Chapter 5: Have we met before?
Raven's Pov
I opened my eyes and sat up in the bed. I placed my hands on my forehead. My head was still hurting. I pulled the cover off of me and got out of the bed. I grabbed my jacket that had taken off before falling asleep and walked out of the room. I walked down the giant hallway and tried to make my way towards the living room to see if Damian was in there. No such luck. I looked around I saw old pictures hanging on the wall. Some were pictures of Bruce and some were pictures of Damian, some with pictures of Bruce and Damian together. There were also other pictures of people I didn't recognize. I stopped in my tracks when something caught my attention. It was a picture of Bruce with a little Damian, probably around 9 or 10.
'So adorable' I thought and laughed to myself. "What's so funny" I turned around and saw Damian approaching me. "Oh...nothing" I said turning away from the picture. Damian stopped and stared at the picture. He sighed. "I told father not to put this picture out" he putting his hands to his temples. "Why? I think it's pretty cute" I said stiffling a laugh. His eyes slightly widened. "Whatever" he said and rolled his eyes but smiled a bit. "Are you feeling any better?" he said turning his attention towards me. "I guess head still hurts but I'll be fine" I said. "Are you hungry?" he asked. "No, I'm fine"
"You sure? You look a bit...paler" he said with worry in his tone. "I'm fine..really" I said with a small smile. "Alright" he sighed and walked towards the couch.
He grabbed the remote and turned on the television. "Want to watch t.v. until my father returns?" he said looking towards me. "Sure" I walked towards the couch and sat down next to him. "What would you like to watch?" he asked me. " doesn't matter. You pick" I said waving both my hands dismissively. "No's fine. Do you like horror?" he asked smiling. "Y-yeah. I love horror actually" I said slightly shocked. I didn't think Damian would be the type of person that would be interested in horror. I guess I really don't know a lot of things about him. "Alright then" he said and picked up a CD. "What's that?" I asked peeking over at him. "It's a scary movie. The conjuring? Ever heard of it?" he asked. "No...but it sounds interesting" I said smiling. "Alright then. I'll put it on" he walked over towards the CD player and placed the CD inside. He then pressed the play button and walked back over towards the couch and sat down.
Damian's Pov
We were half way through the movie. To be honest....I wasn't really that scared. I looked over at Rachel who was shaking while staring at the movie screen. I stared at her for a second. She looked familiar. Like I had seen her before. I tried to think back and remember if I had seen someone who looked like her. Her pale skin and purple eyes. It seemed familiar to me even though I had never met her before. A few seconds later it clicked. I had seen her before!
Another jump scare popped up and she slightly jumped. I reached over and grabbed her hand and smiled. She looked confused at first but then slightly smiled back. We both turned our attention back towards the movie screen. This movie is actually kind of good. I'm not really a big fan of horror but I do enjoy it. I guess other people like it because they like being scared. A scream shook me out of my thoughts. I turned my attention back towards the t.v. screen and saw that the scream had come from someone from the movie.
When the movie was over I got up and put the CD away. "Did you enjoy the movie?" I asked Rachel. "Um..I guess so" she replied. She looked down blushed. " I'm sorry about earlier" she said still looking down. I smiled. "It's fine. You just got scared" I said slightly blushing too. I turned back around and placed the CD case on top of a shelf. I turned around and saw Alfred walking into the room.
"Master Damian, Master Bruce has arrived with some of the other family members for dinner" Alfred said. "Alright. Could you tell father that we'll be joining them soon?" I asked. "Will do Master Damian" Alfred said and walked out of the room. I looked towards Rachel who was sitting on the couch and staring into space. "Rachel" I said. She snapped out of her thoughts and turned her head towards me. "Yeah?" she said. "You hungry?" I asked. "Um-" she started. "You haven't eaten anything since noon and right now it's 6:30. Could you please at least try to eat something?" I asked hoping she would say yes. She thought for a minute. "Ok...fine." she sighed.
