(3). Meetings.
Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)
(Its, lou-centric)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some f the characters are ooc..)
(This takes place after the events of the movie)
(ZaneChan505 and qwertuno and -H0RIZ0N And SilentReadersMatter and joycethebooklover
And WitchycandlexX and lonerubyreader And Mycurrentfandom And poniesman)
(Picture up above is the ocs. Pipp (The mouse, she belong to qwertuno). And Ivy (The green haired doll.) and Louis (Lou). Credit to qwertuno for the picture. Check out their deviant art account DarkofSTP. They're amazing!)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
He gasped as be woke up. What the hell had he just dreamed? Louis tried to remember, but he couldn't. He shrugged it off, thinking was useless.
Oh, just fuck it. He thought. Nothing matters anymore but survival.
He sighed and got up.
What food is there?
He felt his gun pressing into his hip, and he looked at the wall. Turned out it had fired in his sleep.
How did I not wake up? He thought as he walked to the kitchen. I must have been at in a real deep sleep.
That wasn't good. You had to be a light sleeper to survive in this world, so why had he slept so deep?
That had to be it, that was the only explanation.
As he checked the fridge again, he was surprised to see fresh food there.
But who?
It didn't matter as Louis felt his stomach rumble. It wanted food now.
He groaned thinking about it, and took a sandwich out. It was tuna one, his nose wrinkled at it.
Lou had always hated tuna. Claimed it was 'not sweet'. But he was the past, Louis was the future.
It was a chant that he repeated in his head daily.
He sighed as he ate it, the food actually wasn't that bad. He would have still ate it even if it was bad.
"E-excuse me?"
He jumped, and aimed his gun. It was a type 12 pretty doll. He was male.
But he looked afraid.
"W-who are you?" He sounded shy, but Louis could see his gun. "Why are you at my hideout?"
"I found it last night." He replied coldly. "I was exhausted. I had no idea somebody else was hiding here."
"C-can you go?" Louis saw something strange in his eyes, a black tint. "I really want to be alone?"
He considered it. "Fine, I'm sorry for coming into your hideout. I just needed somewhere to stay."
He smiled, but it was off. "It's fine."
Louis smiled thinly back, and started to walk. "Can I keep this sandwich?"
He turned his head. "Thanks."
The male doll screamed as he hit the ground. The familiar screeching came from him.
"Oh, shut up." He kicked him in the head. "We all know that it's useless for your mind to stay alive. I saw that you were going to attack me. Don't even bother trying to hide it."
He put as knife into his head, and blood sprayed on him. He held the doll down until he went still.
Just like the female, he sounded in pain. Louis didn't even bother to know his name.
"Never get attached to something that will go away."
Somedoll had said it once, he didn't know who. But it has always stuck with him until now.
He picked up the food that was left in the fridge and the gun that was on the doll.
"Ohh!" He seemed excited. "A shot gun. This'll be good."
Yeah, he knew that he was insane.
But Louis had no time to think now, he just needed to be on the move.
But he had a strange feeling that he couldn't remove.
1. absence of sound or noise : stillness in the silence of the night.
2. a state of not speaking or writing or making a noise.
Silence reigned the streets as Louis walked. There was no talking, no running, not even breathing except his own.
It was sad. Sometimes he wished he had someone to talk to, but most of the time he didn't as well.
"Why did you sneak us out here?"
"Don't be such a stick in the mud, Lou. I know you wanted to get away from teaching today~"
"I-I know, but the factory-"
"They won't find out, I promise."
Louis shivered, he could still feel the other's hands as they had been on him long ago. Sometimes he imagined that they were still there.
It was the only time he felt affection towards anything.
He blinked, what the hell was that?
He looked up to the sky, and saw a bird.
More specifically, a raven. He hadn't seen one in about a year or two. He honestly thought that they were extinct.
But why was it cawing in the first place?
The skies were grey, and the clouds were as black as usual due to fucking radiation and all that shit.
Louis hadn't talked properly in around a year or two.
He would talk a few sentences to dolls like the one that you saw back there. But he remained silent after that.
After all, what was the point in talking when you had no one to talk to? There was no point.
