Chapter 3: Class Trial
Monokuma: Let's begin with a basic explanation of the class trial! So, your votes will determine the results. If you can figure out "whodunnit" then only they will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong one... Then I'll punish everyone *besides* the blackened, and the one that deceived everyone else will graduate!
Danni: The murder was really weird. I mean, a bookshelf somehow fell on Yuyaka, and Valt was killed in the computer lab. The Monokuma File said he suffocated, but what could've done that?
Daisy: And you were all searching the archives, so why would Yuyaka leave?
Monokuma File 3,
Bloody Bookcase Remain,
Destroyed Bookcase,
Damaged Computer Wire
Hinanami: I personally think the murder weapon to kill Valt is the main priority. We'll explain why Yuyaka left later.
Daisy: I guess so...
Naegiri: Let's think, he suffocated, right?
Kohiro: Do you really need to be saying the obvious? Was I the only person who checked the crime scene?
Danni: I did!
Kohiro: What did you find?
Danni: Valt's body, a bunch of computer's, computer wires. One of them was damaged. There was also...desks for the computers.
Kohiro: Really? You said the murder weapon. If something suffocated Valt, someone could choke him. Or, they could use an object.
Ryotaru (Thinking): Naegiri would probably know if Valt got choked by looking at his body...but she didn't say so. I think an object was used, and there's something at the crime scene that supports it!
*Shoots Damaged Computer at Kohiro's final bold statement*
Ryotaru: While investigating, me and Danni found a damaged computer wire. Around the middle, it seemed damaged while the rest of the wire was normal.
Daisy: A damaged computer wire? What's so special about it?
Ryotaru: I'm saying that the culprit could've strangled Valt to death with that. If you were to tie that around Valt's neck, and pull hard, Valt would die. Since the culprit would pull hard, they section around Valt's neck would've gotten damaged, explained the damaged computer wire.
Daisy: But that brings more questions! How did they strangle Valt? He obviously would've noticed if he got tied with a computer wire.
Naegiri: Let's pretend he didn't notice for now. We can say the killer choked Valt to death at the computer lab. To answer how Valt didn't noticed, I think the key to solving that mystery is related to how Yuyaka got killed.
Daisy: He got crushed, right?
Naegiri: Precisely. I'm certain it's from the bookcase. All it's remains were on top of Yuyaka.
Ryotaru: Nothing was under Yuyaka either, so it must've been the bookcase, no doubt.
Daisy: But why didn't he dodge the bookcase?
Yuyaka Hit From Behind,
Destroyed Bookcase
Daisy: I'm thinking you could notice a bookcase that's about to fall on you. I mean, you surely could've seen a bookcase that's right in front of you, about to fall on you, right?
Ryotaru (Thinking): No, that would contradict Naegiri's evidence!
*Uses Truth Blade Yuyaka Hit From Behind on Daisy's bold statement*
Ryotaru: When Naegiri examined Yuyaka's body, she saw Yuyaka's front was on the ground. His back was exposed.
Daisy: So he didn't notice the bookcase?
Ryotaru: Exactly! He was probably facing the opposite direction.
Daisy: But what would've made him do that?
Ryotaru: Explaining that is the same reason why he came!
Which Truth Bullet shows why Yuyaka went to Classroom 3-2?
The Radio Truth Bullet?
The Bloodstains From Classroom To Computer Lab Truth Bullet?
Correct Answer: Radio Truth Bullet
Ryotaru: The radio. When we were checking the archives, we heard a loud song playing. Yuyaka went to check it out, and we heard a crash. That must've been the bookcase. Valt went to check on him, and he never returned. We went to find them. We went to the sound of the song, and it was in Classroom 3-2. We found Yuyaka's body there, and the radio that was playing the song. That explains why Yuyaka was in Classroom 3-2. The reason of him not facing the bookshelf is because the radio was facing the bookshelf. Yuyaka faced the radio to presumably turn it off, and the bookshelf fell on him.
Daisy: Ohhhhh that explains his murder.
Miwa: You may have a lot of evidence, but how did the bookcase fall? To kill Yuyaka?
Ryotaru: Well, of course!
Miwa: How did Yuyaka not see them when he entered the classroom?
Locker Handprint,
Bloody Bookcase Remain
Miwa: Yuyaka may have gone to the classroom to check the radio. The bookshelf may have fallen on him, but how did he not notice the person when he entered the classroom?
