(2). Beginnings.
Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.
(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)
(Its, lou-centric)
(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)
(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some f the characters are ooc..)
(This takes place after the events of the movie)
(ZaneChan505 and qwertuno and In13579)
(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)
1. the period during which something inanimate or abstract continues to exist, function, or be valid.
2. the period between the birth and death of a living thing, especially a human being.
Life was a funny thing. Sometimes, it could be good. It brought things to life, created things such as dolls, animals nature, etc.
But then there was the bad. It could be ripped away from you, someone could be in you life and die, etc.
It only did good things for the past, it had been kind, it had created new things. It had brought numerous kinds of dolls together, and had united them in a way that they became allies and good friends.
But what was the past. This was the present. Somehow, somewhere, someone had pissed fate off enough to make the future like this.
Louis (Lou no longer existed), walked down the streets of Uglyville. It was as empty as usual.
The clouds and skies were grey.
Nothing surprising there.
It had been this way since the event that had created this (kind of) apocalyptic place. Uglyville was a shell of what it used to be.
He wore a black hoodie with a red stain on it (blood), baggy pants which were comfy (you couldn't afford weak clothing here), and white trainers which were nearly red and brown from all the dust and blood he collected or stepped on.
It was sad, actually. Louis looked around the streets that used to be thriving with life.
Now nothing nearly occupied it.
Buildings were destroyed, the streets were filled with rubbish, and objects just flew about as the wind blowed in the sky.
He had gotten rid of his old name Lou. Louis suited him better now.
Lou was a name of someone who was innocent, someone who had mercy. He had been happy and full of joy.
And yes, Louis acknowledged that he used to be cynical and conniving.
But he was also innocent in a way, he had never had the urge to defend himself against the monsters that lurked on the shadows.
The things that tormented him daily, the things that had appeared only weeks after that event.
Lou would have run from this like a coward.
He actually would have if it was the past. His personality back then would have made sure that other dolls were sacrificed to save his own skin.
Lou wasn't like Louis, they were so different. They were like two separate individuals.
Lou was kind, he helped dolls (though unwillingly), he made sure everything was in one piece. He was happy (barely), he was sane (again, barely), the sun shined when he remained.
But me?
He was unmerciful, he was filled with hatred and anger towards the world and life in general, Louis was distrustful, he was not sane, and he would kill you if you crossed him or were one of them.
He was one of the few survivors who actually looked around for supplies.
Everyone survivor had a reputation, something to know about them.
He knew some named "lunatic" or "hypnotica".
The last one is absolutely stupid.
Oh yeah, there was also one called "the little mouse".
Why they were named that? He didn't know.
His was "Unknown".
Though I don't know why they decided to call me that.
He was probably the most knows survivor around. Others seemed to fear him, and he didn't blame them.
Oh, and it didn't help that he revealed his face.
But that was because they all thought Lou was dead.
And it will stay that way. He thought. No one needs to know that the guy who attempted to get rid of the ugkydolls is alive and hiding in their city.
It was honestly ironic in a way. The guy who was once "perfect" has to run around in a town that was meant for uglies.
His hood hung over his face as he walked the streets.
No survivors went by as usual. He was glad.
He was surprised as a loud bang came from near by.
But then the iconic growing came.
He dove behind a pillar as one of them came by.
The skin that was ashy, the eyes that were nothing but black holes, the hair that was nearly falling off.
I wonder how it stays on.
He got his gun ready just in case. Yep, he had a fucking gun.
He also had knives, grenades, and other bullshit stuff like that.
He only collected what he found. It was crazy at how many things survivors dropped when they were running away or fighting them.
His gun snugly in his holster, and it was always leaning on Lou a little bit to show its presence there.
At least he knew that it wasn't missing then.
He never fought of them unless he had to, Louis was a skilled fighter, but he wasn't that reckless.
This one had orange hair, black eyes (he briefly remembered that they used to be blue), and light skin.
Louis covered his mouth to avoid being sick. He always did when he saw one of them.
An infected.
Wasn't that a proper term for it?
He shrugged, thinking was useless. His instincts were begging him to fight the infected.
Patience is key.
He closed his eyes for a moment to stop his thoughts running wild. He couldn't afford any distractions.
A whining caught his hearing. He opened his eyes.
The infected looked sad in a way.
Probably because they are hungry.
That was the only reason that they ever showed emotion.
Their hunger made them desperate.
But wait, he actually smiled.
It's distracted.
He slowly rose from the pillar and sneaked off.
He actually made it out alive.
1. someone or something of no or slight value or size.
2. no thing; not anything; naught: to say nothing.
Louis felt nothing as he passed areas that either smelt bad, looked bad, or had dead bodies that were there from being bitten or killed.
He was used to the sight so much that it didn't even bother him anymore. It was more like an annoyance now.
I feel sorry for any beginning survivors that come across it.
He was on of the few who had actually survived and began to get resources from around the area.
