(1). Prologue.

Disclaimer: I do not own uglydolls. I also do not own the pictures, or the songs.

(This is a uglydolls 2019 fanfic)

(Its, lou-centric)

(Warning there is arguing that might be a bit sensitive to viewers)

(I haven't uglydolls a lot, so forgive if some of the characters are ooc..)

(This takes place after the events of the movie)

(qwertuno and In13579 and ZaneChan505 and SilentReadersMatter And WitchycandlexX)

(This is similar to the original and does have some of the original lines, and has a different ending altogether. Hence, this is an alternative Universe.)

(Hope you enjoy this little fic~😗)

The fight going on between the once known brothers right now was about to write history as one of the biggest mistakes anyone could make.

They saying never bring a knife to a gun fight applied.

So long Lou had been abandoned by those close to him. Always leaving for the big world, always wanting to experience love for themselves off a child.

He had nothing.

Every time a doll left, he would smile, wave, the whole sha bang. The factory forced this routine of a deadly cycle to repeat every time, every year, every single day of his entire existence.

This day belonged to him. The gauntlet, he tried. He wanted to make this a fair trial to test his ability to go to the big world and try to be loved.

All his life, everything resulted around perfection. A lesson the factory never, ever let him forget. Built into the mind of a doll who was never taught anything more or less.

Perfection was everything.

Striving to be like the big world people who made him, Lou saw his one potential and wanted to make them proud. Even if they never said anything, he knew from the amount of control he slowly gained over perfection that they trusted him.

A doll. A leader.

Someone who would soon fall.

A fight broke out. A fight between brothers.

One would fall, one would win.

"Dolls don't need you or your training!" Ox exclaimed, putting himself between Lou and the portal. His ears grabbed the needle. "You did it all just to feel powerful! What happened to you? WE WERE LIKE BROTHERS!"

The duo weren't aware of the growing crowd of dolls looming around them and the portal. Watching from the sidelines doing but staring. Too frozen to move with fear at who would win and fall.

But we all know who wins this. We just have to see what the inevitable brings. Because perfection never wins apparently.

The hero always beats the so called villain.

"You, a reject were going to leave me! Just like the others!" Lou yelled back, letting out so much pain with that one. But Ox remained oblivious to that hint of tone in his voice. "Ever wonder why the pretties turned on you?!"

"You! You tried to have me recycled!"

"You wanted to leave so bad! I sent you to where you belong!"

Ox suddenly pushed Lou back and they both fought over them needle that would determine the fate of the entire lives of the dolls if it were to be used for the wrong deed.

But instead a needle being the smasher, something else decided to act on this very day. A large, robotic dog sensed danger and made a foolish decision in the time of this event occurring.

The robot dog came running forward and it's target was for the leader who caused the trouble in the first place. The factory commanded it to settle the matter between dolls of an opposite kind.

Even it didn't know the consequences of its decision.


The ground shook with every leap the thing took. Dolls screamed and moved out the way. One even leaped and fainted in another arms.

"What is that?" Moxy whispered to Mandy. "That thing, what is it?"

She swallowed nervously. "The robot dog. I don't think this will end well."

Her words were correct. Ox and Lou stopped the massive fact and looked at the thing charging toward them with a vicious intent in its aura.

"Lou, look out!" Ox shouted and pushed the other doll out the at as it created space for the dog. They both wouldn't be hurt. "It's coming toward us!"

Lou crawled back as far he could. Never wanting to get any stains or smudges, even he wasn't stupid to see the life endangering thing coming for them.

But something happened. The dog focused so much on Lou that it didn't see the object. The so delicate portal as it tried to stop the actions of itself.

But it was too late.

Time slowed down. Robotic paws connected with the portal's glass. And as the dog was so giant and put so much force into its goal, something happened.


Glass shattered.

The portal smashed by a giant dog who's purposed had been to protect it and dolls everywhere. The dolls felt their fear grew as shards went everywhere and it seemed unfixable.

The portal had no glass, and leaked. Like black oil and it started to spread around the air causing everyone to caught and feel a little off.

Smoke started covering the air. Beyond everyone's knowledge, started poisoning the air and made it a little hard to breathe. It would be healthy to breathe in anymore.

But no one would know that until it was too late.

Mandy went over the the portal and examined a peace. She hugged it close to her and started crying.

"It'll take weeks or possibly before this can fixed. I'm sorry, I won't be right away. I don't know how long it'll take. I don't if it can actually be fixed."

The dolls sorrow turned to anger. But not towards the dog, towards a blonde who's idea led to this happening. They blamed another doll.

They blamed LOU.

As if on silent command, Lou was suddenly tossed up into air and in the dog's mouth. Oil mad this suit smell bad, but no once seemed to notice.

Rage could be seen in everyone.

"Everyone please, shouldn't I be given a second chance?"

"Feed him to the baby!"

"Leave him with the dog!

Nolan suddenly revealed the washing machine. A look of both egotism and pride shined in his eyes, like some hero of the hour.

"How about this instead! Make him feel the way we did! He should know how it feels to be washed!"

The dolls cheered and a discussion of went on.

But while this happened, Megan approached Michael who sat down on a bench clutching his stomach. He looked a little pale.

She rose a brow and sat down. "You okay?"

He sighed and tried to grin. It didn't work and ended up just being a grin face. He coughed so from the smoke and oil being mixed into the air.

"Yeah, just a headache. I don't.." He coughed again and repeated it a couple of seconds. "Just a headache. Probably from the bit of pollution in the air right now."

Megan nodded, knowing Michael wouldn't tell her anything more than what he did. She helped him up and slowly started to walk back while Lou was being washed in the machine he had put so many others in before.

"PLEASE! I'm sorry!"

He around and around. Nothing could stop the water entering his hair and the soap making him caught every time he inhaled it.

No one heard his pleas wouldn't care to. They enjoyed the once leader's suffering as tears surged down his face and the utter pain he felt as he bumped into things in the washing machine.

No one would save him. He would forever be alone.

You could call it Karma in a way.

She looked back towards the now broken portal which she wouldn't know if it would work again or not. But now it didn't look nice.

Scattered pieces were everywhere with smoke flowing through the air without concern from dolls who were to busy in punishing their bad guy.

Oil leaked and spread in the ground making it go a different colour from before. She winced form the horrible smell and coughed as well.

Michael moaned and leaned into her more. His face pale and wound unknowingly become a victim of something slowly spreading around the institute without anyone's knowledge.

This was just the fractional start to a apocalypse.

(A/N: Hey guys, this is just a fanfic I wanted to do. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter~😁)

(Vote, and comment if you like this~😚)

(Hoped you enjoyed this little fic~😘)

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