Time Controllers

I don't know what this is and if it makes sense but I hope it's okay.

Dan glanced down at his watch in annoyance. The second hand seemed to tick as quick as it possibly could and his time was running out. He stared down at his pretty much blank test paper, praying that at least one more answer would come into his head. Nothing.

"If only time could stop right now. I could totally just get up and look at everyone else's tests and they'd have no idea." Dan once again looked at his clock but the second hand was no longer moving. It had frozen. As if time had stopped.

Dan's eyes widened and he looked around at his classmates who weren't moving. One student had his head down on the table, another his hand frozen up in the air and one more had her pen perched on the test, ready to write but.. not writing.

"Fuck."(oops excuse my language but I didn't know how else to phrase Dan's surprise) Dan said aloud, not even caring about using a profanity. He stood up, his eyes never leaving his teacher who was mid-standing up. He slowly wandered over to one of the smartest students in class, Phil Lester, who had his whole test filled out and was leaning back in his chair. He lifted up the test gently, as if afraid to tear it.

He placed it down on his own desk and began to copy the answers, only altering a couple of words. Once he was finished, he put Phil's test back and sat back in his own seat.

"And how exactly do I restart time?" He thought and a couple of seconds later, the teacher's voice filled the air.

"Everyone hand in your tests." Dan's head jerked up (literally like a meerkat). What had just happened? Did he just... no, that can't be possible. The teacher stood by Dan's desk and he didn't notice until she obviously cleared her throat.

"Dan Howell." Dan handed in his test and the teacher looked more than surprised that the whole test had been filled in. "Well done." She mumbled before moving onto the next person.

Dan quickly glanced at Phil Lester, watching as he obliviously pushed his glasses higher up his nose. His stomach twisted when he realised that Phil had no idea. He wasn't even aware that anyone had copied his work.


Dan's test was thrust in front of him a couple of days later and he had to hold back a gasp. The letter A was scribbled over the front as ticks filled the front page. "Congratulations. That is a big boost compared to your D last term. Have you been revising?" The teacher seemed suspicious and Dan didn't want to give his game away.

"I-I-" Dan was utterly speechless; he had no idea what to say until he blurt out, "I'm as surprised as you are, Miss."

"I need to talk to you after class." Dan's stomach lurched with fear.


"Your tests looked suspiciously similar." The teacher said, folding her arms and looking at Dan and Phil expectantly.

"How? We sat across the classroom from each other. How on earth would he have managed to get up and walk across the classroom to look at my work without you noticing." Phil exclaimed, looking less than unimpressed.

Dan didn't say anything, just mustering a nod.

The teacher let out a huff. "That's true. I'll let it slide this time. Go." The teacher pointed at the door and Dan and Phil solemnly walked out of the classroom.

As soon as they were out of the hearing range of the teacher, Phil abruptly turned around, his eyes narrow. "How did you do it?" He blurted out, catching Dan off guard.

"How did I do what?" Dan murmured, swallowing thickly.

"How did you copy me? It's quite obvious you did. How else would you have gotten a D last term and an A now. We both know you never revise."

"Of course I revise!"

"You're not kidding anyone, Dan."


"You're only cheating yourself. I will ace my GCSEs and you'll fail. Watch." Phil sent Dan one last glare before storming off down the hall towards the library where he hid every lunch. Dan just stopped and wiped away a single tear.


"Dan, your father, brother and I are just going into town, do you want to come?" Dan's mum said one Saturday afternoon.

"No, thanks." Dan replied. He awaited the sound of his front door shutting before standing up. He glanced down at his watch and decided that he was going to do some research. He was going to find answers to his secret power-y thing. He sat down at his computer, clicking into Google and typing the question: is it possible to stop time?

The distinct answer that appeared to constantly come up was no. That didn't help at all. The internet had failed him for once in his life.

Dan glanced down at his watch and his face lit up. He could just about imagine the light bulb lighting up on top of his head.

