The new girl

It was 7 in the morning and Damian was getting ready for school. He took a shower and put on his uniform.He walked towards the kitchen where he saw that breakfast was already sitting on the table. He looked up to see Alfred grabbing some orange juice out of the fridge."Morning Pennyworth" he greeted him."Good morning master Damian. You're breakfast has already been prepared. Master Bruce is still asleep and will be at the table to join you soon." he told him. "Thanks alfred" he said giving him a small smile.

He sat down at the table and started eating his breakfast. Bruce had just walked out of his room. He and Alfred both exchanged their good mornings. He sat down at the table and ate his breakfast. "Morning Damian" he said. "Good Morning father" he said as he got and put his plate in the sink.

Alfred walked over to the sink and began washing the dishes. When he was done he walked over to Damian and gave him his lunch for school. "Thanks Pennyworth" Damian said.
"My pleasure" he said and walked away to get started on other chores.
When Bruce finished eating he put his plate in the sink. Alfred looked at his watch. "Looks like it time to go. Wouldn't want you to be late master Damian."

Then walked out of the door towards the limo. They all got into the car and drove to Damian's school. Gotham High. Damian really didn't feel like going to school where there would be girls there always bothering him. Could you blame them? After all he was Damian Wayne. When they got to school he wasn't surprised that there were a bunch of people standing outside waiting for him. "Have a nice day at school Damian" Bruce said. "Good luck" Alfred said front from front seat.

When he stepped out of the limo he saw a lot of girls standing there screaming his name. "Hi" said a girl who was batting her eye lashes at him. He wanted to throw up. He was sick of all these girls flirting with him. He didn't see a difference in any of them. They were all the same. They all only liked him for his looks at money. Not once had one girl ever took interest in him. They always talked about themselves. As if he cared.

He ignored all of the girls that were around him screaming his name and walked into the school. He walked to his locker and took out his math not book. Math was his first class. He hated math class. It was the worst class. The teacher was mean and the girls were always passing him notes and whispering to him so it was hard for him to concentrate.

He put his book bag away and closed his locker. 'Another boring day' he thought to himself. He sighed and walked into his classroom where he was greeted by girls cheering his name. "Silence!" the teacher yelled. The noise settled down a bit.

Damian's pov

I sat down in my seat. I took notes. I rolled my eyes as I heard a few girls whispering about me. I tried to focus on my work. My grade for this class was a B but still, I needed to focus on my work. 'Oh if only they would shut up' I thought to myself. I looked up at the clock and it read 8:10. Oh great. It was going to be a long day. I sighed.

The teacher paused and stopped writing notes as he heard a knock on the door. He walked over and opened the door. "Mrs.Roth. It's nice to meet you." I saw a girl with black and purplish hair and pale skin walked into the room. "Alright...quiet down class."he said. Everyone fell silent. "I would like to introduce you all to our new student Miss Roth. Mrs.Roth, please tell the class your name." I heard him say.

Rachel's Pic
" name is Rachel Roth." I said.
"Would you like to share something about yourself Miss Roth" he asked me. " really." I said looking down at my shoes. "Ah...the shy type I see. Well Miss Roth why don't you have a seat next to Mr.Wayne" he pointed a boy that was sitting near the middle of the room. I walked over towards my seat and sat down. A few people were still staring at me.

Don't you just hate it when people stare at you when you walk into room as if you'd just murdered someone?
I glanced at the boy sitting beside me. I noticed he had green eyes and black hair. He must have noticed I that I was staring at him because he looked up at me. I quickly looked back down at my math note book and pick up my pencil and started writing down notes.
Damian Pov

Finally. English class was over with. It was now lunch time. I put my English books back in my locker, grabbed my lunch, and walked towards the lunch room. As I was walking to the lunch room I started to get lost in my thoughts. I was thinking about the strange new girl.She seemed really shy. 'Ow! What the..' I had bumped into someone. It was the new girl. She had dropped her book on the floor. "Sorry" I reached down to pick it up. "It's fine" she said looking down. "Thanks" she said before grabbing her book from my hands and walking off quickly.