Silence was the only thing that he knew apart from the occasional groans from the infected and from dolls as he either killed them, or a zombie ate them.
He puffed out a cigarette as he walked and slowed down a bit to puff it. He used to hate smoking as it could kill him, but now it calmed him down.
How ironic.
One voice was back.
'Shut up.'
He sighed as nicotine entered his body. Cigarettes apparently contained them. One of the reasons why he smoked them in the first place.
Honestly, he didn't even discover them until last year. On the forth anniversary of the apocalypse, an ally and introduced to the habit.
He was still thankful to this day. Evelyn was a fine bounty hunter. She was supposed to kill him, but spared Lou for some ungodly reason.
Only few knew what his appearance was like. She was one. She didn't know what his true one was like.
Nobody had ever seen his face under the hood.
He continued to collect food and weapons that remained on the floor. Too easy to collect.
Some sweets. He thought. Still fresh in the packet, expiry date not until next week. Could have some use.
He tasted it, a mint. It was actually good. Some germs, but still good. At least his breath would be more fresh.
"HELP!" A voice screamed, and he nearly choked. "P-please, somedoll help me!"
What the hell is that?
'It sounds like a screech combined with a scream.'
It actually did. It was probably a doll being eaten by an infected.
No big deal.
He was about to head the other way, when the screamed continued.
"Please, help!" Louis faintly heard they familiar groan. "If somedoll is there, please help!"
It was as if the doll knew he was there. Louis could feel himself wanting to help the doll who was in trouble.
No, they'll only slow you down. Always alone.
But the screaming and groaning continued. He felt the guilt begin to build up.
'Just save her!' The voice hissed, and it sounded like it was coming from his left. 'It's not like you'll be friends. If you die, you'll at least know that you did something good!'
That was true, the voice had a point. If he saved the doll, he would probably never see them again. Even if they end up thanking him, they would probably hate him.
Everyone else always did for some unknown reason.
He sighed as another scream came, it got annoying very quickly.
As he went into the direction quickly, he finally reached the place where it was coming from.
There was three of the infected there and they were surrounding a female doll. She was smaller than the average.
He couldn't see the rest of her appearance due to the three in front of her.
He could faintly see the knife that was in front of him. It looked like it had been dropped there.
He sighed, and bent of the end of the knife to make it fly into his hand.
It was fresh and rarely used, it wasn't meant kill. He could tell that it was meant to disarm. There was a dent in the end bit to prove his point.
Oh well, I have others.
He aimed it.
"Hey, assholes!" He swore, and all the doll turned to him in surprise. "Pick on somedoll your own size!"
He laughed as the knife went into the air.
It went near.
It aimed there.
The target was hit.
The infected roared in as it landed.
Louis just laughed and stepped over, his insanity took over. Sane Louis was gone, this version loved killing.
"C'mon!" He shouted, and laughed as he waved his arms. "Get the more larger doll!"
His bait worked and an infected came after him.
He blocked its wrist, and flipped it on its back. It got back up and punched his shoulder.
Shit! He felt the bone shatter a bit. Not now!
He felt the pain trying to come in, but his adrenaline blocked it for now. He could worry later.
It jabbed an elbow in his face, but he kicked its mid-section. He grabbed its wrist and threw it to the floor.
He heard the doll scream again as the other charged at him. He saw it on the corner of his eyes and punched it in the jaw.
The other got up, and grabbed his hair.
He grabbed a knife and stabbed it in the eye. It held it with one hand, and then Louis stabbed it there as well.
It shrieked and he used his knife to stab its legs. He punched the other from behind.
He heard groaning from the third.
Oh, fuck.
He got his baseball bat and wacked the second in the head with it. He smiled as a crack sound was made.
He tripped the second and put the bat away into its strap. His knife came out. He put it in its brain to ensure that it was dead.
One left.
His arm was suddenly grabbed and scratched.
Lucky that you only get infected if it bites.
It still hurt.
He kicked it in the groin and back flipped to a good distance.
He landed in front of the doll that was in danger.
They made eyes contact, and all he saw was gratitude and fear in them. A strange combination.
He got the shot gun out, and filled it with one bullet.