Ryotaru: Well, they must've been hiding.
Miwa: But there's nowhere to hide.
Ryotaru (Thinking): But there was!
*Uses Truth Blade Locker Handprint on Miwa's bold statement*
Ryotaru: I don't think you checked the classroom, because there very much *was* a hiding place!
Miwa: Really? Enlighten us.
Ryotaru: The locker. The killer hid in the locker, and there's a handprint in the locker too! That must mean someone was hiding in there, waiting for Yuyaka or someone to come. They were probably focusing on their murder plan, and never noticed a locker handprint.
Saimatsu: That's how Yuyaka got murdered! He got lured to the classroom by a radio, and the killer, who was hiding in the locker, quickly pushed the bookcase on Yuyaka, crushing him to death. The locker is also next to the bookcase, so they could've quickly leave the locker and push the bookcase!
Kohiro: Perhaps we should test everyone's handprint on that locker?
Meizu: Well, that might not be necessary.
Kohiro: Huh? Why?
Meizu: Well, um, it's just that...even if we find the killer with that, we still need to find out how Valt died anyway, so we should solve that.
Kohiro: ...Sure...
Naegiri: Anyway, there was something unusual about the bookcase remains, right?
Daisy: I don't know, what's so unusual?
Bloody Bookcase Remain,
Destroyed Bookcase,
Monokuma File 3,
Naegiri: If you think about it, the bookcase remains should be together, since it was one thing.
Daisy: That makes sense.
Naegiri: However, it wasn't together, and there was something unusual about that.
Ryotaru (Thinking): Of course there was, it was bloody, while the other pieces weren't!
*Shoots Truth Bullet Bloody Bookcase Remain at Naegiri's final bold statement*
Ryotaru: One piece wasn't with the others. It was bloody, and close to the locker!
Miwa: The locker? Perhaps the killer used it!
Ryotaru: Yes, it was bloody too, so it was used for something.
Miwa: But what?
Ryotaru (Thinking): Shoot! I don't know...dammit...
Naegiri: What if it was used for knocking out Valt?
Ryotaru: Really? But Valt was...wait...
Naegiri: You're putting it all together. Good.
Harukaito: I don't get it! Valt was killed in the computer lab!
Ryotaru: He was killed in the computer lab. The Monokuma File says so. However, he was probably knocked out in the classroom, and dragged to the computer lab! The Monokuma File says he got a head injury, so that must be the result of being hit in the head with the bookshelf piece!
Harukaito: Ah, okay!
Meizu: But how do you know he was dragged into the computer lab?
Bloodstain From Classroom To Computer Lab,
Destroyed Bookcase,
Bloody Bookcase Remain,
Monokuma File 3
Meizu: I understand how Yuyaka died, and how Valt could've been knocked out, dragged to the computer lab, and strangled. However, what proves he was dragged to the computer lab?
Ryotaru (Thinking): Is she serious? There were bloodstains!
Ryotaru: Um, Meizu? There were bloodstains from the classroom to computer lab.
Meizu: Oh...sorry! But how why did he go to the classroom?
Ryotaru: I said so eariler. To check where Yuyaka was. Wait! That must be why there was a double murder! Yuyaka got killed, but the killer knew there were more of us, so they decided to kill anyone else that comes. The killer then took Valt to the computer lab to confuse us, and killed him there. They probably didn't clean up the blood in case more of us came, and discovered her. This also explains why the body discovery announcement played when me and Danni found Yuyaka's body. The announcement is supposed to play when three or more people find a body, but me and Danni are two people Valt must've been the third person. He must've seen the body before he got knocked out.
Meizu: Oh, makes sense.
Ryotaru: Meizu, why are you asking obvious questions?
Meizu: Just checking!
Ryotaru: Okay...
Kohiro: So you figured out the plan! Great job? So who killed Yuyaka and Valt?
Ryotaru (Thinking): Dammit! There's no evidence that points to a killer except for the handprint!
Naegiri: Ryotaru, I don't think they thought of this plan in one night. They must've knew we would check the archives, and set the killer's plan in motion.
Ryotaru: Everyone knew we would check the archives though.
Naegiri: That's true, however, it was part of the killer's plan we would check the archives. They probably got their murder plan ready, but was unsure how to actually make sure someone was out at nighttime, and kill them by luring them with the radio. Once we discovered the archives, the killer must've thought we should check the archives. The killer is the one who set this up, the *entire time*.