'What's up with her?' I watched her as she walked down the hallway towards her locker. I just shrugged my shoulders and turned back around and started walking towards the lunch room again. When I got to the lunch room I walked over to the table I usually sit at. A few minutes later,
Jaime and Logan joined me at the table.

"Sup dude." Garfield said to me as he sat down. "Hey Wayne" Jaime sat down next to him. "Hey" I greeted them back. "Dude have you met the new girl? She's super quiet. When I asked her what her name was she just looked down and didn't say anything." Logan said. "I guess she's just shy Gar"
Jaime told him. "Did you guys see her eyes though? They're purple. I didn't know someone could even have purple eyes dude." I rolled my eyes at his comment, but I had to admit, the statement did intrigue me. I had never seen anyone with purple eyes before.

"Purple eyes? No way. Maybe she was just wearing contacts or something." Jaime said with disbelief. "Could you two go be idiots somewhere else?" I said bluntly. "Why does this girl interest you so much anyway?" I asked. "I don't know" Garfield said. "He probably has a crush on her" Jaime said. "What! Dude no way. I don't have a crush on any one. Besides....we all know that she'd be perfect for Damian anyway" he said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "Come on Dame you know you know you have a crush on her."

"Ok first of all....I don't even know her Logan. I don't have a crush on anyone. To me, love is a weakness. I've been trained to take down all my enemies. Not express some gross crappy feeling." I cringed at the thought of getting attached to someone. "Whatever you say dude. Your loss..not mine." he said. "Whatever" I replied. "Don't feel bad D
we all know who Gar's crush is." Jaime smirked. "What 'crush'?" Garfield asked. "Don't play dumb Gar" he said still smirking. "I don't think he's playing Jaime" I said. Garfield sent a glare at me....which didn't faze me at all.

"We all know you like that Terra girl Gar" Jaime said. "WHAT!" Garfield shrieked. "Don't think I don't always see you 'attempting' to flirt with her" he laughed. Logan was always telling her lame jokes and surprisingly, she laughed at them. "Whatever" Logan said blushing. I started ignoring them. When I looked around the cafeteria I saw the new sitting at a table by herself. She looked kind of lonely. "I think she'd like some company" Jaime said smirking at me.

"Whatever" I got up and walked toward a her table. She looked up at me. 'Wow..her eyes really are purple'
I thought to myself.

Ravens Pov

I looked up and saw the green eyed boy that I had bumped into earlier. "Hey" he said. "Uh....hi" I said sheepishly. "I'm Damian. Would you like to come sit with me and my friends?" he offered me. " don't know...would you really want me sitting with you guys?" I asked.
"Why wouldn't I?" he asked. "Because....other people usually don't want me sitting with them." I replied sadly. " not other people" he said picking up my tray. "Come on" grabbed my arm.

Damian's Pov

I led Rachel towards the table me and my friends were sitting at. I didn't know her, but I didn't want her sitting there all alone. I set her tray down on the table. She sat down in a chair next to mine. "Hey there!" Jaime said smiling. "Sup" Logan said smiling as well. "Uh...hi" she said. "I'm Logan, and this is Jaime" Logan said. "What's your name" Jaime asked. "I'm R-Rachel." she said shyly. "Nice to meet you Rachel" Jaime said cheerfully.

We all sat there in an awkward silence that  seemed to last forever until Garfield spoke up. "Well dude...its time for us to go to gym class. We'll catch you later." They both got up. "See ya later Rachel" they waved goodbye.
I turned my attention towards Rachel. "So why were you so surprised when I asked you to come join us?" I asked curiously. "Because you asked me" she replied.  I gave her a look that said explain.

She sighed. "People don't really see me as normal. They...they see me as a freak. Like I'm some kind of monster to them." she sad in a sad tone.  " and my friends aren't like other people." I said in a comforting voice. She then got up and grabbed her tray "Well thanks for trying to be nice. I have to go to now." she said while walking away and picking up her pace with each step.

Ok so that was my first chapter of this story and I hope I didn't do too bad. Thanks if you took the time to read this. I know its probably suckish but I hope you all enjoyed it! That's all for now though so...Bye!✌

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