was already inside.

Umeda sat on the small white bed in the nurses office doing a poor job at wrapping a bandage around his arm where the bullet grazed him. When he spotted Masaru he beckoned him over.

"A little help?" Umeda gestured to the mess of bandages in his lap.

Masaru's gaze fell down to the guy's arm. "I'm the Ultimate Detective, not the Ultimate Nurse."

Umeda gaped at him but Masaru still walked in further.

"Why are you here if you're not going to help?" Umeda huffed then his eyes widened. "Are you here to kill me?"

"Monokuma hasn't even given us a motive yet," Masaru pointed out but Umeda still narrowed his eyes.

"So when a motive is given, you'll consider becoming a blackened?"

When Masaru didn't answer Umeda hopped off the bed.

"Relax," Masaru said as Umeda bolted for the door, "I was trying to be... funny."

Umeda observed the guy's emotionless demeanor.

"Do better," Umeda commented before departing with a trail of bandages behind him.

Masaru and Umeda kind of grew a bit closer.

Masaru left the nurses office to see the four students that went off by themselves appear back in the main area under the chandelier.

"This is pointless!" Mizuno exclaimed in frustration.

"Don't lose hope just yet," Matsuyama told her, "this copycat is bound to make a slip up eventually."

"He's right!" Winona clapped her hands.

"There are sixteen of us and one bear," Toma said, "we need to stick together."

Masaru walked over to them and Matsuyama looked surprised by his presence.

"I thought you would've already retired to your room," the columnist spoke.

Mizuno crossed her arms. "I'm guessing he prefers to go solo."

"Hey guys!"

The five turned around to see Arata running towards them with his monopad.

"Did you know that there are mini games on this thing?" Arata asked them happily, "I mean they're all pretty gory but at least it's something to pass the time."

"I think I'll pass on that," Mizuno said as the rest of the students gathered around in the main area.

The only ones missing were Nao, Shoji, Valini, and Priscilla.

"I hate not knowing what time it is," Seto grumbled, glancing at his golden watch.

Herb looked down at his own wrist. "My watch doesn't work either. They must've disabled or broken it."

"Well, it doesn't matter to me," Margot said and stretched, "I'm going to bed."

"Now?" Asya asked, perplexed.

"I'm not going to give up my routine just because we're stuck in here," Margot continued, "I'm an early bird; I gotta keep doing my warmups." She tapped her chin. "The rules say nighttime is from 10pm to 7am, am I correct?"

"You are," Winona assured her.

"Then I'll wake up at 6." Margot grinned. "That way I'll have thirty minutes to warm up and thrifty minutes to rest afterwards."

"I plan to keep up my grind as well," Arata nodded confidently then his eyes lit up, "maybe the gym has a volleyball net!" He looked over at Margot. "But I won't be getting up that early to do it. I need my sleep."

Masaru was surprised to see them already trying to adjust to their new daily life.

"Same goes for me," Asya said, "I'd never wake up at the crack of dawn to move around and sweat." She shuddered and held up her pink cosmetic bag. "I spend too much time on my face to risk opening up pores. We might be stuck in here for now but at least I have a bathroom all to myself to work my magic."

"You actually like your bathroom?" Margot shook her head. "It's too small for me. I need more space to get ready in the morning."

"Aren't there school bathrooms?" Mizuno pointed out, "I think they're pretty big."

Margot snapped her fingers. "Perfect."

"You're all crazy," Seto commented, "school bathrooms are the worst."

"Agreed!" Kaneko chirped up and the few students near her silently stepped away from the snake that slithered across her shoulders. When she saw their looks she pointed to her pet. "This is Pinku! She's friendly, I promise."

The pink snake hissed as if it were saying hello.

Umeda opened his mouth to comment on that but a light hearted bell rang throughout the school.

"Attention all students!" Monokuma's voice spoke to them from the monitors, "it's the time you've all been waiting for, your first motive! Please make your way to the computer room ASAP!"

The students looked around at each other nervously.

"So much for getting some shut eye," Margot mumbled.

"Are they really going through with this?" Asya asked in a hushed voice.

Masaru looked over their shoulders at the computer room where they already stood in front of. He began to make his way over to it and soon everyone else followed.

The computer room had bright purple walls and multiple wooden desks where black computers sat on each one. On top of each desk was a black tape with each student's name on it.

"So glad you all could make it!" A voice greeted them.

"Didn't seem like we had much of a choice," Umeda said.

Masaru turned around to see Monokuma now standing in the doorway. The bear observed his students before his beady eyes narrowed.

"Wait a minute, there are four missing!" Sharp claws slid out from one of Monokuma's paws, "I'll go get those lollygaggers."

The bear disappeared from their sights and Masaru went in search of the desk with his name which was in the back.

"What could this possibly be?" Mizuno questioned as she found her desk.

"Whatever it is, it's not going to be good," Seto answered.

Minutes later, Monokuma returned with the four missing students.

"Get your paws off me!" Nao snapped as she walked inside.

Priscilla was next, looking especially calm and Valini appeared shaken. Shoji walked in last with his hands jammed into his hoodie.

"Now then!" Monokuma announced once everyone was situated, "I am thrilled to tell you all that today's motive theme is family!"

"Theme?" Matsuyama questioned.

"This motive is too iconic for it to not be the first one!" Monokuma continued, "play your tapes and let the despair commence!"

Umeda picked up his and waved it at the bear. "This is the thing that's supposed to make us want to kill each other?"

"You bet it is!"

Monokuma disappeared once again, this time locking the computer room door.

"We can choose to not watch it," Arata suggested but after saying those words one of Monokuma's "blasty helpers" rolled down from the ceiling.

"Or not," Arata muttered.

Masaru sat down in the silver chair in front of his desk and put the tape in. A blue background appeared on the screen and Monokuma's voice spoke over it.

"Back by popular demand, it's the motive video! Who's the most important person in your life?"

What came next was a video of two people Masaru did not recognize.

A woman with short black hair wearing a yellow sundress smiled at the camera along with a man that also had dark hair and wore a navy blue suit.

"We're so proud of you Masaru!" The woman cheered and clapped her hands.

Masaru blinked at the screen assuming that they must be his parents. Around him, the other students let out small gasps.

"I know you will excel in what you're passionate about," the man spoke in a deep voice, "you'll be the best damn detective there is."

A small smile slipped out from Masaru's face as he watched his parents wave at the camera happily before the screen went dark. When the feed came back his blood ran cold.

The room his parents had been sitting in was covered in blood; the walls, the floor, everything. There were no signs of the bodies and Masaru saw two police officers burst inside right before the computer screen went black.

Next there was a flash of colorful letters with a mini Monokuma standing next to them.

Find out what happened after graduation!

Masaru sat back in his seat aghast while everyone else watched their videos in horror. Whimpers and small cries could be heard throughout the room and Masaru knew what everyone was thinking in this exact moment.

This was real.

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