Chapter 7
"And then there were two," Connie muttered looking at the Nun and Businesswoman. Their teary eyes begged Connie to free them from Azurite's control as their bodies began to move to attack the witch on Azurite's behalf, puppets to her will.
"I'm sorry," Connie said, kneeling with her head bowed, "but this has to stop."
"Please, we...know you...don't want to kill us. " the nun strained to stop her body from launching another bolt, as the businesswoman bounded towards her with an axe kick, which Connie blocked with her left forearm.
"But.. You have… To stop us… stop her!" The businesswoman stated before flipping away as the nun launched her lightning.
Connie's eyes widened as she was stuck and tossed back to the barrier with a loud -𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙢! -
She grimaced and curled holding her singed stomach as the electrical current running through her nerves sent deep piercing, pain-filled prickles throughout her body.
'That...was well-coordinated.' Connie thought as she stood back up to her feet breathing as she withstood the unpleasant sensation. Her musing was cut short as she was forced to block an overhead punch from the businesswoman. Her eyes caught the sight of a very familiar-looking tattoo on her wrist, vastly different in design, but so similar in nature and the power it emitted.
Delivering an uppercut to the businesswoman's jaw, she was able to knock her back before tossing a fireball toward her chest.
The sound of a fireball bursting in a fog of smoke gave Connie time to move away from the two heading up a floor, not before getting a glance at the electric barrier that protected the businesswoman. Place there by the nun.
Whose under a close look had slit eyes of lightning, slight crystals protruding from her wrist, and the same crest as the businesswoman on her right palm.
'They're contracted to each other.' Connie mused, "Explains the sturdiness and physical strength." She muttered, "how did Azurite force a contract upon them, to begin with?"
Her question was interrupted by another strike of lightning tearing through the fifth thru the eighth floor. Connie didn't hesitate to leap and propel herself up through the new opening, using her palms as purple flame thrusters. Landing on the eight with a roll, she looked around as the 'heat' from the conduit washed over her.
"Is it here?" Pumping magic into her eyes again and changing her worldview again. Scanning the area and following where she felt the most 'heat', she saw a dime size glyph shining in her darkened world view, on the ceiling of the eighth floor on the opposite side of said floor.
One that bore the same insignia as the barrier.
"Bingo," Connie muttered as she readied a precise shot of flame, holding her left hand like a gun.
bullet as Connie shot a purple flame bullet toward the glyph a stream of lightning intercepted it from below, causing a small explosion of smoke. As she covered her eyes to block herself from the smoke, her ear picked up the wooden clacks of heels stampeding toward her.
Using her left hand, Connie launched a fireball toward the sound and snapped her fingers causing it to explode before the two could reach her, running towards a pillar, using it as cover.
The two were able to withstand the explosion for the most part and were forced to jump left and right, as Connie fired a series of bullets from her left hand. They continued to move in, making Connie leap back, while shooting flames at the ground, and forcing them to leap again.
Just when Connie thought she got the better of the two, the nun vanished in a streak of lightning, reappearing behind the witch with a kodachi made of lightning at the ready.
"A completely elemental weapon!" Connie mused as she dodged a downward swipe, "That's two really are in sync. " she praised as she leaped back from a swipe to her neck and caught the businesswoman with a blazing roundhouse in her face knocking her back into one of the steel pillars.
Connie looked apologetic but didn't get the chance to see if the businesswoman was out of the fight as her demon partner moved on the offensive. Her face showed a bit of anger.
Something that wasn't possible earlier in the fight.
"I'm sorry," Connie apologized as she dodged swing after swing.
"Don't apologize...You have to stop us... I don't want to see another... under her control." The nun said as Connie dodged her attacks.
'Their attacks are getting much easier to read now? Is Azurite's spell losing that much power?' Connie pondered as she dodged a relatively sloppy downward swing. 'So telegraphed.' She leaped up, dodging a stab and throwing a flame-propelled kick to the demonic nun's head, who put up a weak defense with her sword's hilt, getting tossed to the side as Connie's foot connected.
"You got your senses back?" Connie asked
"I see, so you are both starting to resist her control," Connie muttered as she ran towards the businesswoman who was just getting back to her feet.
"What gave it away?" The businesswoman whispered as she put up a reinforcement spell in time to block a bolt of purple flames.
