Kim's POV
Me and kat stay silent for a while when we were on the weird elevator briging us to who knows where.

"kat im scared... What if we dont find the culprit...." i say nervously. "well all we gottado is try our best!" she says. "yeah... Thank you kat"

We hear the bell if the elevator rings alerting us that we have made it to this so called "class trial" place...
The elevator door opens to show us a circle of stands... What???

He sits away behind a stand. he sits on a fancy chair that was higher leveled than all the trial stands.

Ysabelle:tanaka your shoes kinda smells! What have you been up to?!
Tanaka:ugh i probably stepped on that stupid crispy cabbage
Chizumi:dont say that about my beautiful crispy cabbage!

While hearing the 2 argue,
I walk over to a stand that was 2 stands beside the stand that has monokuma sitting behind it.
Everyone else started started to stand on their own trial stands.

"uh.. So now what?" Allen asks. "uhm, monokuma?" i ask.
"zzzzz- Oh right! I'll give you an explanation on how a class trial works!"

"you guys will have to find the murderer by looking through evidence,alibi's and all sorts of stabby stuff!"
Stabby stuff???

"once you all gather a conclusion on who is the culprit, pick someone on the screen of your stand,if you choose the right culprit, then only the blackened will get executed!"
"But... if you all choose the wrong culprit, then all of you except the blackened gets executed!"

"ok so what do we do now?" Arias asks trying to kill the silence.
"who ever killed wenny, confess!" Arias yells throughout the room.

"pretty sure thats not how it works-" i say. This is hopeless, we're a bunch of teenagers trying to solve a murder case! HIGHSCHOOL STUDENTS!!

Ok so im probably not helping having a midlife crisis at a time like this. If we dont find who killed wenny, we're all gonna die except the culprit! Its time we get this together!.

"ok guys, lets start with the murder weapon. Kim what did you guys find again?" Allen asks.

Start your argument!
Me:ok so... We found a crowbar in the bathroom floor...

Kat:and there was a bunch of tissues scattered in the bathroom and outside the bathroom..

Arias:where was the crowbar originally at tho?

Adorian:from one of the crates of the storage room of course

Flora:but what could those tissues mean? Theres no use of it, and it couldve hinted on who the culprit it.

Chizumi:why would the killer hint us that they killed wenny? Dont they know they are gonna get executed if we know the jig is up?

Lisa:hmm chizumi is right but... Couldnt those tissues be from someone who is untidy?

No thats wrong!

Kim:no, theres no point to it. There was even tissues OUTSIDE the bathroom... If it were someone genuinely using the bathroom. Then there would only be tissues in the bathroom. Even if the tissues WERE in the bathroom. That alone would be suspicious too...

Tanaka:i cant say i agree.. But what do theese tissues hint?
Ysabelle:maybe to hush the victim? You know, they could've drugged wenny!
Adorian:impossible, that means only YOU and ELECTRISE can do that.. Because you guys are the only ones in their labs that can access drugs due to your Ultimate's. But do you guys actually have drugs?
Electrise:i dont have drugs in my lab, but i can make a batch. But i couldnt because i was with Tanaka,Kimui and Lisa doing other stuff.
Arias:what kind of stuff?
Electrise:simple tests with fire. We did have a part of burning hand sanitizer.

Izzy:didnt you say we can make Carbon Monoxide by burning oxygen? So you 4 couldve done it.
Arias:i was also there but left earlier. None of them we're burning oxygen or some sort. But electrise was the last one there so i think she did it!
Kimui:that wouldnt make sense. Because me,lisa nd tanaka went to our rooms after hanging out with electrise. I even heard the door to the ultimates lab close. So im guessing electrise left her lab.
Betty:but did you actually see Electrise leave?
Kimui:i heard footsteps but i didnt care that much so i went inside my room.
Ash:that means its probably the culprit going to her lab to drug Wenny


Me:no that couldnt have happen, then we would've found a piece of tissue that looks...funny
Ash:but other things could be use to drug wenny.
Electrise:like kimui said, i was behind her. I left my lab and went to sleep. I even saw her enter her room.
Kimui:ew creep. Anyways, do we have proof that theres was actually an intoxicated piece of tissue? If so then all those pieces of tissue would make sense because the killer wanted us to be confused...

Kat:guys.. We sidetrackted alot.. How about we talk about the crowbar in the bathroom?


Me:thats right! Why would the culprit drug wenny? They couldve knocked her out which ACTUALLY happened. Wenny was hit by a blunt object which is probably the crowbar.
Flora:but why couldnt kimui,lisa and tanaka hear wenny go to the bathroom?
Me:i dont know...
Kimui:uhmm i didnt hear anything at all..
Tanaka:yeah me neither, i went to the bathroom before wenny went to the bathroom.
Lisa:didnt hear anything!

