(4). Reflectings.

Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes during the events of the movie..)

(ZaneChan505 and qwertuno and -H0RIZ0N And SilentReadersMatter and joycethebooklover
And WitchycandlexX and Mycurrentfandom And poniesman)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)




1. obtain possession or use of (something, typically a quality or ability) again after losing it.

2. to get back into one's possession; recover: to succeed in reaching again.

Louis groaned as he slowly regained consciousness. He didn't know what the hell had happened, but the light shining through the window didn't help.

Holy mother of Jesus fucking Christ, what the hell is going on?

He still felt tired from the day before, but that was relatively normal for him. It was routine to feel like shit, but he was used to it.

At least his body felt more refreshed than usual. It was probably due to sleeping on an actual bed for once instead of the floor, a couch, or even the streets.

He only used the last one as a emergency if he couldn't find shelter for the night.

Never said that it was comfortable.

It had been hell. One time he had tried, one time. He had nearly been eaten alive that night, it wasn't pretty. He shivered just thinking about him.

Never doing that again.

Death had nearly gotten its claws on him that night, and he wondered why fate had spared him from it.

He certainly craved it.

Louis felt his hands starting to ache, and he noticed them shaking.

'They want you to cut in them.'

Just do it~

Louis eyed the knife on the nightstand. Fuck, his body wanted him to do it.

He resisted the urge though, Louis had been trying to get off the habit for a long time. He had relapsed around two days ago for a reason he didn't even know.

He sighed. "No, not again."

As he sat up, he noticed that there was a lack of another presence on the bed.

He strained his ear to hear any sound sound. There was nothing.

Did she leave?

He got out of the bed and put his hoodie on. It covered his face again, but there was a little while on the back of it.

If she did, then it was karma for my actions yesterday. I deserve to be abandoned.

And they had only said until today, why did Lou expect Pipp to stay the night?

Wait, Lou? He shook his head. You don't refer yourself as that anymore.

That name was forgotten, buried. Lou didn't exist. He was buried within somewhere that he couldn't come out of.

Louis was created for a reason. Lou was the past, he was the present.

Fuck, why does it hurt to be alone again?

Louis stepped out of the bedroom, and saw the empty hallway. He couldn't hear Pipp.

Yep, she was gone. His theory was officially confirmed.

Even Ivy was gone as he entered the living room. He didn't know why, but he wanted to apologise to her about his behaviour the night before.

Why is she so cold though?

He had seen the way that her eyes lit up with jealously as she observed Lou and Pipp the night before.

He felt like karma was striking him back for the shit that he had done in his life, he didn't deserve to even have dolls to talk to for a day or two.

He want to the kitchen, and for some food out. They were fresh, thank God.

Probably Pipp's supplies. Sorry, little mouse.

He snatched them up, and was about to leave when he heard something.

"Ahh, fuck!" He hear someone shout.

He found himself feeling guilty and pity for her, he wanted to see if she was ok. Louis found himself at the bathroom door and knocking on it.

"Are you okay?"

Silence, but then a cheerful voice answered. "Yeah, we are! Come in! I'm just helping her!"

"Against my will."

Louis opened the door, and was greeted with a surprising shock.

Ivy was on a chair with her arms on the sink. Her head was layed on it and he could see her painful face in the mirror.

Pipp was standing on the toilet beside her and it looked like she was helping her.

"....What the hell?"

Ivy turned her head and looked at him. "I was going to leave when mousy caught me. I don't even know how I ended up here."

Pipp just grinned. "The powers of cuteness. And you needed your injuries fixing."

"....You threatened to shoot me with my own gun if I didn't accept your help."

"Wait?" Louis asked. "Pipp threatened to hurt you if she couldn't fix your injuries?"

".....Ironic, isn't it?"

Pipp just snickered. "It is, but you needed it. After all, I did end up bandaging you."

She just sighed. "Whatever, I have to go. Bye, Pipp. Bye, Louis."

He suddenly grabbed her arm. "Where did you hear that name?"

You told it yesterday.

"You were nearky passing out from the blood, and you told mousy your name. Then she said it while tending to your wounds. And how are your injures?"

He blinked as if he was surprised. "I'm fine. And it doesn't ring any bells?"

"No-" She suddenly grabbed her stomach. "Ahh! Fuck!"

Pipp helped her sit down again. "Careful!"

Louis eyes her stomach and noticed a hole in it. A bullet hole. Then he looked at her arm, a stab wound.

Her eyes held pain even though her face was stoic. She was repressing it.

She got up again, but held her stomach. "Thanks for letting me stay, but I really need to go."

Her tone sounded afraid, like she was afraid of staying here for some unknown reason. As if Louis and Pipp would do something to her.

"What's your name?" Louis asked. "You know ours, it's onky fair we know yours."

"It's Ivy." She got up and held her stomach with one hand. "My name is Ivy."

She was limping out, when Pipp called out to her. "You might be safer if you joined us? Safety in numbers after all!"

She froze. "I don't work with anyone, kid. Not since my last group."

Her tone had a hint of pain in it, Pipp looked at Louis in concern. He was the same.

