Everyone was quiet
I just stared at wenny's dead body in horor. My brain couldnt process how bad this situation was
"W.....wha-" were the only words i could mutter out before feeling my legs lost energy. Why.... Out of everyone i would see dead, why does it have to be you?
I started sobbing uncontrolably
"Why why why why why?!" My mind goes fussy. My emotions are running wild
"Kim are you alri-?" "Shut up kat" Kats words were cut off by Betty. I guess Betty felt bad for me
It took me a while to calm down then i had enough strength to look at wenny's dead body lying there.
I hear footsteps from behind me, the others were here.
I hear gasp's and a loud scream coming from Flora. She looks as traumatized as i am but she wasnt crying. Sime if them weirdly looks at my red eyes with my cheecks tainted with my dry tears. I got a reasurring smile from kat that looked also nervous
Suddenly, i heards a bzt sound coming from behind all of us.
What the?! First this stupid murder... Now i have to put up on trying to be a stupid detective?! Why am i even here... Why do i have to be here, why?
"Come on now, if you keep sobbing we cant avenge wenny. We need to find her killer" it was kat... She lended me a hand so i can stop weeping on the ground. I take her hand to stand up, my legs feel sore. Geez... How long was i moping?? I mentally face palmed being embarrassed on how stupid i look. We both started searching around this small storage room.
"Alright everyone! I'll be pairing you guys into teams to investigate other places!" Chizumi yelled throughout this room. She started pointing at random people to put them in groups, the results of her grouping are:
Me, kat, ysabelle, adorian and electrise are teamed up to do an investigation in this room. [TEAM A]
Izzy, arias, kimui, ash and allen are teamed up to check other places for evidence, like murder weapons etc [TEAM B]
Flora, lisa, betty, chizumi and tanaka are teamed up to examine everyones alibi and help the others find out the stuff used when this murder accoured [TEAM C]. And also help TEAM B
Investigation time!
Ysabelle goes to wenny's body to take a look. She starts to check for any bruises that could indicate that maybe Wenny had fought back with the culprit. "Kim, kat... All i can find is that Wenny had blunt force truma to the back if her head, if you put your hand at the right spot that wasnt covered in hair. Theres fresh blood seeping out, theres even some on the hair if you look carefully"
[TRUTH BULLET:YSABELLE'S OUTOPSY REPORT]. "oh is that so ysabelle?" Electrise says as she rummages through the stuff. Mostly the crates that are here in this room.
"yeah, i dont see any scars from on her body so all i can think of is her..."
"she was suprised attacked" adorian continues Ysabelle's theory. Judging from her injuries and what ysabelle said that there were no scars. "That means Wenny didnt fought back or anything?" i ask. "hmmm it depends. We need to do an investigation on everyones body if we want to find any scars or maybe even a hint on wenny's murder" Adorian takes another look at Wennys body with a serious face...
"Hmmm, what thing could possibly make someone have blunt force trauma?" Electrise asks. "Basically anything that is hard enough and was hit with large strength" ysabelle responds,
I start looking through the crates. There is only one crate that was already opened. It was the one adorian had opened yesterday [TRUTH BULLET:OPENED BOX]
i looked at the inside of the box. Just as i i knew it, some things were missing. I remember there was a crowbar inside the crate, why would the insides here have some missing? Of course. Its because someone needed something here to kill wenny with.. [TRUTH BULLET:MISSING SUPPLIES]
"Hey kim! Come over here!" Kat calls over me, she was standing beside the dead body. I felt shivers run diwn my soire, despite the fear i felt. I went to kat's place to see wenny's hand were bith under a crate behind her. "Why would the culprit tie her up, or keep her by putting her hands under this crate?" Kat ask's [TRUTH BULLET:WENNY'S HANDS]. Adorian comes over to take a look at the body itself. "Maybe because its a better way to keep someone stay put since this crate is quite heavy, even without the stuff in it the average person would struggle escaping this if their hands were under this". "Hmm i see! But the victim would still struggle tho.... Couldnt they just use the rope that was on the victims neck or something?"kat tilts her head at adorian.