"Your attacks are much too sloppy and telegraphed for two people who were in sync earlier," Connie explained as she ran up the side of the pillar and jumped off flipping in the air and shooting a continuous stream of purple flames at the blocking woman.
The Businesswoman was forced to dodge her fire to avoid being incinerated, allowing Connie the opportunity to close the distance between them. Throwing a left jab followed by an uppercut with her right that sent the woman crashing into the Magic barrier.
As she hit the wall, Connie could've sworn she saw a surprised and fear-filled look on her face before she lost consciousness.
"Now..." Connie searched, trying to sense where the glyph was, her now purple eyes scanning the floor, using its 'vapor and heat' as an indicator. Looking at a small Azurite-colored wisp trail heading towards the 'ceiling' of the floor where something the size of a nail head shone at the far northwest side.
Charging a bullet of flame, Connie's eyes narrowed as she prepared her shot, the bullet glowing hot violet.
"UH-UH! I wouldn’t do that."
Connie turned to see Azurite, with the nun's throat in her hand, her blue claws pressing against the exhausted and scared demon flesh.
The nun had a ball of electrical current aimed at her unconscious partner, against her will.
"Fucking bitch!" Connie roared.
" maybe, put the flame down or have this pair and everyone else's blood on your hand."
Connie growled, before smirking, "you think I care?" She said coldly, "we are all hunters, we know the danger of the life."
Azurite's eyes widen in interest and shock at the objective coldness from the witch, "My! My! Are you truly willing to save yourself..even if it means leaving these victims to their fate? How cruel!" Azurite taunted before grinning, " How...Captivating..." she bit her lips.
Connie sneered in disgust, "If I escape, it's my victory..."
"But can you escape? Leaving them to their fate?.." Azurite inquired, "Can you really stomach, leaving your fellow man in the grasp of a demon!? Definitely, one who will enjoy using them as her personal playthings until they're broken." Azurite taunted as she drew a bit of blood from the nun's neck watching it run slowly.
She smiled seeing Connee's bullet become larger and she pointed at the two. "Oh no..what's thi-"
"What's your and your partner's names?" Connie asked the nun.
The Nun was silent for a moment. "Al-Alica... my name is Alicia and...her name is Sarah."
"Those are good names...My name is Connie Maheswaran." Her bullet got wider, " I'll make sure to remember you."
Alicia's eyes widen mumbling Connie's name as the witch shot the giant flame toward the two.
The blue demoness' survival instinct took hold as she stared at the advancing flame. In cowardice, she tossed her hostage to be consumed by the flame as she backed away, laughing in glee at their upcoming despair.
Alicia closed her eyes, ready to accept her fate as the heat graced her, before feeling it fade as the Fireball arched towards Azurite, putting the fear of death in her. Putting a barrier with her wings to defend herself and blocking her view.
The sound of something exploding got Azurite's attention as she unfolded her wings; anger and horror seeped into her eyes as she saw her glyph destroyed and with it her barrier.
"You Flame Bitch!" Azurite roared at the witch, who smirked.
" I win." Connie taunted confidence beaming off her tired face.
"YOU'VE WoN!?" Azurite's voice broke in rage as she howled at Connie, "You think you WOn!!? YOU WON NOTHING BUT A LIFE OF PAIN AND SERVITUDE!" Azurite yelled as she dived towards Connie, taking out the mirror from her left thigh strap, preparing to trap her in the 'Pale Moonlight' spell.
'Just a little fear, and she's mine.'Azurite thought as closed in, flipping the pocket mirror open.
Before screaming as the mirror was shattered and her hand was singed through the palm by a streak of orange lightning, shot from the tip of Alicia's tired index and middle fingers.
"Human Scum! How dare you?!" she screamed as she charged, mirror shards in her hand being held like a knife. "I'll swear to"
She stopped mid-rant and mid-charge as a feeling of dread washed over her. Her eyes widened: fear for her life Taking hold as something...SOMEONE rose from Connie's shadow.
Placing their pale purple palm on her shoulder.
"Took you long enough, Steven." The witch teased tiredly, looking at her contractor(s) purplish wispish form.
His ebony sclera with blazing, ferociously protective purplish pink irises and split demonic pupils.
The way his heated breath escaped the corner of his gravely snarling maw.
Steven's protective grip on Connie's shoulders, unconsciously massaging them and comforting her despite his feral and threatening appearance.