What the hell had happened to her?

"You can trust us." Louis stepped closer. "I promise-"

"Promises are meant to be broken."

It sounded like she was imitating somedoll, but who?

"I was made clear of that years ago, don't say something that you can't take back after."

Her shoukder was grabbed, and Lou saw her eyes flash.

Ivy! No physical contact!

I'm on it.

His hand was grabbed, and she physically hissed. "Don't ever fucking touch us!"

He stumbled a little at how animalistic she was. Her eyes became black.

Something is way off about her.

"Never attempt to touch me again." It sounded like she was correcing herself. "Or it will hurt."

He noticed how angry she was, and he saw her hand go for something on her hilt.

Is that a fucking katana and Machete?

Where the hell did the fucking doll get those weapons?

Louis knew that this doll was dangerous and paranoid. But there was also fear in her eyes. Like she was protecting something or someone else from this cruel world.

Pipp put her hand on her leg, and she looked down. "Please, just for today. Your too injured to be on your own."

Louis could see the guilt in her eyes, and he knew one of Pipp's talents then.


She could use her size and lokks to her advantage. Hell, she was manipulating Ivy right now.


They both flinched as weapons made their way to their throats.

"Let me make it clear." Ivy hissed. "We are not friends, I am onky here for safety reasons. Try any crap, and I won't hesitate to end you. Understand?.."

She emphasised that last word, and Pipp and Louis nodded.

"Oh." Ivy went back into their mind, and her eyes became red. "Here."

She handed an arrow to Pipp. Her eyes lit up. "Thank you!"

"Your good with arrows?" Louis questioned. "You don't even have a bow."

She raised a brow, and grinned. "Or do I?"

She suddenly got the one on her tail and folded it into the shape of an actual fucking bow.

Ivy and Louis made eye contact. They were impressed.

Pipp put it back into its proper shape, and spoke again. "Let's go and find this supplier!"


Ivy answered. "Someone who is rumoured to live north of here. Apparently, they sell the best stuff."

But I won't mention that they hate my guts. No one needs to know.

It was a very long story that Ivy couldn't be assed explaining.

"Okay?" Louis held his shoukder. "Shit."

"Here." Ivy offered a paracetamol. "It's the best thing I can find."

He swallowed it, and sighed in relief as the pain disappeared. "Thanks."

Pipp suddenly went up to Lou and held her arms up like a baby wanting to be picked up. She even whined like a puppy, and she was a fucking mouse.

He sighed, and picked up her. She made her way into his hood and seemed to make a burrow out of it.

"Look like mousy has found her new burrow~"

"Shut up."

"Hell no, mate. You brought this upon yourself by being a huge softie underneath that hard ass exterior."

He sighed, and felt his hood being put down. "It's too hot with it on."

What the hell have I done? He thought. Why do I have to be soft?

"C'mon." Ivy grinned. "Time to see the supplier who possibly might blow our things off."

Louis and Pipp noted that, but still followed her.

They had nothing to lose anyway.





1. connect (someone or something) with something else in one's mind.

2. to join as a partner, friend, or companion.

Ivy couldn't fathom at why she was associating herself with these dolls. They had somehow made her guilty enough to join them in their little group.

And that is saying something.

Why was she staying with them again?

Because of our injury.

Even Ivia knew that they would be dead without those help. She only had to put up with them for a day, then she could go back to being by herself.

She sighed and held her stomach as they jumped on her another rooftop. They were all too exhausted and injured to fight. Her and Louis especially.

He held her by the waist to support her, and she was silently grateful. She limped due to the pain her mid-section, she couldn't fucking walk properly.

Weak. She thought. Your being weak.

But she couldn't fight as his arm was still around her, Ivy had to fight the urge to get her Katana out and cut his head off.

"So?" Pipp's speech was a bit muffled. "How long have you been here, Ivy?"

She sucked in a breath, and sighed in confusion. "I dunno, maybe...the last ten years or something. You?"

"Only a couple of months." Pipp replied, and Ivy blinked in shock. "I gained a reputation quite quickly here as the 'little mouse'. Though, some call me the weasel. Sons of bitches."

Louis laughed. "I think I know who came up with it."

"Who?" Pipp's tone was low. "Who was it?"

"Alice." Ivy replied for him. "She told me herself."



It was silent for a bit, but then something of Ivy's dropped out. Pipp caught it, an audiotape.

She accidentally pressed play.

"Hey, guys!" It was a male's voice. "My group and I have just come into Uglyville, and we are working to find supplies and shelter for the night. The others are working on the shelter, but Ivy has been acting kinda strange since she came back. I think she might be infected, I'll have to keep an eye out for now. If she is, we know what we have to do. Bye audiotape!"

Pipp's eyes widened. "What the hell?"

Ivy looked afraid, and grabbed the tape. She was mad.

"Do not touch personal stuff." She hissed, and pushed herself away from them both. "It can be dangerous."

Her eyes gleamed with insanity for a second.

Calm down.

"I'm sorry." Pipp apologised, and came out of Louis' hood. "I accidentally pressed play when I caught it."

