Chapter 3: Secret's out
Damian's Pov
Beep Beep Beep.... I heard my alarm clock going off. I turned in my bed sleepily and pressed the button on the alarm to turn the dreaded thing off. was 5 in the morning. I had to be at school by 8:15. 'Alfred' I thought. Only he would set my alarm 3 hours early. Oh well....not like I'm going to be able to go back to sleep now. I slowly climbed my way out of bed. I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to freshen up. When I was finished I walked out my room and went to have breakfast. It didn't surprise me that Alfred was up. I thought about asking him why he had set my alarm so early, but then I decided not to. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and walked over to the table to sit down. This was going to be a long day.
Rachel's Pov
3 a.m.
I was tossing and turning in my sleep. I was having a nightmare. About my father. Trigon. I was sitting cross legged in my usual meditation potion. I was chanting my mantra. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos....Azarath Metrion Zinthos...Azara-" I was interrupted by a loud sound. BOOM! I looked outside and stared up in horror at what was in front of me. People were dying. The skies were red. There was fire everywhere. I looked up at what was causing all this destruction. It was him. My father. Trigon held my mother in his giant red hands. The building I was in was destroyed and there were broken pieces of glass everywhere.
He was staring at me with a huge evil grin on his face. His eyes were glowing red and his teeth were sharp and pointy. Before I could do anything my father started killing everyone one by one. He saved my mother for last. He crushed her in his giant claws. I hadn't even noticed I was crying. Hard. He had killed all of my people. He destroyed my only home. He had killed my mother. I looked up at him with an angry look on my face. My eyes and skin turned red and my teeth were sharp just like his. "I'm going to KILL you!" I yelled at him. He didn't look fazed at all. He just stood there with the same evil smile on his face.
"That's my Raven. You were born to be evil" he said in a low, raspy voice. "No! I am nothing like you! I will never help you!" I yelled. He walked closer towards me and leaned down so he met my eye level. "You think you have a choice little girl? I am YOUR father. I tell YOU what to do. You WILL help me take over the world wether you like it or not" he told me. "NO!" I jolted up in my bed. I checked my surroundings. I wiped away the sweat that trickled down my forehead.
This was the third nightmare I've had this week. They were all nightmares about my father. About my fear of his return. I had banished him in a crystal gem. It was his prison, and he would be staying there...forever. I decided that I needed to keep it with me at all times, so I used some old string and tied the gem onto it and wore it as a necklace. I decided to stay awake since I couldn't go back to sleep. Since I didn't want to go back to sleep. I crawled out of my bed and walked over to my closet. I opened the closet and grabbed my uniform out. I walked into the bathroom to get cleaned up a bit.
I was a bit hungry since I didn't have dinner last night. I was too worried to eat. I walked out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen. I decided I didn't feel like cooking anything, so I made myself a bowl of cereal. I sat down at the table with my bowl of cereal and started eating. Knock knock knock. I heard someone knocking on the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw it was my roommate, Terra. We are both currently fifteen years old and neither of us have parents and we both can't live on our own so we both decided to live together.
We didn't want to live in a foster home and no one knows that we are two fifteen-year-olds that are living on our own and neither of us planned on telling anyone. I saw Terra standing there with a tired look on her face. I guess she had been up all night because she couldn't sleep again, so she decided to go on a little walk.
I keep telling her that she can't just wander off on her own at night but she always say that she has super powers and that no one would ever even think about touching her. I always rolled my eyes when she said that. Neither of us could really keep our powers in check and we both occasionally lost control of them at times. I opened the door and pulled her in. "Terra, I told you that you couldn't be wandering around so late at night. It's 3 in the morning. Where have you been?" I asked trying not to get mad. "Relax. I just went on a little walk. I couldn't sleep again" she said and yawned. "Well you know we have school later today so I suggest that you try to get some sleep" I said.
"Why are you up so early?" she asked, completely ignoring what I had just said. "Because....I had another nightmare. Its not a big deal" I lied.
"It seems like a pretty big deal to me. This is the third nightmare you be had this week from what I've heard. Let me guess....was it about your father again?" she asked me. "Yeah...but it's nothing to worry about Terra. Ill be fine" I said looking down. I didn't really want to talk about it right now. Besides, it was just a nightmare. It's not like my dad would be escaping his prison any time soon.
"Whatever you say Rachel. If you need me I'll be in my room room trying to go back to sleep" she said stretching her arms. "Alright" was my response. I looked down at my watch. It read 3:26. I sighed. This was going to be a long day.
Damian's Pov
It is currently 8:30 and Rachel still wasn't here. I was wondering why she hadn't came yet. I kept watching the clock and wondering when she'd be here. 'Why do I care if Rachel is here or not?' Is asked myself. Finally, the door opened and Rachel walked into the room. I noticed that Terra was walking in behind her. Rachel looked as if she was still a bit tired. In fact she almost look kind of....worried? They both greeted the teacher and gave him a tardy slip. Rachel and terra both sat down at in their seats and took out their note books.
I glanced over at Rachel. She noticed me looking at her and turned to give me a small smile. It seemed rare that she would ever smile at anyone. I gave her a small smile and waved at her in return. 'She sure does have a nice smile'
Wait....WHAT! Why did I just say that? Do I have.... feelings...towards Rachel? Ha! Absolutely not! I don't have feelings for anyone. Love is for the weak. I refuse to let myself grow soft over some girl'
I immediately snapped out of my thoughts when the bell for the next class rang. Everyone gathered up their things and walked out of the classroom. As usual, I went to my locker to put my math book away and grabbed my English book.
Logan's Pov
I grabbed my English book out of my locker and closed my locker. As I started towards my next class I noticed a blonde girl walking towards me. It was terra. She smiled and waved at me. I smiled and waved back. "Long time no see" she said and playfully punched my arm. "Yeah" I said shyly. "Do you want me to walk with you to the next class?" she asked me. "Uh....s-sure" I stammered.
