Love Doesn't Hurt

I just watched The Impossible for the first time and, I'm not kidding, I was sobbing. I don't cry much but I was sobbing so much. I may hate films but it was amazing. It definitely made me feel a lot of emotions.

TW: Abuse, anxiety.

"Dan, I'm sorry." Dan's boyfriend, Charlie mumbled, his eyes wide as he realised what he had just done. He stepped closer to Dan who just backed against the wall, looking at Charlie in fear. "I didn't mean it.."

"That's what you said last time." Dan managed to gasp out. He was frozen to the spot, his eyes connected with Charlie's. Dan was shaking violently, like he was having his own inner earthquake.

"I know.. but I promise this time! Dan, I don't mean to hurt you." Charlie held out his hand and Dan immediately flinched. "Sometimes you do deserve it though..."

"I know I do." Dan muttered, looking down at his shoes. "I'm going to go out."

"No, you're not. We need to talk."


"No." Any hint of innocence or kindness vanished and Charlie's eyes were dark again. He grabbed Dan's arm, making the younger man let out a tiny yelp in surprise.

"Let go." Dan whispered, his eyes filling with tears. He wanted to leave, he wanted to go home, he wanted to run away. He wanted to be anywhere but with Charlie. His arm was on fire: Charlie's grip was unbearably tight.

"Dan, you know you shouldn't speak to me in that tone."

"You said you'd stop!"

"I never said that."

"Please, stop!" Dan was aware he was going to have a lovely bruise on his arm in the morning. Lovely.

"Dan, I'm not stopping until you realise that you can't speak to me like you do. You need to be nicer, more respectful. You shouldn't be angry with me. I help you be a better person."

"I know that! You're only doing what's best for me."

"Correct." Charlie let go of Dan's arm, making him sigh in relief. "You can go home now but I want to see you in the morning... I love you."

"I love you too, Charlie.." Dan squeaked before slipping out the front door. Night had come whilst Dan and Charlie were having their 'talk', meaning it was almost pitch black and the streets were pretty much empty.

Streetlights towered over Dan, making him feel tiny. He wandered down the street, a frown on his face the whole way. Tears were leaking out of his eyes and dripping down his pale cheeks. He couldn't help crying- he was stuck in a situation he couldn't get out of. He didn't even bother wiping his tears away: more and more always followed. A streetlight above Dan went out, making him jump a little.

He was always very jumpy and tense after meeting Charlie. The slightest noise made his eyes widen, the tiniest movement made him jump and the smallest touch gave him a heart attack.

He took a left down his street and followed it for a moment until he saw another black figure. He froze, his whole body beginning to tremble. He already hated being out late, let alone when he saw people in the darkness. The figure walked beneath a streetlight, lighting his face up in an almost heroic way.

Dan met eyes with the stranger and his feet glued themselves to the ground. "Are you alright?" The stranger asked as he got closer. He could see that Dan's eyes were bright red and a tear was still struggling to make its way down his cheek. Dan couldn't speak, his mouth just couldn't form words, so he just nodded. "Are you sure?" The stranger held out his hand to wipe away Dan's tears but Dan flinched away. He then cocked his head to the side, his eyebrows raised.

"Sorry." Dan managed to burst out as he stepped backwards, ready to run.

"Don't apologise. You look like you need a friend.."

"I'm fine."

"You're obviously not.. you're crying." Dan frowned, furiously wiping away his tears... as if to get rid of any evidence. "Do you want to come back to mine for tea? We can talk."

Dan looked up to meet the stranger's soft, gentle eyes and he found himself nodding. He could be inviting himself into a psycho killer's house but, strangely, he didn't care. After everything with Charlie, he didn't really have much to lose anymore.


"I'm Phil by the way." Phil said, placing the tea down on the table in front of him.

"Dan.." Dan mumbled, staring down at his lap.

"Will you tell me what's up now? I won't tell anyone."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"You can't. I promise I won't tell anyone though."

"I want to die." Dan's words hit Phil right in the chest. He actually lost his breath for a couple of seconds as the words shocked him. The colour drained from his already pale face and his blue eyes turned to a light grey.


"My life is terrible."

"Dan, don't say that. Life is amazing. You can do anything, you can be anyone. You have so much power and should appreciate being here. You can save lives, make people smile, be famous! You can do whatever you want. Why would you hate life?"

"I'm stupid and I'm not nice." Dan muttered in a quiet voice, just repeating Charlie's words.

"Who has made you feel like this? What has made you feel like this? Does it have anything to do with the bruise on your arm?"

Dan had been panicking so much when he left the house that he forgot to grab a jacket. So, the bruise on his arm was a disgusting blue colour and as clear as day. "No." Dan just mumbled, biting his lip.

"Dan, is someone hurting you?"

