[discovery] 2
3rd POV
After Kim was done with her kitchen antics, she went to bed in her room
Of course she remembered to lock her doors so no one would kill her.
Kim's POV
I woke up with a sore back. Ughh must have been the wrong side of the bed? I went to a table that was near my bed, it had a miror and normal girly things like a brush and a miror, i make myself look decent enough to go out. I used my card to open my door to see some people have already went outside their rooms, everyone outside seem to have an irritated face. Wonder why?
Right when i thought of that i heard screaming from the corner of the hall, it sounded gibberish until i look at the source of the voice. Here i see, Kimui holding 2 frying pans smashing it. Shes screaming like a mad woman..
"WAKE UP IDIOTS! STOP LOUNGING AND GO OUT HERE AND KILL EACHOTHER!!!!!" Kimui screamed from out of the others doors. "Kimui! Thats not what you we're supposed to scream!". "what ever flora! Theese blob fishes will probably be awakened by the word 'kill' in my screaming. If I yelled 'dear sweetie pie darlings! Wake up from you lovely dreammmm!' that aint gonna work! ".
"what are you guys doing?!" i yelled from the end of the hall. "we're waking up the de-". "dearly beloved friends of ours!" Flora continued.
"ok then, why is kimui holding a frying pan?". "to wake them up with the fear of their mothers waking them up" Kimui answered
"uhh how about we remove the pans? Lets hust knock and shout-" i try to reason with Kimui but she threw the 1 frying pan at Chizumi's while another one hit Allens door.
"this is not what i mean-" i was cut off by more screaming. "WAKE UP!!! ITS EITHER I KILL YOU OR YOU KILL ME!" what the-
I heard one of the doors unlocking. Turns out it was Allen. "ughh what the heck?! Why were you screaming?!?!" Allen shouted at Kimui. "because its what im like (。・ω・。)ノ♡"
Kimui ran to others doors while smashing the fying pans again, turns out she took it while we were distracted. Flora soon followed her
26 minutes later....
Everyone has already woken up from all the screaming. Kimui was given a scolding by Chizumi and Funneh when we all gather in the dining hall.
Allen was talking to Kimui when i entered the kitchen to make something
Turns out the fridge was filled with ingedients and food, i took 3 eggs from the fridge then started to make scrambled eggs
While i was cooking my eggs. Ysabelle tapped my shoulder from behind which suprised me. "oh im sorry! Did i scare you?" she apologized. "nah im ok, whats up?". "well, remember that you had a cut yesterday? How is your hand now?"
"oh im fine!" i almost forgot about the incident from yesterday. Allen accidently made me cut myself, but it wasnt a big deal. "you sure?" Ysabelle asked in concern. "I mean it was just a cut lol..". "ah okay then, need help with the eggs?" she asked
"nah im good" she went to the fridge to grab a snack, then went to the dining hall. I finished cooking my eggs, i brought my plate if eggs to eat with everyone. I went to an empty chair beside Arias, i started eating for a bit until i started to feel a weird taste in my mouth. Must have been the eggs
"hm? You ok?" Arias asked. "uhm yeah! The eggs gave a weird taste".
"may i try?" Arias motiomed her fork at my eggs. "of course!" she took a bite of my eggs, she gave me a weird look. What is it???
"you forgot to add salt didnt you?" Arias asked, without even answering she took pinch of salt from the person beside her. She sprinkled the salt onto my eggs. I look at my eggs in despair not able to say a thing, i think thats too much salt for 2 eggs.
Once she was donce sprinkling salt i took a bite of my eggs, it was perfect! "thank you so much, Arias!"
"no problem!"
After we all finished eating we chilled talking to eachtoher. Waiting for a monokuma announcement. But after the clock hit 8 am there was still no announcement...
"ugh where is that stupid bear?!" shouted chizumi. "yeah, i really wanna strangle him...." Ash said.
"lets just explore this place guys, we havent explored much so lets gooo!"
Betty started shouting. Everyone agreed so she would stop yelling.
They we're all walking around pass the rooms, so far we saw girls bathroom beside Arias's and Tanaka's. when going to the right. We could find the gym and we would find half of our ultimate labs there. When we went back to the hallway near the kitchen. There was a room we havent seen, it was labelled 'STORAGE'
We decided to go into the room. It was locked!
"hold on everyone. Back off!" ushered Adorian, he prepped up his legs then kicked the door open. Everyone started laughing at how strong was Adorian
"hah good one! Next time kick something for me!" Kimui jokingly said. "anything for you..." Adorian answered, we all entered the room. It was full of boxes, some were labelled while some wher eleft unlabelled.
Its was still too dark so we started trying to feel the walls to find a light switch. "ah found it!" Ysabelle said in glory. She quickly turn on the lightswitch to see there was light at the back of the room. At this point i lost the walls so im standing here like-
Once the switch was turned on there was lights shooting me from behind.