He slowly took off the watch and placed it down on his desk. He then closed his eyes as tightly as possible before thinking, "I need to stop time."

Nothing happened.

The second hand just kept ticking as usual. Dan couldn't hide his smile.

It was the watch. It was the watch!

There was somewhere else he could get answers now.. his grandfather.

The watch was apparently a family heirloom, passed down to every generation. At Christmas, Dan's grandfather had passed it on to him, explaining that he was next to look after it and 'witness its wonderful abilities'. At the time, Dan had ignored it, thinking it was just his grandfather's usual 'crazy' resurfacing again.

Dan sprinted downstairs and grabbed the home phone, dialling his grandfather's number. It rang four times, before his grandfather's elderly voice greeted him.

"That watch." Dan said. "How does it do it?"

"You need to make sure you pass it onto your grandchildren and do not let it fall into the wrong hands. Use it for good and keep it safe. Oh, and only tell the person who you love. No one else can know."

"But, I want to know-"

"I can't tell you anything. It is there for you to figure out." The phone then went dead.

Dan had one more back up plan and it wasn't going to be fun.


"Phil?" Dan mumbled, poking Phil's shoulder.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm reading?" Phil snapped.

"It's important."

Phil gently placed his bookmark in his book with a sigh and looked at Dan with raised eyebrows. "I'm listening?"

"We need to go somewhere else though. Somewhere where no one can listen." Dan grabbed Phil's sleeve and pulled him out of the library and into one of the many empty classes. "You're a science nerd, right?"

"I guess..?"

"Is it possible to stop time?"

Phil then burst out laughing. He laughed so hard that his eyes were beginning to water, a tiny tear trickling its way down his pale cheek. "Stop time? Of course not." Phil laughed, watching as Dan stiffened and his face paled. "Wait, you were being serious?"

Dan nodded, casting his gaze down to the floor.

"No, it isn't possible," Phil repeated, wiping away his tears and containing his laughter. "Why?"

"Look." Dan grabbed Phil's wrist and closed his eyes. "Time needs to stop." He thought and, as it did every time, time stood still.

"Oh my- how did you do that?"

"Will you tell anyone?" His grandfather's words ran through his head, "Only tell the person you love".. it was a bit too late for that now.

Phil shook his head, his eyes wide in wonder.

"It's my watch."

"That's amazing."


Dan walked into school the next day with a wide smile on his face. He walked straight into the library and sat next to Phil who was reading a book again but this one was non-fiction. It was titled 'Time and How it Works'. "Hey!" Dan said, waving.

"Hello. I did some research and it most definitely is not possible." Phil responded, not once tearing his gaze away from the book. "The watch is just weird and it shouldn't exist."

"Well it does."

"I know. That's what I don't get. I think you should stop using it. It could potentially be really dangerous."

"I hardly use it anyway, only if I need to."

"If you-"

Suddenly, a shout ran through the library. Both of the boys' gazes turned to look at a tiny girl who was being pushed around by a larger boy. Without really thinking, Dan grabbed Phil's hand and wished for time to stop.

"I have an idea!" Dan said, jumping up with a grin. He wandered over to the little girl and picked up her frozen figure. She was rather creepy to look at, her eyes were wide with fear and staring. Her chest wasn't moving and it was actually like she was dead. Dan, with the girl in his arms, walked out of the library and placed the girl down. He then ran back inside and looked at Phil who was still staring in awe. "And, in 3.. 2.. 1.."

"What the hell were-" The boy began to shout before his face turned into an expression of confusion. "I swear.." He mumbled, his face going bright red as most of the people in the library began to laugh.

Dan held up his hand and high-fived Phil as they both laughed like crazy.

"We could totally use this power to help so many people!" Dan exclaimed and Phil nodded.

"Dan and Phil- time controllers! Who cares if there isn't a plausible science explanation for this? It's awesome!"

If you could have any super power, what would you have?

Transportation so that I can transport to America and be with my girlfriend whenever I want ^-^

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