As we walked towards the next class I couldn't help but to stare at Terra on the way there. She was really pretty. He long blonde hair, her dark blue eyes, and that beautiful smile that she always wore. She glanced over at me and noticed I was staring. "Creep" she said playfully. "Whatever" I said blushing. We both laughed and walked into our next class. We both sat next to each other and took out our workbook and pencils.
I was on my way to lunch when I turned around to see Garfield running after me. I stopped and turned around to let him catch up with me. "Hey" he said. "Hi" I said smiling. "Do you want to have lunch with me and my friends?" he asked. "Sure" I responded. We walked both walked towards the cafeteria side by side. When walked inside we saw Damian, Rachel, and Jaime sitting at a table. We both paid for our lunch and walked over to their table to sit with them.
"Hi" they greeted us. "Hey guys" I said waving at them. "Sup" Garfield said and sat down. I took a seat next to him. "So you mind introducing us to your little friend Gar?" Jaime asked. "Name's Terra" I said smiling. "Nice to meet you Terra" he said and smiled back at me. "Yeah" Damian said. "So Rachel...have you met Terra?" Logan asked. She looked up at him and nodded. "We're best friends actually" I told him. "" he said.
I picked up my apple and started eating it. I hadn't had breakfast this morning because I had slept in late. Rachel had a bit of trouble trying to get me up since I refused to.
Rachel's Pov
I was thinking about the nightmare that I constantly kept having. Deep down I knew my father was trying very hard to escape his prison and I was not going to let that happen. I had been struggling to keep him in ever since I trapped him. He had been stressing me out...a lot. He even had conversations with me sometimes. He'd tell me about how we were destined to be together and how he would escape his prison and I would be forced to help him destroyed the world. Of course I disagreed with this strongly though. I didn't want to be this. I didn't want to be a monster.
Why couldn't I just be normal like everyone else? Why did I have to be a half demon? Why did I have to be such monster? A freak. I turned away from everyone else who were too busy being engrossed in their own conversations to notice me.
I started to tear up. What if he did escape? What if I couldn't face him on my own? Who was going to be there to help me stop him? No one. No one was going to help me. No one could help me. No one even liked me. I didn't even notice that I had started crying. I quickly wiped my tears away.
"I'll be right back" I said quietly. I got up and quickly walked out of the cafeteria. Damian must have noticed that I was crying because he soon followed me out of the cafeteria. "Hey...what's wrong?" he asked with a worried look on his face. "Nothing" I snapped. He sighed. "Rachel I know something wrong with you. You've been crying" he said wiping away the tears on my face. I jerked away from him.
"Nothings wrong. Now leave me alone" I said walking away. Before I could leave he grabbed me by my wrist and turned me towards him. "Rachel I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong" he said. He green eyes stared into mine. Before I knew it I was crying again. He grabbed me by my shoulders. "Tell me what's bothering you Rachel" he said quietly. "Me" I answer in a hushed tone. "What?" he asked confused. "Me..I'm what's wrong with me. I'm a monster Damian" I said and looked down at my shoes. "You're not a monster" he told me. "Yes I am" I said as I tried to pull away from his grasp. "Let me go" I yelled. His grip only got firmer.
"I said let me go Damian" I yelled again. I struggled to get out of his grip. Man this kid was strong. I started to get angry. I heard something in the distance shatter. "Let GO!" I screamed.
A light that was in the hallway that we were standing in shatter above us. Damian pulled me out of the way to avoid the glass getting on me. He looked at me confused. "Rachel...what was that?" Damian asked. "It was nothing" I lied.
"Rachel that glass just shattered. Do you have...powers?" he asked me. "N-no. Just leave m-me alone" I said backing away. "I told you I was a m-monster. I'm a monster. I'm a monster" I kept repeating as I backed away. He started walking towards me. "Rachel..its ok calm down" he said and kept walking towards me. "Its not ok. It has never been ok. I'm a monster Damian. I'm half demon for crying out loud" I started crying again. I didn't want to be this. I didn't want to be feared.
"What do you mean you're half demon?" he said, still walking towards me. "I mean that my father was a demon and my mother was human. I'm not normal Damian. Everyone is afraid of me. Why do you think I'm so distant all the time? Why do you think I'm always alone and by myself? I hate being this. I hate myself. If you don't want to talk to me anymore then I understand. I don't deserve friends. I don't deserve to be happy" I said.
I tried to back up more but a locker was behind me. He walked towards me and grabbed my hand. "Rachel..I'm not going to stop talking to you. I don't know much about you but I do know that you aren't a monster" he said wiping away my tears. "But I am. I'm meant to do bad things Damian. I'm evil. Why do you keep telling me that I'm not? Aren't you afraid of me? Just go ahead and run like all the others" I said and cried even harder.
He didn't say anything after that. He stared at me for a few seconds. He then reached out towards me and pulled me into a hug. I tried pull away but his grip only got stronger. "I'm not going to run away Rachel. I know what it's like to not be normal" he said softly. "Why are you trying to help me?" I asked. "Because you're my friend Rachel" I heard him say before I passed out.
Welp that was all for this chapter. And yes...yes I did leave you all with a cliff hanger..*does evil laugh* Lol. I know I probably didn't do that well with chapter but..meh..I tried..I hope I didn't do too bad. I tried to put a bit of Damirae in this chapter cause know you all have been waiting for it. It was kinda hard because I mean....they did just meet so....yeah. Thanks again to all of you that read my stories. You are much appreciated. I'll be publishing another chapter for both stories again tomorrow. That's pretty much all I have to say for now so....BYE!✌
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