At first the sight had bothered him, it had actually scrarwd the shit out of him when he saw a dead body for the first time.
Could you imagine trying to get around, and then you just see someone dying before your very eyes?
No, Louis didn't think so.
But he had seen it, and was traumatised at the sight of it. The doll had been gasping for air, and they had made fucking eye contact.
It's one thing to watch someone die. He thought. But it's another that they know your there and that you didn't do anything to save them? That's worse.
His emotions had acted then, and Lou had actually cried. (Note the Lou bit). He had broken down, and cried there and then.
Louis though, he didn't cry. Never even a sob. He didn't show weakness to those around him.
But they didn't mean that he never felt it. Honestly, Louis almost wanted to cry multiple times.
His emotions were a weakness though, he suppressed them daily.
Lou would have never wanted this, he would have never acted like he did.
But he is gone now.. He thought. Only the shell of him remains.
Lou had slowly gone away as time went, and his personality had just...vanished. Louis had slowly come to the surface in his place.
Lou was innocent, naive, childish, innocent, etc.
Louis was reckless, grown up, and a sinner.
Lou was the past, he was the present.
Louis represented the darkness that resides in Lou.
He never showed mercy on anyone. He cared for nothing and no one. Nothing else mattered.
He had been abandoned by the one who had "loved" and "cared" for him. (That's what he thought anyway).
He had been betrayed.
It was one of the few things he remembered from his past. He barley remembered anything at all.
He was almost sure that he had memory loss.
But Louis could remember things (the bad anyway).
He couldn't remember any good things.
Fuck, I really hate this.
He suddenly heard that familiar groan again, and pointed his gun in the direction of it.
He glared at it. An infected limped slowly, but it looked like it was in pain.
It looked like it was in pain.
They never looked like that. Usually it was a blank and hungry expression.
'Probably because they don't know what they're doing?' A voice familiar explained, it was probably there due to his insanity. 'You know this. At least give her mercy.'
The voice always came at the oddest times, particularly now.
Just get rid of it. Another whispered. Just kill her, you always enjoy doing that.
Louis was guilty of it. He enjoyed killing them. Dolls and infected alike.
He only killed infected or survivors who attacked him. Never innocents.
He approached the infected who had collapsed near his feet.
Her eyes met his. They were blue.
She had brown hair, dark skin, and her clothes barely covered her. There were scratches all over her body.
He felt bad then, this particular infected was still going through the process of becoming one of them.
No emotions. He thought, repressing them. They are a distraction.
He briefly wondered where they went.
The doll in front of him looked pathetic. "P-please k-kill me.."
It came out as a mere whisper, she was struggling to even speak.
'No, it isn't! She is dying.'
They constantly argued in his head daily. It got annoying very fast.
The doll had blood all over her, and even an eye was missing from a socket.
The emotion called pity tried to make its way to him, he didn't let it.
They say that repressing something is bad, but they were wrong. It was good.
They made contact, and the girl continued to sob.
"Please, just kill-"
His gun fired into her head, and she stopped speaking. The bullets had been fired, and Louis had just wasted a good gun for this.
If he had let her finish her sentence, he wouldn't have been able to kill her.
'You could have done it more mercifully'
That was merciful for him.
Louis sighed, and closed his eyes again. A headache was coming. It always happened after a killing.
He bent down and threw up from the sudden guilt that came. There was a lot.
It felt like somebody was pushing it to the surface.
Stop it!
It did suddenly stop.
'Why? He should be able to feel emotions!'
He doesn't want to.
Louis crouched on the floor, this was overwhelming.
This is what he should feel.
He suddenly felt hatred and satisfaction in the guilt's place.
The voice had fixed his problems, thank God.
Now, it was time to leave-
"Hey!" A voice interrupted his thought. "What did you do?!"
He suddenly saw two dolls come around the body of the female.
He just looked blankly. "She's dead. She wanted to be killed."
The made doll had short brown hair, brown eyes, and light skin.
The female had blonde hair, green eyes, and a beige complexion.
They both looked like generic Barbies and Kents.
"You asshole!" She screamed. "How could you?!"
He just blinked, and his eyes went half-lidded in boredom. "I defended myself, she could've killed me."
It wasn't really a lie.
The dolls started shouting things that were intended to make him guilty, but nothing worked.
His emotions had disappeared years ago. He didn't feel anything for any doll now.
Nothing affected him.
He looked at the pitiful shift before him, and saw how they were crying over her body.
Louis felt like he had a memory of this, but he couldn't remember anything.
He stood there just a little longer to see his work.
The doll's blood was everywhere, and her head officially covered. You couldn't see her face.
Again, he felt nothing.
"Good luck to you all."
His footsteps were loud to announce his leave.
Your going to need it for when the infected attack.
1. go past or across; leave behind or on one side in proceeding.
2. move or cause to move in a specified direction.
Louis was angry that he was veen considering this doll any mercy. He woukdn't let him pass. It was really starting to piss him off. Hell, he was consider killing him.