"Bye, bye, baby." He winked at it. "Prepare for hell."
The gun was fired, and Louis laughed as he heard screams and screeches.
That sound was always pleasant to listen to. It filled with a sense of peace knowing that evil was removed from the world. Louis took pleasure in their pain.
Perhaps he was a sadist.
As he felt the insanity leaving his mind, he looked at the mess of blood that he created.
He felt nothing.
He heard a whimper from behind him, and he turned to look at the doll that was there.
Fucking hell, she's about the size of someone's knees.
She had dark brown ears, but one was chipped a little. He guessed that it had been cut off or something.
Brown eyes that were as dark as chocolate, and a tail that was in one piece.
She had a short yellow dress in her that was torn and had holes in it, it looked worn. The jacket didn't look any better as it was torn.
She had a blue bow that was nearly hanging off her tail. It was old, you could tell. She also had white trainers in that miraculously wasn't dirty.
"T-thank you." She was nervous, he could tell. "No other doll would have done that."
It was true.
Every survivor for themselves.
"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "Be grateful. I was just in the area when you happened to scream bloody fucking murder."
She swallowed. "I am, I really am."
Dammit, she looks sad.
He sighed, and handed her a knife. "A pointer, always go for the throat."
His tone was cold, distant, like he didn't care about what he was saying.
Her eyes held trauma just like his eyes, but they also held hope. She was naive.
She is not going to survive.
"My name is Pipp." She offered. "I just wanted you to know, is there something I can do for you in return."
"Don't bother or talk to me again." He replied. "No one likes me, and I'm not the kinda doll who you want I be around..."
She saw how his eyes flashed with sadness. But then they were blank. It looked like they were dead.
She put a hand on his leg, and he flinched back like she burned him.
"What's your name?"
"My name belongs to someone who's not here anymore." Was all Louis replied.
She looked confused, but then asked. "What if we worked together to survive? My nickname is the 'little mouse'."
"You little mouse?" It made sense. "Huh, I suspected it. But no thanks, I'm called Unknown for a reason."
Her eyes widened, but she didn't move. "Your him?"
She had heard of him?
Meh, my reputation isn't the best.
"Yes." He stepped back. "Now, fuck off. Some of us actually want to survive."
He left her standing there by herself. Call him bastard, but he didn't care.
It was all dolls for themselves here.
Caring was a consequence that he could not afford.
1. go or come after (a person or thing proceeding ahead); move or travel behind.
2. go after (someone) in order to observe or monitor them.
Louis could sense that he was followed, he wasn't stupid enough to let his guard down when he was alone.
But he had a pretty good feeling at who was following him. And her name began with a "p" and ended with an "ipp".
Or known as the little mouse. He thought. Or to some as 'weasel'.
He wasn't even joking, some survivors called her that. She was apparently a (and he quoted) "dishonest-little shit-who took your supplies without you seeing because of her small size".
And that was just one of many rumours about her. He didn't know whether to believe them or not.
To him, she looked like a doll who needed love a care from a kid (something that he could never had, it drive him crazy, made him angry, mad-).
Don't think about that. He thought. You know that you weren't destined for happiness ever since you came.
That made his chest constrict. Life had seemed to prove his point by making the hell that was happening in his life now.
Thanks for that.
'He didn't meant it literally'.
Am I talking to you? No.
He just ignored them. It was annoying.
His stomach rumbled again and brought him to reality. There was no infected on this street, good.
He wasn't in the mood to fight any of them right now.
Tap, Tap. Tap.
He heard footsteps that were a little too loud.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Louis heard the footsteps again, and he rose a brow. This was actually kind of amusing.
He ate some crisps to feed his hunger.
Never have too much food.
He sighed as the footsteps continued. "Are you done following me? I can hear you from a mile away."
The footsteps stopped, but then a voice came in. "I am impressed, most don't hear."
His back was turned as Pipp approached. "Thanks, but I fucking told you to leave me alone, weasel. I don't work with the weak."
Silence for two seconds. "I am not weak. And I am not a weasel, it's just a name that they gave me. I prefer the term mouse."
"Is it true that you stole from a female survivor when she wanted your help in getting supplies?"