Louis put a hand on Ivy's shoulder. "She didn't mean to."

She just glared at them and walked over to the roof edge. The next one was too far away.

Louis saw it as well. "Shit. What the hell are we meant to do?"

Ivy turned to them with a grin on her face. "Are you afraid of heights?"

Pipp looked out of Lou's hood, she was confused. "Why are you asking that?"

Ivy suddenly pointed above them. They looked.

There was a power house with a wire leading just to the edge of the next rooftop.

"It's either that or down to the street where the infected are."

The street was filled with at least thirty of them. Ivy knew that they couldn't take them on. There were too many.

I could probably take ten, but I can't right now.

Her stomach hurt just thinking about it. She needed to waist until at least tomorrow for it to heal.

"We'll take the rooftop." Louis spoke. "It's the (kind of) safer option right now. We'll be dead if we go down there."

"Okay." Pipp agreed. "Let's go and slide!"

Her grin became wider. "Fine."

Ivy climbed first up the to the top of the tower, but her injury hurt.

She sucked in a breath.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

She felt an arm wrap around her, and Ivy made eye contact with Louis. He was offering her help.

She accepted and let him pull her up. She still used one arm as to not be completely useless.

God dammit, she hated being weak. She was usually the one who was strong. She was not a damsel in distress.

But even she knew that she needed the help.

As they reached the top, they stood on a little platform. The wire lead to the room as she predicted.

"Get something to slide down with." She pulled out her katana. "I'm using the hilt of this."

"I don't have anything." He replied.

"Just use your sleeve or something."

Pipp was confused again and came out of the hood.

"I'm afraid, I cannot do this-"

She was interrupted when Ivy snatched her up.


She screamed bloody murder as she clung to the woman.


He couldn't hear the rest as they got farther, but he could tell that Pipp was pissed off.

Louis laughed and got his shot gun out.

It'll have to do.

He jumped and slid down the wire. It went faster than expected. He could already see Ivy and Pipp on the next rooftop.

The view was a blur, and he felt like he was flying.

Louis felt found himself at the stopping point. It was five feet away though.

"Let go and jump!"

He did, and managed to get there. His hand grabbed the edge of the roof, and he was pulled up by the girls he was in a group with.

"So?" Ivy smiled insanely. "How was that?"

Pipp just stared like she was traumatised.

".....I don't even know what's going on anymore."

"I thought that it was cool."

Ivy just giggled like a mad woman. "I always enjoy the thrill of risk. Reminds me of when-"

She stopped herself, why was she about to confess that?

"What?" Pipp asked curiously, and Ivy realised that she was still holding her.

"N-nothing." Her eyes went downcast. "Just something from my past."

Of when me and them were together. Me and her.

It was something she'd rather not talk about.

Ivy didn't know that she was clutching the choker on her neck. It was something she had acquired years ago.

One of few things that tied her to the past.

She didn't realise that she had zoned out until she felt Pipp messing with her hand. "Why are you holding that thing?"

"It's something that has personal meaning."

Louis understood that meaning. "Let's get going."

The girls nodded, and Pipp climbed onto Louis' shoulders.

Ivy seemed sad as she walked with them.

The past is the past, the future is the future.

Her injury suddenly went into pain. "Why?"

"You want a hand?" Pipp asked.

She was about to answer when they heard familiar groaning.

Four infected were there.

Louis got prepared to fight along with Pipp when Ivy held up her hand. Her katana was in it.

She winked. "Watch."

This should be fun.

Ivy was glad that Ivia was unconscious.

She ran over to the infected and went under the legs of one. She slid up and her sword went through its neck effectively cutting off its head.

The second attacked, but she just simply elbowed it in the eye and slashed its waist. It split in half.

She used a knife to throw at the third and front flipped to the fourth when the katana landed in its head. It splattered blood instantly. Ivy thrusted it through the infected's chest to make sure.

The third was about to head to Lou and Pipp when the katana was thrown. It landed right in its heart.

Her eye glowed black, her hunger was acting up. Her infected side's hunger was acting up.

The blood that spattered landed on Louis' face a bit who was stunned along with Pipp.

"What the hell just happened?

She grinned and pulled her katana out its body. It went back into its hilt with a slide.

"I just took care of the threat." She licked the blood off her mouth. It was tasty. "You got a problem with that?"

"N-no." Pipp could smell acid. "What is acid?"

She looked at her mess. "I have acid and rat poison to make sure the job is finished."

Her tone was disgusting and cold, they understood it. Her hatred for these things was strong.

All of their hatred was strong.

Ivy sniffed the air, and saw the blood near Lou's mouth. She picked it off with her hand, and lost her self-control for a second.

She licked it, and Ivy felt the infected inside her purr. It was impressed with her and satisfied.

"I like the taste of blood." She told the staring duo. "I know, it's weird. Fuck off."

She walked ahead and left them staring at her. Ivy was one strange doll.

She kneeled and looked for a way down. "Louis, do you any meat?"

"I have chicken."

"Give me it."

Pipp got it out his bag and handed it to her.