"hah i feel lime an idol!". "hm? Why would you say that?" electrise asks.
"well, flashy or big lights make me feel like im in a concert" i blushed. "oh thats cute!" she answers. I feel quite embarrassed but i'll let it go...
Everyone looked trough the boxes. It was quite hard to budge open one of the boxes that wasnt labelled. With the power of 6-students-probably-not-really-stepping-on-the-box finally opened. Everyone looked at the inside of the box to find some things,
Crowbar, hammer, nails, frying pans, screw drivers, and other kitchen utensils. "it must be tools for fixing stuff and for cooking" Lisa said. "of course it is. Do you even know whats a frying lan and a screw driver?" Ash asks
"o-of course i do! Even tho all i do is cook sweets i still have common sense, everyone does!" Lisa protested. "whats a screw driver?" Arias asked. Ash smirked at Lisa with an evil grin, with the universal face of 'told you'
Lisa sighed then just kept looking through the opened box. Others tried opening the other boxes but it was too
Hard to open so we all gave up. As we walked through the halls where our rooms were located. We went to the left side again since we didnt explore much. We passed the gym, I could see some of the stuff that fell from Flora's bag when monokuma scatched it
"hey Flora, i think you left some stuff in the gym when monokuma ripped your bag" i told her. "oh! I'll probably do that once we're done exploring this place!" she said. We made it to a place called "Bath house" wth...
I looked at the person beside me out of old habits. Turns out it was Wenny. "weird eh?" she asks "yeah, why do we even need this...". "for a shower of course! We can play with bubbles while we bathe together!" Arias said
"eh... Im shy! I dont want any of you guys looking at me!" Tanaka protested
"idk man... I really feel lime a hot bath right now.." Kimui said, she went to the left side of the door that said 'FEMALES'
You know what? A bath might be a cool idea. I soon entered after kimui then the others went inside except Ash, Adorian and Allen. "MEET YA'LL AT THE KITCHEN! ITS A SUPRISE!" Allen screamed from outside. When we entered, there were lockers beside us where there were benches. And of course lockers
We look to see the lockers having our names implanted to each. I opened mines to show 2 towels inside. I changed clothes then used my towel to go in the big pool/,hot tub? I dont know anymore...
The rest of the night i was just trying not to fall asleep while in the bathtub. I soon left with Wenny since she was done with the warm water too.
"phew! That was a nice one!" wenny stretched. "yeah, but i feel like if i hadnt sit near Arias and Lisa i probably would have feel asleep in the pool the drown!" i answered. We started walking back to the kitchen to see Allens suprise
"hah yeah! Atleast you're still alive!" she pats my back. "yeah..." i said nervously "you know, Im still scared that the thought of us killing eachother is... Horrific... What will monokuma do if he doesnt get what he wants? Will we all die...?" i said, i wasnt thinking clearly honestly... Im so stressed lately because of this..
Wenny looked at me with a sad face. Her demeanor changed drastically. From a cheerfull fangirl to a sad person is so out of character... "hey... You know-" she puts a hand on my shoulder.
"we could do this! Even if we have no chance of escape we can atleast do something to stop this killing game!"
She said, she had a pained face but she was still smiling... I felt my heart break from looking at her face... I
Hugged her for comfort
"you know... Im also scared, i didnt ask to be in this honestly.. I miss my family and my friends... All i fear is that my life will end, so sadly...." i completely lost my mind.. Why am i saying this?!
"hey... Dont worry! We can escape somehow...." she was on the verge of tears. I didnt wanna make her sad so i stopped walking then hugged her. She started to sob on my chest.
It took a while for her to calm down we we finally made our way to the kitchen. "Guys! Over here!" Allen shouts. We went to the kitchen to see a table of food
There was vegetables,meat fruit and other stuff! "brb, i have to get something cooking in the kitchen" Allen went into the kitchen door, i saw Ash sitting on a sofa taking a nap, i didnt want to bother so i just sat beside wenny.
"do you think something will happen?" i ask worridly. "dont worry! As long as we all have a stable relationship that monokuma bear cant do anything to us!" she said, she held my hand with sparkles in her eyes. It was...
"you know what? You're right! That monokuma bear cant do anything!" i said, we both laughed from how silly we sound. We heard footsteps from the hall so we peered through the opening of the dining hall to see some of the girls.
"hi guys!" Tanaka greeted from afar
"hi! Allen made food for us!" i told them. They started running towards me like a cayote that havent eaten in years the passed me to eat the food on the table.
"table manners ladies.. Dont eat like how the barbarians do it" Chizumi reminded. It did stop the group
For a while
Then Allen came back holding a big plate of... Crispy cabbage?! He put it on the table as i gaze at it in an awe.