He saw her ears bow from the corner of his eye. "You don't know the whole story."
"Pray tell, it's all I need to know about you."
"Wait!" She called as he started to walk away. "Alice was planning to kill me after I helped her. I admit that I ran away with the supplies, but I would have been dead if I hadn't."
He froze, why would a survivor plan to kill another living one?
He admit that he killed them as well, but only to defend himself or if they were turning into infected.
He knew that he wasn't a saint.
"But why are you following me?" He asked, tone cold as she first time they met. "I ain't the kinda doll who is innocent, little mouse."
At least he's calling me mouse and not weasel.
"I know." She replied bitterly. "It's just that you seem trustworthy to me. You saved me."
"Out of pity." He replied. "Only out of pity."
That, and you reminded me of myself when I was cornered back then.
He didn't say it out loud. But Pipp saw something in his eyes. It was a broken look.
"Please." She had a tear in her eye. "I just need somewhere to stay the night. Just until you find shelter. I promise to leave in the morning."
They made eye contact. He could tell that she wanted to beg, but she restrained herself.
Fuck, he could feel the guilt rising. He looked away.
"N-no." He was trying hard to say it. "I don't go with any doll, sorry, princess."
He was about to walk away again, when he felt a tap on his leg. He had to put his head down to look at her with his empty eyes.
She flinched back at that. They looked like they had no life in them. Like it was just a vessel for anybody to take if they were a ghost.
"Please." She begged, then started sobbing. "I just need a place to stay. Survivors say that you know the best hide outs."
That was true, you would know that Unknown had been there if there was a doll, infected or a puddle of blood in the building.
Doll's didn't know what he looked like, but they knew of his handy work. He laughed at the irony.
It is ironic, isn't it?
'It kinda is'.
Even the voices agreed.
He looked at the sky, it was nearly night. The day had gone quicker than Louis thought.
But should he let this little doll come?
His mind told him no. That it would slow him down, that the doll would be better off as an infected. She would not be able to handle the world.
But his heart told another story. That this doll needed him, that she could survive with some training, that she seemed to be the only one who was genuinely nice.
He looked at her. Her ears were bent to show her sadness. Her tail was on the ground and swishing slowly from left to right.
But her eyes showed sadness.
God fucking hell damnit.
"Only for the night?"
"Just for that."
He sighed. "Fine."
He started walking again. "You coming or what?"
"I am!" She sounded happy as she skipped along. "Thanks!"
He rolled his eyes. "This isn't permanent."
No answer, she already knew that.
But after a while of searching, he noticed her beginning to fall behind.
"Why the hell are you slowing down?" He asked impatiently.
She ran to him. "It's not my fault that your a fast walker. Plus, I just tried to run for my life of three infected."
She had a point. She was just nearly killed an hour ago, and she had to walk now.
He looked at her. His eyes scanned her size.
"...Get on my shoulders." He ordered. "I'll carry you."
She looked shocked, but then caught on. "I guess."
He bent down and scooped her up. She landed on his shoulders, and he felt her relax as she settled.
He was exhausted as well. They were exhausted.
Louis felt her putting her hands on his hair and her head landing on the top of it. He felt his heart skip a beat, and something warm appear on his face.
He wasn't so dense that he didn't know what a blush was.
Ignore it.
He could feel her drifting off already. His body was hurting from her weight (he wasn't saying that she was fat). It couldn't handle anything else from today.
But he didn't complain. He didn't have the strength to.
Pipp somehow ended up in his hoodie and was hidden in the well...hood of it. It was acting like her covers.
Louis felt happiness trying to break free. He finally has someone for once.
He felt the old Lou trying to come out, his past self. It wanted him to act like his old self.
He didn't give in to the urge though, he just ignored it.
He sighed, and felt the little doll nuzzle his hair. He just rolled his eyes.
Why did I let her come?
He didn't fucking know.
Then he spotted three buildings. They were good for a hideout.
Louis saw one with an open window, it was an obvious option then.
The second one, the middle one.
But the window was on the second floor. The only thing near it was a loose pipe.
He shrugged his shoulders a bit. "Hey, weakling. Wake your ass up."
She groaned. "What, bastard?"
