Extremely Adorable
TW: I don't know.. insecurities?
Dan softly giggled as Phil said something funny. "That was the most fun I've ever had." Dan mumbled before Phil dived forward and pushed Dan back, making them both laugh.
"I'm so glad you stalked me." Phil chuckled.
"So am I." Phil removed himself from where he wants on top of Dan. Dan blushed (a lot) and stood up. "I'm just going to go-" Dan started but Phil confidently cut him off.
"Why are you suddenly so shy? What happened to the confident Dan Howell that made sexual innuendos?" Dan let out a tiny giggle but immediately covered his mouth to quieten the sound. "Why did you do that?"
"Do what?" Dan barely whispered, his happiness draining. His mood changed within seconds. He was overjoyed to be with his best friend but now he just felt self-conscious.
"You covered your mouth!"
"I didn't."
"Yeah, you did."
"Oh, well, sorry."
"Why did you do it?"
"Because, you know... I giggle."
"I don't know." Dan muttered before standing up and dropping his gaze to the floor. "It's late.. we should be getting to bed."
"That's fine by me!" Phil softly smiled at Dan but, not long after, sent him a look to say 'I won't forget this, we're talking later'. "Is it okay if we share a bed? I actually can't be bothered to get the sofa bed ready."
"I can sleep on the sofa if you want?"
"It's just plain harsh to make the guest sleep on the sofa!"
"Yeah, but-"
"You're sleeping with me." Phil held out his hand for Dan to take.
"Do I have to?" Dan's response caught Phil off guard: he expected Dan to act more... positive? Phil thought that Dan could possibly like him back; all the signs were there over Skype? Maybe Dan disliked who he was in person..
"No, I guess you don't." Phil's hand dropped back to his side as a frown formed on his face.
"I'll sleep down here on the sofa or on the floor?"
"Either's good. I'll get you a duvet, one moment." Phil disappeared for a couple of moments, leaving Dan to think.
He was feeling... terrible. He had feelings for Phil and he wanted them to go away, hence why he was trying his best: 1. to act like he wasn't in love and 2. to avoid all situations which could potentially lead to any 'love-y' moments. No unnecessary touching. No love-y looks.
"Got it!" Phil yelled, jerking Dan out of his thoughts.
"Thanks." Dan forced a smile as he watched Phil lay the duvet over the sofa.
"Are you sure you want to sleep down here-"
"I'm sure! Now go! I need to change and get my beauty sleep."
"'Night." Both were feeling undeniably awkward.
Dan awoke. The room around him was drowned in black and that made him begin to shake. The furniture in the room were weirdly shaped silhouettes. You'd be surprised how human-like furniture could be in the dark. Dan's whole figure was frantically shaking and he was too petrified to even open his eyes.
Dan needed someone.
He regretted staying downstairs alone. Although he was less likely to admit his love for Phil downstairs, he would be safer upstairs.
He needed Phil.
So he forced himself to stand up and tore his eyes open. He took a brave step forward towards the stairs. He was struggling to step forward but pushed himself.
After around twenty whole minutes of deep breathing and forced optimism, Dan made it to Phil's bedroom door. He gently knocked and, when his only response was silence, he quietly pushed the door open. Dan shivered upon seeing Phil's figure lying in bed.
"Phil?" Dan whispered. He sounded like a frightened little boy, despite being eighteen. Phil didn't response, obviously in a deep sleep. Dan let out a shaky breath before slipping into bed beside the sleeping boy. He could only hope Phil wouldn't be weirded out by his sudden changed mind.
Phil's eyes flickered open. He had a moment of panic when he noticed another body beside him but the panic vanished as soon as he realised it was Dan. The thought of 'why Dan was sleeping there after being so against it the night before' lingered in his head for a moment but it went away when Phil noticed just how adorable Dan was when he was asleep.
He looked so much younger in his sleep. He looked do delicate and innocent, like a child. He even let out tiny sounds which, if you listened closely to, resembled snores. Phil couldn't help it but he found the boy- man- really REALLY cute.
Dan's eyes opened ever-so-slowly and a look of confusion crossed over his face as he awoke.
"Good morning!" Phil chirped, snapping Dan out of his sleepy state. His eyes widened as he realised where he was and why he was where he was.
"Morning... you don't mind that I joined you in here in the middle of the night, do you?" Dan mumbled, a tiny blush spreading across his tanned cheeks.
"Of course not! I just want to know... why? Was there a reason?"
"I was just cold. I needed warmth and, you know... you had extra blankets.."
"Fair enough."
"Can we... get breakfast?"
"Of course!"
Phil was cooking breakfast for the pair whilst Dan made the hot drinks. He was having tea and Phil was having coffee. The kitchen was in silence other than the whistle of the kettle and sizzle of the pancake mixture in the saucepan. "So," Phil started after clearing his throat. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"
"No offence but you were so different over the Internet... After breakfast I need to ask you something."
"Oh." Dan mumbled, his stomach flipping with anxiety.
Once Dan and Phil had finished their breakfast, Phil prepared himself to ask the question he wanted to ask. "Dan," He whispered, both of their stomachs tossing and turning in anxiety. "Do you not like me in person?" Dan let out a small gasp, definitely not expecting the question to be that.
"I do like-" Dan began but he was interrupted.
"You seem so distant, you know? And on Skype you were acting so flirty? I probably got the wrong idea completely."
"You knew?" Dan whispered, seeing no point in lying.
"You were flirting?"
"Of course I was... You were my idol, I loved you- I... love you."
"You aren't just a saying that because you feel bad?"
"No..." Dan couldn't help but blush, making Phil smile softly.
"Well then... I love you too." Phil opened his arms and Dan literally ran into them immediately burying his head into Phil's chest.
"You do?"
"I do... I always have." Dan smiled brightly, generally happy for once. "And, frankly, your giggles and blushes are extremely adorable."
I probably won't be able to post unless I get myself in gear and start writing phanfiction again.
OH by the way
If you care
I've written a book that.. isn't phanfiction? It's called Clyde and Lucifer (names how original) and this is the description:
What would you do if you woke up in another universe and suddenly you have super powers?
Clyde and Lucifer are just ordinary boys but, one day, they are thrust into another universe where a mastermind scientist is trying to take over. People are being forced to flee their homes and the world's only hope are two teenage boys who aren't even friends...
I hope it's not as bad as the title and description but yeah
Would you be interested in it?
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