Chapter 4
"Yo, Crystal witches! You here?" Steven called as he walked into the beach home. A little more anxious than his usual cool self.
"Anyone home? Amy? Beaks? Seer?"
Steven groaned as he received no answer. "A waste of time."
The teenage demon sat upon the couch of the beach home. Looking up at the familiar ceiling as the thoughts of four days ago ran though his mind.
Since the death of the demon in the city, Steven has not been able truly shake the feelings he uncovered from the body. The emotions and the familiarity still unnerved him. He just couldn't let it go, no matter what distraction he tried to employ. Worse yet, it started to have an effect on his relationship with his lady, though he couldn’t see it.
“Can’t she see I'm trying to protect her. “ He groaned as memories of this morning ran through his mind.
“I must assist that you abstain from traveling to the city for the time being.”
“What?”Connie paused her eating of breakfast, turning her sight towards her familiar.
Steven looked back at her from over his right shoulder, scrambling the egg in a black skillet “You should stay away from the city.”
“I work in the city, Steven. Can’t really make money for our upkeep staying home.”
“We have enough for you to stay home a few months.” He poured the eggs onto a red ceramic. “Besides, your ‘day job’ isn’t your real job.”
“I like my day job, it allows me to interact with people and get gossip for our true job.” The witch retorted as she watched the demon sit across from her. Her black eyes narrowing behind her glasses.
“Be that as it may, you are to stay away from the city for the time being.” Steven responded coolly. “Also hunts are suspended for you as well.”
Connie blinked twice as her brows furrowed in anger. “Wow, heh...You’re funny this morning.” She smirked trying to keep her annoyance down.
“I’m not joking.”
“In that case....” Connie sat up straight, crossing her arms, drumming her left index finger against her right bicep. “Who are you to tell me what I can do or where I can go?”
“Your partner and familiar.”
”And that gives you a reason to put me under house arrest?“Connie's eyes widened in surprise at his nonchalant demeanor, before biting her tongue and letting a snide chuckle loose. “That some nerves you have.“
Steven sighed, scratching the back of his head. “I don’t mean any disrespect, My lady.”
“Yet..I’m feeling a bit insulted.”
Steven's face scrunched up in irritation at the sardonic tone. “It’s for your own good.”
“For my own good? Really and how is this for my own good?”
“I’m trying to protect you.”
“Trying to protect…”Connie paused for a moment as her eyes relaxed a moment “ Steven? This is still about what happened a few days ago?”
Steven said nothing, turning his head to the food on his plate.
“I can’t halt my life because of a ‘what if’?”
“I’m not asking you to halt your life.”
“No, you’re telling me to and that’s not going to happen.”
“My lady” Steven held out a hand for her to grasp. “Please try to understand, the last thing I want is for you to be put in unneeded danger.”
She glanced at the hand with a slight scowl. “I do believe that…” She pushed his hand closed. “ That doesn't mean I’ll accept being held as a prisoner.”
He growled “I’m not!”
“You are.”
“Rather it’s your attention or not, you are.”
“It’s dangerous for you in the city at the moment.”
“And what proof do you have of that?” Conne nostrils flared. “ We haven't heard anything from the witches.”
“I plan on visiting them today about that.” He retorted.
“You do that. It would do you some good.”
“You will remain here.” He ordered.
“I will be heading to work!” Connie sneered as she stood up leering at him.
"Connie, stop being difficult!" Steven stood to meet her.
" You're the one who's making this harder than it needs to be."
"Why can't you see that I'm trying to watch out for you!"
"Then watch out for me!" She looked down at the table, the creases of her fingers, scraping at the marble furniture. "Don't force imprisonment on me."
"Please My Lady, think about how I feel. I do this to make sure you're secure." The demon laid a palm on his mistress's knuckle. "I couldn't stand it if something happened to you."
" Isn't danger a part of our lives? Don't we risk our lives every time we go out to hunt?" She shot him a pointed look. "What's different this time?"
"The possibility that someone is directly targeting you for their twisted wants." Steven snarled in anger. "I refuse to give them the chance...I refuse to throw you into such danger!"
"Do you think I'm incapable of protecting myself? Am I that weak to you?" Her voice was low and a fiery stubbornness roared in her eyes.
Steven shook his head instantly. " No no! It's not that!" He grimaced at the thought of his lady thinking he doubted her. "I know you're quite talented...Fledgling witch as you are."
His attempt at a compliment didn't go unnoticed, but didn't ease her ire either.
"This isn't about you protecting yourself." He spoke gently and truthfully as he held her hands, massaging the back of them with his thumb. "This is about you being protected, period."
She sighed downtrodden. Her eyes relaxed a bit as the anger faded and slight appreciation. "I understand."
Steven smiled in victory. "Please, My Lady this is-"
"I understand your feelings, but I refuse to accept and follow your judgement."
Steven froze at her determined voice. Looking at her eyes he saw he couldn't change her mind.
"Why are you so damn bull-headed?" Steven scratched the back of his head, letting go of her hand.
"Why can't you trust me?!" He walked over to the sink grabbing the edge of it.
"Steven, of course I trust you."