He flinched, he deserved that. "I'm about to climb up the pipe. Hang on."
He felt her grab his hood, and she squeaked as she slid in his hood.
Louis just rolled his eyes again, and felt Pipp settle on his back. She grabbed his shoulders, and actually giggled.
He started to climb the pipe, and found that it was loose.
But he carried on, Louis had no choice if he wanted to have shelter for the night.
And he wanted to actually sleep instead of keeping one eye open. As he was almost in the middle though-
He and Pipp jumped as they saw a huge ass rock land beside their heads. What the fuck just happened?!
Pipp looked down and muttered one word. "Shit."
"What is it?"
"Ummmm...." she trailed off. "There are a couple of survivors down there who look pissed."
Shit. I know who it is.
It was Adam and Vanessa.
"Shit, Alice is there."
Oh, not her.
Louis turned his head. Yep, it was them three. They were stood there grinning like idiots. They had fucking guns on them. Great.
He couldn't do anything about the first bullet. He bareky managed to dodge it. He was at an disadvantage.
Pipp got his gun out and fired it back. They looked surprised to see her, but they regained their composure.
Lou bareky managed to dodge them, but he did. Then, two landed in his shoukder and arm.
"Fuck!" He sucked in a breath.
He still carried on climbing though, the pain could wait.
"Tske this you bitch!"
He chucked when he heard Alice growl. But he was losing blood fast.
He put his up again, but his arm hurt too much.
That was all he heard. He was losing too much blood.
He could bareky even think.
Pipp noticed him weakening, and she panicked. They were nearly falling.
"For fuck's sake, Unknown! Don't be weak!"
That name didn't sit well with him. "Name....is....Lo.....uis...."
He couldn't put his full name on so he went with that.
Pipp worked it out right away. "Well then, Louis, don't be weak!"
His eyes snapped open, and he summoned his strength to grab onto the window ledge.
Pipp fired one more bullet before he pulled them inside. They dropped to the floor.
She squeaked as she did, but Pipp got up. She smiled. "We did it!"
Louis did then, but stumbled. "Yeah.."
He managed to sit down on the couch, but his vision was getting more heavy.
He fekt a hand on his arm. "Shit....injured.."
He onky saw a blurry figure. And his vision became faded.
The last thing he saw was Pipp before he felt himself sag onto the couch from blood loss.
1. to enclose (a body of troops, a fort or town, etc.)
2. (of troops, police, etc.) encircle (someone or something) so as to cut off communication or escape.
Ivia (short name for Ivianna) growled as she looked around her. She was completely surrounded by the infected in the area, she was hiding behind a pile of old bikes so they didn't see her.
She had green hair that had red and purple streaks, it was in a rebel half shaved style. She had beige skin, and red eyes.
How are we supposed to get put of this one?
There was a whole heard of them here. She could tell that there was more than 5 here.
Chill. A voice laughed. We'll come up with a plan, we always do.
I guess.
Ivia was nervous though. There were so many infected, could she really take them on?
She was worried flr their safety more than hers. And, she shouldn't have. They were creatures of hell, she belonged here. They didn't.
Worry about the guilt later. She hissed. I've got a plan.
As her other half started to explain, her mind reflected.
She had developed thing thing years ago. So many that Ivia couldn't imagine life without it.
Ever since we were abandoned by them.
The ones who claimed to care for her had left her to die and starve. She had been abused by others when she was younger.
Perfection had broken her. This world had broken her. Ivia had no idea what she lived for anymore.
You live for us.
She was onky alive to keep her living. A vessel some would say. But the ironic thing was that she wasn't possessed.
No, she had another personality (though it preferred entity. She did see how it was offensive).
Her name was IVY. Yep, the name was Ivy. She had taken an even more shortened version of Ivianna's name and made it into that.
I couldn't be assed coming up with my own. Sue me, bitch.
No thanks.
Ivia laughed. But her other half was different to most other personalities-
The groaning made her come out of her thoughts. It was very annoying.
She looked around. They were blocking off all possible exits, even the alley ways were not clear. This fucking frustrated her. Infected were the worst possible things to happen in this world. Especially in times like this.
