Dancing in the Rain

This was a collab with my friendo ACD221B

It was my first ever collab so yay!

ACD221B: It had been hot. So, so hot recently. So much so that grass looked yellow and dead, and people were just lazing in their living rooms, praying their aircons wouldn't give out.

In one of these living rooms, in a flat in London, Dan Howell and Phil Lester sat, well, "lounged" would be a more accurate description. Phil was sitting with his back straight, and his glasses on, frowning slightly at his computer screen. Dan was quite literally melting off the couch, his back in the sofa crease and his legs dangling down to the floor. His eyes had a sort of glazed looked that happened when he'd been on Tumblr too long.

The aircon gave a beep that had both their heads lift in unison.

"Shit," Dan muttered, "don't tell me the aircon just gave out. If it did, we're dead."

Phil stood and walked over to it, scrutinizing the little screen on it carefully.

"No, all appears to be in order, I think it was just busy reporting a change in temperatures or something?" He raised an eyebrow and shrugged. "While I'm up, I think I'm going to head to bed, its pretty late... or should I say... early? Ayyyyyy." He winked and did finger guns at his joke and picked up his laptop, kissing Dan on the crown of his head as he walked past, not noticing when Dan froze up in shock.

"Night, Dan."

"Nini, Phil."


The next morning Phil awoke with a groan, half expecting to be drenched in sweat, but was quite surprised when he wasn't.

"Hang on a minute."

He sat up in shock and strained his ears, soon realising there was a drumming noise on the roof.

"Ohmygoditsraining!" He yelled in an exuberant rush, and stood up in his bed, the covers falling away.

"It's..." He jumped on the bed as high as he could on the flat, lumpy, mattress. "...raining!" He laughed with glee, jumping all the while until he heard a cracking noise and his foot hit the floor.

"Oh... dear." His jumping had been so energetic he'd broken one of the slats underneath it. He shrugged. Far as he was concerned, the next person who inherited this crappy flat had to deal with it.

Deciding he'd destroyed his room enough, he jumped down off his bed and went running to Dan's room.

"Dan!" He said loudly.

"Dandandandan!" He singsonged, and got no response.

"Fine, you brought this on yourself...!" Phil threatened, and climbed on his roommate's bed.

Me: Dan let out a short yelp, his eyes opening wide as he felt the bed move next to him. "Phil? What are you doing? It's way too early for-" He mumbled, ready to ignore his roommate and just go back to bed. He was one to appreciate every moment he could spend in bed; especially since he had gone to bed at almost three in the morning. Maybe he should have gone to sleep earlier but Tumblr was just so interesting and seconds quickly turn to hours when using that site.

"It's raining!" Phil yelled ecstatically, poking Dan repeatedly until he groaned and sat up.

"How lovely. Leave me alone..."

"But Dan..." He dragged out the 'n' in Dan's name in a whiny manner, making him roll his eyes.

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"Come outside!"

"Outside? Phil, we'll get drenched and I'm sorry but I don't want a cold at the moment..."

"Come on, Daniel!" Phil grabbed Dan's hand, pulling him out of the bed to his dismay. Phil was still in his pyjamas, bunny slippers on his feet, but he was completely willing to run into the rain wearing that attire. Phil had a skip in his step as he ran to the front door, without even considering grabbing a coat.

"Phil, at least put some decent shoes and a coat on. Do you want to freeze to death?" Phil let out a childish whine before scrambling to get his trainers and coat. Dan couldn't help but smile at Phil's childishness: seriously, could you imagine a thirty-year-old man getting excited over a bit of rain? Maybe Dan was slightly excited because they'd had to deal with blistering heat for weeks and they lived in England so they weren't exactly used to that.

Once both of them were wrapped up in outfits that were a bit more suitable for the weather, they headed outside.

ACD221B: "Puddles, gonna jump in some puddles, PUDDLESSSS!" Phil sang as he went clattering down the stairs, nearly tripping and falling down the last few steps. He didn't mind though, and yanked the door open and breathed deeply.

He turned to Dan who had caught up by then and said, "Don't you love that smell? Wet tarmac and rain-bashed leaves?"

Me: Dan let out a tiny chuckle. "Yeah, sure."

Phil was grinning, looking up at the sky as the rain pelted down on him. He hadn't even put his hood on so his hair was soaking wet but he didn't seem to have a care in the world. Dan shook his head, realising he'd probably have to look after the man when he inevitably got a cold. Phil was jumping up and down so much that Dan was getting splashed by all the puddles. He was already drenched, his teeth chattering as he watched his friend act like a five-year-old. He hated to admit it but he found the man utterly adorable.

Phil then turned, looking at Dan expectantly. Dan immediately shook his head, wanting to just stay still and watch. "Please join me!" Phil dragged out the 'me' and, once Dan looked into his pleading eyes, he had to give in.