He could hear the heartbreak in her voice.
Steven looked over his shoulder with a glare. "Funny way of showing it, partner." He turned to face her, fist clench. "I told you what I felt from that corpse, the emotions left behind.". He walked over towards her. “Do you know how terrifying it is for me, that someone who would do that? With those attentions, those emotions. The simple possibility that it could be towards you.” He stopped before her, a few centimeters away from her.” It’s heart-wrenching.”
Connie looked up at him, those sad and scared eyes of his perring down at her. She grabbed his cheeks gently. “Steven, you can’t halt my life for a possibility, you know that.”
“I’m not..I’m just being cautious...Protective.” He held her hands tenderly almost afraid to break her.
“I know but, If THIS is your way of protecting me, then I don't need it."
“My lady?”
She tipped-toed, kissing his forehead, before looking into his eyes sadly. “You’ve always protected…” She shook her head. “We’ve always protected each other without smothering each other...Without taking away from each other...Why should that change? I trust you to keep me safe, have my there when I call.” She gave him a gentle smile. “Trust that I’m capable enough that I won’t have to.. ”
“I want you to though.” He pouted just a bit.
“It is a nice feeling when you come to my rescue, admittedly..”She arched an eyebrow, patting his cheek. “But hopefully I won’t need saving today.”
He groaned as she let his face go and backed away.
“Hey, you don’t want me to get in trouble now? She teased
“Of course not!” Steven gulped as a flush came to his face. “Just..Can’t help but worry.”
“My diligent protector.”She spoke adoringly. “Come have lunch with me today, after you talk with the witches. It’ll be your choice and on me.”
“Oh..So no Panda Express?” He folded his arms with a smirk.
“If that's what you want, then yes.” She turned her back to him. “Besides, It’ll ease your nerves seeing me safe.”
“Maybe a little bit. Won’t be truly comfortable til all this is settled and done with.”
“Yeah.” She gave him a reassuring grin. “ I gotta get ready for work.”
“Or you can stay here… Under my protection... In your pajamas”
The pajamas in question was a long button up shirt that reached her knees over some night shorts. She could feel the flirtyteaseing in his tone and it made it nearly impossible for her to fight the grin on her face.
"You wish.” She walked out of the kitchen with a wave, "Besides that what Sundays are for." hiding her blushing face. Unaware of the uncertain look on his face.
“I hope she’s safe.” He stated as he gazed up to the ceiling.
“Big Bro!”
He turned to the front door to see Amethyst running towards him. He chuckled when she leapt up onto his lap tackling him a hug.
“Hey Amy.” He sat up with her returning the hug.
“Oh...Didn’t know we’d have a visitor.”
“I did.”
Steven turned his head to see two older figures walk in holding groceries . One was a lilith woman with peach hair, a long pointed nose, clear blue eyes and skin as white as the pearl adorned on her forehead.
Beside her was a taller, curvier, voluptuous woman. She had dark skin the color of garnet, full lips, a large cube afro and triangular glasses.
Them two, along with Amethyst were the crystal witches
“It’s good to see you Steven.” The garnet skinned woman spoke in a deep british accent giving him an affectionate smile. “Not very often you visit without Connie.”
“Yeah I guess so, Garnet.” He gave the woman a smile.
“Is everything ok? You’re not giving her trouble are you?” The lilith woman spoke accusingly.
“We’re fine. Completely in bliss, Pearl.” Steven sneered at the lilith witch. “What about you, Beaks. Pecked any good holes lately? “ He smirked as she frowned.
“Still an unruly demon, I see.“
“Just for those who deserve it”
“Maybe, you need to be disciplined then.” She stepped forward conjuring a small white flame in her hand.
Seven sat Amy next to him as he cracked his right hand, growling defensively.
“That’s enough, you two.” Garnet announced as Amy ran to her leg before lifting up the small demoness. “This isn’t the time for your rivalry.”
“Hmm, fine.” Pearl relented, killing the flame. Her snooty demeanor rubbed Steven the wrong way. “It’s best to return Connie her toy, undamaged, anyway.”
“Goddamn mother hen from hell!” He roared in annoyance, getting a smirk from the lilith demon.
“They never get along without Sis refereeing” Amethyst sighed. Garnet only nodded with a grimace.
“Pearl please put the groceries away, Amethyst will help” Garnet stated as she placed the frowning purple demoness down to the floor
“I need to talk to Steven about something he asked. You can play with him after we're done.” .
“Go ahead Amy,” he rubbed his little sister's head affectionately. "help Beaks out, and we can visit Connie for lunch later.”
Amy's eyes widened in excitement before she ran to Pearl’s side.
Garnet nodded towards the temple door, a purplish-blue door with a start in the center adorned with five different gems on it’s point The sapphire and ruby gem glowed before the door opened revealing a reddish workshop. “Let’s talk in private,”
While Steven was visiting the Crystal Witches, Connie was manning the receptionist desk at the Delmarva library. She was leaning back into her chair, a book of spells in her hand. The public place was desolate, only two other patrons were in the library…
t was quite easy to get lost in the five storey building. Her mind was not on that though.It was on the morning she had with Steven.