She hated them with a passion. She did as well. And she was one of them.
Let me take control, I am feeling HUNGRY at the moment.
Ivia sighed, she was glad that she blacked out when Ivy took control. She coukd feel the familiar pressure as the other took over her body.
Something hugged her from behind, but she felt safe. Arms came around her mid-section, and felt a voice whisper.
"Thank you."
She blacked out and felt someone pushing her out of her body. She fell asleep.
She smiled as she came out, it was a cruel one.
Finally. She thought. The bitch lets me out.
She could easily take control if she wanted, but Ivy didn't see the point. There was no to do except for this, anyway.
But now it was time to play.
Ivy smiled as she felt her infected instincts come in. Yep, she was a (half) infected. It had actually been a huge mistake that she existed.
Ivia had been stupid to fight a hoarde on her own, and she had gotten bitten. Guess what happened next. Yep, Ivy had formed in her mind. She didn't get fully infected.
Oh God, she had been so thanful for it. She had been alive for years after the incident.
Ivy crouched on the ground, and began to crawl. She was bubbling for this.
No infected could see her when she was like this. As she approached one, she could feel her fangs come out. She smelt the air, it was so good.
She leapt on it, and began to chew into its flesh. It screeched, but she held it down with supernatural strength. It was delicious.
As she finished, she noticed that she had been spotted. Oh, shit balls.
She was pinned down by it, and it held her wrists. Her black eyes met its, and it seemed shocked.
"Why do you fight it?"
Her tongue switched to its original language. "I'm not like you, I actually have a soul. My vessel is likeable enough."
It seemed confused, but then hissed.
"If you don't give into us, we will end you. Your like us."
She onky laughed like a maniac.
"I am nothing like you."
She kicked it off with her feet, and stabbed it with a knife. Her hunger could wait later.
The other three infected noticed her. Fuck, she needed to fight.
She twirled the knife in her hand, and grinned. She ran to them.
She kicked the first one, and punched the second. Her knife cut the firsts eyes, and it moaned. She took this moment to stab it in the eye.
She used its now deceased body to defend from a bite from the second. She had ho ideas of the effects if she was ever bitten again. Ivy snarled and bit into the second. It flinched, and she stabbed its torso.
"Sorry! Ally!" She laughed, she recognized this one. "You dead now."
She stabbed her in the chest, and ut it open. She kind of drooled at the organ she took out. The heart.
This is going to be good.
Ivy jumped backwards and grabbed the third by its shoulders with her legs. It back flipped wirh her, and it landed on the ground. It grunted.
She chuckled. "Don't fucking ruin my meal then!"
She stabbed it in the head, eyes, and face. It gave her pleasure to murder he own kind. She didn't know why, it just did.
She ate the heart in her hand.
Ivia? She called. Ivia? Slut, you awake?
No answer, she wasn't awake. Looks like she was in control a little longer then.
Fuck yeah.
She looked around, and saw buildings. With her vision though, she could see that they were inhabited.
But then she saw one thst had its window open. Ivy's mind was already made up then.
She was staying there tonight.
1. notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.
2. watch (someone or something) carefully and attentively.
Pipp observed Lou carefully as hs slept on the bed in the bedroom that they were currently in. It had been hell trying to treat his injuries, but it was worth it. She needed alive.
Pipp would never forgive herself if she let anyone die (who weren't infected anyway). Louis had saved her life, and actually let her one with him.
Well, it took some asking, but he eventually did. She owed him her life twice. He even let her ride of his shoulders, she didn't even ask to.
So there is kindness underneath that emptiness?
She suspected that there was. Maybe his black heart became light for a second.
Pipp watched him sleep for another second. His face looked so different than the one before.
His body was relaxed, and didn't look intimidating. His eyebrows weren't brought together in worry or anger, and he just looked peaceful.
Sleep was the only thing life offered that was good. It made their bodies shut down, and they weren't aware of the reality they were in.
She wasn't aware that she was drifting off, but she did. Pipp rested her head for a little bit.
That woke up her up.
What was that?!
It sounded like a bang, can it came from the left. The living room.
Who, or what, was there?
Pipp looked at Louis, but he was unconscious. Still passed out.
