Fired Up
"So your telling me these three here are your relatives?" Your friend points them out, clearly not seeing it at all "They don't even look or act like you."
Now here you are, at work, praying to god for help "Yeah well that's family, it's hate them or love them ya know?..haha.."
God please help your poor soul...
"What is that human female over there wearing?" It was Zeldris, and he seems to look disgusted too "It's very disgusting."
Peeking over you see a normal teenager in normal emo cloths, ear piercings, and of course that very dark make up.She looks like a doll from your point of view...a emo one at that.
"You shouldn't tease or make fun of someone for what they look like, it's their choice dumby."
Zeldris snaps his attention back at you, seeing that you indeed jump back slightly, before hissing "I will kill you if you call me that again-!"
Not long after Meldiosa speaks up, seeming intrested in your two conversations "Zeldris, calm yourself we do not want to cause our cousin much trouble do we?" Zeldris did shut up, but then he turn to talk to (F/N) "I have never got your name by any chance, is it to late to introduce ourselves??"
Your friend nods, taking a sip of her coffee "Yeah go ahead, my name is (F/N) by the way."
"Nice to meet you (F/N).My name is Meldiosa and the one next to me is my littlest brother.." Meldiosa suddenly, right before your guys eyes, slams Zeldris head into the ground.Hard."...Zeldris, forgive his temper.He is still young and learning.And for my other brother his name i-."
"What is a 'coffee' and a 'refresher'?" Estarossa ask, clearly reading the menu this whole time "Is this place a magical shop for potions and valuable items??"
You gave Estarossa a dead pan face, clearly saying 'What the actual fuck is wrong with you??!' all over it, but shake it off.
"I work here Estarossa and no..." You got up, getting to your station immediately "....this is no magic shop.It's a fucking coffee shop."
Your friend picks up her stuff too, looking to leave "Ha, you never been to Starbucks before sir?"
All of them litteraly gave her a quick "No." and shaking their heads slowly, in a creepy doll manner.
Oh my god, where is god when you need him??
Next thing you know (F/N) was pulling out her wallet, a golden credit card shown to the world "Dame, you guys are missing stuff in your guys lives for real!"
You really did tryed to stop her but she got them each a drink.Zeldris got a grande Java Chip Frappuccino, Estarossa got a venti Mango Dragonfruit water down refresher, and Meldiosa just got a pumpkin spice cappuccino.Size venti.
"Why did I have to get a small cup?"
"It's either take it or leave it Zeldris.." Meldiosa takes a hesitate sip of his drink before his dull eyes brighten up with bright happy like desire "...this....this is really good."
Estarossa watch the cube purple fruit in his drink, once in a while swishing it left and right, before he to took a sip that also led him into wanting more "I-....Where can I get the recipe for making this magical refreshing drink?"
Zeldris rolls his eyes, clearly unamused "It's a drink, nothing more nothing les-.." That was him right before he took his first sip, he didn't seem suprise or anything, but to prove ourselves wrong he soon began to take longer sips of his drink, looking down and away from us all.
That was when you realized he was embarrassed and happy.It was cute.
Oh god no, this will NOT to into a harem!I will not alot it!
Suddenly incomes your boss, Mrs. Rivers, looking mad and upset.Oh no, and she was coming straight your way.Ha, here will be your death right?In Starbucks heaven??
"Mrs.(L/N)!If I call you, you will answer young lady!"
You didn't want to make it worse, so you replied back "Yes forgive me about that Mrs.Rivers, my apologie-!"
"I do not see why your anger at her, she did not cause you harm ya old frail human."
Oh my god, no stop it Estaross-!
"Your the boss?I seen better."
Meldiosa!No!Bad Meldiosa!Bad-!
"Wow your really ugly, so ugly you put my right hand man into the pits of hell.Oh waite?I don't have one."
You gulped "Yes Mrs.Rivers?"
"Your fired!"
Oh fuck me.....
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