Chapter 1
She groaned as she walked out of the Delmarva public library finishing her shift and not just because of the idiocy she endured all day. Not even cause of her co-workers, who at times are annoying as all hell. No no...The source of the young witch in training groans, stood on the steps of the library surrounded by curious and flirty females and males.
Wearing his signature dark pink three piece suit, victorian-style bubblegum pink shirt, diamond collar pin, black loafers stood Steven Diamond Universe. In addition to his normal standout attire he placed on a pair of shades to cover his eyes and a hood to cover his ...other features(despite being able to 'glamour' them away.) On his shoulder sat a purple owl.
She sighed at the sight of his rabid fandom and the whining they made when he pushed pass them to get to her side.
"You're looking quite lovely today, My lady."
She grimaced at his slick tone slightly, before leading him around back into an alley for some privacy. When it was clear that no one was following them She growled at him.
“Steven.. Why are you here?”
“Can’t a familiar see his beautiful summoner, without summoning?”
“Not when said familiar is a demon with horns and such.”’
He chuckled as he pulled his hood and shades off, ignoring his lady’s protest, revealing..His slight tan skin, human like eyes and slight freckled face..completely human-like and teasingly he folded the hood over his forearm. .
Connie turned away feeling her face grow a bit warm.‘ Sheesh. His playing is gonna kill me.’
“So why are you here, again?.” She folded her arms above her chest as she arched an eyebrow at the person in front of her, trying to ignore the budding affection that seems to grow just a bit every time they meet.
“I was just...around the area and figured I’d stop by.”
She kissed her teeth at his very weak answer.“Uh-huh…” With a nod, she looked at the dove on his shoulder and with a sweet smile she asked.
"Amy. Why are you and your 'Big Bro' in the city?"
"He got into it with Pearl again!"
"Steven, really?"
He stiffened at her slightly dissatisfied tone, his pride of a familiar wouldn't allow him to look bad in his mistress's eyes.
She sighed tiredly. It was common but still she rather not her master in witchery and her friend and partner... be at odds with each other so often.
."So..What was it about this time?"
As the purple bird was about to answer, he pressed his index and middle finger on her beak, keeping her shut.
"Nothing to concern yourself with, my lady. Just a bit of a hiccup on a mission is... ah!
He waved his index finger in pain as Amethyst flew from his shoulders to the lightly chuckling Connie's.
"You kind of deserved that, Steven."
"Mean! That was mean Big Bro."
Steven only snared in response as Connie rubbed the birds under belly caringly inciting a smug look on Amethyst face.
"So...What happened on the mission?"
Steven and Amethysts looked at each other before Steven sighed in defeat, nodding.
From Amethyst story, The Crystal Witches found the whereabouts of a demon who uses music as a weapon, lurking in North Delmarva. It was supposed to be relatively weak, enough for two of them; Steven and Pearl..Amethyst tagged along as well.
The demon had been masquerading as a street performer and had set up in the very center of a shopping market. It was said that the demon was targeting humans, bewitching them, making them it's slave and stealing their vitality for power...Specifically it was targeting humans with aptitude for magic.
When they arrived they saw evidence that the information was correct. The residents were passed out appearing to sleeping peaceful and bodies with an unnatural tone of gray to their skin. They decided to split up Steven and Amethyst to the west and Pearl to the east, agreeing to inform the other when they made contact.
The market was completely under the demon siege, the deeper they went in finding more of the same. Steven and Amethysts stopped when they heard a lullaby being played on a ukulele, before running towards the music, they paused as they watched the purple hooded demon slowly drained the vitality of a group of young teens. The good thing is that at the time, they had the element of surprise; it seemed it was too engrossed in it's meal and performance to even register them.
Seeing this as a perfect chance, Amethyst attacked the demon first..and was unceremoniously kicked back to Steven side. Steven attacked almost immediately in a ready to send the demon back to it's world, harshly..Only to be obstructed by a small condensed forcefield of vibration keeping Steven back. With a strum of it's instrument the barrier explodes throwing Steven, and A few unlucky bodies back. He landed hard headfirst through a pole, Amethyst was able to catch the humans that were thrown in the explosion and get them to relative safety.
By the time Steven was done shaking the cobwebs out of his head and Amethysts was done checking on the humans, Pearl was steadily beating the demon back, exhausting it's borrowed strength with quick spells and hand to hand combat. Steven and Amethysts watched as Pearl broke the instrument In the demon's hand with a stab of her staff, the gathered vitality returning to the people. The demon growled before leaping back and vanishing in a purple mist, leaving a musical note in the form of energy before that too disappeared.
After they made sure the humans were indeed gonna be alright..Pearl and Steven got into it.
Pearl reprimanding them both for not calling her when they found the demon, sloppy fighting, and being foolish enough to try to fight it alone and putting the demons victims in potential danger..
