Teen Titans #38 Discussion Is DamiDjinn Making A Comeback?

Hello everyone and welcome back. I guess since a new issue of teen titans has come out that means the time has come to talk about it and such. You know like I normally do. I do enjoy my monthly update to this book and I like reading the comments. Whatever they may be and such. So anyways let's take a look at this issue. Breakdown what happens and talk about the shippy moments because that's why most of you are here. Anyways, let's get started.

So after the last issue gave us a reveal of who the other is the rest of this issue showed us roundhouse and the team sort of getting along and the other tempting Damian to take over his mantle. He also showed Damian how he was able to power Djinn's ring and he introduced him to something called the Book of the Damned. (Which I'm sure is going to play an important role in the the next arc).

Also, The Other calls Djinn Damian's beloved even though these two haven't even kissed or went out on a date or anything like that. So I'm not sure why The Other is calling her that. I get that Damian clearly seems to have strong feelings for her but calling her his beloved seems a bit out of place to me. Anyways, so Damian is offered the mantle of the Other and then Damian ends up in Djinn's prison/ring which is called purgatory and he has to try and find a way to bust her out of it. Even if that means becoming the other to which Djinn doesn't want to see happen.

She also gives him a peak into the future as the other. We never see what happens but Damian does end up turning it down. Knowing that it's the right thing to do. The other

Afterwards the team shows up to help Damian and stop the other who disappears after the floor collapses around him and the team gets his book and agrees that they need to start doing better now. The end of the book then shows Djinn's brother Elias and the team decides to try and stop him and free Djinn from her prison.

Shipping Moments:
This issue didn't feature any Damiko moments at all. In fact they didn't even exchange any dialogue with one another. There was some heavy DamiDjinn stuff though within this issue. From the other calling Djinn Damian's beloved. To moments like this.

I thought that there were legit about to kiss. But, nothing ended up happening there. I think Damian wanted to but didn't do it. He is sad that she's stuck in her own personal hell. I don't ship it personally. But, it is a touching moment showing that he actually wants to help someone. Now, what does this mean for the book? I don't know. But, I suspect this love triangle stuff with Djinn, Damian, and Crush is going to continue. Who knows what's happening with Emiko. I just hope it's not her and Kid flash.

Overall Thoughts:
The issue itself was fine. I have problems with a lot of stuff in this run. But, I guess it's cool to see the team finally start to come together a bit. Hopefully some good stuff comes in this run. I don't know what direction they're going to go in. I know Adam Glass is leaving the book after this next arc so a new creative team should be taking over. I don't know what they plan on doing but I don't think they're going to fully follow what glass was doing. I just hope that they do something good with the book. Anyways, what did you think of the issue? Let me know in the comments below and as always thank you all for reading this and I hope that you all have a wonderful day.

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