"Thank you, Pipp." She thanked her. "Now, we leave out exactly 10 seconds from now."


Ivy threw the chicken down the street and let out an instinctual roar.


Only the infected understood and disappeared in an instant smelling the meat.

She was a great imitator.

"Now." She turned to the two. "We drop."

She pushed them without warning, and Pipp squeaked as Lou and her were pushed off.

They were going to die.

Ivy cackled as they fell, her smile was sinister. She knew what she had done.

"Bye~" She disappeared.

But Louis then felt himself land on something soft.

A tarp.

It bounced them off, and they landed on a pile of mattresses that were randomly lying in the ally.

He oofed. "What the hell?"

"Did she just try to kill us?" Pipp asked in worry, but she was angry as well.

"Woooo!" They heard a yell, and saw Ivy land on the tarp. She front flipped in front of them, and landed on the mattress bouncing a bit. "Now, that was fun."

"You just tried to kill us!"

"Pray tell, mousy. I had the choice to kill you, but I didn't." She grinned. "I happen to know the smaller areas well. Survivors only go for the big picture. These areas are mine to know alone."

"You pushed us off a fucking roof." Louis protested.

"Your still alive, aren't you?" She put a hand on her hip. "Besides, the supplier is just down here."

"So, that's why you led us here?"

"He likes to be isolated and set up this to see if anyone would actually survive."

"How do you know this?"

"I've seen him so many times that I know the ins and outs of here."

Louis looked at her suspiciously. "But there's nothing here."

She rose a brow, and pressed a brick. A part of the wall moved to reveal a door.

"You were saying?"

He looked away. "Sorry."

"It's fine." She heaved him up, and he actually bounced a bit from the impact.

"Wow and ow." Pipp put in.

Damn, she is strong.

Ivy suddenly banged in the door, and they were surprised by what she said.


The door opened to reveal an eye. "Always dramatic."

"Helps in life. Now, Catty. Let me see him."

She just sighed and opened the door.

She grinned at the confused Louis, and grabbed his shoulder to lead him and Pipp inside.

They were going to get more supplies now than they had in weeks.





1. regain control of oneself, typically after a shock.

2. bring or gather together (a number of things).

Louis and Pipp looked around the place and the stuff that the supplier had. They wondered what to collect for themselves.

As they looked around, Ivy was talking with the supplier himself.

"What the hell do you want, Poison?" Blake hissed. "I thought that taking my eye was good enough for you, what have you come to do now?"

"So?" She chuckled. "I took your eye for a reason, an infected had bitten you there. I only did you a favour."

"I'd rather be infected than have lost half my sight!"

She crossed her arms. "If your done whining, me and this two need supplies."

"Who?" Blake asked, then looked at the guy in the hoodie.

"This is unknown." Blake froze in fright. "And this is little mouse. They're with me at the moment."

They came out of the shadows, and were revealed to Blake with their weapons out.

As rumoured, Unknown had his hood up, and held a shotgun in his hands.

Little mouse was small, but her eyes held insanity and she was holding two knives in her hands. They twitched to throw them.

Blaze seemed to cower at seeing the three. They were the most dangerous of the nicknamed survivors.

"But why are you together?" He asked, regaining his composure. "Why now?"

"Ironically, we all ran into each other last night." Pipp giggled, twirling her knife in her hand. "I ran into Unknown, then Lunatic. We all decided it would be better to group."

"Yep." Louis got a cigarette and puffed a smoke. "I ran into these two, and they just stuck with me. There was no getting rid of them."

Ivy stood on his foot. "More like you wouldn't stop pestering me to come with you."

He rolled his eyes, and reloaded his shotgun. "This thing is empty. I need another one."

"And I want a proper arrow." Pipp sounded excited, and her eyes held insanity again. "I really want a new bow!"

She squealed that and clapped her hands together.

"Yep." Ivy laughed. "We all want better weapons, and we are going to get them. Are you going to stand in our way, I'm not ripping out your other eye."

"Can I play with it after?" Pipp asked. "It'll be just like a bouncy ball!"

Louis didn't even looked disturbed. "Could I take his bullets? I really do need them."

Ivy pointed out a blade that had acid on it. "I would also love to use this. You would be the perfect subject my new poison acid."

Blake felt afraid. "F-fine, you can get anything for free, just get out after!"

He retreated into the private room, and Ivy grinned.

She cackled. "Ehehehehehehe! Works every time! T-thank you for that!"

He smirked. "We don't have to pay, its a bonus."

"What are we going to get?" Pipp asked. "Who is going to get what?"

"Just pick what you want." Ivy replied. "I don't really care."

Louis smirked. "Yes, bitch."

Pipp squeaked in delight. "Yes!"

She ran off into the archery section.

Of course.

Louis went into guns, and Ivy stayed for the swords.

There wede so many. Big, large, small, daggers. But one stood out to her.

It was a medium sized katana that had a black hilt on it. It was wrapped in a red clothing and had the symbol of snakes on it.

It seemed to call to her, and Ivy found herself picking it up. It was smooth to the touch, better than her machete.