"Okay then." He sighed before walking over to his friend.

ACD221B: Phil grinned happily at Dan, and for once he actually *looked* at his best friend. And _damn_, did he look good. Even at who-knows-what-o-clock in the morning, with sleepy eyes and rumpled clothes, Dan looked gorgeous. His hair was curling even more than usual because it was wet, and he shook his head rapidly, like a puppy, to get the rivulets of water out of his eyes.

Normally Phil caught Dan staring at him. This time it was the other way around.

"What?" Dan asked uneasily, shifting from foot to foot.

"Nothing." Phil whispered, and then cleared his throat and repeated himself. "Nothing."

He dragged Dan over to a puddle and then pushed him right into it, trying valiantly not to get turned on by the man's growl of annoyance.

A shiver rippled down his spine, and it had nothing to do with the fact he was cold and wet.

Me: "Jump with me!" Phil grabbed Dan's hand, jumping up and down in attempts to encourage Dan to join him. Dan had gone bright red because, despite the cold weather, he felt heat due to the hand in his own. Surely holding your best friend's hand shouldn't feel like that? There shouldn't be any energy because- Dan's erratic thoughts were cut off as Phil said his name, pulling him back into reality. "Dan, come on!"

Dan took a deep breath, forcing a smile and jumping up and down. He couldn't feel the rain against his skin, just Phil's hand. Suddenly, he felt that it was just him and Phil in the world and he had an unexpected urge to just wrap his arms around the other man and kiss him.

ACD221B: Phil was still semi cursing himself and hiding his blush from impulsively grabbing his best mate's hand, but Dan seemed to be taking it alright, though Phil couldn't quite see through the raindrops on his glasses.

He jumped up and down too, but after a short while started breathing hard and stopped for a second to recuperate his energy. His late night and lack of coffee seemed to be catching up to him.

"Dan..." He mumbled, looking up at his roommate with wide, crystal clear, baby blues, his glasses fogging up slightly and obscuring them a little.

"I have to tell you something." He squeezed the hand in his own and took a deep breath.

Me: Dan refused to meet Phil's gaze, his heart beating fast. He was suddenly petrified that Phil had noticed the blush spread across his cheek and was going to question it. He finally looked up to meet his friend's eyes, searching for any signals that would imply what Phil's next sentence would be.

"I..." The silence then seemed to last for hours, despite it only being a few seconds. The whole time Dan's heart was beating worryingly fast and he was sweating (but this time not due to heat). He had a genuine fear that he was going to have a heart attack before Phil finished his sentence.

ACD221B: Phil took a few seconds to compose his thoughts. It honestly wasn't a whole passage from Shakespeare or something, but at that moment, it felt like it was.

He swallowed hard.

"Daniel James Howell..." He said solemnly, blinking up at the man in question like a particularly soggy, blue-eyed owl. "...I think I'm in love with you."

There. It was said. And blimey, he'd never even realised there was a weight on his shoulders until he told Dan that, and it dissolved.

Me: Time stopped as Dan's jaw dropped. He wasn't expecting that. Everything went silent and Dan's mind was screaming at him to form some sort of response but he was just frozen in shock. Phil loved him? His stomach flipped and he bit his lip. He finally composed himself and pulled his best friend (was he still his best friend?) closer, attaching their lips.

Once they pulled back, Dan finally noticed how beautiful Phil was. His fringe was dripping wet and he was blushing slightly. In that moment, Dan couldn't find a single fault in the other man.

ACD221B: Phil expected to be yelled at, for Dan to go storming back into the flat, pack up his things, and hop on the next train out of London. The one thing he did not expect was to be given the kiss of his life in the pouring rain on a normal, old, Monday morning.

He cupped the younger man's chin in his palms and tilted his head slightly, putting his all into kissing him back.

After awhile they pulled back, cheeks pink with the cold, smiling so hard their faces hurt.

"I take it the feeling is reciprocated?" Phil rumbled softly, feeling he'd shatter the moment if he spoke any louder.

Me: "Yes." Dan said, letting out a breath he wasn't aware he had been holding. "Philip Michael Lester... I think I'm in love with you too." Both men were smiling widely and saying they were happy was a bit of an understatement. They spent a short moment in silence, just looking into each other's eyes and appreciating what had just happened. Dan then broke the silence by saying, "I think we should get inside before we both get sick."

ACD221B: They walked, hand in hand back into their flat, hot chocolate and cuddles very very soon in their future.

Apparently I'm #820 in fanfiction. That sounds like a really high number but, considering the number of fanfictions out there, I think it's amazing!! Thank you so much for reading my stuff :)

By the way, if you care, I think I'm going to post a picture of myself when this book reaches 200k? It's a huge milestone and maybe you want to see what I look like? Some of you should already know if you follow my personal account on Instagram XD but yeahhhh

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