She took her knives and bat, and went out. You never knew what was out there.
As she approached the living room, she heard a voice and a audiotape.
"Dear audiotape." The voice was female. "Today we've have had to fight around 30 infected just to get to here. Heard that there was a place where you could buy supplies off, a survivor sells 'em. That's what I've heard anyway. Ivia is asleep, so I'm staying in control."
Pipp slowly moved towards.
"Now, I've got to defend myself from survivor who is coming towards me. Bye, audiotape."
She put it away, and Pipp found a God damn machete lodged to her throat.
"Found this baby just a couple of weeks ago." She sneered. "Now, what the fuck do you want, little mouse?"
"I wanted to check out who was in my hideout. Who the hell are you?"
She grinned. "The name's poison or Lunatic. I am known around here."
Pipp's eyes widened, and she felt fear.
The one who actually fed blood to the infected. The one who had poisons (ironic, she knew). Rumours spread that it was multiple.
Pipp could see some type of sticky liquid on the end of the machete. She was afraid that Poison would kill her if she moved. She also thought about her second name.
It was a said that she acted like two different dolls. One was kind, sweet, innocent. The other was....well, a fucking lunatic or psycho that killed whatever got in her way.
Her eyes were like an infected, but they were doll like at the same time.
"I know who you are." She stammered. "I've heard the rumours, poison."
This was the first time that she ever met her though. And honestly, she was scared.
"I'm gonna hurt you~" Poison sang. "I will enjoy this."
"Pipp!" She blurted out. "My name is Pipp!"
Why did I say that?!
Her weapon lowered a bit. "That's your name? Why the fuck are you telling me this?"
Her insanity seemed to dial down.
Pipp spoke again. "You seem trustworthy."
"Trust me, Mousy." She put her weapon away. "I am no trusting doll."
She sighed in relief. "You just do."
She chuckled and bent down. "Trust me, mousy. A sane doll wouldn't have rat poison on them or their weapons."
She laughed at her expression, and stood up. Pipp noticed that she had a wound, it was one from a stab.
Poison grabbed her arm in pain.
"What happened to you?"
"I got stabbed from another survivor. They tried to kill me, so I killed them."
She blinked. "Do you want help?"
She seemed surprised, but then her eyes narrowed. "I'm fine, it'll probably get infected like the other wounds on this body."
Pipp's senses went up. "What?? It'll kill you!"
"Oh, mousy." She stepped over the doll. "I wish it would kill me already."
As Pipp was about to speak, she and the other heard a groan.
A groan.
Ivy felt fear, and she unconsciously grabbed her knife. Was there an infected here?
"Oh, Louis must be waking up!"
She followed Pipp as she went to another room.
Ivy arrived at the doorway, and saw a male doll unconscious on the bed in front of her. He had dark blonde hair, tanned skin, and bandages on.
"He saved me from infected."
That word was all that Ivy needed to hear. She pushed Pipp out of the way, and began checking around Louis as if she were looking for something.
"What are you doing?"
Ivy ignored her and continued checking. She lifted his arms, face, and checked his torso.
When she touched his hair to check on his head, she saw his eyes weakly open.
His eyes widened, and her wrist was caught.
"Who the hell are you? Pipp's friend?"
"Like I would be friends with a weasel."
"I am not a weasel."
"Your a rat then."
She could see her bristle, and she snickered.
He looked down at the bandages, and then at the girls.
Ivy pointed to Pipp. "She did this, not me."
Louis was confused, why would Pipp help him like this? He had been horrible to her.
Maybe I was too harsh?
He made eye contact with her. "Thank you, Pipp."
She just laughed, and put a hand on his leg. "Welcome, Louis."
They heard a yawn coming from the other doll. "Are you finished with your affectionate party?"
"Like you have any."
"I don't." She quipped back. "No point since I don't have a doll to care about."
Their eyes widened, she said that with so much casualty. But Lou saw the broken look on her eyes, she was the same as him and Pipp.
She was physically here, but her spirit was broken, gone. The world had taken it away amd onky left an empty shell.
She then looked him up and down. "You look like a piece of shit."
His fist was blocked as he attempted the punch.
