You're my hero
Damian walked into Raven's room with plate. On the plate was two slices of pizza. He placed the plate down on her bed next to the spot on the bed that she was currently occupying.
"Eat," he demanded.
At first she sat there silent and unmoving, but then she spoke up. "You know it would make me feel better... Raven started.
" What would make you feel better?"Damian interrupted.
"If you would stop bringing me food. You know I'm not hungry," she said through gritted teeth.
Raven had been going through a lot. She had been harming herself and hadn't been eating much lately. Damian's concern for her had started to grow. He didn't like seeing his girlfriend like this. It broke his heart. He loved Raven and he didn't like that she was doing this to herself. Not one bit.
"Raven, you and I both know that's a lie. You haven't eaten in a week. I wish you would stop doing this to yourself. I care about you too much to sit here and let you harm yourself." Damian sighed.
"Why? No one else does. You hear the things that others say about me. They don't like me. They hate me. Even after I become a so called 'super hero' and nearly get myself killed on a daily basis just to save their lives," Raven said quietly.
"Who cares? Why do you care? Raven, you shouldn't care about what others think. You're one of the greatest people I know. You shouldn't be concerned about the idiotic comments they make about you. They're a bunch of ingrates, and if Kori would allow me to, I would shut them all up in a matter of seconds," Damian said balding up his fists.
Raven sighed. "Damian, you and I both know that what they say is true. I'm a freak. I don't deserve to live. My father was a terrible person and I'll grow up to be just like him," Raven mumbled sadly as a tear rolled down her cheek.
Damian sat down next to her and wiped the tear away. "Raven, that isn't true-" he started but was cut off by Raven.
"Yes, it is! Stop telling me that it isn't. I don't deserve you. I don't deserve anyone!" Raven shouted, the tears she tried to hide flowing rapidly down her pale cheeks.
Damian gently took her chin in his hands, "Raven, no it isn't. Please, just listen to me. I love y-"
"Stop! I don't deserve to be loved!" Raven placed her hands over her ears.
She was crying harder now and was grabbing on her bed sheets.
'You monster! You don't deserve to be alive! I hope you rot, you disgusting demon! You make me sick, you horrid freak! Why haven't you died yet? You're evil! Stop pretending to be good!' Raven remembered all of the horrible things that people would say to her. She hated that she was this way. She hated who she was. She even wished that she would go away.
She placed her hands over her face as more tears ran down her face. She couldn't stop the sobs that escaped her lips.
Damian pulled her close as she sobbed loudly into his chest.
"'s going to be ok. I'm here for you, Raven. Let it out. Don't keep it locked inside of you." Damian held her close and rubbed his fingers through her hair. After a few minutes, Raven's sobbing started to cease and she sat there crying lightly onto his shoulder.
"Damian, why do you even care about me? Why don't you hate me like other people do?" Raven asked wiping away a few tears.
" Because I could never hate you. I would lose my mind without you. You may be half demon, Raven, but you're not evil. As a matter of fact you're the exact opposite. You mean so much more to us, to me, than you will ever know. The others Titans love you too Raven. Kori, Jaime, Garfield, Grayson, heck, even my father cares about you. Please, promise me that won't keep starving yourself. Promise me that you won't hurt yourself anymore because of what those idiots have to say about you. They're irrelevant, their opinions don't matter. Don't listen to them. Please, Raven. I can't watch you suffer anymore," Damian said pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. Damian grabbed the plate of pizza and handed it to her.
She nodded. "I won't. I promise," she said giving him a small smile. She took a small bite of her pizza.
"There's that beautiful smile." Damian smiled in return. Raven's cheeks turned a slight pink.
"Damian?" she said.
"Yes, beloved?"
"I love you," Raven gave him a small kiss. Damian's smile grew bigger.
"I love you too, beloved. Don't forget that."
Ok, so that was my third one shot and really hoped that you all liked it! Thanks again for reading and I will see you all in the next chapter! Bye!
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