"Get out the way, Damian" He hissed. "I only wish to pass."
"I don't know about that." He replied, smiling. "You know you have a bounty, right? You have pissed a lot of dolls off, unknown."
"Do I honestly look like I give a shit?" He spoke. "No, you know I can kill you in a heartbeat. Infected will hear the bullets, let me pass."
His gun was raised, and it aimed at Louis' head. "No, I don't think so."
Fuck, he's a bounty hunter. He thought. What should I do?
The voices came back.
Just kill him.
(Try to negotiate).
He was stuck on the options.
Or should he just kill me?
God knows how Louis wanted death. He wanted so bad to be out of this world, he didn't even know if any of his (former) friends were alive.
Why did he bother trying to live? What was the point?
He walked towards the gun, and pressed his head to it. "Kill me, I want to die."
Damian seemed shock. "Unknown wants to die? How an ironic way to go!"
He cackled, but then Louis kicked him in the gut. The gun went flying out his hands, and he caught it.
"Never let your emotions get the best of you."
Damian attempted to lunge, but Louis suddenly punched him in the mouth. He punched him in the face, and he hissed in pain.
He attempted to do it again, but he ducked and tripped him. His eyes were fully red, and he smiled cruelly.
"You wanna fight, Dami?" He asked lowly. "Let's fight."
Damian kicked him in the stomach, but Louis simply blocked it and threw his leg.
Louis didn't give any chance to Damian to recover, when he was already attacking again, but this time he managed to punch his stomach and then ended with a powerful hit on his face, Louis then leaped on the air and tried to kick the other, but he blocked it with his arms.
Then the doll took out a knife of the bars and threw it to Dami, piercing his arm, and pulled him so he could punch him out of his senses.
He was the best fighter here.
Kill him.
But his instincts had already kicked in, Louis kept punching Damian in the face as he straddled him.
It felt so right, his enemy was paying the price for betraying.
"To think, we were actually friends.."
He got out his gun, and shot him in the face. Blood spattered on Louis' face, but that didn't stop his grin.
Yet another betrayal in his life.
Louis lost it, and laughed.
He laughed because of the deaths, he laughed because of his insanity, he laughed because of the constant betrayal in Lou's life.
His past self could never cope with this shit. He sighed, and calmed back down.
He couldn't function if he carried on like this. But he really meant what he said at the gun bit.
He wanted to die.
He was fucking suicidal, but he continued to live anyway.
The sound of a gun occured. It was for good measure. Never knew if the dead would come back.
He fekt satisfaction at the death.
He shoukd have moved.
'You could have just threatened him!'
Oh, shut up. He was defending himself.
Louis huffed, and he blinked. His insanity went back to normal.
He lokked at the body, and just stared blankly.
"Hello, Survivor"
He immediately ran away. It was an infected talking, not a doll.
He couldn't fight it. Not while he was exhausted.
As he slowed down, he saw a variety of houses he could choose from.
But are they occupied?
Sometimes, infected hid there to see if they could catch prey. They were smart, Louis could give them that. They had some techniques like that, but he didn't want to explain more.
He chose the house in the middle. It looked the safest.
As he entered it, he got his gun our just in case. It was pretty standard.
A living room, kitchen, a bathroom, that was all he needed.
Three rooms that were all neccessary, any other were a distraction.
I agree.
He just rolled his eyes.
Shut up.
It was quiet then.
He put his backpack down (it was small), and wsnt to the kitchen to see if there was any food.
He opened the fridge, there was a left over pizza. He shivered, but took it out. It was the best thing he had in weeks. And that was saying something.
It was fucking tasteless and disgusting. But he swallowed, he needed to eat.
That didn't mean that he liked it.
But then his eyes landed on fhe knife, a tool that was available at every turn.
As if he was in a trance, he picked it up, and traced it along his throat. God, it would be so easy just to fucking kill himself.
'But you don't.'
Why did the good voice sound so familiar to his?
It was just his imagination.
Louis coukd imagine his body hitting the ground, and his spirit leaving it. He would be free.
But he didn't. For some good damn fucking reason, he didn't!
He sighed. "I don't even know why I bother."
He sat the knife down, and headed into the living room.
"Dear, audiotape." He turned the thing on. "It's been your average day. The dead trying to kill me, no survivors, trying to be killed by hunters, etc. Heh, my friend actually tried to kill me. At least something different happened. And oh yeah, I killed a nearky infected doll. The voices protested, but I ended up killing Damian myself, It's either kill or be killed out here. Oh, and it turns out the dead can feel emotion, mainly sadness id They're hungry. I've got nothing else to say, so bye."
He turned it off, and closed his eyes on the couch.
It had been more than five years since this hell began, and he had survived.
His exhaustion caught up to him, and his soft snores filled the room as he fell asleep.
He wondered what hell tomorrow was going to bring.
(A/N: Hey guys, this is just a fanfic I wanted to do~😁)
(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)
(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)
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