"You guys, i think you're forgetting something. Why the heck is the piece of cloth even glued?!" I say, i get a better look at it to see it was really glued. Hah,,,, jackpot! [TRUTH BULLET:GLUED CLOTH]. "Maybe the killer really sucked at trying stuff, gosh imagine not knowing how to do that stuff properly!" Kat says, "then again they were smart enough to commit a crime like this, i think alot of time was spent onto this" Adorian replies back
Do yo think the killer was planning this murder plan when we all hanged out together?
I ask. My question made the whole room silent, just as i thought... If only i wasnt so upgiving on doing nonsense i would have probably prevented this! "Uhhh guys.... Is it me or this place smells weird?" Electrise asks, i took a smell then realzied it smelt weird... "SHOOT! EVERYBODY RUN!" We all panicked then ran to the exit. Once all of us we're outside. Electrise quickly slammed the door shut. While geavily breathing due to adrenaline and fear she managed to say something that made my heart skip a beat
"What you guys smelt was actually Carbon Monoxide" wha- i know im not really into science but i was for sure was convinced that what we smell in that room. Was poisonous. "oh my god! I need to take you guys to the clinnic with me and electrise for a checkup! One of you guys might have smelled too much of the gas!" Ysabelle proclaimed. "No need. We were only there for a few minutes and we were'nt with direct contact with it so im sure we're fine" phew... Atleast we're okay. "I'll go get some stuff from my lab so we could investigate more" Electrise starts heading off to her lab as we wait.
"Who do you think made the carbon monoxide gas?, kat?" I ask. "Of course Electrise! First she tells us abt the gas way to late! How are we supposed to know?! Second of all, shes probably the only one here that knows how to make the gas!" Kat exclaims. "That means someone else knows..." [TRUTH BULLET:CARBON MONOXIDE]
"Hmm i actually didnt think of that. Lets just see how this goes in the class trial..." Kat says, she went to go walk aroung trying to find the others so she could help investigate
I also went along with her nit wanting to be alone. Ysabelle looked like she went to electrise's lab. Probably wanting to help her. Me and kat walked around near the hall full of our rooms. We first passed chizumi's room then started walking to the very edge. When we were halfway through we see a bathroom. "Hey kat, am i the only one that didnt notice this?" Kat nods in agreement. Guess i am the ignorant one then... Due to just realizing this bathroom exist i went inside it to take a look. Kat followed me into the bathroom
Everything looked normal enough, there was a beautiful flower vase near the wastafel. I was gonne head my way towards the vase when i feel something a bit chunky....
It was a tissue. "Ewwwwww what the heck!" Kat says in disgust as i have a panic attack internally. I kicked until the tissue finally left my shoe alone. "Who even threw this tissue?! Whoever did it, i will curse them by not having a parthner for the rest of their life to whoever did it!" Kat says, i laugh as i went to the sink. I washed my hands then faced at Kat again to see her looking at something near the toilet stalls,
It was a crowbar. At this point i stopped smilling then took a closer look at the crowbar. It was indeed the one thst was in the crate if the storage room![TRUTH BULLET:CROWBAR]
"hey Kim, lets go and tell the others on what we found"
Me and kat start walking back to the storage room. We see the others standing outside the storage room except Ysabelle and Electrise. I walk up to Adorian
Wait, isnt that important?
"oh right, sorry about that ≥﹏≤"
We heard footsteps from afar, we can see ysabelle and electrise holding gas masks. They finally reach to us then started handing us our masks
Before i was about to put up mine. Lisa comes and stops me
"hey! You need you safety goggles!" what? "just for safe measures, lets get safety goggles!" she gives Electrise a hopefull look. "but we dont need-"."we need it! I dont really believe that its carbon monoxide so lets just be extra safe!" Lisa wouldnt stop pestering Electrise so, electrise gave up then brought her and i to her lab.
We made it to Electrise's lab again, she opens the door then we enter with facination. "ohhh! Theese chemicals look like kool-aid!" Lisa says, she got closer to the chemicals that were safely kept. "werent you guys doing some stuff here yesterday...?" i ask, i remember a group of them including Lisa going with electrise to her Lab.