Monokuma:actually... Everything is soundproof! If the door to the room is close, you guys cant hear a thing!

Chizumi:sigh.. Couldnt you tell us that sooner?
Monokum:i forgot! Hehehe
[EXTRACTED!:soundproof rooms]

Arias:ok so we know that the rooms are soundproof.... So what?
Kim:well arias. The real question is how did the culprit know that wenny went to the bathroom?
Izzy:that means the culprit is someone who was outside their room when wemny went to the bathroom.

Ash:TEAM C, tells us yours and others alibi's please
Lisa:about that... We didnt actually get that much alibis.. And none of those alibi's actually have activites outside their rooms, except tanaka...

Tanaka:actually, i went to the bathroom after electrise's little lesson. But Allen went to the bathroom after he entered his room..
Allen:woah! Are you saying that im the culprit?!
Tanaka:i dont have much proof, but you are suspicious.


Ysabelle:i believe Wenny was knocked unconscious by the crowbar..
Arias:and then was brought to the storage room so we wont easily find her body!
Flora:why was the door so hard to get in tho... The culprit probably went out by the vents in the storage room and used one of the crates to block the door
[TRUTH BULLET:Flora's backpack]
No thats wrong!

Me:i believe that wenny was locked in by the superglue. Due to the fact that she was running out of oxygen... And the crate holding her down, she can barely escape by this culprits game!

Flora:see! This murder is all my fault! *sniff*
Me:f-flora, this isnt your fault. Lets just work things out..
Flora:*sniff* alright..

Chizumi:hey kim...
Me:yes chizumi?
Chizumi:i know you said the culprit drugging wenny isnt a posibillity but... Didnt you remember the piece of cloth in wennys mouth?


Me:but i think that wouldnt be possible.. Would it?
Arias:i mean... She still could've been drugged by that piece of cloth...
Kimui:you guys are forgetting something... The cloth wasnt exactly on wenny's mouth or nose
Flora:kimui san is right... How couldwenny have gotten the piece of cloth away from her mouth and nose? Even tho she was knock unconscious...

Izzy:actually... Wenny died from monoxide poisoning, when wenny woke up she got the piece of cloth off her mouth and nose but she couldnt exactly breathe properly because..

Ash:1.There was no ventilation, 2.There was a crate holding wenny down, due to the lack of oxygen she barelu has any energy to do anything.
3.wenny was able to move around a bit before she actually died. The moving around was probably the reason why the piece of cloth was off her mouth and nose...

Kat:still... We dont know who killed her...
Arias:what now?! I dont really believe what ash and izzy said but it sounded reasonable...
Adorian:hmmmm, lets go back to the tissue talk again
Betty:but we dont know the actual use of the tissue tho!
Adorian:well we dont know whats the use... But you should look where it was located..
Kimui:oh? So you're thinking why was it on the right side?(the 2nd section of the rooms)
Adorian:exactly. If its only on the right side that means the culprit was probably trying to frame the right side or..
Me:the culprit themselves was from the right side!
Chizumi:hold on.. We dont have actual proof about the culprits intentions...
Tanaka:i even got tissues squeezed into my door....

Hold on!

Tanaka:eh what is it?
Me:to think of it... There were tissues lumped into the bathroom door! It wasnt completely lumped, it kinda look like it was abt to lump of. Maybe thats because..... and kat opened the door
B.wenny&the culprit opened the door was pure coincidence

I know!
B.its because wenny opened the bathroom door first... Then the culprit opened tbe door to knock wenny with the crowbar!
Tanaka:still.. Whats the use of the tissues?

Whats the use?!

Izzy:monokuma, can you tell me about the rooms again?
Monokuma:all the rooms are proof!
Izzy:even the bathrooms?
I see!

Me:the reason wby the culprit lumped tissues everywhere. Was a distraction for us to see the truth
Kimui:oh you just realized? Its so the culprit can hear wenny open the bathroom door
I agree!

Me:well think about it... The culprit could've been normal and didnt start a war with the tissues, so we couldnt figure out whos the killer.
Ash:and if the culprit didnt try framing someone or the right side. Then the culprit might have been found out
Kat:isn't that the complete opposite on how this works?!
Ash:we'll no. It makes sense, you see if there was only enough tissues to frame the right side, so be it
Ysabelle:ooh! Because the culprit doesnt have enough tissues!
Flora:but theres still a chance that the culprit may have been from the right and left side!
Electrise:thats why we're trying to figure things out...

