Healing [CHAPTER 2]

Allens POV
Ughh my eyes hurt...
Every one has been down in the dumps after uhmmm... You know what...Ysabelle is probablly the most effected, and probably Chizumi but she mostly sounds mad at Tanaka..
Instead of mourning she just smiles through her execution....
Well i cant really judge, but i'll make sure to stay away from her..

Right now im laying on my bed confuzzled, i feel all the energy inside of me has left me. Ughhh what time is it? I look to the side to see that its 07:56 AM. Just a few more minutes...
As i drift back to sleep, not even a minute for me and i already was awoken by the stupid alarm

Im pretty sure it was stil 07:56???
Ugh.... I first get myself together mentally by laying there for another 2 mins, trying to not fall asleep i sit up on my bed. Ouch! Why does my head hurt so much....

I put on my normal clothes (they all changed into pajamas&night fiwns except kim bc shes too fabulous for that) i let the scanner scan my card then i go out. I see Ysabelle and Betty walking together into the kitchen, i follow behind them and sneakily get behind Ysabelle.

At this part Betty has already found out that i was behind them, she gives me a confused face as i put a finger to my mouth telling her to hush. Boo!
I forcefully tap Ysabelle's shoulder
"gah allen! You scared me" Ysabelle says. I smile at her
"you know you guys are supposed to go to the gym right?" i say. "yeah, why are you following us tho?" Betty asks.
"dunno, anyways wanna go to the gymn?" i ask, they both agree so we start walking to the gym.
I hear more noise behind us so i look back to see Kim with eyebags acompannied by Ash walking beside her.
Ash seems to have a tired look since is 7 AM. I see the others walk up behind them
Not all of then seems to look good but i guess who wouldnt? Considering what happened last night...

We enter the gym with the others.
The others who werent with hs started to join in too

Kims POV
We all are in the gym, standing infront of the empty stage waiting for an annoying bear to come out
Suprise suprise
That thing finally shows up

"why hello everybody!" the Annoing bear says.
"what now? Can you just hurry up already?" Ash sighs.

"geez you guys dont need to be so cruel! Anyways, since yesterday happened, another unit will be unlocked"
"what do you mean unlocked?" Lisa asks, she looks quite excited actually...

"you'll see" Monokuma answers

"then whats the use of us coming here if you're not even gonna show us it!" Chizumi yells in frustration.

"you're wasting our time, got anything else to say before we go?" Kimui asks, at this point the two seem to not care what situation they're put in.. A FREAKING KILLING GAME!

"you guys can chill for today, have fun!" then suddenly Monokuma dissapears.

What now?

uhm well that was weird...

Yo bro you're hungry
Oh my god kim stop talking to youself for once
Eat something then
And who are you to boos me around?

Makes sense

I giggle to myself thinking of the weird conversation i just had with myself. I come to notice Betty's hands waving infront of me

"helooooo, earth to kim!" she says.
"ah yes?" i quickly answer, bitting my lip

"you seem very dazed today, how about we clear out our minds with breakfast?" she offers
Sounds good!

Me and Betty walk out of the gym then to the kitchen only to see Lisa arguing with Allen



Oh god... Are they fighting about my stupid 3am dish?!

"c-can you guys stop it! Its getting really annoying in here and-" flora says, not being a le to continue to see cabbage almost hitting her face

"omg im sorry Flora!" Ysabelle panicks trying her best to wipe the cabbage.

Kimui, who was sitting beside flora sighs in frustration
"literally? Infront of my salad?"

I cant help but just sigh looking at this whole mess of a group.
Suddenly, ash(who was sitting infront of flora) slams the table while standing up.
"Allen if you keep complaining like a baby i will not hesitate to break your bones for your information :)" Ash gives Allen a sadistic smile which scares the poor boy off to be quiet

"thank Ash" Adorian says.
"woah thats the first time ive heard you say that!" Kimui says, still chewing her salad.

"And for todays main event, i present you something special to celebrate Adorian's first thank you!-" Ysabelle excitedly says

"i feel like this is more of a way to insult me.." adorian quietly says.

Ysabelle then places a plate with crispy scabbage, with the writting "congrats" on it with ketchup.