"yeah we did, but we were'nt doing that stuff, we we're doing stuff like converting liquids into gas and did some mixing i guess" Electrise says, she opens a locker that had a box of goggles. "hey, could you guys help me carry this?" we go to Electrise while carrying the goggles.
We exit her lab then made our way back to the storage room
While we were on our way, me and lisa had time to talk. Electrise couldnt talk with us because she was far ahead us.
"hey Lisa, as the Ultimate Candy Maker. Do you eat sweets alot?" i ask. Gosh im regretting eberything since it sounds offensive. "oh? Actually i dont, i only eat sweets when its a special occasion!". I nod as we keep looking. Passing other rooms like the carnival.
"how about you kim, since you're a fashionista do you dress up alot?" Lisa asks.
"i always need to dress up, fashion is important and you should take care of you beauty!" i answer. "oh, what do you think of my clothes?" she gives me a curios look. "hmmm"
I take a look at her clothes, a simple black shot sleeve, with a cute belt and the scarf makes everything look quite uniqe. In cloclusion:
"normal with a uniqe touch to it"
"oh really? Well thats great! I dont really want flashy clothes but i also want to dress up ehehe!"."why tho?".
"so no one flirts with me eheheheh!"
She starts giggling. She stops giggling after a few seconds. "haha just joking, im not as attractive as you! But im sure i can attract some men!". "yeah right!" we both start laughing, without realizing, we already made it to the others.
We hand them their goggles then used our owns. I use i mas mask too while the others already used it, electrise stars to hold the door handle. I realize the door looks fixed since yesterday adorian kicked it. I dont really remember if there was damage but im pretty sure it left a scratch? Idk anymore...
"ok everyone! Lets quickly go in then shut the door!" Electrise says, we start prepping up for our run. "ON THE COUNT OF 3,2,1 GO!" we open the door then close it quickly.
We are finally back in this hell hole... I shiver looking at wenny, we start investigating more, but unfortunately luck was not by our side. We didnt find anything so we went to go to the other teams.
Me and Lisa went together to search for the other teams. We happen to meet Betty near the cleaning supplies room
Well, me and kat found a crowbar in the bathroom. "oh yeah lisa, why are you with kim? Arent you Team C?" Betty asks. "yeah.... About that, i got bored with talking with you guys so i went to Team A!" Lisa makes weird hand gestures while giving a bored face. "oh okay then, we thought you were doing something else..." Betty said
"Anyways, lets go check Team B!" the atmosphere felt weird so i had to start up something. "okay then" Lisa says. "sorry guys. I gotta go back to my team, lisa you coming?" betty asks. "nah". Then we are on our way to search team B
We were walking paat the gym and the bath house but we still couldnt find Team B. Where could they be? "ughh where are they?! Im already hungry just trying to find them!". "hungry? Hmmmm, lets try checking the kitchen!"
We head our way to the kitchen, we heard talking so both of us were sure it was Team B, to our suprise. It was Team B! I head over to Allen who was talking with Flora
"flora calm down. I didnt exactly call you the culprit but i needed to make sure that you had no intention on getting you stuff in the gym back" Allen reassures her. "oh..." she says, she has a scared face with eyes that look like they were on the point on tears. "hey flora, Why did you leave your belongings there?" Kimui asks. "well, Kim did remind me to take it when we went to the bath house... But i shrugged it off so i forgot!" right when she looks like she was gonna calm down. She tenses up again. "ok sure, im gonna go somewhere else" then kimui dissapears.
"helloooo? Whats happening?" Lisa asks. "well, flora came to our team to give us their report from their team. We started digging up on the alibi's except for some of our members who are investigating near the halls to our rooms. "so apperantly, we got the alibi's from Team C first"
"Which is?"
"here let me say it"
Flora offers. She starts talking with a more serious face.
"Chizumi:before the incident, we had a little feast. After eating she went to the bathroom, then her she entered her room" hmm nothing suspicious.
"Tanaka:after dinner, she went to the public bathroom near her room, she went back to Electrise's Lab". man all of theese alibi's sound the same!