"Next time, aim straighter. Thst was going to miss me even if I hadn't stopped it."
He growled, but didn't say anything else. She actually looked hurt thst he did that.
She put his fist down, but not before gave it a mock kiss. She threw afterwards.
"B~bye, I'm leaving. There's nothing here in this shithole."
Lou watched as she was about to walk out. He felt guilty.
Pipp shouted. "Wait! It's late, don't you want to least want to stay till morning?"
She froze, but spoke. "Fine, but I'm sleeping on the couch. I ain't sleeping in a bed with dolls thst could fucking murder me."
She walked out, and they actually heard the couch sag as she settled on it.
Louis settled on the bed on the bed as he was weak. He couldn't think straight.
"Want me to sing?"
His eyes opened. "What?"
Pipp giggled. A gesture unexpected enough to paralyse him in place. Lou stared in surprise, this new development like a child's play.
She looked around five or six.
"Sing." Pipp replied cheerily, as if nothing happened earlier. "Like a...lullaby.."
Louis threw his head.
Are you fucking kidding me? I'm not child.
He laughed bitterly at that thought.
Not like I'll ever have one. Fuckers don't get the good shit.
He shrugged his shoulders. "Why not?"
His pride already took a beating. What was another humiliation to add to the mental list.
Thanks for the list, Ox. The amount of scars I've acquired is actually kinda impressive thanks to the dolls.
"Okay!" Pipp smiled, placing his head onto her lap. She nuzzled his hair, a blush appearing on Louis' face. "I promise I'm not bad!"
(A/N: don't even think about shipping these two. This is platonic. Not romantic.)
Louis closed his eyes.
Promises are made to be broken.
'Amen on that.'
He heard the child's like voice begin singing.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
"Sometimes... Secretly
We'd all like to know
Of somewhere safe in dreams
Where no one else can go"
Louis' shocked long fizzled as she sang. The beginning his eyes mentally widened, but the voice sounded like an angel's.
He felt somewhat sleepy. Relaxing, he hummed without hitting anything for once in insanity. A impressive feat.
"Away from the clouds
Where is lounder the night
Fall falling around
And you tumble and gilde
On a magical ride
Don't wake you'd have to.
Come down"
Pipp smiled. Though, she never let Louis see. The feeling of disappointment seeping.
Something slapped her, slamming to the ground.
She stared up at the infected, a crawler. Brain exposed and Pipp's stance defensive. Open; knowing not to fight unless necessary.
"Please.." She whispered, the thing crawling towards the mouse. A gun raised. "Not now.."
It landed on her figure, she shot the gun.
Pipp pushed its body off and cried.
A tear slipped down Pipp's face.
Let it be known killing traumatised lives.
"And sometimes secretly
We all need to know
There's somewhere safe in dreams
Where only we can go"
Louis' eyes had long closed. He slipped into a light sleep, the feeling of the blanket being pulled faint to his mind.
"Thanks.." Louis yawned, barely able to speak those words. "Pipp. I owe you one..."
Pipp smiled genuinely. She listened to the soft snores emanating from her new found friend-
That is if he lets me in.
-She yawned herself, but sang to the last verse.
"If you could stay forever, would you?
There's somewhere safe in dreams
Where no one else, can go.."
Pipp settled to sleep, curling around her new friend, smiling at the prospect of this newfound protection.
Both content, both asleep away from this cruel, cruel world. Louis winced in his sleep though.
Not even sleep kept the nightmares away.
Ivy was still lying on the couch.
To be honest, she was jealous of them both.
Not because Louis and Pipp cared for each other, but because they had each other. She had no one except her other personality who was fucking suicidal.
Ivy sighed, amd closed her eyes to fall asleep.
Maybe we'll be safe.
The other snorted. The voice seemed persistent.
Maybe. If they try to murder me. I'm killing 'em. Not matter who they once were.
Maybe tomorrow would be better than this. You never knew though.
Life always held tricks up its sleeve. She didn't know if this was good or bad.
Looks like Ivy'd have to wait and see.
(A/N: Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter~😁)
(I loved how this turned out, lol. I prefer this chapter to the original version. 😅)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)
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