"yuck, what did you do to the legendary crispy cabbage?!" Kat says

"i know right? Lets just burn it" Lisa says with a dead stare

"nooo! I worked hard!" Ysabelle says.
"even i can make hat with my eyes closed!" Lisa reotrds back
"but i-"

Ysabelle admits defeat as she goes to Allen with a dissapointed face. Allen suddenly turned back to Allen to talk with him.

"hey kim, you good?" Kat asks me
"yeah, why?" i say obviously lying.

"well i thought you might be really mad at Chizumi..."
Wait why?

"Didnt she like...
Slap tanaka?"

I see Flora glance at Kat with a "wth" look.

"why did you kill Wenny?!"
"i-i..." Tanaka couldnt respond

a loud noise can be heard throughout the room

"you're disgusting"

End of Flashback-

Oh.... Well that got awkward..
Uhm.. What else do i say?!

"oh yeah, after breakfast wanna try looking around at what Monokuma was talking about?" i ask to Flora
"sure!" she says
"oohh can i come?" Betty asks

"sure!" me and flora say in a unison. Then came a series of yelling 'jinx you owe me a soda'.

Once we three were done eating we went outside the dining hall to go find new stuff to look at. We couldnt really find anything

"oh! How about we check the labs?!" Betty suggests, trying to give me and flora hope.

"oh you're right! We havent checked there yet!" I say, we three ran to the labs.

Suprisingly, there were stairs

"OOooOOo Yeah!" Betty says doing a mini dance.

We walk up to the stairs that seen to be spiralled up, which actually fits the scenery, cause once we reached the top of the stairs, we get to see a spectacular view.

"wow, ive never went underwater this deep before, let alone living under the sea!" Flora says, the lays her face and hands on the divider that seperated the deep sea and us.

"wow i feel like those Instagram models right now!" betty giggles

"you look really pretty Betty!" I say
"yeah, i hope we get to know you well. You seen like a nice person!" i say

"what about meeee?" Flora ouffed her cheeks
"hehe you're nice too Flora!"

"oh my god, look at that!" betty points out, we look to the direction Betty was pointing to show 2 rooms.

I quickly ran to one of the rooms that showed a bunch of washing machines. Flora and Betty then entered after me

"did we seriously have to wait for someone to die to get a laundry room?" Ash sighs

I jump at the sudden extra voice.
"oh my god Ash where were you?! When did you even get here?!" i say, gosh people need to understand that im not good with suprises!

"i was in the other room" Ash answers.

"mind telling us what you saw there?" Betty asks. Ash just gave her a shrug then walked out of the room to go to the other unchecked room.

Oh my god this-
Calm down kim. Try not to get you blood boiled yet.

We enter the room only to see it very spacious. With 5 sections of dirt and packets of seeds... I can see a section already used, i dont know what has been planted there but it seems new.

"Ooo a garden!" Betty says, with excitement in her eyes.
"didnt monokuma say he'll provide us with food?" Flora asks. Come to think of it, why have a garden if monokuma will provide us with food? Unless...

"maybe at some point Monokuma will not provide us with food anymore" Ash says, ash looks at me with a smirk while rolling their eyes.
"we gotta fend off once Monokuma pulls out with a plan" Ash says.

No way! We literally just experience 2 people die!
"why would Monokuma starve us if he wants us to kill?" i ask.

"maybe a motive, who knows what this bear has in plan" Ash sighs, then pats Betty's shoulder.

"please dont be so happy. Im pretty sure monokuma will take advantage of this and i dont want any weird things happening involving me"
Betty looks at Ash with a frown.

"Even that bear was acting so happy, why cant we?" Flora asks, holding a little pack of seeds.

"that happiness is what monokuma wants to see crumble claire, you wont get it" i answer, clearly frustrated. Why was i dragged into this killing game?! I dont deserve this at all!

3rd POV

Kim walks out of the room touching the temples of her forehead.
"did i make her mad? :(" Flora asks.

"Shes probably still frustrated about yknow... Honestly im so scared but what else am i supposed to do as the ultimate motivator?" Betty says, her figure is clearly shaking which makes everything about this situation sadder.

"im gonna get a snack, bye" Ash walks out.
Now everything feels awkward...

"hey betty, you hungry?" Flora asks.
"i dont think so, maybe 2 more hours"

"we dont even have a watch/clock except the ones in our rooms!" flora protests. Betty starts laughing at the youngers sillyness.