My stars. Can't believe he thought It waa a liable idea to keep me under house arrest like some damsel in a fairytale. He knows better.' She frowned a bit before chuckling. 'Though, there's a sweetness to his protectiveness."'She grinned.
'What would I do anyway after the first few days becoming a hermit..Besides leaving without his knowledge? Create a spell that turns me to a demon, just to break the boredom. Laze on the couch after reading every book in the house, drown his flowers trying to water them...Burn down the kitchen trying to cook him a meal after a long day.' She shook her head.
"He'd reprimand me to hell, while saying I look cute with soot on my cheek, all before happily eating the burnt meal." She felt a warm heat in her cheeks.
"And then suggest we'd spend the evening in the living room together before lightly discussing plans for remodeling. Where he'd probably just spend the time being his flirty demon self." A smirk grace her lips.
”Such a silly demon.” There was no bite to her comment, just playful affection and a bit of excitement over the prospect of their lunch date today.
She was lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice that she had a visitor. The clearing of someone's throat caught her attention. A slight wave of embarrassment hit her at the thought of being caught daydreaming by a visitor.
"Welcome to the Delmarva public library, how may I help you?" Rehearsed lines, rehearsed poise..It's a living for a brilliant self educated teenage witch with limited public schooling. Not like public schooling would assist with her future prospects anyway.
"Yes..Do you have any books on magic? Demon summoning, demon contracts, and mind control spells specifically."
Connie arched an eyebrow at the person in front of her desk, adjusting her glasses. He was a young adult, with slick back dirty blonde hair and a deep tan some could nearly confuse with melanin. His face was a bit on the square side, a bit roughed up like he had a hard couple of nights.
'His clothes fared better than his face, did he fight at a wedding or something? ' Connie thought as she looked at the tuxedo he was wearing; a normal black one with a loose bow tie, a white cotton button up with slightly red areas that looked like ketchup. it was the same on his pintip black shoes.
'It better be ketchup...Please let it be ketchup!' Connie's mind screamed, as she kept a neutral smile on her face. until she took a look at his eyes. 'Note to self work on my sensory skills.'
She felt her heart chill and her blood ran cool as she looked into his green eyes. They were pale. No light of someone who was getting married ,walked from a fight or even someone who was having a hard time. They were soulless but weren't empty..They had quite a bit of objective and torment in them.
Not to mention the very little..very familiar magic signature she got from them. ' Well..This is just bad taste. Sending a bewitched and beaten person to me.'
"Wait here please." Connie stood up from her seat and walked from the desk, book in hand before heading into the staff only door on the western wall. She was in there for a few seconds before returning, hands in pocket as one of her co-workers manned the front desk.She gave the visitor a nod to follow her. "The books you need are on the other side of the library. We need to go out to get there."
The man said nothing as he followed the young witch out of the building.
"So..What's got you interested in magic?" Connie looked back at the meat puppet as if she was expecting an answer. "Secret?"
"Ah..I got you." She turned her back on him as they turned the western corner. "The silent type…" Connie sighed before continuing "You know, they say silence is one of the loudest sounds around." She led him around another corner to a private abandoned construction area away from the busy streets.
"That's especially true when someone's calling for help. "She paused in her steps. "So tell me." She clenched her fist looking over her shoulder. "Are you asking for help or are you helpless and asking for release?"
She faced him fully.. "Cause your quiet is deafening me, mister."
The man charged forward, throwing a wild haymaker at the young witch's skull.
Connie stepped in close, lowering her body under his attack before sending a hook to the man's chin. She watched as his body stumbled to the left, into a nearby steel beam only to rise like a zombie, ignoring the dislocated jaw and trickle of blood trailing down his head.
Charging again he attempted to tackle her by the waist, only to stumble and slam his shoulder socket into another beam, due to her leaping on and kicking off his large back.
Connie winced when she watched him stand up, his shoulder already showing signs of dislocation and swelling. "Can't you feel that..or anything?" She pleaded.
Her answer was him lifting a thin pipe and stalking towards her baring his teeth as he picked up speed.
"Guess not." Connie relented as she dodged a vertical swipe. She caught a glimpse of his eyes and kissed her teeth in anger. They were blank but wet.
"Sorry. " She whispered before ducking low and kicking his feet from under him with her right foot, causing him to fall forward. As he fell she brought her left fist straight to the center of his face with a devastating 'POP' as flesh met flesh.
The pipe fell out of his hand onto the sandy turf as he crumbled to his knees, and into her arms, eyes rolled back and completely unconscious.
"I'm so sorry." Connie laid him down back first before checking to see if he was still alive, out of worry. She found a pulse and sighed, before glaring and standing up. "You think you can play with people and not pay for it!?" The witch spoke in a cool tone.
"Yes..Yes I do actually." The voice of Azurite answered back before the demoness made herself known, melding from the shadows and sitting down on one of the higher beams.
"You are as beautiful as you are brutal. I can see why my master and your demon are taken with you."
Connie's glare deepened as Azurite's smile widened.
"Let's talk, beauty to beauty, woman to woman…"
he demoness pointed a long nail to the teen "Witch.." and then to herself "to demon.
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