Her mind was made up.

She threw it away, and placed the katana into the hilt. It fit there like a glove.


She looked at the guns, and found a few deadly calibres there. She placed them in their holds. At least she got something new.

Then she noticed the clothes. There were so many options.

She looked around, and saw some that stood out.

She changed then.

After Ivy was done, she looked into a mirror.

She was wearing a black tank top with a blue bra underneath, a dark red jacket that didn't zip up due to the thing being broken, dark baggy black pants that came down past her ankles, and white trainers that were decorated with the angel sign.

Her hair was up in a bun, and the jacket sleeves came up to just past her shoulders.

You could see the bandges that were like fingerless gloves around her hands, she had never taken them off.

They went from her arms to her hands, it was a look that she adapted to cover her scars.

It kept her hands warm.

Damn, I look good.

She got both katanas in her hands and looked in the mirror again.

No, I look fabulous.

Ivia slept for almost months to a time, so Ivy was in control mostly. She couldn't communicate with her, but she still enjoyed the perks of apocalypse.

Looking like a badass.

She laughed, Ivy remembered someone telling her that she was one once. But she didn't know who.

Her past was non-existent to her, but she onky remembered bits and bobs of it. She was ashamed of it.

She slipped the swords back into their place on her back. "Let's go and find the others."

Louis was in the guns section, he was just drawn to them. There were loads of choices.

Rifles, pistols, shot guns, marines, etc. There were loads, he wanted all of them.

But the rifles and pistols stood out to him, he always did love an easy to hold gun. He snatched them out of their place, it was cold to the touch. Perfect, that meant that it was new.

A machine gun stood out as well, he took it. Louis cradled it in his arms, it fit there.

Meant to be.

A grin split on his face, and he took bullets from the shelves to put them in the guns. They fit good in his hands.

He spotted the knives, and he took some. You could never have too much.

He then spotted the clothes, and went into the rooms to look.

What to choose? What to choose?

There were loads of golden choices, but some stood out to him.

Louis got changed.

When he was done, he looked in the mirror. He smirked.

He had a light black hoodie that went right over his eyes, it went down to just over his waist, the sleeves went to just over his wrists.

He had gloves on, and they were black fingerless ones. They were leather with red skulls on it. They fit snugly on his hands, and he smiled.

His paints were all black as well. They were baggy and reached just to his heel.

He had yellow trainers that were mixed with a green colour to fit.

He took his hood down for a second and looked at his reflection, he hadn't seen it in years.

His once tidy blonde har was in the same style, but it was untamed and messy. It had blue streaks in it from when he accidentally fell into blue paint around two years ago. It wasn't a fucking joke, but it made him more edgier so he let it slide.

His skin had gotten a bit mkre darker due to being constant warm weather and thst.

His eyes though-

They were dead and were blank. It was like they had no life in them, there was also a tint of red due to radiation and that.

It looked like he was dead.

"You coming or what?"

He saw Ivy looking at his reflection. Lucky him thst his hood was up on time.

He looked at her.

She had tank top with a short red jacket, baggy pants, and white trainers.

She looked better than she previously did.

Ivy eyed him up and down. "Nice choices."

"You to."

There was silence for a second between them. The just stared at each other.

Ivy smiled, and it was actually. "Your not bad, Louis. Not bad at all."

"Thanks, Lunatic."

"Welcome, Unknown."

They laughed at the inside joke at that.

Ivy sighed as she felt something, it was genuine affection. It was in a sisterly way though, as if she was talking to a big brother.

She unconsciously clenched her eclipse necklace. She always did it when she felt like this.

"You have one too?" His eyes were wide.

"What do you mean?"

His csme out, it was the shape of the sun.

Her eyes went wide. "This is such a coincidence."

Her eyes suddenly went wide again, and she turned around as if she saw something he didn't.

"...We need to get to Pipp now."

She grabbed his hand and they went to find her.

Pipp was in the archery section. There were loads of options!

But a small bow caught her attention, it was small and had loads of strange drawings on it like the moon, sun, and the eclipse.

She picked that up, it felt right to have it in her hands. She wanted it, her heart was telling her to get it. She looked at the arrows.

Paralyzing, Poison, Fire, explosive, sleep, etc.

She grinned and picked them up. She was so taking these.

Pipp looked at the knife section.

Regular, regular. She stopped. Daggers.

Yep, she found her weapons.

Pipp looked at the clothing room and went in.

Damn. She thought. There are loads here.

She looked around and started to investigate-

....But then she ended up tripping and falling through the clothes.

"Ahhh! Shit!"

Pipp felt herself become tied up in the ckorhes and she started to hyperventilate, she coukdn't being trapped.


She needed help.

Being trapped inside the factory in a plastic box.

She tried to get out.

Somebody picking it up and shaking it so hard.


Being trapped for weeks, months, years.

Pipp felt the clothes coming off, and she saw Ivy and Louis there.

She felt someone lift her up, and clothes being torn.

Pipp felt safe.

"Shhh." Someone shushed her. "It's ok. I'm here, we're here."