She stood and we both walked towards the dining room. (AN:Is this right? Sorry if it isn't) When we arrived I saw my father, Grayson, Barbara, Tim, Jason, Stephanie, Cassandra, and many other family members who were all engrossed in their own conversations. I led Rachel to the table and pulled out a chair for her to sit down. I pulled out my own chair and sat down next to her. I looked over to father who stood up and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. Everyone looked up at father.
"Good afternoon everyone. It is good to see all of you again. I know it hard to keep in touch with everyone and we usually do things like this on holidays but I have invited you all here today to have a nice family dinner. Thank you to everyone who has decided to join us today. Today we have a new guest and I would like for everyone to introduce themselves to her" father said looking towards Rachel. Everyone darted their eyes towards Rachel.
"Would you care to introduce yourself Miss Roth?" Alfred asked her. "Um..sure. My name is Rachel Roth and I'm a..friend from Damian's school" she said looking at me. "Wow. Who knew Damian would actually be one to socialize?" a guy with black hair and blue eyes chuckled. His hair looked kind of similar to Damian's. "Shut up Grayson" Damian said rolling his eyes.
"Well hello Rachel. It's nice to meet you my name is Barbara Gordon" a girl with red hair and blue eyes spoke up. "Nice to meet you too Barbara" Rachel said smiling. A few minutes later everyone had introduced themselves to Rachel. Father had said grace and everyone had began to eat their dinner. "So Rachel would you care to tell us a but about your childhood?" Grayson asked. I rolled my eyes and face palmed. 'What is wrong with you Grayson?' I thought to myself.
Rachel's Pov
"So Rachel..would you care to tell us a bit about your childhood?" Richard asked me. I froze. Why did he have to ask that? I looked towards Damian who rolled his eyes and put his hand to his face. "Um.." I started. I looked at Damian again who just gave me a look that said 'I'm sorry'. "W-well....what would you like to k-know" I stuttered. "Well..would you mind telling me about your family?" he asked smiling. "Why would you be interested in that?" I chuckled nervously. "You seem like an interesting person" Stephanie chimed in. Oh gosh. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably. "Um..excuse me for a second" I got up out of my seat and quickly darted out if the room.
Once I was outside of the room and into the hallway I sighed heavily. I slid down the wall and sat on the floor. Why couldn't I just be normal? Why couldn't I just have a normal life? Why did I have to be this? Why did I have to be me? I heard the door open and Damian walked out into the hallway and closed the door. " ok?" he asked sitting down next to me. "Yes" I said staring down. He obviously didn't believe me though.
"No you aren't. Rachel I'm sorry family. They can be idiots some times" he said sighing. " isn't them. They're fine. It's me. I just don't fit in. I don't belong here. In not normal" I said still looking down. He chuckled. "Do you seriously think any of us are normal" he asked still chuckling. " seem pretty normal to me" I said looking up at him. What did he mean by that?
"Well just to let you We aren't normal" he said looking at me. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. He stared at me for a moment. "Rachel...just a quick question. Who do I remind you of?" he asked. I'm stared at him blankly. "What?" I asked. "Who do I remind you of?" he asked again."I-I don't know" I stammered. I had no idea what he meant. "Who do all of those people in there remind you of? Who does my father remind you of?"he continued to ask. I shook my head. " I don't know Damian" I said.
He paused for a second and then smirked. "Hold on a second" he said and ran off. I watched him go down the hallway. What is he up to? A few minutes later he came back with something in his hands. It was a green and white mask.
"Take a close look at me Raven" he said and placed the mask on his face.
Flash back
Raven was having trouble battling Killer Croc. They were at Gotham Park and she had been fighting him for half an hour now. She was starting to get tired. Killer Croc sent another blow towards Raven and this time succeeded in hitting her. Raven yelled out in pain and fell to the ground. Her vision had seemed to blur up a bit. She still didn't have much control of her powers. She was starting to give up. What was she thinking? She couldn't do this alone.