"me Betty also has the same alibi as Chizumi". "Lisa went to electrise's Lab with Kimui and Tanaka" Lisa nods. "for Team B, i only have Arias and Izzy's. Arias went to her room then went out again to check out electrise's lab due to curiosity. Electrise lets her in when they were about to wrap thing up so Arias just left" Flora starts holding her head a bit motioning her head hurting.
"oh my gosh, that must be tiring trying to remember all of that" i say. "no, not really, i had fun talking with more people :D"
"well, she just had the same Alibi as Chizumi!"[TRUTH BULLET:Alibi's"
."man you guys sure are boring!" Lisa claims. "you know Lisa, I remember seeing little kim with Wenny at the Tv reading Magazines of us" Izzy suddenly appears behind Lisa. "AHH WAHT THE-" Lisa yelled. "chill, its me Izzy".
"so kim.... What were you doing with Wenny after dinner?". "Are you seriously asking that! Kim was the ome who was the saddest out of all of us when we saw Wenny lying dead on the floor!"Lisa yells. "You know, i remember her being the Ultimate Fashionist so he probably had interviews where all she says were just a bunch of lies" Izzy says. With a smirk she had the nerve to say theese words.
"you killed her". "Thats smart coming out from the Ultimate All-knowing" i retorted back. "oh? Do you really think my theory is wrong?" she asks. "of course it is, you're trying to make everyone worry and blame Kim just because she looked close with wenny"Arias says from behind me. I didnt even realize...
I feel lisa pat my shoulder from behind. "dont listen to her, shes just being mean" Lisa starts walking towards Flora. "wait, i need to go back to my team" i thought. I quickly jogged up to the storage room to see no one there, where could they be? Bathroom?
I start making my way to the bathroom to see adorian walking past the bathrooms. "Adorian! Do you see the others?" i yell, i walk up behind him so i can talk normally. "uhm, they're somewhere near here with Team B". "but i was there with allen and izzy, we'rent they Team B?" i ask, confused adorian says."maybe they splitted, lets go find them".
We start walking again towards the cleaning supplies room, to my suprise i see Ash and Kimui there. "you know thing would be easier if your jungle hair isnt covering the light. I cant for gods sake!"Kimui says, "do you honestly think i would make myself bald just for you?" ash asks.
"woah there, whats going on?" I ask. "her hair is blocking the light from outside this cleaning supply room! This room doesnt have any light so we were.depending on the light outside". "that stupid antena of yours keep getting stuck to my hair and its getting pretty annoying" ash replies.
"do you guys have anything to make this place brighter?" I ask. "if we did, we probably wouldnt have been arguing" ash replies. "kim,does your room have a small mirror or something?" Adorian ask. "oh yeah i do! Let me get it!"
Not wanting to make everyone wait, i jog to my room, scanned my card then i got inside. I take the portable mirror from my desk then i go outside again. When i was making my way near the gym(since using the storage rooms road is way longer) i pass the others room. Again, i see those tissues everywhere. Actually, why is there alot of tissues?! Who the heck was doing this... It might be something important so i'll keep it in mind
[TRUTH BULLET:Scattered tissues]
Ok so the rooms are divided into 2 sides. Theese two sides have a bathroom between theese sides for everyone to use. The first side is where Allen, Kim, Betty, Adorian, Kimui,Flora,Lisa and Electrise
While the 2nd slide has
Wenny, Tanaka, Arias, Chizumi, Ash, Ysabelle, Izzy and kat.
(all of theese are all in order, not mixed) and the side scattered with tissues is the 2nd side.
Ok moving on!
Theres pieces of tissues scattered all over this place! Heck, i think i see some tissue clog up the some of the doors on the 2nd side! This place is disgusting just like the bathroom!
Not wanting any more of this, i ran trying not to step onto a tissue, who knows what those tissues have been through.... I walk up to the cleaning supplies room to see them with Arias now.
"hello guys, i got the mirror" i say. "ok, now try reflecting the light into the inside of this place" Adorian says. I try catching the light from above me the positioned myself to reflect the light. I got the chance to finall shine it towards the inside of this closet and all we see is cleaning supplies of course.