The two also walk out then go downstairs, they go into their seperate rooms to rest.

Kims POV

I feel bad for rushing out like that, i honestly dont know what took over me... Not wanting to go to my room i went to the couch in the dining hall to sit, trying to entertain myself in some way by reading the magazines.

I look into the the stash of the people in this killing game when my eyes landed on wennys. I can feel my heart skip a beat.

I slowly took out wenny's magazine to read her interviews with people and pictures. During halfway through the book, i read a interview she had with
STB. It went like this.

Interviewer: what are your aspirations in life?
Wenny: to live my life to the fullest! I wanna die peacefully so my family wont worry too much!

I feel my eyes tear up, my breathing started being incosistent and my vision getting blury. I feel every inch of me crack up

Not only i feel sad about what wenny said, but what tanaka wanted.

I know tanaka killed wenny, but she also died without knowing what happend to her sister, its very heartbreaking to be in their situation.

I can feel the guilt build in me like i was a bucket under the stormy rain.

I was the reason Tanaka died... I exposed her!
Shut it kim, if you did that. You and everyone except tanaka wouldve died!
I know but... Why did i have to expose her?! It couldve been someone else out of 15 students!
Plus im not even that smart! Why did i-

Kim, what if people believed the false claims and voted for someone else?! Everyone and you wouldve died and tanaka wouldve been free from punishment! Shes a killer kim!

Im having an argument with myself, i just cant handle this.. I let all my stress vent out as my tears started violently covered the magazine

(sorry for ugly bg lol)
Trying not to cry too much i quickly wipe my tears. I quickly go to my room without passing anyvody to get myself together.

15 mins after getting myself together i wandered around because i didnt see anybody. It was still 6 PM so it isnt dinner time already

Then i passed by the gym, i can see kimui and adorian exorcising together, to the side i can see Allen,ysabelle and chizumi which was hplding a kazoo

I enter the gym to see what they're doing.

"uhm what are you guys doing??" i ask. While doing the push up, adorian answers my question.

"we're working out, since were trapped we dont do our daily activities, thats why were working out" he says. "thats cool and all but why the cheerleaders?" i ask

Adorian stops doing his pushup as kimui continues.

"well, me and kimui were playing her instruments together her, and they decided to bother us so we started working out. They didnt want to so they just kinda stayed here"

I look to kimui again, who was using red shorts. "where did you get shorts?" i ask.

"i asked flora to make me one" she says finally ending her pushup.

"tired already kimui? You didnt even do 100 pushups!" chizumi snickers.

"you talk like you exercised eh?" she answers back. I smile at the two of them then looked at allen and ysabelle.

"why are you guys even here?" i ask.

"allen wanted to exercise but he thinks hes fit enough so he doesnt think he needs it, im just here to accompany him" Ysabelle answers

I sigh at the two of them.
Whipped culture...

I see that AdoKiZumi (omg ot3-) are playing the kazoo together. With mostly adorian just looking at the other two.

"bet on your nasty crispy cabbages that i can make you laugh so hard you will start crying" kimui says.

"as if!" chizumi answers.

Kimui took a flute out of nowhere then played Titanic.

After that... Lets just say a pink haired lost a bet

"god im hungry! How about we have dinner now?" Allen asks.

"sure, can you guys invite the others to eat?" Ysabelle asks

I nodded, quickly exiting the gym.
I went to the labs trying to see if theres any other people there.

I passed by electrise's lab, i tapped the window that was on her door then mouthed out "dinner". She gave me a thumbs up then gave me a message thrkugh telepathy-

"another 5 mins k!"
I give her a nod then went to look for the others.

After Allen and Ysabelle and of course Lisa (bc shes the most trusted with food) finally finnish cooking it seems like everyone is already sitting at the dining table.

"oh my god guys! Theres soda!" Arias says. Kat helped her out give the soda to everyone.

Mid way through the dinner while everyone is having a good time, Arias started pretending that she was drunk.

"oH my god iS that yOu mInjae?!-" she says pointing at a wall.

Everyone chuckles at her sillyness while we genuinely have a good time. Which is weird because everyone was pretty tense

Authors note:
Sorry for the filler chapter, i swear it'll be more interesting djcjejfj
And sorry for not updating last month :'( corona gave me too much homework kdjfjej

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