Killer Croc sent another hit towards Raven who was still lying on the ground. She was to weak to do anything so she just laid there and waited for the next blow but then out no where something, or someone, jumped in front of her and sent a blow towards killer Croc. The person proceeded to fight with killer Croc before succeeding to chop of his tail. Killer Croc yelled out in pain. Raven thought she saw a green and black blur before passing out. Soon Raven had regain consciousness.
For a second her vision was blurry until it cleared again. When she looked around her she saw a man dressed in black and a boy standing next to him. The boy was dressed in a red, black, and green costume that had a R on it with green combat boots, green gloves, and a cape with a hood. She looked to the man on his right and saw that it was...Batman! "Hey are you ok" the young boy spoke. "Y-yeah I'm fine" she mumbled. The boy reached out towards her and held out his hand.
She stared at him at first but then held up her hand and grabbed his. "You took quite a hit. Do you feel ok?" Batman asked in his dark voice. "Yeah...I'm fine" Raven said in a low tone. "I'm Robin and this is the Dark might himself, Batman" Robin said slightly smiling. "Nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about both of you" she said smiling. "Thanks for helping me out. I have to go now" Raven said and started floating. "Wait" Damian said. She paused and looked back at him. "I never caught your name" he said. " name is Raven" Raven smiled and flew off. Damian watched the mysterious girl as she flew off. 'I have to find out more about her' Damian thought to himself.
~~~~~~~~~End of flash back~~~~~~~~~
Rachel gasped. "Y-''re"I stammered. I couldn't believe it. "You're robin!" I nearly yelled. "The one and only" he said smirking. "So that means Bruce is Batman right?" I asked smiling. "Yep" Damian said still smirking. "Damian..what the heck...why would you tell me this?" I asked him. This was a big secret and Bruce was not going to be happy that he told her.
"You thought you were the only person who wasn't normal. I had to show you that you weren't" Damian took off his mask and sat next to me again. "Yeah but Damian we just met... and what about Bruce. He's going to kill you if he finds out that you told me" I said looking at him with a worried expression. "You would have found out anyway....Rachel your my friend right?" Damian asked. "Yeah. Why?" I asked confused. "Do you trust me?" Damian asked with a serious tone. I stared at him for a second. "Yeah" I said. "Good. Then trust me now" he said in the same serious tone. I nodded. "I do" I said and smiled at him. He smiled back. He stood up and held out his hand.
"Do you feel like you're ready to share with the others...about who you really are?" he said still holding his hand out. "I-I don't know Damian. What if they don't like me...because of who I am. I'm a bad person. Bad things will happen and it's going to be my fault" I said and looked down.
"'re not a bad person. I know you might think you are because of what you were born to do my're a great person. You're trying to fight against you're father. You want to be good. You are good Rachel. Besides....I can relate. I was born to do bad things too. But then my father changed me for the better. He taught me it wasn't all about revenge. Justice....not vengeance. He always tells me that...and I always have to remind myself of that. And I know they'll like you...because I do. And I don't like anyone" he said jokingly. I was surprised. I had no idea Damian had been through all that. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand. I stood to my feet as help helped pull me up.
"Thanks Damian" I smiled at him. "You're welcome" he said and smiled back. I sighed deeply as he opened the door to the dining room and we both walked in. We walked towards the table and we sat down. I looked over towards Damian who gave me a reassuring smile. I looked back at the others who now had their attention turned towards me. "Rachel you're back. Look I'm sorry if I said something wrong-" Richard started but I cut him off. "No, it wasn't you all. I've just....had a rough past is all. I've decided to tell you all the truth about myself. I know you probably won't like me after I tell you all this...but I wanted to tell you the truth" I said. "It all started on a planet called Azarath"
Hello guys. I decided to write a longer chapter to try to make it up to all of you. Writer's block can be pretty contagious...😬Again I apologize for the hold up but...I'm trying. Thank you again to everyone who reads my stories. It means a lot to me! My next chapter will probably be up in a day or depends. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. BYE!!✌
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