But, we see a bottle of bleach spilled. Half of its insides are pouring slowly out of the bottle. "what the..."Ash checks their shoe to see if there was any bleach on their shoes. "phew nothing" ash sighs in relief.
"Uhm, did you guys hear anything when you guys opened the door? Cuz theres no way the bottle cap can magically take off by itself without a helping hand" Arias says, shes right. Someone must've been here using it and probably forgot to shut the bottle right and forgetting to put it in a good position, hence the bittke spilling out its contaiments. Wowwie i sound smart!
"hmm, maybe someone needed to clean something? I mean you did see that bathroom and the halls. Right?" Arias asks. "yeah, but who the hell needs bleach for a couple of tissues?" Kimui says, she does have a point. Unless.....
"they cleaned something else?" Adorian says, "no way" kimui says.
"why so?"."because, Wenny died from Monoxide poisoning, theres plenty of ways to make carbon monoxide but im pretty sure bleach isnt the one" kimui says.
"wait, kimui i remember you being the Ultimate Composer right?" i ask. "yeah... Im pretty good with anything music, why?" she asks. "how do you know this?" Arias asks.
"well, me,tanaka and lisa went to Electrise's Lab learning stuff bc of that stupid fart joke" she answers. "werent you doing that valountarily?" Adorian asks. "yeah, peer pressure is a bitch" Kimui answers.
"oh okay i guess..." Adorian answers.
Wait... Theres something wrong sbout this.....
"did you guys see any formula's or something to make a poisonous gas?" i ask. "meh, my brain is a bit junggled up so i think we should ask electrise"."do you wanna ask electrise about it?" Adorian asks. "nah, i wanna go back to flora". "i'll come with you. Bye guys, im heading off to the kitchen with Kimui i guess" then they both leave.
"you think he likes her?" Arias asks. "absolutely" i answer. I start walking to the storage room again, hoping to find Electrise to ask her some questions. I pass through the halls of rooms or as i call it "tissue battlefield" dammit, why here.....
I make my way to the entrance for the labs. I open the door then entered the place. This section of labs only got Lisa,Electrise,Betty,Chizumi. I go towards the entrance to Electrise's lab to see her infront the door.
"hello there electrise!" i greet. "o-h hello, why are you here?" she asks. "well, i need to do an inspection in your lab" i say, i see that electrise was still holding her card so she was probably about to leave. "oh... Sure" she says.
She scans her card then open the doors. I quickly go inside to do a further investigation. I go to the walls to see the chemicals i saw that were displayed on beakers were now empty. "hey electrise, what did you teach Tanaka,Kimui and Lisa anyways?" i ask. "well, i was first teaching them propertues of liquids then gas..... And then we did some experiments"
Her asnwer makes me feel uncomfortable. "so basically, 3 of them might be a suspect?" i ask. "well, i didnt even teach how to make those dangerous gasses! The only things i taught them were properties! And the experiments have nothing to do with the gas involved in this murder so i dont think they honestly did it" electrise looks a bit hurt.
"well, i,see you have periodic tables here, so do you have formulas to make any of those gasses?" i ask, at this point in really suspicious of Elecrise now.....
"mind if i check that closet?" i point towards the closet at the other end of the lab. "uh, sure" electrise answers. She follows me towards the closet
I open it to see posters of scien-cy stuff. Is that even a word? Meh, i look at those posters. I take a bundle of em then started walking back to the exit.
"hey electrise, i wanna go out" i yell from the door. "wait! Why are you bringing so much?!" electrise asks. "so we all can inspect" i answer.
She opens the door, i walk out without her following behind me. I hear her whisper "you idiot, they'll know" i didnt know what that meant so i brushed it off, i started to walk through the door that connected with the halls of rooms. I scan my card, to see it say "EXITED" on the scanner.
I quickly ran towards the kitchen so i could stop holding theese stacks of posters then do an investigation.
I finally make it to the kitchen. "guyssss i have posters from electrise's labbbb!".