Ryotaru: I think I the killer is the one who suggested we check the archives?
Naegiri: It's only a theory.
Kohiro: And the one who suggested that is...
Ryotaru: ...Meizu.
Meizu: Huh?! Me?! No!
Ryotaru: It must be why you were asking stupid was to prevent us from discovering your murder plan.
Meizu: Nononononono! It's not me!
Ryotaru: I'm really sorry...
Meizu: Sorry? How dare you call me a murderer!
Monokuma File 3,
Bloody Bookcase Remain,
Destroyed Bookshelf,
Damaged Computer Wire,
Yuyaka Hit From Behind,
Locker Handprint
Meizu: I know I suggested it, but it wasn't to murder!
Ryotaru: Naegiri said it was theory.
Meizu: Theory my ass! You think I'm the damn killer!
Ryotaru: You also asked obvious questions, so it must've been to stop us or prolonging us from discovering the murder plan...or is it *your* murder plan?
Meizu: You're saying I lured Yuyaka to the classroom by playing *Random song name* on the radio? Then I crushed him? Then I knocked out Valt, dragged him to the computer lab, and strangled him to death with a COMPUTER WIRE? BULLSHIT!
Naegiri: Wait...something's off about what she said...
Ryotaru (Thinking):'ve dug your own grave.
*ABSORBS BOLD LETTERS Off About What She Said*
*Shoots Off About What She Said at Meizu's first bold statement*
Ryotaru: did you know the name of the song that was playing on the radio?
Meizu: I heard it of course.
Ryotaru: But I turned it off after discovering Yuyaka's body. The only people who would know the song name are the people who investigated the archives since they heard, and the killer would know since they turned on the song.
Meizu: What?! No...I'm...NOT THE KILLER!
Ryotaru: It's true...I'll reveal your murder plan!
It started when we investigated the archives. By 'we', I mean myself, Naegiri, Danni, Yuyaka, and Valt. While we were searching, the killer got a radio from the music room, put it in Classroom 3-2, and played a song on it. The killer then hid in the locker, but never realized they put a handprint there. The song was meant to lure someone to the classroom so the killer could kill them. They were successful. We heard the sound from the archives, so Yuyaka checked for the sound. He went in the classroom, and noticed the radio. However, his back was facing the bookshelf, so the killer quickly left the locker, and pushed the bookshelf on Yuyaka. The locker was right next to the bookshelf, so it was easy for the killer to quickly reach the bookshelf. The bookshelf fell on Yuyaka, and crushed him to death. When that happened, we heard a loud crash noise from the archives. That was when Valt checked for that. The killer anticipated someone else would come due to the noise, and took a big piece of the broken bookshelf, and hid in the locker once again. They were correct, as Valt came into the classroom. Valt saw the body, but the killer left the locker, and quickly hit Valt on the head with the big bookshelf piece. The killer then dragged Valt's body to the computer lab, causing bloodstains leading from the classroom to the computer lab. They most likely couldn't clean the bloodstain in case me, Danni, or Naegiri caught the killer doing it, causing the killer to be found out. After they dragged Valt's body to the computer lab, they got a computer wire, tied it around the unconscious Valt's neck, and pulled, suffocating him to death. Doing so caused a part of the wire to get damaged. By then, the killer was finished and left, probably to their room. Based on the evidence that's been gathered, and thanks to your slip up, I can only say the killer is you, Meizu Aiwera, The Ultimate Zoologist!
Meizu: Damn...fine...dammit...I'm the killer.
Miwa: Why did you do it?
Meizu: It's just that I got paranoid here. I missed being a real zoologist, and I was worried what would happen if I was trapped here.
Harukaito: If only you controlled that desire to leave...
Monokuma: Whatever! It's voting time!
Votes: 9 for Meizu, 1 for Ryotaru
Monokuma: the killer! Time for her execution!
Meizu got dragged off.
She was trapped in a cage, with hungry carnivorous animals trying to get in the cage. The cage then got lifted, and was above a pot of acid. Monodam however, pushed the pot of acid over, getting acid all over himself, and dying. Meizu's cage suddenly fell down, and broke. The animals devoured her.
Ryotaru (Thinking): How brutal can Monokuma get?
Miwa: Damn Monokuma!
Monotaro: HUH? Monodam died!
We all went back in our rooms with heavy thoughts.
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