Chapter 30: Clash! Muraku vs Kitori!
The next morning...
Jaycee: Muraku! You okay now?
Muraku: Uh...yeah.
Jaycee: Man, that Overload is putting too much pressure on you.
Muraku: It's okay. I can master it like Arata, Seredy and Hiroto does.
Jaycee: Well, it's up to you man.
Sendou entered the room.
Sendou: Attention. All platoons today we'll meet with each other for later's mission.
Itan: What's the mission later sir?
Sendou: Londonia will invade at Sei Grideaux and as usual, Lilacron will lead the attack.
Muraku: Sir. I'll face him alone. The others can eliminate the other Londonian units.
Sendou: I can't approve that.
Muraku: Please sir.
Hikaru: Muraku...
Sendou: Fine. You'll face Lilacron but how will lure Lilacron away from them?
Itan: Leave it to me sir!
Muraku: Itan Kyouji?
Itan: Luring is just a simple task.
Sendou: Begin meeting!
They meet and talked to their platoons about the plan later at Sei Grideaux.
Sendou: I'll just talk to Ban and Jin.
Muraku: Okay sir.
Shin: Arata. Hikaru. Get ready to deploy with the new units later. Sakuya and I upgraded your Dot Blastrizer to Dot Maximus.
Arata: Whoa! Dot Maximus! Sounds cool!
Shin: I'm not sure what Kageto and Takeru has made for you Hikaru.
Hikaru: Then what do we do to Val Striker and Dot Acer?
Muraku: I know what to do with those two. Jaycee! Nuja! Come over here.
Jaycee and Nuja came over to Muraku's platoon.
Nuja: Why did you called us?
Muraku: Here. Nuja will have Val Striker while you Jaycee will have Dot Acer.
Jaycee: Thanks a lot! Finally I can switch my DC Braver to a stronger LBX!
Nuja: Thanks. I'll take care of Val Striker, Hikaru.
Hikaru: Sure.
After a few hours, the clock struck at 3:00 PM.
Voice: It is now the scheduled time, the Second World will now activate.
All students proceeded to their assigned command room.
Sendou: Fudokawa Shin. Hosono Sakuya. Kiba Kageto. Koujou Takeru. Finish the new LBX so Arata and Hikaru can join the battle.
Shin, Sakuya, Kageto, Takeru: Roger!
Ban: Do we have anything to meet?
Muraku: Sir. We need the Jenock's first platoon and sixth platoon for our battle at Sei Grideaux. And for the Harnes we suggest you can meet with the other Jenock forces and be on patrol.
Suzune: Patrol again?
Inui: It's important Suzune. We have to regain what we lost but in order to do that, we have to find the right time to attack the other countries.
Jin: It's time. Begin preparations now!
All students ran to the control pod room and entered their control pods.
Voice: 5..4..3..2..1 War Time begin!
Shin: Mechanics and players of Argander! Deploy units in Riding Sousa!
Sakuya: Haruki, you deploy into RS too!
Kageto: Mikhail. Vanessa. Deploy in Riding Sousa too!
The two platoons of Jenock and whole forces of Argandery went to Sei Grideaux.
Sakuya: Arata! Prepare to deploy. Dot Maximus is almost finished!
Arata: Okay!
Kageto: Hikaru. We're almost done in manufacturing Val Alpharos!
Hikaru: Val Alpharos...
Seredy: They'll be coming any minute now.
Sakuya: Enemies approaching above Sei Grideaux!
Muraku: They're here...
Then the Londonian units descended from the skies and landed at Sei Grideaux.
Kitori: Violet Devil....
Itan: Muraku! Are you ready?
Muraku: Ready! I won't let you capture Sei Grideaux!
Itan: Gruxeon!
Gruxeon boosted and sent Lilacron flying in the air.
Itan: Muraku! Now!
Kitori: Huh?
Muraku: Hyaaah!!