Chizumi had a confused look on her face. It looked like she was blushing a bit...
"Ash wake up! Why do you keep taking naps?!" Ysabelle shook Ash up. "ughh what the- i swear i was on the table...." then Ash passed out again. "ash?!" Ysabelle asked in concern.
"haha got ya" Ash flicked ysabelle's nose. "dont ever do that!" she protested.
I looked around to see the left out group from the bath house come in. "why did you all leave us :'(" Betty asked, well idk maybe because i dont want to look like an old hag??
"Ah Allen you cooked food?" Lisa asked. "if course i did! It was all because of me you all get to eat happily!". "i did most of the cooking" Adorian appeared from behind Allen.
His shirt was covered is a bunch of sauce, water and some other questionable things that you wouldnt expect sticking on his apron
"uhhh hi Adorian, i never knew you would want to cook" i say, i immdediently regret it bc i sound mean. "we have been here for 2 days, do you think that i would be that stupid enough not ebing able to cook?" he said. I can feel his sarcasmn and im not liking it.
"oh my god! So you and Adorian actually cooked this?!" Lisa asked Allen, she looked suprised since she was the first one to serve us a meal and probably has a fair share of cooking normal stuff.
We decided to go into the room. It was locked!
"hold on everyone. Back off!" ushered Adorian, he prepped up his legs then kicked the door open. Everyone started laughing at how strong was Adorian
"hah good one! Next time kick something for me!" Kimui jokingly said. "anything for you..." Adorian answered, we all entered the room. It was full of boxes, some were labelled while some wher eleft unlabelled.
Its was still too dark so we started trying to feel the walls to find a light switch. "ah found it!" Ysabelle said in glory. She quickly turn on the lightswitch to see there was light at the back of the room. At this point i lost the walls so im standing here like-
Once the switch was turned on there was lights shooting me from behind.
"hah i feel lime an idol!". "hm? Why would you say that?" electrise asks.
"well, flashy or big lights make me feel like im in a concert" i blushed. "oh thats cute!" she answers. I feel quite embarrassed but i'll let it go...
Everyone looked trough the boxes. It was quite hard to budge open one of the boxes that wasnt labelled. With the power of 6-students-probably-not-really-stepping-on-the-box finally opened. Everyone looked at the inside of the box to find some things,
Crowbar, hammer, nails, frying pans, screw drivers, and other kitchen utensils. "it must be tools for fixing stuff and for cooking" Lisa said. "of course it is. Do you even know whats a frying lan and a screw driver?" Ash asks
"o-of course i do! Even tho all i do is cook sweets i still have common sense, everyone does!" Lisa protested. "whats a screw driver?" Arias asked. Ash smirked at Lisa with an evil grin, with the universal face of 'told you'
Lisa sighed then just kept looking through the opened box. Others tried opening the other boxes but it was too
Hard to open so we all gave up. As we walked through the halls where our rooms were located. We went to the left side again since we didnt explore much. We passed the gym, I could see some of the stuff that fell from Flora's bag when monokuma scatched it
"hey Flora, i think you left some stuff in the gym when monokuma ripped your bag" i told her. "oh! I'll probably do that once we're done exploring this place!" she said. We made it to a place called "Bath house" wth...
I looked at the person beside me out of old habits. Turns out it was Wenny. "weird eh?" she asks "yeah, why do we even need this...". "for a shower of course! We can play with bubbles while we bathe together!" Arias said
"eh... Im shy! I dont want any of you guys looking at me!" Tanaka protested
"idk man... I really feel lime a hot bath right now.." Kimui said, she went to the left side of the door that said 'FEMALES'
You know what? A bath might be a cool idea. I soon entered after kimui then the others went inside except Ash, Adorian and Allen. "MEET YA'LL AT THE KITCHEN! ITS A SUPRISE!" Allen screamed from outside. When we entered, there were lockers beside us where there were benches. And of course lockers
We look to see the lockers having our names implanted to each. I opened mines to show 2 towels inside. I changed clothes then used my towel to go in the big pool/,hot tub? I dont know anymore...
The rest of the night i was just trying not to fall asleep while in the bathtub. I soon left with Wenny since she was done with the warm water too.
"phew! That was a nice one!" wenny stretched. "yeah, but i feel like if i hadnt sit near Arias and Lisa i probably would have feel asleep in the pool the drown!" i answered. We started walking back to the kitchen to see Allens suprise
"hah yeah! Atleast you're still alive!" she pats my back. "yeah..." i said nervously "you know, Im still scared that the thought of us killing eachother is... Horrific... What will monokuma do if he doesnt get what he wants? Will we all die...?" i said, i wasnt thinking clearly honestly... Im so stressed lately because of this..
Wenny looked at me with a sad face. Her demeanor changed drastically. From a cheerfull fangirl to a sad person is so out of character... "hey... You know-" she puts a hand on my shoulder.
