Chapter 58: Seekers
The battle continues to rage on.
Hiro: Huh?
Hiro felt something odd. He knew that something happened to Charlotte.
Hiro: No...
The LBXs of Jenock kept combating D-Regiudea.
Itan: Why he stopped moving?
Haruki: Maybe something happened.
Hiro touchd his forehead and began to struggle.
Hiro: Urgh...!!
Itan: This is a big chance for us! Finish D-Regiudea!
All Jenokian LBXs unleashed their full force to finish D-Regiudea. When D-Regiudea is already beaten up, they gave way to Magna Orthus.
Hikaru: Muraku! It's all yours!
JENOCK: Do it! Muraku!
Hiro: You can't!
When D-Regiudea dashed at Magna Orthus to struck it to the chest, a LBX countered D-Regiudea's Fiamicus.
Muraku: That's—
Kitori: Sorry if I'm late, Houjou Muraku!
Kitori smiled at Muraku.
Muraku: Kitori....
Hiro: Kitori! What are you doing?! Our obligation is to defeat them! Not to help them!
Kitori: Maybe. But I never that we'll go through this far! I wanted people to know reality in a peacful way!
Hiro: You're nothing but a useless tool!
D-Regiudea added force on countering Lilacron. Lilacron crashed away.
Kitori: Lilacron! Get up there!
Lilacron quickly got up and countered D-Regiudea with a slash.
Muraku: Kitori....Why are you doing this...
Kitori: This alliance hasn't been the alliance I knew and joined before. Even I'm like this, I can still change my own heart.
Muraku: Thanks you...Kitori.
Ban: Jenock! Let's finish this!
Jenock: YES SIR!
All students of Jenock and their LBXs gave everything they've got to finish D-Regiudea
Hiro bursted vicious dark energy that sapped away the strength of others.
Hikaru: Urgh---!
Ban: My...strength....Ugh!
Muraku: G-Guys...!
The dark energy kept on emerging from Hiro.
Hiro: Would you still stand up and continue, Houjou Muraku? I can sense your stamina is sapping away bit by bit.
Muraku: I..Urgh!
Hiro: Look at you teammates. They'll eventually die any moment now. If you still want to live, join me.
Kitori: D-Don't....join! Muraku!
Hiro: If you'll join me, I can guarantee the safety of your friens. If you don't, you'll all perish.
Muraku bowed his head down with tears dropping. He clenched his fist because of anger.
Hiro: What's your answer, Houjou Muraku?
Arata: Don't...Muraku!
Muraku lifted up his face and stared sharply at Hiro.
Muraku: I won't join you. If it means to die at the end just to defeat you and bring you back to your normal self, I will do it!
Hiro: You're really pissing me off! If that's your choice, then perish!
The dark energy surrounded and covered Hiro. Hiro's eyes turned to flaring red, then, D-Regiudea fused with Hiro. The D-Regiudea armor plates and weapons equipped to Hiro.
Muraku's eyes turned radiant yellow and his hair longed. Violet aura came out from Muraku then Magna Orthus fused with him. Magna Orthus' armor plates, Magnas Blade and Magnas Shield equipped at Muraku.
Ban: Go....for it...Muraku...
Muraku: Oozora Hiro! Prepare yourself! This is the final fight!
Hiro: I'm not scared at you! Even you activated the Ultra Maxus Overload!
Muraku: To all my friends....and to all people around the world....I'll do everything to save the world from Descendants!
[Insert song: Oath Sign by LiSA ]
Hiro and Muraku jumped in the air and clashed swords. Seeing them with their sharp stares to each other, they're really giving out their whole force in fighting each other.
Muraku dashed in zigzag form to slash Hiro but because of D-Regiudea's speed ability, Hiro managed to evade Muraku's swift slashes.
Hiro: It's my turn!
The Fiamicus and Cordectis lightened up then Hiro swinged the two swords and released enormous wave slashes that hit Muraku.
Muraku: Urgh!
Hiro: Had enough?
Muraku: Not yet!
Muraku suddenly disappeared out of Hiro's sight.
Hiro: Where did he go?!
Muraku: Over here!
Hiro: Wha--?!
Muraku cloned to three and flew to the skies then slashed Hiro with three huge blazing slashes.
Hiro: Urgh!
Kitori: M-Mura...ku.....
Muraku: I'll save everyone! I'LL SAVE THE WORLD FROM YOU!
Muraku bursted to his final overlimit wherein he transformed to his final form and his LBX Magna Orthus, the Magna DX.
Muraku and Hiro gave out all what they've got and clashed at full burst. Muraku shouted for burst until he defeated Hiro.
Hiro fell on the ground. The control collar that was permanently attached to his neck was removed. His transformed back to his normal form.
Muraku transformed back to his original form and lost his consciousness.
At Tokio Medical Center. The whole Jenock and also the Seekers are waiting for Muraku to wake up.
Arata: I really really wanted to tell him that—
Hikaru: Save that for later.
Then little by little, Muraku's eyes are slowly opening up.
Ran: He's awake!
The others quickly went to Muraku to see him.
Muraku: G-Guys....Mr....Yamano. What are you all...doing here?
Daiki: Of course we came here to see you.
Ban: Muraku. Because of you, all things are already back to normal. You brought back the peace that all people wanted.
Jin: Not just that, you did everything just to save the world even if it means you're gonna die.
Then Prime Minister Zaizen and Yagami came in.
Zaizen: Is he awake?
Muraku: P-Prime Minis....ter!!
Ami: Stay. Don't force yourself yet to get up.
Zaizen: It's okay Muraku. I just came here to thank you for doing everything. We owe you the safety of the whole city and the world.
Muraku: No need to thank me, Prime Minister. I just did what I needed to do.
Hikaru: Muraku.
Muraku: Hikaru....
Hikaru handed over a violet LBX with glazing violet and supreme-like armorplates, radiant vizor and golden devil horns.
Muraku: A LBX....where is my Magna Orthus?
Hikaru: That is your Magna Orthus, but since from the battle with you and Hiro, it transformed and evolved. That's Magna DX. It really suits your title, "Violet Devil".
Muraku: Magna...DX..
Ban: Muraku, there is one last person who wants to see you.
Muraku: Who is it sir?
The person came in. Muraku was shocked when he saw the person.
Muraku: You're...Oozora...Hiro!
Hiro: Houjou Muraku, among all of the people here, I owe you most especially my life. Thank you for setting my imprisoned normal personality free. As appreciation and thanks, are you willingly to join and be officially part of the Seekers?
Muraku: B-Be part of the Seekers?! But...I don't deserve that.
Vanessa: What do you mean you don't deserve that, Muraku? You almost died in protecting the whole world.
Hiroto: If I were you, I would already accepted that. It's a big luck if you become a part of the legendary world protectors, the Seekers!
Kitori: Accept it Muraku.
Muraku: Guys...Well, do I have a choice? I'm willing to accept Sir Hiro.
Muraku handshaked Hiro.
Hiro: Thank you, Muraku.
Ban: Welcome to the Seekers, Houjou Muraku.
After Muraku accepted the offer, they celebrated.
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