Embarrassed Steven retaliated, stating they saw a chance and took it..Also they forced the demon to use a great amount of it's stolen power before her arrival, allowing Pearl to get the upper hand, and even then she couldn't finish it off.
From there it deteriorated to petty insults towards each other all the way back to the temple with Amethyst trying to play peacemaker. It was when they were at the temple things got more heated and personal.
"That's enough Amethyst, no need to talk about it anymore."
Steven interrupted as Amethyst before she said too much. Connie turned to her familiar, looking concerned at his dark tone.
"Ah!..I..I'm sorry bro."
"Not your fault. She was just mad…" He turned his attention to Connie and gave her a sly smile. "As to why we are here? Garnet stated that she saw our 'friend's is somewhere in the city. I was hoping to have you join in our investigation. "
Connie sighed tiredly, but smiled nonetheless. "Sure, but I haven't felt anything around her though."
"Neither did we, but Big bro just wanted you by him. He was worried!"
Steven smirked and shrugged..She wasn't lying. "Demon hunting is second priority when up against even a moment with you, my beloved lady."
Connie groaned at his flirting, her face hiding it's red. "Let's just get going, can we do that?"
"Lead the way, my lady."
"Can we get some food while we demon hunt, I want a torta!" Amethyst squawked on the young witch's shoulder, making Connie winced at the loud sound.
"Amethyst get off Connie shoulder, yeah? Cover yourself with the hood."
Amethyst with a disappointing groan leapt from the witch's shoulder and down to the ground, when Steven tossed the hood upon Amethyst, covering her completely.
The sounds of bones cracking could be heard as the purple bird shapeshift into a body of a robust female human, short in stature. Under the hood was plump lips,a button nose, amethyst stone freckles, purple hair covering the left of a pair of violet eyes, and light almond skin with purple streaks. Overall she was what some would consider exotically attractive.
She gave the witch in training a smile before giving her a hug around the waist.
“Can we get those tortas now?”
Connie had to giggle at the childish request before nodding, returning the hug as well.
“My lady! Where’s my affection?”
Connie scoffed at Steven complaining as she pet the smaller girl's head. “You be quiet and let’s go search.”
Steven whimpered teasingly but followed along closely behind giving a chuckle towards the witch; one that Connie couldn't help but blush at.
As they walked off the property grounds a regular walked by glancing at the trio from their right peripheral, suspiciously. Steven locked eyes with them for a moment before giving a slight grin and continuing on his way.
As they walked the populated city, Connie couldn't help but smile at the adorable actions of her demon cohorts. Amethyst stopped and looked at almost every food shop, magazine and comic stands and toy store. Each time smiling brightly.
Steven, for his part, took a more attention towards the task of actually trying to find the demon presence at each stop. She watched as his eyes always narrow for any magic signature. As his nostrils flexed for any non-human yet familiar smell. As his ears twitched for any sound with an unearthly presence. She had to admit, her familiar was impressive when he was determined. It was an begrudgingly attractive trait.
That didn't stop him from joining his 'little sis' in window shopping though, or taken his mistress's hand and leading her into a shop they found interesting. Her protest usually ignored to the point of her allowing it..To the point of her almost interlocking hers with his. A few hours into their investigation/playing and with the sun setting...
They didn’t find any demon.
Amethyst did get torta though..So that was one victory.
Connie found herself sitting on a bench as stretching a bit tiredly, as the demon duo found interest in a clothes boutique.
'This..This was a great way to spend the afternoon actually..'
Connie allowed a smile on her face at that thought. she actually needed this she realized. If it was any other day, she probably would have headed home. Get some witchcraft training, read a book..All alone in her home.
"Probably would have summoned Steven just to kill the boredom." Her smirk was a bit cynical.
Her home was almost always empty but that isn’t very new, comes with being orphaned against your will..that and becoming ' the quiet, cold. occult girl' as she heard people around the village she lives at called her. The little snickers and sneers about her being too weird, too uptight, too self-centered and such behind her back..It seeped under her skin for some reason. Her smile dropped into a frown.
“Whatever..They're just idiots, who doesn't know anything about the truths of this world. .. Who cares about them?” She hated how sadden her voice sounded. She leaned back before looking back at the troublemaking demons. Steven trying to get Amethyst to stop taking clothes off of random mannequins with little success. A small smirk on her face as she looked at her familiar, reprimanding his ‘little sister’ actions, before whispering something in her ear. Getting a smile from Amethyst ,who seemed determined in whatever the task he gave her.
She felt a small heat in her cheeks when he looked at her from the corner of his eyes.and waved towards her.
“Silly demon.”
She was a bit surprised at warmth in her voice as she waved back before watching Steven smirk and walk out of view.