"I have to go." Dan abruptly stood up and turned to race to the door but a hand grabbed his. "Please don't!" Dan almost yelled, recoiling back from the hand like it was fire. He was shaking violently and his eyes were clenched shut, afraid to open again.

"Speak to me. I know I'm a stranger but no one should have to go through this."

"I can't tell you."

"Fine then. Do you at least want to stay the night so I know you're safe?"

"Sure." That was fine, wasn't it? He wasn't meant to see Charlie until the morning... as long as he was up and out of the house in time, he would be okay.


Dan woke up to the sound of his phone loudly ringing. He jolted up in surprise, confusion spreading throughout him until he realised he was at Phil's. He grabbed his phone off of the side and pressed it against his ear. "Hello?" He mumbled, afraid that it was Charlie. He could tell it was by the loud sigh the person let out when Dan greeted him.

"Where are you?" Dan flinched. Charlie's voice wasn't loud like it usually was, it was calm. Charlie was only ever calm when he was about to get really bad. Those were the days Dan feared most.

"I'm at home." Dan lied, hoping Charlie would believe him.

"Why aren't you here? We arranged early morning. It's ten. That isn't early morning."

"I know.. I've been busy."

"You're a horrible boyfriend. I could break up with you, you know? Then you'd be left with no one. Absolutely no one."

"You're a horrible boyfriend too." Dan blurted out without thinking. That was when he knew that he probably wouldn't make it to tomorrow alive.

"What? Did you actually just say that?"

"Say what?"

"Dan, you better get here in ten minutes."

"On my way." Dan frowned as he hung up. He didn't have any spare clothes with him so he didn't bother changing and just put his clothes back on from the day before. He was just tying his shoes when Phil walked in, yawning.

"Where are you going?" Phil tiredly asked, raising one eyebrow.


"Will you be okay?"

"Yeah.." Dan stood up and sent Phil a small smile. "Bye." Phil didn't even get to say goodbye back because Dan had already closed the door.


Phil was sitting in front of his laptop, scrolling through Tumblr when he heard a knock. That was unusual since he never usually got any visitors. He stood up, placing his laptop down on the sofa, and walked towards his front door. He opened it to reveal Dan, crying his heart out.

"I didn't know where else to go." Dan sobbed, suddenly regretting bothering Phil.

"Dan, it's okay, come in.. do you want tea?" Phil mumbled, looking down at his feet. He couldn't look at Dan: the state he was in was making Phil feel horrible. Dan had a bruise around one of his eyes and his cheek was a bright red. Along with that, his arm was littered with bruises ranging from minute to huge. It was heartbreaking.


"Alright, sit down." Dan hastily sat down on Phil's sofa and put his head into his hands. "What happened?"

"Charlie broke up with me." Dan's sobs got much more worse and louder as Dan spoke, making Phil's heart smash into tiny pieces.


"He said I was a terrible boyfriend and he had put up with me for too long." Phil's eyes widened as the final piece of the puzzle slot into place. Dan was in an abusive relationship.

"Did he do this?" Dan only nodded, letting out a loud cry.

"I deserved it. I deserved every hit, every punch, every insult.. all of it."

"No, you didn't." Phil stepped closer to Dan and sat beside him. He didn't hesitate to put an arm around the crying man next to him.

"I did. I'm not good enough.. I'm stupid... He was right, without him, I have nothing."

"You have me." Phil said, wrapping his arms tightly around Dan as if to let him know he was going to protect him. "I know we don't know each other but I'll always listen."

"I'm a burden. I don't deserve to be here anymore. I want to die."

"Dan, if you die, I'll be heartbroken. Even if we don't know each other, I still care about you and I cannot and will not let you die, okay? You need to make the most of your life. Forget about Charlie."

"I love him though."

"You shouldn't. He doesn't deserve your love."


"Dan, he isn't good. Love isn't meant to hurt." Dan sighed, another tear slipping out of his eye. Phil timidly reached out and wiped it away, softly smiling at Dan.

"I miss him."

"Don't. You need something to take your mind off of him... do you want to do something?"

"Like what?"

"What do you like to do?" Dan shrugged. "Video games?" He nodded slightly as Phil stood up.

That was how Phil cheered Dan up by playing Mario Kart for hours and hours. Dan was learning that he could trust Phil and soon... in the future... he knew they had a chance of being best friends.

Do you own any stuffed toys? Do you name them? What are their names? Why are they called that? (SO MANY QUESTIONS)

I have two penguins called Pip and Puff and a duck called Fluffy. (Don't judge)

Pip is called Pip because it was what my family were going to call one of our dogs but it didn't quite make the cut. I liked it and so I called my penguin Pip.

Puff is called Puff because I'm not very good with names. She used to be called 'Dolan' after my old best friend but we don't talk anymore so I had to change the name so I didn't get sad whenever I looked at her.

Fluffy is called Fluffy because I was 7 when I got her XD

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