Numb (2)

Guess who spilt hot tea on their hand haha yep it was me



James had gone out to meet up with some friends so Phil decided to sneak into his room. He pulled open his draws, searching for his phone because he really missed Dan. He eventually found it but it was dead so he plugged it in. After a few minutes, it turned on and a picture of him and James appeared as the wallpaper. He frowned as he unlocked the phone and went into his contacts.

"Dan..." Phil's voice sounded so broken as he gripped the phone with all his might. He was afraid that James would come home at any moment and take his phone away again.

"Phil? I thought you didn't want to talk to me again?" Dan sounded quite upset himself which made Phil furrow his eyebrows.


"You texted me saying you didn't want to talk anymore."

Phil put a hand over his mouth as he let out a loud sob: James must have done that. Phil didn't want to lose Dan since he had already lost everything else.

"Phil, what's wrong?"

"I didn't send those messages, James did-" Phil cut himself off as he heard the door shut. "He's home, I need to-" Phil hung up before he could even finish his goodbyes, pocketing the phone. He rushed back into his bedroom and quietly shut the door, hoping to pretend to be asleep. It was pushing midnight and he should have been asleep anyway.

He heard some hushed whispers, followed by a high pitched giggle and he listened closely. "He's asleep so we have to be quiet..." Phil's eyes widened as he heard James' bedroom door shut. He then decided he needed to escape and he needed to do it now.

He shoved a few outfits into a bag, followed by a couple of other things such as his camera and favourite book. He tried to block out the noises he could hear because it was just making his heart beat harder and his legs shake a lot more. He threw his backpack over his shoulders and slowly sneaked out of the door. He was crying softly as he slipped on a pair of shoes. Upon noticing James' wallet sitting on the kitchen side, he decided to pick it up and take out a few notes. James had made his life hell so he at least owed him some money, right?

Phil pocketed the money and slipped out of the house, barely making a noise. He then called Dan again, despite his phone being on a low 10%. "I have nowhere to go." He mumbled into the phone, his voice shaking due to how much he was crying.

"Phil, can you just explain what's going on?" Dan responded, sounding puzzled.

"I have no one. I was in a relationship with someone and he treated me so badly and I don't know what to do... Where am I supposed to live now? I'm so alone.. This was a mistake-" Phil was breathing so heavily that it was hard for Dan to make sense of his words but he eventually did.

"Are you anywhere near London?"

"Maybe a few hours away? I'm not sure, why?"

"Can you get to a train station? I can meet you in London and you can stay with me? I promise I'm not a murderer. I just care about your safety and you cannot live on the streets."

"Thanks.." Even if Dan was a murderer, Phil didn't have much more to lose.

Luckily, the streets were littered with streetlights which guided Phil. He was quite paranoid, looking behind him every few minutes in case James had figured out he was gone and was going to come and get him.


Phil shakily clicked a button on the machine to purchase a ticket to London. He only just had enough money and had only just made the last train which was at one in the morning.

He silently climbed onto the empty train, trying his best not to cry. He wished his phone had full charge so he could talk to Dan but it didn't so he had to sit in silence, his thoughts taunting him.

The journey took almost three hours but Phil had managed to fall asleep for most of it, both his mind and body exhausted from the events that had occurred. He eventually made it to the station at almost four in the morning and used his tickets to exit the station. He pulled out his phone and texted Dan who immediately responded.

I just left. I'll be there in a few minutes.

Phil sat down on an empty bench and put his head into his hands. He no longer had the urge to cry but he just felt numb and empty. In a sick way, he wished Dan would be a murderer just so he could escape the horrible world. He wanted it all to end.

A few minutes later, his name was called. Phil looked up with wide eyes to spot his friend running towards him. They hugged tightly, not letting go for a few minutes. When they eventually did pull apart, Dan frowned at the bags under Phil's eyes where he had obviously had trouble sleeping. "Come on, let's get you to mine and, if you want to talk, we can or, if you want to sleep, you can." Dan's voice was so friendly and soft, a tone that Phil barely recognised.


Phil sat down on Dan's sofa, a coffee in his hands. He was completely numb to the fact that it had just been made and the cup was boiling hot. He stared into space as Dan watched him, his chest aching.

"What did he do that made you run away like this?" Dan reached out and placed a hand on Phil's shoulder, making him jerk away like it hurt him.

"Brought someone home from a party." Phil couldn't even be bothered to talk in full sentences, grammar the last thing on his mind at that point. "He never needed me, I needed him."

"No, you don't need him. You have me and your family."

Phil shook his head. "Made me push everyone away."

"You still have me. I'm here for you because you're my best friend and you always will be."

Phil took a sip of his coffee, unable to feel the tingle on his tongue as it burnt it. Dan was now rubbing his back in a soothing way but Phil felt like he would never feel anything again. He was a piece of glass that had been smashed into tiny fragments, broken completely.

"What else has he done to you..?"

"Took my phone a lot, slapped me once or twice, reminded me of how terrible I am."

"You're not terrible?"

"I am. I'm pathetic, stupid, worthless, weak-" Phil was just reciting James' words so easily that it broke Dan's heart. No one should be put through something like that.

"You're not," Dan interrupted, unable to hear any more of the list of words. "You're beautiful, smart, funny, kind, lovely..."

"You don't need to lie."

"I'm not."

They sat in silence as they both drank their coffee slowly. Dan just kept rubbing his friend's back, just hoping he could wish all of his problems away. But he couldn't.

It was going to take time to fix him but he was willing to wait.


Phil refused to leave Dan's house, afraid he might bump into his ex boyfriend. He couldn't even look at his phone anymore because James had messaged him some horrible things that even terrified Dan (not that he admitted it).

"He won't find you here. How would he know you came to London?" Dan whispered, watching as Phil's eyebrows creased in thought.

"I don't know but he might have figured it out. I can't take the risk. I don't know what he'll do and I don't want- I don't- don't want-" Phil couldn't even finish his sentence because he was breathing so heavily. His body was trembling and it didn't take Dan long to recognise that the man was having a panic attack.

"Sit down, Phil."

"I can't-" Dan hushed him so he reluctantly sat down on the sofa, his head in his hands.

"Breathe with me, okay. Inhale..." Phil took a deep breath in in time with Dan. "Exhale..." They exhaled together and repeated the process a few times. "You're okay. He isn't here in London, he's back where you used to live. He won't ever find you and, if he does, I will always protect you."

Phil was now crying his heart out but at least his breathing was back to normal.


It took a very long time but Phil was beginning to feel less anxious. Every so often, Dan could coax him out of the house and they would actually have a really good time, pretending everything was okay. Dan made Phil feel better about himself, constantly complimenting him and encouraging him to express his opinions.

Phil was posting more on YouTube and, although his subscribers didn't know what was going on, they were supporting him.

Dan treated Phil like an actual person. He wouldn't shout at him if he didn't get his own way and he didn't force him to stop doing things he loved. Dan encouraged Phil to make YouTube videos and even helped him with the editing and coming up with ideas.

Phil wasn't exactly happy but he was beginning to feel that things would, one day, be okay again.

I need advice (when do I not?)
Basically, I'm drifting away from my friends at school. I share no interests with them and they basically ignore me all the time. I'd try and talk to them but, as I said, we have nothing in common so... I know this is a really petty problem but I'm really lonely and I don't know how to cope with having no friends XD I probably sound so stupid oh gosh I apologise. Ignore this if you want- I'm sorry for wasting your time!

I hope you're having a good day/night/whateverrr :p

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