She leaned into his hands more."I'm ok." she whispered for his ears only.
"As expected from you, Milady." he praised gently," that being said, I can not allow this blue bitch transgressions to go unanswered." Steven declared glaring at Azurite. Prepared to end the demon then and there as he leaped towards Azurite, two demonic white sais in his hands forming in his hand, ready to run her! through.
"ARRGH!" Azurite growled as she dodged the brunt of his attack; being slashed instead of stabbed.
Holding her stomach she growled hatefully at the demon hunters.
"next time." Azurite warned," Next time you two won't win!" She glared at Connie and Steven," ESPECIALLY YOU, WITCH!" She swore before vanishing in a blue wisp.
"Well that was-" Connie's prideful boast was cut short as Steven pulled her close in a protective hold, his hands holding her back abs gripping her protectively
"Dim flame..." He cursed the fear and relief in his heart on full display.
Connie felt a bit of guilt for making him feel such a way, gripping his back. "I'm sorry...I'm ok though like I told you I would be."
She cupped his cheeks bringing his forehead to hers, "I'm sorry I made you worry, Steven..."
"I couldn't sense you."
"I know."
"I was desperate to find you."
"felt empty without you." She finished, looking away with a small blush on her cheek," incomplete like a piece of me were missing..." she balled her fist." I called out to you..and nothing came back."
"Forgive me, I didn't mean to make you feel so lonely, Milady"
Connie's eyes narrowed at the playful flirtatious voice of her demonic partner," ugh.." she scoffed as she continued to hold him close before doing something that threw him off and made him blush.
She pressed her lips to his cheek.
"Uh... that. I..." His grin threatened to split his face.
"It's a thank you for..rushing over when you could." Connie cleared her throat, "don't look too much into-ah!"
Connie yelped as Steven hugged her tighter, lifting her off the ground as he nuzzled on her neck.
'Thank you my Dapper demon hero.' She thought as she ruffled his head, letting him get his full and secretly basking in it herself.
"Well, glad that it's over."
The two looked over at Alicia, who was kneeling next to Sarah, performing a healing spell on her human businesswoman partner.
"I don't know rather say sorry or thanks, Trailblazer. "
"Trailblazer?" Connie asked before a look of approval showed on her face.
"It fits with your fire magic and fiery attitude." Steven smirked, "The trailblazing witch."
Connie could get used to that alias. Shaking her head she turned to Alicia and Sarah. "Are you two ok?"
"Occupational Hazard of the demon hunting life, right?" Sarah joked as her partner smacked her shoulder getting a wince out of her.
"You're taking this too lax, Sarah." The nun reprimanded gently, worry and adoration in her voice.
"We got out of it ok Al'... why sweat what just passed?" Sarah grinned at her demoness nun.
"Sure, was just puppeteered by a blue bitch for the last few days and made to fight against another demon hunter in a handicap match."
"which said demon hunter helped and released us." Sarah answered Alicia's sarcasm," My shockingly sweet nun."
Alicia blushed at her human partner's flirtatious pur," Saaaraah." She rubbed her cheeks.
"That was an awesome shot to the palm, you know. Your railgun's as accurate as ever."
"Please don't call my lighting spells, 'Railguns.'" Alicia smirked, rubbing her nose to Sarah's creating a spark, "just because I like anime doesn't mean I'm naming my attacks."
"Quite the spark of love they have, huh?" Steven whispered to Connie, who gave him a small grin.
"You should see them fight together. They are as in sync as you and I."
"I'm gonna go heal the others." Alicia stated giving Sara a semi-platonic kiss¹ on her lips, "I'm sure they would want to know What happened and how we got wrapped up in that spell."
Sarah nodded as she watched Alicia walk off," nuns shouldn't be so naughty." She called to Alicia who blew her a kiss," you corrupted me, Risky business. " She played along before going to heal the others.
"So..." Sarah said as she stood up," mind we wait until Alicia's done... Would like to eat while we exchange info."
"as long as it isn't Panda Express." The Dapper demon stated.
"...sorry, he's boujee." Connie apologized.
" Hey nothing wrong with a demon that has taste, he chose you right." Sara defended him.
"Thank you!"
" Besides, Pf Changs is better. My treat.
Connie grinned as Steven hummed groaning into Connie's collar. Basking in the fact that she's safe..but also steeling his resolve to find and punish Azurite for her actions.
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