Pipp looked up to see Louis' eyes looking at her. "I saw a glimpse."

"What about?" Ivy asked as she ripped apart with some scissors.

"Something about a....factory?" She questioned herself. "But that place is only a rumour. It must have been a hallucination."

"Yeah." Ivy chuckled. "It's just a tale that other survivors tell each other to keep themselves sane. It doesn't exist. If it did, there'd be more ugkydolls."

"Aren't they almost extinct?"

"Yeah, Louis. They are."

He sighed. "We did warn them years ago, but they wouldn't listen."

Pipp nodded. "Stupid things. We are smarter than them."

They chuckled, and it was silent for a moment.

Pipp looked at Ivy, and to her surprise, was stitching clothing.

"You know how to sew?" She asked. "I didn't expect that."

"I've known how to for as long as I can remember." She paused. "Which is barely, my memories refuse to come back. I only remember fragments."

"Us as well."

She blinked. "Huh, I thought that it was just me."

"Hey, Pipp?" Louis asked. "Do you have a necklace?"

She looked confused. "Yeah, why?"

He took it out of her collar. "It's a moon shape. Ivy, show yours."

She obeyed, and took it out. It was in the shape of an eclipse.

Pipp gaped. "Oh my shit! It's like mine and Louis'!"

They were pieces of glass shaped into these things.

"...Annnd, done."

Ivy presented an outfit to Pipp.

"Louis, close your eyes."

"Okay." He put his hands over his eyes just to be sure.

Ivy grinned.

This is going to be good.

She helped Pipp in her clothes just to be sure.

"I can handle it myself." She grumbled.

"Clearly." Ivy quipped sarcastically as she helped her get the blue jacket on. "Your a master!"

She only frowned and accepted the help.

Pipp smiles as she looked in the mirror. "Louis, you can look now!"

He opened his eyes and was stunned.

Pipp had a new blue jacket and dark pink dress with red tights.

Pipp had blue a blue ribbon that was tied from her wrist to just over her fingers, it kept her warm and it was like gloves at the same time. It was fingerless as well.

She had a new red bow on her tail, and blue pumps.

Her hair was in a ponytail with a blue hair band, and her eyes seemed to shine more.

He felt himself flush a little.

"It's g-good." He stuttered. "Good job, Ivy."

She smirked a little. "Thanks, it's just instinct to me."

"This is so good!" Pipp squeaked, and she hugged her leg. "Thanks so much, Ivy! I love it!"

Her breath hitched.

"Thank you so much, Ivy dear! I really love it!"

She felt the sadness come up for a second, but then she repressed it.

She isn't here, she can't hurt you anymore.

"You welcome." She patted her shoulder. "Your very welcome."

Louis smiles. "It looks great, Pipp."

"Let's go." Ivy spoke. "We have no time to waste."

They both nodded, they had no reason to stay here.

The trio had gotten what they needed for now.





1. cease attending (a school or college) or working for (an organization).

2. go away from a place without taking (someone or something).

Ivy opened the door for them. They were leaving the suppliers place to look for more food for the day.

"I didn't like that guy." Pipp spoke as she walked on the street beside them. "He just seems creepy to me."

"He's always creepy." Ivy replied. "I've known him for a lot of years, he's always been like this. It's completely normal."

"He's not more jacked up than we are." Louis put in. "Hell, we suffer more than anyone."

Ivy stopped her for a second to light a cigarette. "You two want one? I've got so many, lol."

Louis took one from her. "Sure, I need one."

"No." Pipp declined. "I don't like smoking, but do you have a vape?"

She nodded. "I have all the kinds, it's one of the ways I get money for shit like this."

Ivy handed it to Pipp who smelt it. "A bit off, but ok. How much?"

"Free of charge, love." Her accent sounded different for a sec, more British. She cleared her throat. "I think I can make an exception for you two."

Louis puffed a smoke, he instantly felt calm. He loved nicotine. "Thank God, I need this at least once a day. They always said it was bad."

"Lou?" A voice asked. "What are you doing?"

"Just having a smoke. Just stress."

It was knocked out of his hand. "You know it's bad!"


He blinked. "I-I dunno. It just felt right to say it?"

Who was that?

Pipp put the vape in her mouth. "Damn, this is good."

It felt nice. She hated actual cigarettes though. She didn't mind the vapes.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Her ears caught the sound of that. "What?"

Ivy caught on. "What the fuck is that sound?"

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Louis spoke. "What the hell?"

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

It came from below them, and Ivy saw it.


She pushed both Lou and Pipp back and accidentally stumbled near the GRENADE.


It went off, and exploded. Smoke appeared everywhere and things exploded within 5 feet.


She came back, thrown from the impact. She groaned in pain and stood up.

Her hand was at her side. "My stomach fucking hurts."

Louis helped her up. "Fuck, your stitches have come off. We need to get the help now-"

"Guys?" Pipp interrupted, and pointed towards something. "Who are they?"

Their heads turned to see three figures with their arms crossed in front of them. They were smirking.

Ivy recognised them. "Evelyn, Alice and Samantha. I guess your obsessed with me after all."