Magna Orthus quickly appeared behind Lilacron and slashed him in the back and sent back crashing into the ground.
Seredy: I see their plan...Surround the reamaining Londonian LBX! We'll eliminate them once and for all!
Sakuya: Transferring control data to Arata's CCM!
Arata: This is it!
Shin: Analyzing Dot Maximus! Succession of control, 100% Proceeding countdown for deploying! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Dot Maximus! Launching!
Dot Maximus came out of the Argander headquarters in a Riding Sousa.
Kageto: We're done Takeru! Transferring control data to Hikaru's CCM!
Takeru: Analyzing Val Alpharos. Succession of control, 100% Proceeding countdown for deploying! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Val Alpharos! Launching!
Val Alpharos came out of the Jenock headquarters in a Riding Sousa.
Hikaru: Let's go!
Val Alpharos and Dot Maximus landed at Sei Grideaux and slashed a huge number of Londonian force.
Hiroto: Nice LBXs Arata! Hikaru!
Hikaru: All units! Begin the attack!
Seredy: The fun's just starting! Overload!
Seredy's Overload activated. Phantom burtsed and pierced the LBXs.
Nuja: Val Striker!
Christine: Pallas Athena!
Koga: We'll definitely win this!
All of them cooperated in eliminating the Londonian LBXs.
Gouda: Looks like your forces are losing Kousuke. Need some help?
Kousuke: No need.
Yuuya: So they created new LBXs.
Behind the Sei Grideaux...
Muraku: Tsk. Lilacron's speed is incredible...Magna Orthus!
Magna Orthus and Lilacron clashed swords again.
Muraku: How will I win this...I'll do everything to defeat him! Activating Tyrant Mode!
Magna Orthus turned to black and orange and bursted over his maximum limits. Because of Magna Orthus' Tyrant Mode, Magna Orthus able to push back Lilacron and deal a heavy damage on it.
Kitori: Damn!
Muraku: I can...I can master the Overload! Overload!!!
Muraku's Overload activated. Magna Orthus began slashing Lilacron without seeing it because of the speed of Tyrant Mode and Overload activated together.
Jin: Muraku! Stop! Don't use the Overload!
Sendou: He's doing it again...
Kitori: Tsk. It doesn't mean that if you have the Overload and Tyrant Mode, you can defeat me! HAAAAAHHH!!!
Kitori's eyes changed. Lilacron's movements became as fast the Overload too.
Jin: Is that?!
Ban: Otoriba Kitori has Overload!
Jin: If Muraku notices this, he will pressure his self just to be above the Overload of Kitori!
Sendou: Muraku...Don't stress yourself too much again!
Muraku: Kitori! I won't let you kill us all again! Magna Orthuuuuus!
Magna Orthus slashed Lilacron in the air and sent to the ground.
Kitori: Lilacron's joints is badly damaged!
Muraku: You're done! Attack Function!
-CCM-: Attack Function: Catastrophe Drive
Magna Orthus cloned to three and flew to the skies then slashed Lilacron with three blazing slashes.
Kitori: Impossible!
Kitori's Overload deactivated as well as Muraku's Overload and Magna Orthus' Tyrant Mode.
Muraku: *huff* I...I did it.
Koga: Nice job Muraku!
Hikaru: Muraku's really devoting hinself to the battle...
Then the alarm of the Second World rang.
Voice: Time is up. Today's War Time will now end.
Sendou: You did it everyone especially you Muraku...
After te War Time, they straighted back to their dorm.
Shin: You're so amazing Muraku!
Arata: It seems you're almost near in mastering the Overload.
Muraku: Thanks Arata.
Hikaru: I'm sure you're exhausted. You should take a rest. We'll do your assignment.
Muraku: Thanks guys.
Muraku went to his bed and slept.
Hikaru: Okay. Time for us to reward Muraku for all his effort to save Argander!
Shin and Arata: Okay!
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