It was then that she felt a chill down her spine..and not the delightful she gets from Steven at times..No this one was caused by the feeling of being observed. She stood up, fist clenched as she looked for any sign of an enemy.
The seal on her right glowed and surged with magic as she looked around. Her senses heighten and more sensitive to magic signatures. She looked at the billboards..nothing..The arcade..nothing…
' Steven come to me.'
The Crest glowed at her thought and almost instantly, rising behind her from the shadows stood Steven. His face determined, and still glamoured as a human but his eyes took their original black and dark pink.
"My lady?" His voice was cool with a bit of a worry but low.. A whisper.
"Is Amethyst still with you?"
"She's staking out on the wall..It's definitely somewhere in this area.."
"No kidding..I feel like it was watching me. just for a moment."
His lady's abashed tone caused the familiar clenched his fist in rage..
' To cause discomfort to my Connie..I'll see this demon dead before dawn'
He grinned gently towards his contractor, his eyes still vigilantly searching.
"Admiring your beauty to the point of losing concentration..Can't blame them. Your visage is quite distracting, my lady."
Connie lighty smirked, grateful for the attempt at humor.
"Not enough it seems..It's back to masking its presence."
Steven was about to agree when a female scream was heard to the west. Steven quickly crouched in front of her, looking back expectantly, who nodded before climbing on..
Steven knew it was serious but.he couldn't help the warmth he felt having her so close..Arms around his neck, knees and calves squeezing his sides, and his hand folded behind him as a makeshift seat for his lady. The fact that she always seem to instinctively press against him too was bonus.
He leapt from street lamp to street lamp heading towards the growing crowd and the presence of a fading heartbeat along with its magic.. The closer they got, the stronger the scene. They stopped on a tree limb above the crowd, watching as the police and ambulance scattered the crowd and the paramedics went to put the body in a bag or at least attempt to .as soon as the body was touched..It broke and shattered like brittle brimstone.Though it did give Steven enough time to confirm the identify the body through smell..along with other traits.
"It's the demon, we were chasing..Someone got to them first."
The way he spoke compounded the concern in Connie. She expected him to be more relaxed but, she could feel his anger radiating off him
“Isn't that a good thing? Wasn't that what we set out to do?"
He glared deepened just a bit.
"It's not the result...t's the method."
They got a quick glance at the body before it broke..and it was a sight he wished his lady didn't see..
The demon..It suffered..The look of pure torment on the corpses face told him that much. It was gray.. stone gray and hellishly thin...much different from the last time they met..signs of being drained of spirit and magic.
Rather it was the landing from the drop, which Steven figured due to the splattered blood..or its executioner; the body was mangled like a rag doll. Its bone snapped and pushing through its thin skin, ligaments torn open by what seemed to be claws..jagged claws..all for the world to see. The demon was used an example or an exhibition, to whom..Steven couldn't say, but they were certainly relished in their brutality and by the tightness of Connie's grip. She felt the same discontent at the visage.
There was one other thing he got as well. The residual presence of magic from a human and a non-human.
"This..we need to inform the witches of this..."
Connie voice wasn't that of fear but of resignation. She would have loved to investigate and try to find those responsible, but the look on Steven face said it all...They might be over their heads. She got a nod of affirmation from her familiar.
Almost instantaneously the limb above them shook and the demoness poked her head out of the foliage. looking quizzically at the duo.
"Yes Big Bro?"
"Go home and inform the witches."
His voice left no room for argument or questioning.
Amethyst still did the latter though. " What about you?"
He smirked before nodding his head towards Connie. "I'll be accompanying my lady home.Before heading back here."
Connie grimaced, faced red. "Hey now! I didn't agree to that!"
"Well, how else will I be able to protect my beloved lady?"
Connie gave him a gentle tap on the back of his head. A love tap. "I'm quite capable, thank you."
Steven gave her a small smile."Of course..But I need to be sure your safe,Connie. It'll calm me."
'He's hiding something...His eyes, there's worry in them.' Connie thought with a frown on her face at the false smile. "Sure.."
He nodded as he turned to Amethyst. "Hurry up, now. I'll be there later."
Amethyst, a bit disheartened at her Big bro somber tone, nodded reluctantly. Before she left though she whispered into Steven's ear, who eyes widen in thought…
"Take it with you..I'll collect it later Now go home and mask your magic."
Amethyst smiled a bit at his usual mischievous tone of voice. With a nod the demoness threw the hood to her brother, before leaping from her branch before transforming into a owl..with a box in its beak.
He watched for a moment before turning to Connie. who nodded.. They climbed down from the tree slowly, unnoticeably, blending into the busy streets..
Or so they thought. Not to far from them, someone watched with longing, envious eyes behind a chain link fence. On there palm was the crest of a contract.
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