Oh no... This isnt going right! If this keeps going... We all might about executed!

Flora:arghhh... How do we find this killer?!
Adorian:you know everyone can lie right?
Izzy:you guys havent thought of the murder weapon or the things that prosecuted in this murder...

The weapon used to knock wenny out was....


I got it!

Me:its the crowbar... Right?
Izzy:exactly, but who could've taken the crowbar?
Ysabelle:uhm... No one? Because no ones alibi was actually near the storage room...
Adorian:you know anyone could be lying right?

Oh no he's right!

Betty:... Allen?
Betty:you went to the bathroom after going to your room right...
Allen:what are you on about?
Betty:the left side or more likely our side is the closest place near the storage room... And since you're the only one that went outside from our side... You could've seen wenny and take the crowbar... You could have hid in the hallway near the dinning hall waiting for her to leave-


Allen:hold on! Are you calling me the culprit?!
Ysabelle:allen... Is this true?
Allen:no! I went to the bathroom and thats it! Besides i cant even enter the girls bathroom!
Chizumi:any proof? Instead of common sense you could've struck her with a crowbar. You know, except morals why couldnt you enter?
Ysabelle:Allen-! Did you actually test it?!
Allen:wait no!
Lisa:but that means wenny could have heard allen open the storage door since its kinda heavy...

Kimui:i cant believe a frail looking person could have been a killer! Shame on you allen
Allen:wait! Please listen to what i have to say to myself!
Ash:go on then

Oh no... If we're just accusing without real proof this is just a clown talk! How do i change the situation?!

Allen:okay so... After that feast, i went to my room. Maybe after a few minutes i went to the bathroom, i went to the bathroom, after going to the bathroom i went back to my room

Adorian:but no ones there to witness you do it...
I can!
Me:i was with wenny when allen went to the bathroom, there was also some of you guys but i forgot who... I saw allen enter his room after his trip to the bathroom, then after a few minutes i went to my room and left wenny in the dining hall. I didnt hear a door open or even a creak near the storage room so it couldnt have been allen!

Kims team: Allen isnt the culprit!

Ash's team:allen is the culprit!

B.Kimui:Allen had a chance to get the crowbar and knock wenny out
A.Izzy:but wenny couldve have heard him
B.Chizumi:but wenny was asleep!
A.Allen:but still, Kim was still there to listen if i was doing anything weird!
B.Adorian:he couldve waited for kim to go to her room, and wait for the perfect timing
A.Flora:but that means he had to put the tissues first so he could listen
B.Lisa:he can always predict!
A.Betty:well kims alabi back up his actions
B.Ash:he also could've gotten the superglue while you guys were bathing!
A.Arias:even with the glue, he still couldnt have gotten the crowbar!
B.Tanaka:you know he could've gotten it when we all went to sleep?
A.Kat:his alibi doesnt say so! Even if wenny was still asleep she could've heard allen open the storage door and wake up!
B.Electrise: he could've sneaked attacked wenny in the bathroom!
A.Me:theres no way he could've known wenny went to the bathroom if he wanted to sneak attack her there!

Heres our answer! left wenny all by herself?
Me:i know i was wrong to do that.. Now shes dead! Im sorry...
Chizumi:you stupid idiot! Why did you leave wenny like that! She was in a vanurable situation!
Me:i-i know.. Please just-!
I start to feel tears form in my eyes

Lisa:chizumi, calm down. Kim are you alright?
Me:yeah i am.. Ok lets go back to the topic..
Ysabelle:ok dont think allen is the killer... I believe whoever went to the gym is!


Tanaka:are you talking about the superglue?
Ysabelle:yeah! A crowbar knocked her unconscious but not dead, whoever have probably sneaked out at night..
Arias:wait, when was wenny dead again?
Ysabelle:oops i forgot to tell you guys(sorry lol) wenny is estimated that she died near 02:12 AM... The morning anouncement was 8 AM. Theres a 4 hour gap..

Everyone here could be lying about their alibi's right now...
Whos alibi here does not make sense...

Lisa:i still dont believe it tho, he could have went to the gym and take the glue,then we couldve pretended that he went to the bathroom but in reality he was taking the crowbar!
Me:true but... Could his arm fit through the crate with he crowbar in it?
Adorian:he seems pretty frail to me tho.
Tanaka:i dont know adorian.. I dont even think a girl can even fit her arm there...
Ysabelle:how are we supposed to know when we didnt peform a test..