"oh hello kim, what is it for?" Allen asks. "well, Electrise told me she didnt teach how to make poisonous gasses! So i had to do some checking on how did those three know!" i yell
"and by three you mean who?" Arias asks. "this is why you shouldnt let idiots help us investigate, they are just trying to sound smart" kimui sighed. "oh yeah? Says the culprit!" Arias yells.
"hey... I dont think its a good tine to f-fight..." Flora stutters. "yeah, tell that to her Flora!" Kimui encourages. "i-Its not a good tine to fight!" Flora says louder. "louder!" what the heck????
Why is she even doing- "I SAID ITS NOT A GOOD TIME A FIGHT, STOP BEING IDIOTS" Flora yells across the room.
The room fell silent. "bwahahah!" kimui laughs, "good one, you should talk more". Flora now has a determined face. "ok lets try investigating theese posters!" i yell.
Everyone starts sitting at the dining table. The stack of posters we're divided to how many of us are here, i had 11 posters to revise so theres probably 50 more.
Betty also joined with us because she was just passing by trying to find her team.
Oh no....
"Quickly! We need to revise theese!" Betty says. "kimui, how did you even know the way to make carbon monoxide?!" i ask panicking. "uhm, from electrise's posters?" she answers. OK SO BASICALLY ELECTRISE LIED??? THAT RAT-
Calm down... She probably forgot. "where was it tho?" Betty asks. "its was glued to the walls" kimui answers. "uhmm, does that mean electrise actually did hid the posters in her closet so no one could see the posters?" Allen asks.
"theres a posibility...."
"oh god.... What now?" flora asks. "lets pray that we can shine tbe light on who killed Wenny" i say, im visibly shaking. I dont know how the heck im supposed to contribute trying to solve a murder! Do you think i just graduated from law school or something?!
"kim, calm down. Im sure we can do this, we just need to cooperate enough through this whole class trial..." Allen says
We heard footsteps near the gymnasium, im assuming its our friends. I see electrise exit the door to the labs then go towards the gym.
"come on everyone.... Lets go" i say, im scared that i cant solve this... Of course theres my friends, but what if we cant solve it? We can never avenge wenny...
"here, take my hand" Izzy says, i took her hand to calm myself down. "sorry for being mean earlier, it was just instinct" she says, wow maybe i shouldnt have judged her quickly. "its alrifght, im scared we cant solve this murder....". "im sure we can" she answers. She had confidence in her voice that calmed me down.
"thank you...." we finally make it to the gymnasium. "ah flora, theres your stuff" i say pointing at the yarns and needlees. Flora walks over to her stuff then crouched down to get it
"uhm... Wheres my glue?" flora ask. "wait, are you sure you didn't have glue in your bag? Since only a few things we're ripped off"Allen says. "no... Im sure i left my glue here, i was gonna stitch my bag last night, and i needed glue. I checked my bag to have no glue so im sure it was in the gym..." she answers. Visibly freaked out, what comes to mind is the piece of cloth on wenny's neck...
"the cloth on wenny's neck was glued. So the culprit probably used your glue..." allen says.
I see the others enter the gym. "hello guys... We didnt find much but i guess it still helps!" Ysablle says. "what did you guys find?" allen asks, he seemed tensed up by the situation we're in. "well, rememner the dirty bathroom and halls filled with trash? I was wondering why they didnt just throws the trash into the trash bin, so i checked the trash bin to see an emty bottle of super glue !
[TRUTH BULLET:Flora's glue]
"You dont know how usefull that is Ysabelle!"i say. "oh so it wasnt useless?" she asks. "no!" we all said in a unison.
We hear a loud mechanic thing from thw ground under us. Oh my god are we going down?!
Then i hear that annoying voice...
"Calm down everyone! You guys are going to the class trial room!" monokuma says from god knows where speakers...
Suddenly. A top covered us, so it looks like were in an actual elevator...
"hey kim" kat says. "yeah?"
"lets do this, and avenge wenny!" i fell confident when she said this so i gave her a smile. "yeah, lets do this!"
I dont know if i can do this... But im sure i can!
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