Louis cocked his head. "How do you know them?"

She went in front of Lou and Pipp with an angry expression. "I know a lot of bounty hunters. I have pissed off a lot of dolls."

"Who are they?" Pipp asked nervously.

"Bounty hunters." Louis knew. "They are here to either kills us or bring us in."

"Your right." Samantha had blonde hair, brown eyes, and light skin. "We need to take you in."

"Someone paid us to." Alice had blue hair, blue eyes, and dark skin. "We don't know who it is though."

"Some guy named one-eye." Evelyn had brown hair, green eyes, and pale skin. "Wants you alive. So either with us now, or we will force you to."

"Fuck off!" Ivy shouted.

"Piss off!" Louis declines with a smirk.

"Please, just go away." Pipp told them.

They had all consciously pulled their weapons out, and only realised it after Ivy's katana cut her arm a little. Shit, they had done something bad.

Alice smirked, and got her knife out. "I'll take the weasel, Evelyn tske the male, samantha take the other female."

They nodded.

As they were about to head over, Louis suddenly shouted. "Split!"

They made eye contact and nodded. Louis went further up the building, Pipp remained where she was, and Ivy used the tarp to get to the roof.

She smriked again. "They are prey, we are predator. Get them."

They nodded, and did.

Alice looked at where Pipp stood, she looked mad. "Let's fight."

Evelyn arrived on the third floor, and went into the living room.

It was destroyed. There was stuff thrown, a tv smashed, etc.

She got her gun out, and pointed it out. "Come out. It doesn't have to be this hard, just come with me."

A knife was thrown just inches away from her head. "No."

She was knocked down by a punch to a jaw. She wiped blood away from her mouth and back flipped away.

Louis growled as he missed a jab. "Stand down."

"You know." She grinned as she jumped and kicked him to the gut. "Pipp is just manipulating you, she always does. That cuteness is there to hide the weasel that she truky is."

He froze.

No, that can't be true.

"Shut up." He kicked her breasts, and she stumbled back. "You don't know her."

"You don't either." She cut his arm with her knife. "You've onky known her for a day, there is a thing called deception."

He growled, and threw her into a wall. "SHUT UP!"

She snickered, but gagged as he grabbed her by the neck. He was strangling her.

Evelyn grinned though, and accepted her fate. "At least you know the truth."

She closed her eyes as the gun shot her in the stomach. She had gotten the last laugh.

He threw her body to the ground, and glared at her. Her eyes weakly moved to look into his.

"I hope the infected get you." He hissed. "I hope you choke on your own blood."

He left our the door, but he took her knife and gun just to be sure.

You always have to be.

Ivy growled as Samantha came on the roof, she hated this bitch with a passion. She had ruined her sanity.

"Aww." She cooed as a bullet shot towards her foot. "Are you still mad about the incident, Ivy? Are you still reflecting about it?"

She fekt fear rise in her, and Ivy felt like she was about to be sick. This was someone she had trusted, someone who had ruined her.

This was someone who she hated. Someone who she feared.

She gulped. "No, get the hell away, bitch."

"Sorry, but I can't. There is a lot of money offered for you."

Ivy blocked her katana with her own. "You'll be dead before you can."

"Bring it."

They both raised their blades. Conversation at the edges of the roof died.

Metal crashed against metal.

Samantha expression flickered, surprised, as Ivy put all her strength into pushing the woman several steps backwards.

The effort was a strain, but when Ivy slipped to the side and Samantha whirled to face her, the anxious sound of her pulse had fallen and left her with only the sweet feeling of blood racing through her veins.

It had been months since she'd really fought.

She darted forward. Ivy danced back.

When Samantha's blade cut a hole in Ivy's arm, she cheered. Ivy snorted and brought her elbow up to jab the other's arm, sending her spinning to the side.

She attempted to swing her sword at Ivy.

It forced her to drop and kick to avoid being struck. Her foot landed just below Samantha's knee. She winced and swung down, but Ivy had already moved.

She attempted to kick her aim her sword at her throat.

It would have been a killer move if Ivy hadn't dropped and shoved her shoulder directly into Samantha's gut.

She let out a pained oof and tumbled to the floor, her shoulder came out of her hand.

Ivy suddenly cut off her arm, her eye glowed back. She was hungry.

All common sense was blocked, her hunger needed to be satisfied now.

Samantha's words are deaf as Ivy bit into her flesh. She ate and ate until her arm wasn't there. It was good.


Ivy looked at Samantha with her fully black eyes, she couldn't hear her.

She only saw prey.

She grabbed her sword amd pointed it at her throat. "This is what you deserve."

Ivy used her katana to cut off Samantha's head. It spilt blood out as it did. It sprayed everywhere, including herself. Her new clothes mainly.

She grinned like a maniac. "She's dead."

Her eyes glistened with insanity, and she started hacking at other bits of her body.

Soon her arms and legs wers separated from the body.

But one thing remained, it was the heart. It was still whole, not like Ivy's which was torn apart from emotions that haunted her daily. Not like hers which would never heal.