Me:someones lying about their alibi. We need to find the flaws through their lies!
Flora:b-but everyones alibi dont seem suspicious!
Me:no... Someones alibi is-
Kimui:mann! Im tired of hearing you guys, isnt that right tanaka?


Tanaka:what are you on about now?!
Kimui:oh please, your stupid brain have already confessed to 3 things.
First you said you have said you went to the bathroom before wenny, how did you even know that?
Tanaka:i was just guessing cause i didnt see her!
Ysabelle:well.. You dont have actualy proof
Kimui:second, you admitted that you had clumps of tissues in your door... That means you could have heard wenny entered wuth the small opening made with the tissues on your door. Everyones room is sound proof so no one could've heard you sneak into the gym!
Tanaka:thats becuase the culprit could've done that!

Kimui:third, you said wenny went to the bathroom after you right? That means you probably could've put on the tissues on just the door of the bathroom to not cause suspicion for wenny to leave! And when you first went to the bathroom, you could've taken more toilet paper to stack up on your door so you can listen to any bathroom activities!

Flora:h-hold on kimui! But when does the Tanaka get the glue then?!
Ash:obviously when Tanaka already knocked out wenny
Flora:w-what about the crowbar?!
Izzy:hmm.... Maybe one the culprit heard wenny enter the bathroom, they waited once wenny entered they quickly went to the storage room and took the crowbar. Once wenny got out she was suprised attacked! We wouldnt hear because...

A.the culprit was silent
B.we were asleep
C.we had soundproof rooms

Me:its because we have soundproof rooms...
Tanaka:me?! You guys just suddenly accused me and call it a day?! Theres no way im going to allow that! Show me how could have i done it?!
Kimui:you already admitted to alot of stuff, give it up
Tanaka:but it doesnt make sense! You still have no proof that i did it!

Ash:well.. Arias, Chizumi, Ash, Ysabelle, Izzy and kat did you guys have any clumps of tissues on your door?
"no" they all answered
Tanaka:wait i didnt have any clumps! Its just tissue near my door thats it!
Ysabelle:tanaka san....
Tanaka:no ysabelle! Its not-
Ysabelle:i wont believe this! Prove us that you're not the killer!

Tanaka:i- i... I DIDNT KILL WENNY!
Chizumi:my oh my, stubborn one eh?
Tanaka:i couldnt have.... I was in my room!
Arias:but you were probably not asleep!

Tanaka:since whem do you get to control my sleep schedule?! Please, this isnt fair! I didnt kill wenny! Theres no solid evidence that i took the crowbar, that i took the glue, that i brought her to the storage room to die!
Me:but you did confessed your door entry!
Me:theese tissues we're a distraction to the actual use. You tried framing the right side!
Tanaka:still, how could have i taken the crowbar?!
Me:when you entered the storage room of course
Tanaka:but the time was ticking! How was i supposed to take it quickly before wenny left the bathroom?!

Me:the thing is... You didnt attacked wenny in the bathroom!
Me:theres no way you could've quickly take the crowbar while wenny was in the bathroom, but you could've chased wenny before she actually go into her room to hide!
Ysabelle:you couldnt have thought all of this through tho... You took the superglue after wenny was in the storage room!
Tanaka:you still have no proof! I couldnt have gotten the super glue while you all we're sleeping!

No thats wrong!

Me:you could! Because there was a bottle of bleach spilled, half of its content was spilling, theres no way you could have done it when we were bathing because we would see you in the gym getting flora's stuff!

I can't seem to think of anyone else instead of you...

The killer is you!

Tanaka, the Ultimate Gambler!
Kimui:any last words gambling freak?
Tanaka:i... Willow... Katherine-!
Ash:just what are you on about now?!
Arias:can you guys just SHUT UP FOR A MOMENT?

Tanaka:the motive video... My sister... My friend- they we're all-!
Tanaka bursts out crying in the class trial room
Tanaka:if i didnt kill wenny they are probably dead by now!

"please just dont! I did it for my lil sis"

Chizumi:and you'd risk a soul for your selfish needs? Pathethic
Allen:cut it out, this must've really affected tanaka
Chizumi:but still she killed wenny!

Monokuma:its time for voting time!

Choose someone!
Im sorry tanaka...
I press tanaka at the screen on my stand. The screen says "counting results"
15 voted tanaka as the culprit
1 voted allen as the culprit

Suddenly this weird thing appeared spinning around showing our faces. There was a text saying "verdict", then the things points to tanaka. The thing started blowing up in confetti and chips(not the food lol, the ones for gsmbling)

You guys are correct, tanaka is the blackened!
Time for execution
Tanaka:what?! Whats going to happen to me?! Execution? What?!
Monokuma:obviously executed! I have prepared a special execution for the ultimate gambler!