"we could do this! Even if we have no chance of escape we can atleast do something to stop this killing game!"
She said, she had a pained face but she was still smiling... I felt my heart break from looking at her face... I
Hugged her for comfort
"you know... Im also scared, i didnt ask to be in this honestly.. I miss my family and my friends... All i fear is that my life will end, so sadly...." i completely lost my mind.. Why am i saying this?!
"hey... Dont worry! We can escape somehow...." she was on the verge of tears. I didnt wanna make her sad so i stopped walking then hugged her. She started to sob on my chest.
It took a while for her to calm down we we finally made our way to the kitchen. "Guys! Over here!" Allen shouts. We went to the kitchen to see a table
bite of the baked potaties that was on the table. Without me realizing my face was shining.
"uhhh you like it Kim?" Allen tapped my shoulder from behing. I blush then started to eat the crispy cabbage that i had on my plate. "HEY! SAVE SOME FOR ME KIM!" Chizumi yelled from the other side from the table.
"hey, if i fart and it smelled is it the fans fault or mines?" Allen said randomly. "well scientifically it is the fans fault" Electrise answer. "what kind of logic is that?" he asked back
"ohh Electrise! Lemme learn some potions with you!" Kimui yelled. "eh?!". "yeah me too! I wanna learn how you handle theese dangerous substances!" Lisa said back. "hey i wanna see too!" Tanaka protested
Electrise seems to be in shock so she just nodded. "lets go" she said as she brought them to her supposedly "ultimate lab" which was pretty cool.
While we were eating monokuma suddenly came up to the table.
"what do you want now?" Adorian asked with an agitated tone.
"well! I came here to give you all this, its your very own monopad!"
Monokuma handed out theese tablets that he calls "monopad" which is pretty weird. "you guys are able to use it once you all enter your rooms! The doors to your room scans your id's and then once it buzzes it will outomatically send me intel wether or not you are in your room then i'll turn on your Monopads!" ah...
I wanna use it now, but i guess i'll just wait until i go back to my room. I put the Monopad on the grip of my shoulders, then i was gonna clean my plate then went to the kitchen to wash my plate, i quickly left the table then i see Wenny coming from behind me. "you're gonna wash your plate?" she asks. "ah yeah, i mean who wants to clean my dirty plate?" i answer, i was already washing my plate with water.
When i finnish wenny also finnished. I went to the living room to chill. I sat on the sofa with no intent to do anything, but then i saw some stacks of magazines and books that were placed on a opened cabinet.
I went to the cabinet to try and find an interesting magazine that will help my boredom. I find some of my friends in theese magazines like Lisa,Wenny,Kimui,Adorian and... Me?!
I continuously look at the magazine about me then flip to the others that contains my friends which was so weird.... I felt so haoly yet so creeped out that the abductor knows us... That means they were stalking us!
"oh is that a magazine of me?!" Wenny asked. "ah!" i shout out of shock. "ah sorry! I saw my signature hair so i knew it was me!"."oh.."
We took more magazines that were unrelevant to our friends. I read all of theese magazines were made 3 years ago?! This is so creepy...
I didnt notice but i was so focused on it i see Wenny was sleeping on the other of the couch.
I left her to go to my room, not forgetting to bring my Monopad. I entered my room then slept.
The next day
I woke up in my bed with a good feeling. Yesterdays dinner tasted really good so im awaiting for whos gonna cook for breakfast!
I get ready and brush my hair. Not wanting to look like i clown, i go to my door the used my card to open the door.
I enetred the dining hall with a few people already awake. I see that Lisa, Flora were talking to eachtoher holding a cup of coffee. Meh.. I'll just lay here on tge sofa like the potato i am-
I took a 15 minute nap when i was awaken by the loud noises coming from the others. Took them a whule to wake up... "hey guys! Whats with all the ruckuss?" i ask
"wenny isnt awake yet, lets just eat" Electtrise said. "i'll wake her up. Anyone wanna join me?" i ask. "oh me!!" Kat said
We went to the hall fulk of rooms to see that wenny's door was still locked. Locked, im now a bit worried since she was like one of the first ones to wake up...
"maybe she went to the bathroom?" kat suggested. "yeah lets check!"
We went to the bathroom to see no one, we went back to the dining hall to give a sad look. "wenny is probably sleeping or shes in another room" Electrise suggested. "have you guys checked all of the room?" Adorian asks
"sadly, there was still no one" i start to feel a chill down my spine...
"how about the storage room?" Izzy said, we all looked in shock and i quickly ran outside the dining hall as fast as Adorian to the storage room.
The storage room was so dark so i tried searching for the lights again. I feel the light switch then flipped it halfway, sk half of the light were on and off.
What we saw next was truly the most haunting image i have ever seen...
Wenny was dead
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