She opened up the chext, and saw the organ. It seemed to want to break.

She ROARED, and stabbed it with her knives multiple times. It splattered blood on her and the roof floor.


She laughed whike doing it.


No, she cackled.


She lost her sanity for the moment, and enjoyed the blood thst spread on her skin. It was like it was painting on her.

She bent down and picked up to the head. She whispered something as she made eye contact with the headless body's eyes.

"I win."

Pipp glared at Alice as she creeped near her like she was prey.

This is not fucking zootopia shit.

"So, weasel?" Alice smirked. "You ever going to tell the truth about the supplies? About how you attacked me and snatched them? You ever going to apologize?"

"No." She replied with a smirk of her own. "You deserved it, you were going to kill me. I onky lie to save myself."

"You are a fucking lonely little lying bitch!"

"Lonely?" She put a hand on her chest in mock hurt. "Honey, I have two of the most dangerous survivors wrapped around my finger, it just takes a little cry and they like me. You should try it sometime, it really helps."

Alice growled. "Why the hell are you manipulating them?"

Pipp smiled thinly. "I do genuinely like them, and I need protection. Khan is after me."

"Your just using them?"

"It isn't my fault that we are relatable." She crossed her arms. "They really are broken souls like me, that's why they're so manipulated so easily. All they need is someone who understands them. 'She tried to kill me!', 'Please don't leave!'. Just to easy."

Alice growled and gun her gun out. She fired it.

Pipp just stood back. "Going to have to do better than that."

Alice smirked and started firings bullets out of her gun, but Pipp managed to dodge every single one.

Alice growled in frustration.

She needs to die. She thought. But he needs her alive to.

She really wanted to kill Pipp, but her contract said that she couldn't. It was really a bummer.

Pipp was throwing knives and running around Alice to make sure that she didn't get hit.

Hell, she ended up going from wall to wall. She moved fast enough so that she could go on them for a second. It was all that she needed.

Pipp used her bow to fire poison arrows. They only missed by inches due to her dodging, she couldn't do two of those things at the same time.

But as she was filling up, she made a fatal mistake by stopping for a second.


The knife went into her jacket, and Pipp was so shocked that she dropped her bow.

The knife was just to the side of her chest.

Alice approached her with a knife, and put it just under her chin to being her face to meet hers. "See how karma treats you?"

Pipp grinned a grin that wasn't normal, one that she would never wear around Lou and Ivy. It was a evil one, a demonic one.

"Hehe." She laughed. "You have no idea what you have done, Alice. I have the upper hand."

She was confused as Pipp closed her eyes.


She opened them, and Alice was shocked.

Her eyes sparkled like the stars, and they were so big and wide that they made her look too innocent.

Pipp grinned as Alice's weapon was down, she could change anyone with that look.


A force suddenly struck her head, and Alice was knocked to them down knocked out.

Pipp looked happily at her new friends.

Louis was stood there with a gun handle in his hand and Ivy was there with her arms crossed and smirking.

She was covered in blood from head to toe, but Pipp didn't care. She covered her arm like she was in pain, but was smiling at the same time.

Louis was clenching his hand, but the pain only shined through his eyes.

"Hey, guys!" She smiled, and took her jacket off to put it on again. "What's up-"

She was interrupted by Ivy. "Pipp, why did you lie to us?"


"They really are broken souls like me, that's why they're so manipulated so easily." Louis quoted bitterly. "We heard all of that. Wanna explain?"

She could see the betrayal in their eyes, and she felt a pant of guilt. "I can explain."

"Oh, don't start with that cliche." He hissed, and Ivy looked worried. "You know what you said, don't bother talking."


He grabbed Ivy's wrist, and started pulling her. "We are leaving."

Louis kept pulling her away from Pipp, but Ivy saw her silently sobbing.

God dammit.

Pipp was holding her face, and was crouching down. But Ivy could see the tear marks that were on it.

"No." She pulled her hand away, and he seemed surprised. "She is coming with us, Pipp is the reason that I was convinced to come along. If she doesn't go, I won't! You wanna be alone again?"

He froze, and Ivy knew that she got him. He turned around, and glared.

"Fine, but she's staying with you."

She smiled. "Thanks you, Louis! But I had no choice, I wanted to survive."

"You could have been honest."

He knew that he was being a hypocrite, but he was mad.

Ivy sighed and held Pipp's hand. "It'll be alright, mousy. He just needs a bit more time."

She couldn't help but feel something protective overcome her, like a big sister instinct. Pipp could be considered it.

"I swear, I'll do whatever it takes to make it up to you."

He chuckled like a maniac, and turned to her with distrust in his eyes. "I dare you to try, weasel."

Ivy sighed and picked Pipp up onto her shoulders. "Let's just go."

"I'm fixing your injuries later."

"Okay, Mousy."

Pipp looked at Louis and Ivy, she knew that she had to.

It was at least one way to make it up to them for taking advantage of their fragile trust.

She sighed, and snuggled into Ivy's hair. It smelt nice despite the mess.

It was one comforting thing that made up for a messed up one.

(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😁)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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