Tanaka:please dont execute me! Please!- tanaka starts crying uncontroabbly
Monokuma:rules are rules! You did this to yourself!

Ysabelle:tanaka... Why did you do this...
Ysabelle:but they wouldnt be happy if you killed someones other loved ones..
Tanaka:i... *sniff* i really cared f-for them... Im begging you please dont e-execute me!
Kat:tanaka... Its alright
Chizumi:alright?! Its not alright!
Kat:i kniw what tanaka did was wrong but.. Who wouldnt?.. A loved one having to potential to die, who wouldnt wanna meet them immediently?!

Monokuma:sorry tanaka! Better luck next time in the after life! Itsss punishment time!


Monokuma preses the button infront of him, we see a pixelated cutscene of tanaka monokuma.

Suddenly a long rope from up was stuck on tanakas neck, then she was dragged up
"ARGHHHHH!" I hear her screams echo.

Execution name:Gamble of a lifetime
The ultimate gambler:executed

Tanaka's POV
As i finally got down, i still have the rope on my neck. A bunch of monokuma's suddenly start to set up a gambling game around me except my back. Suddenly the cutains infront of me open to show my friends...

Suddenly i hear a gunshot, the monokumas start making me gamble. Im guessing i have to winn all of this-! If i win and not lose i wont die!
Its been a few 20 seconds when my hands are getting tired. I lost to one of the monokumas and i suddenly feel myself go up a bit, choking myself. I instictly took both of my hands towards my neck holding the rope to leave an opening for me to breathe.
Suddenly, the monokumas took a big gun with a monokuma logo in it then forced me to play. I won this round by 5 point so the gun shoots at me 5 times but whoever controlled my rope is making me dodge it. Pulling me up to the air quickly is choking me.

I get it! I need to win all of this so i keep dodging since i see a timer.
I quickly start play again with one hand holding the rope on my neck. I keep winning and the bullets seem to be empty
Yes! I can survive!

Then more monokumas appeared, i panic and try to win all of the games they offer me. I start to lose which causes me to go higher above ground, i feel more tears form as i can barely breathe now. While playing i won and the rope made me go down a little. I try to attempt to win which was working, i have atleast 15 secs now. Right when i needed to win Atleast 1-2 more rounds a monokuma made me do rock paper scissors. I pulled up with scissor while monokuma used rock suddenly the times goes of, the floor divides into 2 and i go launching to te sky. I cant breathe- no! Please no-!


Kims pov
I hear tanaka choke as i watch everything in shock. I see her lifeless
body hanging...
I hear myself scream throught the room...
After my sudden outburst brought more noise towards the room as i hear whispers and sobbing throughout the room.
I look to where the outburst was coming from and i see Ysabelle drop to the floor while holding her own arms, she was pretty close to tanaka so this really hurt... But wenny..

"wenny!" i scream. After about 15 mins of me having a mental breakdown i feel a tap on my shoulder.
"kim... We should stop mourning now.. Im just as sad like you but i think wenny wouldnt like this, she would have wanted us to move on so we can end this killing game" kat says.

"we can do this!" kat says

"good riddens" Chizumi whispers to herself.
"t-tanaka! W-why?!" i see Allen comfort Ysabelle who was still on the floor but was now sitting on her knees. Be takes his coat of then places it on top of Ysabelle as a sign of comfort.

"t-thank you..*sniff*" Ysabelle whispers.
I see Betty in tears pointing at Monokuma
"thats just how this killing game works! Chills shrill kills!"
"You guys may leave the room and go up on the elevator"
i hear the elevator reach our level as Monokuma finnishes his sentence, i quickly went inside the elevator and i see the others also enter. I see Ysabelle still using Allens coat as Allen tries ti comfort her.

Once we made it to tbe gym i quickly left to go to my room. As i scan my card i enter my room then flopped on my bed as i burry my face on my pillow.

I just saw a person get brutally killed because they killed another person... Will i even survive this killing game?! Mom and dad... I hope you're safe right now...

I feel tears fill my eyes as i cried quietly as i sleep.

Authors note
Hi guys alice here. Sorry this trual sucked, its my first time writting a class trial ok?! Anyways, i worked hard on the illustrations as the other ppl did so please respect them!
Thank you claire and stouka for helping me illustrate this!
I made the closing argument,tanakas mental breakdown cutscene and i made the sketch for kat's cutscene while claire finnished the sketch
Claire made the naked gray man and finnished my kat sketch and tanakas execution while stouka did the first cutscene!

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