The title is terrible because I realised I had published it without a title and had to hurriedly come up with one.
Wow for some reason I haven't been feeling motivated to write lately... I'm busy with school and I haven't got much inspiration so sorry for the inconsistent uploads.
"Daniel, can you show the class your song?" The teacher asked, directing the whole class' attention towards Dan. He nodded, shakily standing up and walking over to the grand piano at the front of the classroom. "What song will you be performing?"
"How To Save A Life, The Fray." Dan mumbled, wiping his sweaty palms on his school trousers. He lined his fingers up with the keys and played the first few chords of the song. Dan closed his eyes, inhaled a nervous breath and began to sing. His voice was almost angelic, it fit so well with the sad song.
"First, you say we need to talk..." Dan then, swiftly, moved his hands onto the next chord. He completely missed the cue for his next line, making him completely lose track. Judgemental eyes glared at him as he stopped, his face bright red. One person started to laugh and, inevitably, it was Luke, (I'm sorry Lukey, you were the first name to come into my head) the rudest boy in the class. He was annoyingly obnoxious and believed he was so much better than anyone else. If someone made even the tiniest mistake, he would annoy them about it nonstop.
"Dan, it's okay. You can restart if you need." His teacher said, making Dan bite his lip. He frantically looked around the room as his classmates stared at him and Luke bellowed in laughter. Dan was meant to be top of the class for music- he couldn't just make a little mistake like that!
"If he can get an A, so can anyone!" Luke chuckled, making Dan abruptly stand up. "He's an-" Dan literally sprinted out of the classroom, tears filling his eyes. He hated performing. He always failed at it. It was probably because of the immense amount of pressure, forcing him to play at a lower level. Maybe it was just stage fright- to a horrible extent. His legs could barely hold the rest of his body up: they were shaking so much. His head was aching with anxious thoughts- the humiliation of failure. No part of his body was working... Why? Stage fright.
Dan made it to the boys' toilets in record time. He collapsed on the floor, his legs turning into jelly. He pulled his knees to his chest and, somehow, he had forgotten how to breathe.
The room was swirling around him, making everything a blurry mess of colours. He couldn't stop shaking and his world felt like it was on the verge of imploding.
"Dan?" A voice said, pulling him out of his anxiety-ridden trance for a millisecond. "Oh- are you okay?"
Dan opened his mouth but all that came out was a loud sob.
"No, no. Of course you're not." Dan couldn't tell who was speaking. The beating of his erratic heart was louder than the person's voice, making it inaudible and unclear. "I think you're having a panic attack... Okay... Listen to me." The person moved closer ad Dan snapped his eyes shut, hoping to just disappear. "Breathe with me." The person inhaled deeply as Dan shakily did the same. He then exhaled at a similar pace. "Name some things you can see?"
Dan opened his mouth slightly before choking out, "I don't know."
"What's in this room?"
"Yes, what else?"
"What can you hear?"
"You speaking and my heart."
"What can you feel?"
Dan just shrugged.
"Do you feel any better now?" Dan slowly shook his head, despite his vision becoming much clearer. He could see soft, blue eyes staring into his and he just knew it was his best friend, Phil. "Have you ever had a panic attack before?"
"Was it because of your performance?"
Dan's eyes widened at the mention of his performance. He gave up and, therefore, there was a high chance he could.. fail.
"Dan, calm down, it's okay. I'm sure you'll be able to perform in front of only the teacher if you ask."
"I won't get-"
"You'll still be able to get an A. I know you, Dan and you're so talented."
"I'm not-" Dan's breath hitched.
"You'll be okay."
"I can't-"
"You can." Phil lightly placed his hand on Dan's shoulder; he tensed. "Have faith and you can do anything!"
This isn't really that great, is it? XD Oh well.. Hopefully I will find inspiration in the next few days or something.
What's your favourite song to play on any instrument? Name the instrument and the song. (If that makes sense.)
I like playing The Judge on the ukulele and also In The End on the piano.
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